Sacrament Meeting

In this meeting the sacrament is offered to the members of the Church.  Sacrament meetings include music, talks, testimonies and prayers.

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Brother Ben Bailey's Sacrament Notes

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September 29, 2024

Bishop Kevin Moss presided and conducted the sacrament meeting. 

Opening hymn #280 “Welcome, Welcome, Sabbath Morning”

Invocation by Sister Sumier Overcash

General Conference is next weekend so if you come here on Sunday you’ll be alone. 

Released Sister Karin Alexander as the Primary pianist 

The second hour we’ll be back in the chapel. 

Sacrament hymn #175O God, the Eternal Father” Text: William W. Phelps, 1792–1872. Included in the first LDS hymnbook, 1835.

Music: Felix Mendelssohn, 1809–1847

Brothers Craig and Harrison Chester blessed the sacrament and Brothers Hudson and Max Conover and Brandon King and Elder Smurthwhite passed the sacrament.

Elder Beagley is leaving.  He said that his suit is pressed and dry cleaned for this occasion.  He said WOW!  This is the number one place on his list of where he has served. He read 2 Samuel 22:2-3.  He has been in nine wards in seven different areas.  He has seen the change in people.  He knows the Church and the Book of Mormon are true.  He knows his Redeemer Jesus Christ. 

First speaker was Sister Karin Alexander.  She had so much fun with this talk!  Jesus said, “Arise and come forth unto me” in 3 Nephi 11:24, then gave us a tailor-made mortal plan to accomplish it.  I’m still learning how to keep this commandment. Like the Primary children I serve, I see myself as a child of God.  I‘ve imagined what my mortal life would look like if it was depicted as a road map showing some places I’ve traveled through and many I hope to.  How would you like to take a spirit road trip with me and we’ll touch on a few eternal principles?  Before we visit my map please observe the blazing sign hanging around my neck.  It flashes “Warning! Karin’s Construction Zone!  God’s Work IS in Progress!”

First stop is “Son-Rise City College.” Son is spelled S-O-N.  It hosts visiting prophet and apostle teachers.  “How to Arise” therapy sessions take place hourly.  Extra credit given for hands-on lab experience.  The graduation ceremony will be conducted by the Beloved Son with special introduction by His Father.  Lifelong commitment is required.  Start at Humility Halls for registration.  

Part of your tuition includes a membership card to “King of Kings Library of Congress” where access is granted to a treasury of Unalterable Governing Laws, Ordinances, and Covenants.  Study desks available with free document imprinting on your heartstrings encouraged.  Enjoy our campus’s “Living Waterfalls” where any parched traveler may drink the healing gospel waters and never thirst again!  These sacred waters begin in the “Man of Holiness River”

We’ve just been refreshed by God’s love.  We’re ready for “Spy Mountain.”  As we tour the “Hush, Hush Halls of Secret Service we learn that the “Charity-R-Us Company” is currently recruiting new secret agents to give acts of charity anonymously.  The heart of the mountain is built on the foundation of Love God and Love Others, including yourself. 

In the valley we march to “Fort Freedom Fighter!”  Behold His Royal Army!  The current company in residence is “God’s Warriors of Might” from the “Last Days.Battalion Division.”  Currently enlisting ‘children of light and truth.’  Deployment is imminent!

I’ve always wanted to bravely arise. To do this I’ve had to make peace with the “Image in my Mirror” by seeing myself through God’s eyes.  Elder Uchtdorf said, “Be strong band of good courage.  You are royal daughters of Almighty God. You are princesses destined to become queens.  Your own wondrous story has already begun. Your once upon a time is now.” (See  This includes royal sons, princes, and kings.  

On the map we see a glorious community called “Sacrifice City.”  A realtor’s sign says, Built by the Lamb of God in the land Bountiful.  Choose to live in our “Life Changing” Homes. Special altar rooms are included for tender broken hearts and contrite spirits.  The Master Carpenter oversees all.  Upgrades to Mansions of Light and Glory are available to qualified applicants.  Model homes are rising on Celestial View Court. 

Moving forward we come unto Father at “The Prairie Prayer Cafe,” open 24/7 with free Savior Wi-Fi.  Heavenly Bells jingoss we enter. The Proprietor, aka Heavenly Father, is kind and has a great listening ear.  His love fills all the empty holes in your heart. With Father you can face anything along your path.  Remember you’ll know Father better when you know His Son better.  

Down apiece is the “Fence-Sitting Corral.”  News Bulletin: “Seat cushions are no longer provided.”  Remember “Arise and Do, Don’t Sit and Stew!”  Falling off the fence can lead to somewhere You Don’t Want To Go!  It’s the “Creepy Crawly Cavern.”  A Health Department sign states: “Avoid at all costs, Eternal Peril at Stake.”  Hidden in its depths is Depravity Hall where a vile, evil mountain king plots how to capture more Children of Light to add to his heinous collection. At the shadowy cave entrance sins try to creep out from their disgusting dark crevasses.  They crawl with cunning forethought, seeking any winning soul to latch onto.  Before the victim realizes it, these blackhearted “creepy crawlies” have embedded themselves into a life-sucking, deep infestation.  Only the “Master Redeemer of Light and Life” can assist you in digging those nasty creatures out.  If little sins attack “Crush-I-fy” ‘em into oblivion!  Stomp those soul suckers out!

Oh how we need the “Ponderosa Rest Stop,” spending soothing moments, pondering in the Spirit about your Heavenly Father.  Give Father a fair share of your busy day.  Before you depart remember the upcoming Family Reunion by accepting your Brother’s invitation to “Arise and come unto Him.”  Be sure to take advantage to Immerse yourself at “Revelation Re-al-ities Gift Counter” and enjoy drinking deeply from the offered “Book of Mormon Big Gulps” with your complimentary “Conference Cookies.”  Woohoo.  General Conference is Next Week!

On some drizzly sky days I’ve taken the “Foggy Bottoms Boat Tour” on “Contention Pond.”  I board the dark “Glass Bottom Boat of Doubt” always looking down and never up.  I see through the dark glass, squinting at the unsettling, murky depths. Then I remember I’m wearing my “Raincoat of Hope” and I can get safely back to shore.  My life sails much smoother when I’ve enjoyed the peace at my cabin “On Golden Pond.”  You’ll find me daily at the “Golden Plates” reflecting pool where I sip slowly, savoring every sparkling Book of Mormon story. Their soothing waves reach out, like ripples of time, quietly washing over my feet as I liken the scriptures to my life. One of these real-life stories brings delight every time and is my go-to for inspiration.  

In 3 Nephi 17 the resurrected and glorified Savior doesn’t take off on vacation after His intense suffering.  Instead He comes right away to His hurt, devastated brothers and sisters in the America’s. Recently I discerned why I love 3 Nephi.  The Holy Ghost whispered that it is here that I became acquainted with the true identity of my Heavenly Father including my first taste of why I would want to be with Him for eternity.  Jesus’s example shows me Father. 

The Savior Himself clearly taught this principle: “When You see Me. You see My Father.”  His apostle Elder Jeffrey R. Holland beautifully spoke of it in his 2003 conference talk “The Grandeur of God.” (See  As we visit 3 Nephi put yourself as if you were personally there and experience Jesus’s sacred visit for yourself.  Or take time to do it later. Please, please, with the Spirit’s help, see in Christ’s face, Heavenly Father’s image.  As I put myself at those temple grounds I sense His bowels of mercy for me.  I hear His invitation to “Arise and come unto Me.”  When I go to Him, He heals me, weeps for me. I melt inside as I see His loving gaze.  His outstretched arms beckon me to feel the testifying wounds in His body of glorified flesh and bones.  I bathe His feet with my unstoppable tears.  

He prays for me with marvelous words so veil-rending they’re not allowed to be repeated or written.  I am the little child who sits in wonder at His feet as He ministers to me.  I hear Him say “Behold your little ones!” Oh! See the heavens open with angels coming down in glorified light and fire.  I’m encircled by heaven’s fire as an angel lovingly holds me and personally teaches me light and truth.  

I can never, ever forget the feeling as Jesus opened my tiny tongue and mouth and I could speak heaven’s words even greater than He hod already shared.  How wondrous to behold the worth of any child in His eyes.  He asks us to not only see His and Father’s attributes and characteristics but acquire them as a part of our eternal identity and do it now!  In other words, 

“Ride and do.  Don’t sit and stew.”

Well, how did you like our trip?  I have many other stops I could share another time. I hope you saw in each place how and how not to “Come unto Christ.”  Each of us are and ever will be Heavenly Father’s child who must Arise and Come Forth.  I pray we will catch this vision and come on bended knee, holding nothing back for the rest of our journey’s unique road map of life.  In the name of Jesus Christ.  Amen. 

Second speaker was Sister Daniela Reeves. This is her first time up here.  She thought of reasons to not go to church today (laughter).  Be patient with me.  It is something that I’m up here now.  Jesus is the light that can help me in the dark. He is the light that shineth in the dark. He is the everlasting light.  She cited President Nelson when he spoke about service and ministering.  You have opportunities to let your light shine.   She spoke of the First Vision, of the blessings through the Atonement.  He shall direct your paths. 

Intermediate hymn #304 “Teach Me to Walk in the Light”

Concluding speaker was Sister Lauri Barger.  Primary lessons have also been following “Come, Follow Me” using 3 Nephi 8-11.   It was scary with three days of storms.  She read the heading of chapter 9.  There was no light.   They heard a voice telling them why.  In chapter 10 the voice of Christ promises to gather His people as a hen gathers her chicks.  They have chances to repent and there was silence for many hours.  In chapter 11 the people are gathered at the temple.  What better place?  They feel peace.  They hear the voice three different times.  It causes their frames to quake and their hearts to burn.  They understood the third time.   Hear Him!  He teaches them what He taught in Jerusalem.  

Lauri Barger got whacked in the head by the still small voice.  She cited President Nelson’s April 2020 conference talk entitled “Hear Him” (  

The adversary is clever.  He twists principles of the gospel.  He is louder and more boastful.  Messages from Heavenly Father are different.  Three times He introduced His Son.  On the Mount of transfiguration. In 3 Nephi.  At the First Vision.  On the Mount the apostles were afraid.  In 3 Nephi there were three days of darkness.  In the Sacred Grove there was the evil spirit.  We have trials in our lives.  Turn to Him.  The first word in the Doctrine & Covenants is “Hearken.”  There is the intent to obey.  We have the scriptures, the temple, and conference talks.  Her daughter hears what she should do.  Learn more about the Savior.  Be grateful for the Book of Mormon.  For the prophet on the earth today.  She is grateful for the gospel and for you. 

Bishop Moss appreciates these sisters in Primary. 

Closing hymn #4 “Truth Eternal”Text: Parley P. Pratt, 1807–1857

Closing prayer by Elder Smurthwaite

There were 71 in attendance and 17 online. 

September 22, 2024

Stake President James Watson presided and Brother Chuck Young conducted the sacrament meeting. 

Opening hymn #81 “Press Forward, Saints”

Invocation by Sister Debby Young

Sacrament hymn #178 “O Lord of Hosts”

Brother Harrison Chester and Elder Beagley blessed the sacrament and Brothers Hudson and Max Conover and Grant Hess and Elder Smurthwhite passed the sacrament.

First speaker was Sister Erica Patton.  She moved here in June.  She lives in Talking Rock.  She was in a small branch in Virginia, so she feels right at home here.   She spoke about service with stories and scenarios.  A woman visited her doctor.  She was expecting.  She saw a Book of Mormon on the table.  The Scriptures are about service.  She read each of the following verses.  John 3:16.   God loves us so much.  Mark 12:31.   “Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.”  D&C 59:5.  “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, with all thy might, mind, and strength; and in the name of Jesus Christ thou shalt serve him.” Matthew 20:28.  Christ is an example for us.  Luke 10:27.  “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself.”  John 13:35.  How to love one another.  Moroni 7:47.  “Charity is the pure love of Christ, and it endureth forever; and whoso is found possessed of it at the last day, it shall be well with him.”   1 John 4:7.   “Love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God.”  Matthew 25:46.  “And the King shall answer and say unto them…”Mosiah 23:15.  “Every man should love his neighbor as himself, that there should be no contention among them.”  Mosiah 4:15.  “Teach them to walk in the ways of truth and soberness; ye will teach them to love one another, and to serve one another.”Matthew 10:39.  Christ served us.   The pure love of Christ.  1 Nephi 4:6.  “I was led by the Spirit, not knowing beforehand the things which I should do.”  Help others.  Have the Spirit.   

She cited President Henry B. Eyring in his talk “Our Constant Companion.”  (See  Then she cited Elder Steven R. Bangerter of the Seventy in April 2024.  “Foreordained to Serve.” (See   We have challenges and heartaches.  We have a way to understand God, to hear His voice and know what to do to help others.  She shared what she got from Mom about Greenberg and Garfunkel.   Greenberg said he had to get to class.   Garfunkel followed ten steps behind.  

Be happy to do service.   In 1 Corinthians we read “Charity never faileth.”  We have different likes and needs.  She is a nanny and teaches children.  She has to get her license renewed, to go to the grocery store.  She enjoys gospel and secular songs.  They lift her up.  The couple in the doctor’s office were her parents.  They asked questions.  Her mom was so happy to learn that families can be together forever.   She was grateful for the bishop.  He encouraged them to just walk in.  He encouraged us all to read their scriptures.  Her favorite song is “Love One Another.”

Intermediate hymn #85 “How Firm a Foundation”  Included in the first LDS hymnbook, 1835.

Second speaker was Sister Sara Rose, the Stake Relief Society President.  She is excited to be here.  She commented about Elder Massimo De Feo who was here for the recent stake conference. He used the scriptures so much.  She loved Sister Patton’s use of them.  She spoke of her teenagers’ service project.  They had costumes with wings.  One of them was Buzz Lightyear.  He knew the story word for word.  Perhaps they’ve watched “Toy Story”too many times.  (Laughter).  In Jacob 6:5 is the word “cleave.”  “Cleave unto God as he cleaveth unto you.”  Its meaning?  “To give oneself to God, and to draw strength and power from Him.”  How can we become like our Savior?   There are typical Sunday School answers.   The stake would like us to “Live, Love, Serve.”  Healing was performed by the Savior.  He preached the Gospel.  He taught forgiveness.  He cleansed the temple.  Hr raised Lazarus from the dead.  He washed the feet of the disciples.  So many ways He served.  He gave of His time.  

She referred to Church ads on TV entitled “It’s about time.”  Dad too busy to teach his son to throw.  It’s about time.  Family!  It’s about time.  It is easy to let time slip away.  She cited Matthew 9:18-22.  “And Jesus arose, and followed him, and so did his disciples.”  Then “a woman, which was diseased with an issue of blood twelve years, came behind him, and touched the hem of his garment.”  Jesus told her “Daughter, be of good comfort; thy faith hath made thee whole. And the woman was made whole from that hour.”  Service never comes at a convenient time.  President Kimball taught that ministering was very often through another mortal.   She was very pregnant when she moved here.  She was looking for a doctor.  A sister helped her unpack.  She helped get her kids off the bus.   She was a huge answer to her prayers. She cited Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf’s talk “A Higher Joy” (see 

“Jesus taught, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’

“Can it be that in our search for joy, the best way to find it is to bring joy to others?

“Brothers and sisters, you know and I know this is true! Joy is like a barrel of flour or a jar of oil that will never run out. True joy multiplies when it is shared.”

She referred to Matthew 25:34-40.  

Someone serves your own child.  On Monday she was at the Bishop’s storehouse.   It is an extension of the temple.  She has love and gratitude for the Church.  She spoke of covenant keeping with God.  She referred to hymn #221 “Dear to the Heart of the Shepherd.”  The last verse says, “Make us thy true under-shepherds.”   See a need and reach out.  She closed with her testimony.  Become like the Savior through service. 

Brother Young said that President Watson would meet with the youth in the overflow area. 

Closing hymn #134 “I Believe in Christ”

Closing prayer by Brother Mark Ramick. 

There were 88 in attendance and none online as the Internet wasn’t working. 

September 15, 2024

Bishop Kevin Moss presided and Brother Chuck Young conducted the sacrament meeting. 

Opening hymn #124 “Be Still, My Soul”

Invocation by Sister Hannah Chester 

Sacrament hymn #185 “Reverently and Meekly Now”

We can watch the Tabernacle Choir at 12:30. 

Brother Harrison Chester and Elder Beagley blessed the sacrament and Brothers Hudson and Max Conover and Grant Hess and Elder Smurthwhite passed the sacrament.

First speaker was Brother Jerry Fender. He saw Dave in the congregation, so he thought they were off the hook.  (Laughter). You know that we have a chicken farm.  He told about the baby chicks until they are 7 weeks old and their feathers come out. They keep the heat in the chicken house but some escape.  They have no desire to be recaptured.  They have quite a spurt and off they go.  They run all over the place.  Heavenly Father looks at some of us that don’t want to be caught.  They have two dogs at home.  Sometimes they run off.  He is looking forward to when it’s our time.   Well, not really!  He has questions when he reaches the other side.   How does He love all of us individually.  The Prophet Joseph had a horse that he loved.  Are horses in the celestial kingdom?  If not he doesn’t want to be there.  Not really. 

He cited the talk “I Believe in Angels” by Elder Carlos A. Godoy of the Presidency of the Seventy ( about ministering angels.  When Elder Godoy was a 16 year old he took the missionary lessons in a Church building. That small room in the chapel became his “sacred grove.” How do I fit in my new religion?  There was a young woman who helped him integrate into the group.  Two additional angels were sent by the Lord to help.  One was his seminary teacher.  Another was his Young Men president who was also assigned to be his senior home teaching companion. He gave me assignments to teach in our priests quorum meetings and home teaching visits. He gave me the chance to act and to learn and not just be an observer of the gospel. 

There are many ministering angels in our lives.  

They had lost their 17 year old son scuba diving.  It was as if their ward had lost a son.  Then there was a period when he was not in church for a long time.  He had a High Priests group leader.  He had a bishop who stepped in.  He had a rough time.  There were also fun times.  He cited Elder L. Tom Perry’s story about a rough section of Boston.  They were home teaching and the sister asked them to slide their temple recommends under the door.  Now you didn’t need to have a temple recommend to be a home teacher!  But it was a neat little story.  He cited President Henry B. Eyring about inspired ministering.  There were seven families that did not want to be home taught.  One was a sister from Europe. They were not deterred.  They sent cards for the kids.  She was going to be deployed for 30 days and had a 12 year old boy.  Four families in the ward, one a week, cared for him.  It was his first time going to church.  He was baptized.  

Brother Fender said that charity is essential.  He read Moroni 10:21.  We must pray with all the energy of heart. He read Moroni 7:48.  He spoke of Church media sites citing Elder Gary E. Stevenson.  

Second speaker was Brother James Alexander.  He said to Dave.  Do you have a long one ready?  The three of them did not coordinate topics.  He said God wants you to be there.  They had just moved to Salt Lake City.  Where is this house?  It was a gated junk yard with houses.  It looked like a farm hand’s house.  They came to a barn and knocked.  The fellow opened the door holding a shotgun,  12 gauge.  They were asked to be your home teacher, from the church.  They had the right address.  They had a returned missionary daughter.  He was hostile because of people stealing things from the junkyard.  

He told of the home teaching and visiting teaching letter from the First Presidency with an enhanced focus on ministering, a higher hollier way.  This replaced HT and VT.  It is overseen by the elders quorum and Relief Society presidents.  It is for all peoples of the world.  It referred to the two great commandments in Matthew.  Who is my neighbor?  He cited the Good Samaritan. Jesus taught the Nephite disciples.   Why do we minister?  It is a means of caring for others.  How can we keep our efforts simple?  Each one of us are unique individual parts of Heavenly Father’s children.  How can we care for Heavenly Father’s children?   We can have great love for Heavenly Father’s children in our wards and stakes.  Do we have a vision of ministering?  

He cited President Nelson’s October 2023 talk “Think Celestial!” (  

We can meet needs, meet face to face through phone calls…  it is great to know you, a son or daughter of Heavenly Father.  You are unique and special.  He referenced Alma about not turning away the needy but Imparting of your substance.  Brother Alexander spoke of temple ministering to our kindred dead.  We have a heritage to share.  We have made sacrifices to be here.  God’s plan is fabulous.  He cited President Nelson again about ministering to Heavenly Father’s children. 

Bishop Moss said that he appreciated the words of Brothers Fender and Alexander. He cited Luke 15 about the 99 plus one for President Nelson’s birthday.  He spoke of the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the Prodigal Son.  These came through accident, neglect, and willful departure.  It doesn’t matter how.   The Lord wants everyone back.  Who’s that one?  Think, ponder, and pray. 

Closing hymn #30 “Come, Come, Ye Saints”

Closing prayer by Brother Mark Ramick

There were 84 in attendance and nine online. 

August 25, 2024

Brother John Barger presided and conducted the sacrament meeting.

He acknowledged Sisters Hannah Chester and Karin Alexander as chorister and organist, respectively.  

We welcomed Brother Steve Curtis as a new ward member. 

Opening hymn #280 “Welcome, Welcome, Sabbath Morning”

Invocation by Elder Beagley

Sacrament hymn #173 “While of These Emblems We Partake”

Brother Harrison Chester and Elder Beagley blessed the sacrament and Brothers Garrett McPherson and Hudson and Max Conover and Elder Willbank passed the sacrament.

Elder Willbank is a new missionary.  He is waiting for his visa to Mozambique.  Families can be together. 

Brother Barger said that Sister Huselid exercised her wifely prerogative and asked her husband to go first.

Brother Carlos Huselid spoke on the transformation from darkness to light.  He cited Elder Dale G. Renlund.  Miracles are evident.  Build faith. Faith precedes the miracle.  Journey from life of sin.  Make better choices.  Rely on God rather than on our own will.  He cited Elder Gary E. Stevenson and President Henry B. Eyring.  We need to receive guidance and stay on the covenant path.  He cited Elder D. Todd Christofferson.  Miracles are not limited to dramatic events.  He cited Elders Quentin G. Cook and Dieter F. Uchtdorf.  True miracles occur when we surrender our will.  He has a testimony of God’s will.  We strive to stay on the covenant path.  

Intermediate hymn #243 “Let Us All Press On”

Concluding speaker was Sister Kristina Huselid.  She received the phone call about speaking.  I don’t want to do it!  She spoke on the power of miracles.  She cited President Russell M. Nelson.  Faith precedes the miracle.  She cited President Jeffrey R. Holland about divine intervention. She spoke of Alma’s teachings.  There are moments when she felt overwhelmed.  We need the strength to keep on going.  Such events are molding us.  Hold onto our faith.  Sometimes there are small miracles everyday in our lives.  She cited President Thomas S. Monson.  “The Lord shapes the back to bear the burden placed upon it.” (See This fills her life with such joy.  She is incredibly blessed.  Miracles are real.  Trust Him.  Have the courage to trust His timing.

Brother Barger said that miracles are not always sensational.  They can be a natural process.  He had an experience involving a miracle.  24 years ago their oldest son JJ was preparing for his mission.  He opened his application.  He hadn’t signed up for school that fall.  He was assigned to the Peru Trujillo Mission.  He was ittle overweight.  They lived in Montana. They were not a resort kind of people but they were in Hot Springs.  There was a growth on his back.  They had it checked out and removed it.  They were heading to Utah.  His parents flew from Maryland.  He was the stake president.  Their doctor came to their door.  She was crying.  They unpacked and contacted the missionary department.   He received treatment for the cancer.  He never unpacked his suitcase.  He had great faithfulness.  Six months went by and he had significant surgery.  He couldn’t go to Peru.   He was an assigned to a Spanish speaking zone in Seattle.  There was a cancer center at the University of Washington.  An apostle had to sign off on his assignment. His records were sent to the University of Chicago.  They had a federal grant.  He was delayed six weeks and served in Chicago.  The miracle?  Swimming on Christmas Eve with his mother so she noticed the growth.  There were a number of miracles.   He was prepared to serve.  His faith prepared these series of miracles.  He has willingness and a testimony.  This is a Gospel of hope.  He spoke of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego who refused to worship the golden image and were cast into the fiery furnace (Daniel 3:16-18).   He thanked the Huselid’s for their thoughtful introduction to miracles.  

Closing hymn #223 “Have I Done Any Good?”

Benediction by Elder Smurthwaite

There were 90 in attendance and 10 online. 

August 18, 2024

Brother Chuck Young presided and conducted the sacrament meeting.

Opening hymn #5 “High on the Mountain Top”

Invocation by Elder Danley 

Sacrament hymn #124 “Be Still, My Soul”

Brother Harrison Chester and Elder Beagley blessed the sacrament and Brothers Dave and Grant Hess and Hudson and Max Conover passed the sacrament.

Brother Young thanked Sister Hannah Chester for leading the music and Brother Blake Cornell for playing the organ.  

He announced that there would be a baptism after church.  

First speaker was Sister Andee Hess. Morganton.  They moved here 15 years ago. They had been in Woodstock for 24 years.  She had moved to Marietta when she was 10.  There are lots of familiar faces.  They have a cabin in Morganton.  The Spirit can be felt here.  In 2020 Covid had started.  There was a fire in their Woodstock home.  They had to relocate to Morganton.  The seed was planted.  The logistics were in place.  Dave could work from home.  They were here in the summer.  The cabin is part of the U.S. Forest Service.   They could have a boat but no dock.  The boat had a concrete anchor.  The lake levels fluctuate a lot.  They have ropes tied to two trees. Their house was repaired.  A friend took the boat out.  They had not provided enough instruction.  He used the anchor but had not tied the boat to the trees.  He went back to Dallas.  There was a bad storm and the boat floated away.  They paddled after the boat.  It needed the heavy back anchor and the ropes.  It is like her testimony.  She knows the Church is true as well as the Book of Mormon and the prophets.

She cited the talk “Pillars and Rays” by Elder Alexander Dushku of the Seventy (see Joseph saw pillars through clouds.  He had personal revelation.  He felt it inwardly.  This cemented her testimony.  She had small experiences of personal revelation.  She spoke of the source of revelation.   Elder Dushku cited President Spencer W. Kimball (1895-1985).  He warned, “Always expecting the spectacular, many will miss entirely the constant flow of revealed communication” (In Conference Report, Munich Germany Area Conference, 1973, p. 77.)  We have daily rays of revelation.   

President Russell M. Nelson spoke in 2020 and invited us to “Hear Him” in a video (  I watched it in Primary.  We played it for the kids.  Our bishop used that message.  He gave a talk on how I hear Him.  There are so many different forms.  We can share big moments.  When she was 12 or 13 she read the Book of Mormon myself.  When she was done reading she had the overwhelming feeling that it was true.  It was a unique feeling.  It was a major starting point of her testimony.  

In college she and Dave were dating.  They had the same friend.  Their relationship slowly progressed and it fell into place.  His proposal was not a big surprise.  She had the strongest feeling that this was the right decision.  Heavenly Father knew she needed confirmation.  It was such an anchor.  It was the right thing to do  They would have an eternal family.  They bought the cabin while they were looking for land.  They looked at Carters Lake and others.  The cabin was half built in Blue Ridge.  They drove there.  It was really great.  They would have to totally go into debt to buy it.  The prophet had counseled members to get out of debt.  In sacrament meeting she had an overwhelming feeling.  God knows us and the details of our lives.  

She has had smaller revelations.  They are the small ropes.  She had a newborn.  She had an Infection and had no relief.  She was at wit’s end and exhausted with the pain.  A sister from her ward called.  She said that she felt to call and check on her. This was from Heavenly Father.  It was Sister Brock who was not her visiting teacher.   He knew that she was suffering.  

She really enjoys coming to church.  She will receive personal revelation.  She is praying for the righteous desires.  She has distinct impressions. Heavenly Father hears and answers our prayers.  Everything would be okay.  When attending the temple she has the right mindset.  She read Matthew 16:18.  The rock is the rock of revelation.  Peter held the keys of the priesthood.  Her testimony is built on personal revelation.  Critics don’t matter.  The Gospel of Jesus Christ is true.  

Intermediate hymn #274 “The Iron Rod”

Concluding speaker was Brother Dave Hess.   They were 23 years in Woodstock.  They have been married 24 years.  They have four children. Grant 14 is the oldest. He loves to grill. Lauren is 12.  She has a thoughtful nature.  Thomas and Clare age 9 are twins.  Thomas says he’s not leaving. Clare says she is as soon as possible.  He is talking about service.  Not necessarily to be ministered to.  It builds our testimony.  As we perform acts of service we are instruments in God’s hands.  We align with Christ’s teachings.  God is real and active in our lives.  He has come to understand the Atonement and the depth of Christ’s love.  He has greater appreciation.  It opens the door to personal revelation.  He cited President Kimball.  God does notice us through others.  Listen and act on promptings.  

He told how he gained his testimony.  He lived in Southern California.  Most of his friends were members.   It was always the right thing to do.  He turned 19.  He made the decision to go on a mission.  He was at the MTC.   He lacked testimony but he loved it there.  He went to the New York Rochester Mission.  He was not surrounded by smiling faces anymore.  He knocked on doors.  He spent two years watching lives change.  He had faith in Christ.  He gained his testimony through these experiences. He read Mosiah 2:17.  The more we love and serve each other.  These are divine principles of the gospel. 

Closing hymn #237 “Do What Is Right”

Benediction by Elder Smith 

There were 84 in attendance and no one online as Zoom wasn’t working.  It had expired and had to be renewed. 

August 4, 2024

Brother John Barger presided and conducted the sacrament meeting.

Bishop Moss would be away for a couple of weeks.  

The Bailey’s will be here only the next two Wednesdays from 6:30 - 8 in the Family History Center to help you with your family history.  

Brother Barger told of the stake conference sessions next weekend and those who should be attending.  

The youth will meet in one class for Sunday School today. 

Opening hymn #44 “Beautiful Zion, Built Above”

Invocation by Brother David Wittekind 

The blessing of baby Shaner took place. 

Sacrament hymn #174 “While of These Emblems We Partake”

Brothers Dave Hess and Ron Fisher blessed the sacrament and Elder Beagley and Brothers Scott Davis, Brandon King, and Grant Hess passed the sacrament.

Brother Barger bore his testimony.  He explained fasting for any visitors.  He and his wife spent a lengthy time in Utah.  Their son Jeff has cancer.  He had a good month for which he is grateful.  He has overcame infections and resumed chemo.  He walks 2-3 miles a day.  Brother Barger said that he regretted missing Terry Dorsey’s service.  He was a most interesting person.  He talked to him a couple of days before he passed.  Now he is in the spirit world.  We have lots of teachings about that.  There was King Lamoni.  Alma had a similar experience.  Joseph Smith was tarred and feathered.  He left his body and saw what he was undergoing.  Brigham Young spoke of the spirit world, of its colors and sounds. He spoke of Jedediah Grant who was called Brigham’s sledgehammer.  He died at 40.  He was in the spirit world two nights and had remarkable experiences.  We should have courage and confidence.   Life will be with perfect bodies.   Good for him and bad for us.  The good guys win. 

Sister Tina Pittman was thinking about Terry.   She had a conversation with him on the phone.  He was an interesting and interested person.  She spoke of her father’s cancer.  He is not a member.  She had an opportunity to spend time with him.  She was grateful that the Lord has blessed her to be with him.  She had struggles in her relationship with her father.  June and July were very special.  She will have more opportunity to spend with him.  She enjoyed serving in Primary.  She has been thinking about all of us. She has a testimony of the Savior.  She told Sister Wallace on the way here this morning.  She had a lot of hard work to do.  It was cool and she got it all done.  These were tender mercies.  She has a testimony of the Church and what we know.  She has read the book and know how it ends.  Hold onto that. 

Young Samantha White said that she is praying for the Barger’s son. 

Brother Christian Erwin said that he falls on his face due to pride.  He is praying and revising his life.  The Spirit can change you. The journey stops when you become complacent.  This is the Lord’s true church.  Don’t turn from God. 

Sister Judy Dorsey has a testimony of ministering.  She thanks each and every one of you for cards, texts, flowers, food.  We’ve been ministering to her.  There is a bit of Jesus in each of us. Love one another. 

Visiting young woman.  She is working to find God’s word.  She keeps a prayer journal with impressions and answers.  There are worries in life.  She did scripture study with non-member Christians.  She cited Elder David A. Bednar about the spirit of revelation.  (See .). “Revelation frequently comes in small increments over time and is granted according to desire, worthiness, and preparation light.” This pattern of revelation tends to be more common than rare.  Be diligent in our questions. 

Brother Zach White thanked the young women as they interacted with his daughters.  He spoke of Machenzie’s testimony and the Barger’s.  He had worked with Brother Dorsey since he (Zach) was financial clerk.  He had served with him. 

Brother Robbie Litt regretted missing Terry. Dorsey’s service.  He had a contract with a cruise ship.  He just got back.  He missed his wife so much.  She loves church.  He doesn’t mind staying home once in a while.   (Laughter).  He made the same comment about yoga.  He spoke of the temple in Rome.  He is grateful to be a member of the Church.  He will be 53 tomorrow.  He spoke of things that pop up and Heavenly Father in his life, guiding him. The love that Heavenly Father has for us. 

Brother David Wittekind had an interesting revelation this week.  It has to do with his granddaughter.  They are called Opa and Oma which is German.  Hearing that is wonderful.   It’s nice to be in the grandparents club.   One of his grandfathers died when he was 10, so he didn’t get to know him.  His other grandfather lived to 90 and they had good times together.  Father in heaven wants to be called Father.  This is a special title and role.  He taught him.  Strive to live the commandments.  Address Father every day.  He is thankful for his knowledge of Jesus Christ.  He appreciates the people around us. 

Sister Debby Young spoke of a Primary song that comes to mind.  It is important to pray always.  Little drops add up.  Make the effort to receive personal revelation.  There are several ways that He communicates with us.  She goes for a walk in the morning.  She has an Air bud.  It connects with her phone.  Before she did that she heard “Connected.”  Heavenly Father is there and hears us.  He knows what we need.  There are shining examples.  

Young Angel Cummings said that it is great to be here.  Here birthday is on August 11 when we have conference.  It is great to be up here. 

Sister Natosha Cummings feels the spirit strongly today.  Years ago she was a senior in high school   She was on a bus.  A little girl was also there.  She is adopted.   She was in foster care.  The subject of birth parents came up.  She was struggling.  Who was her birth mom?  She was impressed to tell her to love her as a person.   She smiled and nodded.  How important family is to her.  We are an extended family.  

Closing hymn #106 “God Speed the Right”

Benediction by Brother Rod Clark 

There were 77 in attendance and 11 online. 

July 28, 2024

Bishop Kevin Moss presided and conducted the sacrament meeting.

Opening hymn #249 “Called to Serve”

Invocation by Brother David Hess 

Bishop Moss spoke of the new hymns that we’ll be singing. 

The Hess family’s records have been received and they were welcomed into the ward.  

The current Primary leaders were released, Sisters Tina Pittman, Daniela Reeves, and Karin Alexander. 

Sustained were Sisters Lauri Barger as Primary president, Daniela Reeves as first counselor, and Karin Alexander as second counselor.  

Brother David and Sister Andee Hess were sustained as Primary teachers. Brother Brett and Sister Sumier Overcash were sustained as Sunday School teachers. 

Brother Snow presented the stake business. Brother Troy Gilbert was sustained to receive the Melchizedek Priesthood.  

Sacrament hymn #193 “I Stand All Amazed”

Brother Harrison Chester and Elder Beagley blessed the sacrament and Brother Grant Hess and Elders Smith, Danley, and Smurthwaite passed the sacrament.

First speaker was Sister Judy Overcash.  She spoke of how she joined the Church.  She spoke of her husband, his military service, and his service in the Boy Scouts. He was awarded the Silver Beaver.  Children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren comprise the Overcash clan.  She told of young Kayla’s upcoming surgery.  

Her subject today is the Holy Ghost and personal revelation.  The Holy Ghost is a Personage of Spirit.  He testifies of Heavenly Father and Jesus.  In April 2018 general conference President Russell M. Nelson spoke on revelation.  (His talk was “We Can Do Better and Be Better” at  Listen and act on promptings.  This is protection from the adversary.  She spoke of the Sacred Grove.  Write down revelations that you receive in your journal.  Grow into the principle of revelation.  

She shared an experience when she was driving a van with a heavy load.  She was having a hard time with the van.  Her husband was back in Georgia.  She was prompted to turn around and go a different way.  

When they were in Woodstock and her husband needed to be in an assisted living facility, she saw their savings dwindle.  She learned of a veterans activity.  She would not normally go but the Holy Ghost told her to go.  There were booths on how to help veterans.  She learned of the Georgia Veterans Home in Milledgeville.  It wouldn’t cost anything.  It was a miracle.  It was so much better.  Her husband has been there for 7 months.  COVID is still out there and caught by the President.  There are wars and chaos.  The world is more dangerous but she is optimistic about the future.  We have the gift of the Holy Ghost and can work on becoming more Christlike. 

SPECIAL MUSIC from the Choir:  Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing

Concluding speaker was  Brother Jonathan Snow of the stake high council.  He brings the love and prayers of the stake presidency.  He was asked to tell us of stake conference on 10–11 August.  Elder Massimo de Feo of the Seventy will be the presiding Church leader.  He cited the movie “Rocky Four.”   Everybody can change.   Is that possible?   Change is inevitable.   We live in a fallen world.  He read Mosiah 3:19.  The Lord loves effort.  He cited President Russell M. Nelson and the story of Sisyphus.  The gods forced him to roll an immense boulder up a hill only for it to roll back down every time it neared the top, repeating this action for eternity.  We face changing habits, raising children.  We set goals, trying to improve our lives.  We make New Year’s resolutions.  Elder Boyd K. Packer (1924-2015) said, “True doctrine, understood, changes attitudes and behavior.  The study of the doctrines of the gospel will improve behavior quicker than a study of behavior will improve behavior. ... That is why we stress so forcefully the study of the doctrines of the gospel.” (See “Little Children” at You can change.  God expects the Gospel to change us.  We believe in eternal progression.  

He cited Elder Dallin H. Oaks.  (See “The Challenge to Become” at  “We conclude that the Final Judgment is not just an evaluation of a sum total of good and evil acts—what we have done. It is an acknowledgment of the final effect of our acts and thoughts—what we have become.”  “We qualify for eternal life through a process of conversion.”

He cited Elder David A. Bednar.  (See “In the Strength of the Lord” at  “Thus the journey of a lifetime is to progress from bad to good to better and to experience the mighty change of heart—and to have our fallen natures changed.”

The Atonement provides help from the Savior.  With God all things are possible (Matthew 19:26).  Elder Bednar said, “When we make mistakes—as we transgress and sin—we are able to overcome such weakness through the redeeming and cleansing power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ.“  Our works don’t get us there.  He shared the story of Nephi on their boat during the storm.  He was able to burst the bands that held him but they didn’t just naturally fall off.  Then he shared the story of President Schwieger of the stake presidency about toothpaste.  The two boys were having a terrible time brushing their teeth.  Their father learned that they were swallowing the toothpaste.  Repentance is not like this terrible thing.  We can undergo slow change.  Mourn with those who mourn.  Comfort those in need of comfort.  

He cited Sister Bonnie L. Oscarson (See “What parent of teens has not heard the question ‘Why do I have to go to Mutual tonight?’  This is often followed by ‘I don’t think I’ll get that much out of it!’ The question is really a very good one that provides an opportunity for all of us—youth, parents, and leaders—to understand the purpose not just of Mutual activity night but of many meetings we attend at church.

A good place to start with our youth is to ask them some questions:  Are there reasons you can attend besides what youwill get out of it?  Do you know of anyone there who might be lonely, who is going through some hard challenges and needs a friend, or who feels like they don’t belong? Are there opportunities for you to serve, help, support, encourage, and lift others at your activity?”  Minister to those around you.  What can I give?  Smile.  

President Thomas S. Monson (1927-2018) said, “Love is the catalyst that causes change. Love is the balm that brings healing to the soul. But love doesn’t grow like weeds or fall like rain. Love has its price.”  (See “A Doorway Called Love” at  I am in awe of how much He truly loves us.  He left multitudes in tears.  He spoke of Lazarus.  

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland stated  “Christ never once withheld His love from anyone. With His power you can repent.” (See 

Closing hymn #1001 “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing”

Benediction by Brother Garrett McPherson 

There were 95 in attendance and 12 online. 

July 21, 2024

The first counselor in the stake presidency President Dave Schwieger presided and Bishop Kevin Moss conducted the sacrament meeting.

Opening hymn #94 “Come, Ye Thankful People”

Invocation by Brother Ezra Shaner

Sister Judy Overcash was sustained as the ward librarian.  

The Bailey’s are here on Wednesday evenings to help with your family history. 

There will be a temple prep class in the Relief Society room after church starting today.  

Sacrament hymn #194 “There Is a Green Hill Far Away” Text: Cecil Frances Alexander, 1818–1895.  She has numerous hymns in our hymnbook.  

Brothers Harrison Chester and Rich Marcom blessed the sacrament and Brothers Dave and Grant Hess, Garrett McPherson, and Elder Smurthwaite passed the sacrament.

First speaker was young Sister Kayla Overcash.  They have recently moved in.  We are related to the Moss’s and Mohl’s.  She spoke on how Heavenly Father helps us through hard times   And how we can help Him.  She told of girls camp and how she lost her dog.  In their new location how I would adapt to all these nearby stores and their five-minute-long driveway.  There is lots of room.  She has baby cousins and goats.  One can find joy in these changes.  She cited an article in the Church magazine.  She has chronic health problems.  She suffers from severe scoliosis and surgery is soon.  There is loving and patience.   God is there with outstretched arms.  She read Philippians 4:13.  “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”

Second speaker was Sister Sumier Overcash.  She repeated her daughter’s theme.  She joined the Church at age 19.  This is their 22nd anniversary.  She spoke of missionary work and sharing the gospel.  Several generations have helped.  All have to gain their own testimonies.  What is missionary work?  It is explained in the Gospel Study Guide (see  She read Mark 16:15 “And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature” and Mormon 9:22 “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.”  The dictionary adjective is a member of a religious group who is sent into an area in order to promote its faith or provide services to people. They engage in charitable work.  It is a sustained effort.  We work and share the gospel.   

She loves music.  She spoke of the song “Nobody” by the Casting Crowns (see  “Why You ever chose me has always been a mystery.”  “Ever since You rescued me You gave my heart a song to sing.”  The way we live is sharing the gospel.  “Moses had stage fright.  When David brought a rock to a sword fight.  You picked twelve outsiders nobody would have chosen And You changed the world.”  “Everybody’s got a purpose.”  “I'm living for the world to see Nobody but Jesus.”  It is about the world that we live in, about God and our labors, about Christlike attributes.  

She cited Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf talk “Missionary Work: Sharing What Is in Your Heart” in April 2019.  (See 

Here are five things from the talk.  First, draw close to God. Second, fill your heart with love for others. Third, strive to walk the path of discipleship. Fourth, share what is in your heart. Make the Gospel and Church an important part of your life.  Fifth, trust the Lord to work His miracles. What can we do to love God and others?  Rekindle your light.  

President M. Russell Ballard spoke in April 2022 in his talk “Missionary Service Blessed My Life Forever.”  (See 

“My missionary service prepared me to be a better husband and father and to be successful in business. It also prepared me for a lifetime of service to the Lord in His Church.” “The Lord knows you. When you are serving your mission, you will have experiences that will help you come to know Him better.”  “The Lord will authorize you to teach in His name.”  “Continue to strengthen your testimony.”

I know the Church is true.  I faced criticism from my own family.  They thought it was odd and mysterious.   There are simple daily exercises such as keeping the Sabbath day holy.  I was not having a drink.  I was choosing differently.  Loving each other in the family.  There was contention in the home.  We need to love God and love others.  

Intermediate hymn #249 “Called to Serve”

Concluding speaker was Brother Brett Overcash.  He shared about their family and the importance of family.  His father was a military veteran.  He was in Special Forces and took part in black ops.  He learned valuable life lessons starting with the Boy Scouts.  Lessons were to never give up, set your mind on a goal, and resolve to be unwavering.  As a leader to be just and fair to others, keep your conscience clear, and add values to other people’s lives.  His mother was as tough as nails.  Dig deep when times get hard.  Things could be worse.  We are in the last days or soon approaching.   The Gospel has been restored in this final dispensation.  The greatest medicine is meaningful time with the family.  Stop and smell the roses.  Not paying attention is selfish and harmful.  Keep loved ones in the forefront of your life.  It will bless you.  Want to make the world a better place?   Make someone smile.  

He cited Elder Richard G. Scott’s talk “To Be Free of Heavy Burdens” in October 2002 (see 

Let your burdens be diminished.   Permit the Lord to work through us.  He quoted Matthew 25:40.  Respect and love is earned.  Reach out to one another.  Life can be enriched and given purpose.  Be present in the moment.  Receive personal revelation.  He cited Elder Robert D. Hales’ talk “Holy Scriptures: The Power of God unto Our Salvation” (See Speak to God; pray.  Hear Him study the scriptures.  He read Moroni 10:4-5.   The most important moment is right now.  Seize the moment.  There are many beautiful moments.   Smile without regrets.  

Bishop Moss spoke of his father-in-law in the memory care unit in Milledgeville. 

The second counselor in the stake presidency President Steve Madsen said it is wonderful to be with the Overcashes.   They were in the same ward as me,  the Shallowford Ward.  They sat down and were told, “This is where the Overcashes sit.” There was territory on the opposite side.  (Laughter).  Here are the Wittekinds, the Mosses, the Lilya’s, the Mohl’s.  He could count on the companion of his son, John Overcash.  He loves seeing my people today.  In the Gospel of Jesus Christ we are brothers and sisters.  We looked around and saw each other.  Yesterday was a bittersweet day with the service for Brother Terry Dorsey.   He became a better person.  Because of the Gospel he is doing great.  He feels the love of our Savior.  We can love and serve, a community of saints.  We bear one another’s burdens.  We are here for each other.  This ward is an example for the stake.  He bore his testimony. 

Closing hymn #270 “I’ll Go Where You Want Me to Go”

Benediction by Elder Beagley 

There were 80 in attendance and eight online. 

July 14, 2024

Bishop Kevin Moss presided and conducted the sacrament meeting.

Opening hymn #81 “Press Forward, Saints”

Invocation by Elder Smurthwaite

Bishop announced the passing of Brother Terry Dorsey.  This Saturday the viewing will be from 12-2 in the Relief Society room and the service will be at 2 in the chapel. 

Our four missionaries are Elders Smith and Danley and Elders Smurthwaite and Beagley. 

Stake business was conducted by Brother Craig Chester.  

We welcomed Sister Erica Patton as a new member of the ward.  

Sacrament hymn #188 “Thy Will, O Lord, Be Done”

Brothers Harrison Chester and Dave Hess blessed the sacrament and Brothers Brandon King, Everett Lilya, Austin Mohl, and Troy Gilbert passed the sacrament.

First speaker was Mylee Kelly age 5 who has a good friend named Chad.  He plays with her.  She is happy playing with him.  He is her favorite friend.  Like Jesus he is kind.  Jesus is the best friend I could ever have.  Chad is a close second. 

Saylem Kelly age 7 spoke about baptism.  She can’t wait.  Will she be able to breath under the water?  That’s important.  It’s like being born again.  Every part of the body is new.   You don’t need to be naked like a baby.  We make a covenant.   What if I don’t do my part?  She wants to be like Jesus.  She will repent and be baptized next year.  

Grifynn Kelly age 8 does her laundry every week or so.  It is more than one load. Then she has to sort them.  Then put it away.  She has a pile on her bed.  There is no place to lie down.  She wants to be able to do only one load.  Then she’s not as stressed.  She needs to read the scriptures, pay her tithing, say her prayers.  Don’t put off what God has asked us to do.  I need clean clothes.  I’ll do one load each week.  I won’t let it pile up. I’ll be stronger physically and spiritually. 

 Emrys Kelly age 10 said that a lot of dreams are like life.  He was walking through a forest.  Between two trees was Jesus.  There was also a hard dark road.  He is living in a lovely place. It is challenging here on earth.  There is a straight and narrow road.  It is warm and vibrant.  I want to show Jesus that I could be brave.  There is a dark rocky road.   But there is a bright field with Jesus and Heavenly Father. 

Cassie Kelly shared Irys’ talk.  She loves elephants, lions, and butterflies.  Jesus made all these things and I love Jesus.  Cassie said that her dad passed last December.  Terry was so much like her dad.  He said that you turned out so well despite me.  You had potential despite me.  The kids came up with their talks.  What will I say?  I have been in this branch/ward going on 10 years.  It is so different.  I will introduce myself.  I am Cassie married to Bo.  I haven’t talked in a long time.  When it was a branch there were only 30 here on a good day.   She mentioned those that have passed away such as Brothers Callahan and Bivens and those that have moved such as Brother Spooner.  The list goes on.  She looks out for her family.  She likes change or so she thought.  She was a baby when we moved here.  She doesn’t even recognize herself.  She worked for 18 years for a non-profit.  She got her Masters.  Now she is a stay-at-home mom.  She is being yelled at by little people.  She is embarrassed by her testimony.  She spoke of Sister Ruth McKinney who would race up to the pulpit to bear her testimony.  She spoke of Sister Alexander sharing her testimony.  Irys had a bad day which would her an excuse to leave.  

She read something online recently.  She displayed glasses and mugs on the podium.  She told of spilling something.  It could be apple juice or orange juice.  Once it was me spilling something.  Maybe at Chick fil A.  There was stickiness everywhere.  There might be bits of cereal.  All the glorious spills.   Over the years it might be water.  Just water.  No big deal.  Spills are created the same way.  In our lives we make mistakes, we make choices.  Reaction to spills varies.  Never are drinks thrown.  She can wipe it right up.  She can mop the whole section of the floor.  (Laughter)   It can become ugly.  She might yell too much.  Bo helps her.  She needs to stop getting mad about spills.  The contents of her being mad need to change.  Back to water.  It is refreshing and cool.  Back to basics.  Opposites are right on track.  Scriptures and prayer can sometimes be boring.  Christ is internal.  Today we hear so much about depression and mental health.  She had a miscarriage before Irys.  She was far enough along that it was a fetus.  25% of women have miscarriages.  Reaction have changed.   Exercise more.  Eat better.  

There are attacks from the adversary.  Everything is Spiritual.   Jesus helps her with her battles.  He turned water into wine.  Jesus can turn yucky liquid to water.  She has verses on her phone.  She is writing down her ramblings.   She is horrible at technology.  Sorry.  There it is!  A quote from Elder Bednar. It is Alma 5:12-14.  I can’t find it.  You’ve already read it.  “There was a mighty change wrought in his heart.”  “Have ye experienced this mighty change in your hearts?”  In 2 Nephi 31:20.  Press forward… You have changed!  D&C 14:7.  Omni 1:26.  Do these things, Cassie, you will be changed!  She bore her testimony of these truths.  Emotional stories.  Lean on my testimony.  This is true.  Not made up.  Gordon B. Hinckley was the President of the Church when she joined.  Now we have President Nelson. The Scriptures are true.  The Savior has changed me. When we conclude we speak the name of Jesus Christ.  

Concluding speaker was Brother Bo Kelly.  He forgot and wore his slippers. He is proud of his family.  His wife left him the exact amount of time.  (Laughter)  when he was  Emrys’ age he wanted a race car.  He played with it in his front yard.  It rolled into the street and a truck crushed it.  His dad swept up the pieces.  A couple of days later he got it back. His dad had put it back together.  It was amazing.  He wanted to be able to fix things.  He does that for a living at work.  We might be broken.  Jesus Christ is the Master Healer.  He shared Matthew 11. “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”  He cited a talk in 2006 by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland. (See “Broken Things to Mend” at  The solution is don’t yield to fear.  He walked on water.  Peter did likewise as he kept coming to Christ until he took his eyes off the Master.  Keep pushing along.  Humble ourselves. Pray.  Have we done wrong?  He knows how to fix broken things.   He loves all of us. Turn to Him. 

Bishop Moss told Grifynn.  Pile that basket high.  

Closing hymn #27 “Praise to the Man”Text: William W. Phelps, 1792–1872. Music: Scottish folk song

Benediction by Elder Smith

There were 113 in attendance and 14 online. 

July 7, 2024

Bishop Kevin Moss presided and conducted the sacrament meeting.  

Opening hymn #124 “Be Still, My Soul”

Invocation by Sister Vicki Joyner

The stake people were here yesterday to work with [Brother] Bo [Kelly] on getting the ward’s Zoom capability improved. 

The Bailey’s will be here each Wednesday from 6:30 - 8 in the Family History Center to help you with your family history.  

Pioneer Day will be at the ETC Pavilion this Saturday from 4-7 pm.  That was the date that we could get. 

Brother Austin Mohl blessed baby Mohl. 

Sacrament hymn #184 “Upon the Cross of Calvary”

Brothers Craig and Harrison Chester blessed the sacrament and Brothers Jackson Steele, Brandon King, and David and Grant Hess passed the sacrament.

Bishop Moss bore his testimony.  He was thinking about the upcoming month.   He is getting used to the bishop calling.  He has a white shirt collection.   He asked the stake president about white shirts.  He was told, “You look so good when you wear a white shirt.”  Of course this is not necessary for visitors.  In his last ward he wondered if he should take the youth to his farm.  There would be the teachers and priests.  About 20.  Can we do service while we’re there?  The person who asked said, “Don’t blow me off.”  He thought of the Summer Olympic Games in Paris and jumping over fences.  There are panels to hold cattle in a corral.  The fence is only 4’ high.  The fence line is 400 feet.  Adding panels to make it higher was done in about an hour.  He is grateful whenever he sees it.  It is like that when he comes to church.   He is thankful for all that you do.  He has feelings of gratitude.  Like the refreshments at the baptism yesterday.  The family and friends that were there.  He is more focused on gratitude.  Gratitude for Christ’s sacrifice.  He appreciates you and his Savior.  It has been an interesting change in the last six months.   He closed by bearing his testimony. 

Sister Summer Mohl bore her testimony bouncing her baby in her arms. When she was nine months pregnant she hyperextended her knee.  She was on crutches.  She couldn’t see the floor.  She had to crawl up the stairs backwards.  There were so many prayers.  There was a lot of crying.  One time she cried all night.  She went to the hospital.  The cord was wrapped around the baby’s neck.  She had swallowed some amniotic fluid.  She was in the hospital for a week.  She loves this ward.  

Young Samantha White shared her testimony. 

Brother Carlos Huselid bore his testimony of prayer.   He has a stepdaughter who is 17.   She is in my prayers.  She has struggles in her school job.  She needs to turn her life around.  

Brother Christian Erwin said the last few months have been extremely hard.  He knows Jesus loves him and has a plan for him.  This is the true church. 

Sister Joanna Lilya told about a story on a podcast that touched her heart.  It was about a brother by the City Center Temple in Provo.  He said, “Isn’t she beautiful?”  They have kids not coming to church right now.  Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love us.  They have joy when we are trying our best. 

Young Sister Angel Cummings and her mom Sister Natosha Cummings.  Angel said that she has been so happy since she was baptized.  Sister Cummings said she has a story on her mind.  There was a little girl.  She was in a store and saw a plastic necklace.  It cost $2.  She had $1.25.  She started saving.  She went back to the store and bought it.  She wears it every day.  Her Dad was putting her to bed.  He said, “Do you love me?  More than the necklace?”  She hands him the necklace.  He pulls out the necklace from his pocket.  Heavenly Father loves us and wants the best for us. 

Brother Everett Lilya spoke of lessons in recognizing miracles in our lives.  These may move very slowly.  It is our 25th anniversary.  He spoke of perspective in life.  There have been cancer diagnoses. Five children have served missions.  There are numerous grandchildren.   We can cultivate our relationship with Heavenly Father.  Spiritual power is available.  He spoke of the magnitude of miracles that occur in his life enabling him to be a better disciple of Jesus Christ. 

Sister Karin Alexander said it is wonderful to be with you today.  We have a new sister, new babies, and many visitors.  Sister Shaner is here with their new baby.  There is a great grandson in Utah.  We are trying our best and feeling right with the Lord.  She cited a St. Jude commercial with a little boy and the song in the background.  “I love you a thousand years.”  Heavenly Father lives.  We can rend the veil in this building. 

Sister Debby Young said that the Spirit is so strong today.  We have heard messages of hope and joy.  She spoke of stories of the scriptures.  Of Ammon in Alma 19:6.  The queen did not think that her husband stinks. King Lamoni was under the power of God.  The dark veil of unbelief was being cast away.   Light is more powerful.  The light of the glory of God.  Darkness has to go.  We can have the light in our lives.  

Closing hymn #2 “The Spirit of God” Text: William W. Phelps, 1792–1872. Included in the first LDS hymnbook, 1835. Sung at the Kirtland Temple dedication in 1836.  Music: Anon., ca. 1844. 

Benediction by Brother Ron Fisher

There were 92 in attendance and 15 online. 

June 30, 2024

Bishop Kevin Moss presided and Brother Chuck Young conducted the sacrament meeting.

Opening hymn #117 “Come unto Jesus”

Invocation by Brother Harrison Chester 

Sacrament hymn #178 “O Lord of Hosts”

Brothers Harrison Chester and Craig Chester blessed the sacrament and Brothers Jerry Fender, Garrett McPherson, Everett Lilya, and Austin Mohl passed the sacrament.

First speakers were the Young Women.  Sister Hannah Chester told us about girls camp.  The cabins were great as was the weather.  It consisted of the individuals in the ward, not the stake.  They enjoyed the service project, the landscaping, and the lake.  The paddle boats did not go as fast as you would think!  They had to come up with a theme.  They put ideas on the board for the theme.  They all helped build one big message.  Her testimony has grown since her first girls camp.  “Think celestial” will impact the rest of your life.  Camp was very special.  

Sister Maddie Adams told of the paddle boats race which Hannah won.  We had a really nice cabin with the five girls.  There was a guy with weird name teaching about “thinking celestial.”

Sister Lexi Adams said that she was not planning on going camping.  She was going to go with her stepfather Troy.  There was one slot open, so she went. She really liked the peaceful,  non busy atmosphere.  It was very spiritual with only the five girls. They were interacting and no one was left out. The hike was easy and very nice.  They were at the Lookout area.  The theme of thinking celestial.  From the lookout could be seen a man mowing grass in a huge field.  There was a giant house and tiny trees.  There was so much that he had to do.  Is this how God sees us?   He still helps us.  We are “thinking celestial.”

The next speaker was Sister Wendy Adams.  It was the first time she had been to girls camp in a long time.  They were at the Moss’s home and enjoyed their goats.  Tabitha taught about first aid.  They went to Fort mountain.  Their cottage was really nice.  They enjoyed swimming at the lake, racing paddle boats, and service projects.  They had fun with the fires.  Hannah got hers lit.  They played mini golf.  There were great leaders. 

The next speaker was Sister Jenny Moss.  The younger girls are not here today. Sammy and Mchenzie.  Sammy would share what was best about camp.   She liked petting the goats and lunch at the Moss’s.  She liked Kayla’s jokes.  They loved each other like Jesus. Mchenzie enjoyed s’mores two nights in a row.  She enjoyed mini golf. Maddie was aggressive and liked collecting rocks.  They helped her testimony grow. They liked the plants that Zach had donated.  Hannah brought her chipmunk. She loved stuff animals. 

They were at Fort Mountain.  They could walk around the lake.  From the flat they overlooked Chatsworth.  They would go slower to look at things.  Lexie said my favorite was being with the others.  With Bishop, Charmet and Hannah Chester.  Rosie had graduated. They are a rising senior and sophomore.  Rising sixth graders.  Age was not a factor.  One girl got a blessing.  They were close knit and caring for each other   There was no drama.  Girls do drama.  Welcome to Ellijay.  Director Lauri Barger put it all together for us.  They made blankets to donate.  She had ideas for projects.  She cited President Nelson. Think celestial.  I have learned.  Fabulous.  Don’t need to be perfect but complete.  Imperfect people can be reconciled with God.  She cited Pastor Steven Robinson. Progress to wholeness.  Avoid natural consequences of poor decisions.  The two greatest commandments lead to joy.  The Atonement of Jesus Christ makes the plan possible. Elder Uchtdorf spoke of the day of judgement, of mercy and love.  Tears of grief and tears of gratitude.  These were days with beautiful people. 

Intermediate hymn #106 “God Speed the Right”

Concluding speaker was Sister Audrey Wittekind.  She was touched by the talks.  It was a different year.  It was a ward camp.  There was a stake camp for younger girls such as Karla Overcash and Sammie.  About 120 years ago there was a girls camp.  She told us of Emily Higgs who organized a girls camp in August 1912.  There was a hayride and swimming at Liberty Glen.  There was time in nature.  That is less likely now.  We saw so many miracles.  Planning began in Sep-Oct last year.  Sister Barger was in charge.  There is help when the stake does it.  There are YCLs, activities, and a theme.  They had  a small group.  Hannah is a YCL.  There were prayers and thought.  Lauri was a big part.  She is in Utah this summer.  She was good to take this calling but I can’t be there.  She did a wonderful job with her willingness to serve.  The theme was “think celestial.”  Each girl is precious. Heavenly Father loves each one of them.  What would have helped me when I was younger?  I was wandering around.  Where do I want to end up?  This is a little spot in this long continuum.  What will have an impact on this life and the next life?  DO celestial.  Keep the end destination in mind.  

She was at the younger girls camp.  She was the only leader that was able to go.  Her daughter was expecting this month. How is this going to work?  She was a mom and a grandmom.  Should she call her daughter?  Her water broke.  She went  to her house where there was a three year old.  It was all a timing miracle.  Finding joy in the journey through Christ.  How do we find it?  A sister shared this.  She had a lot of challenges.  She looked for joy.  She would click and record each moment of joy.  It was a rough year.  Her husband was in the hospital.  A sweet neighbor picked up her son.  There is joy in being an eternal family.  She found more and more joy.  She needed to hear that.  She was not held captive by sin.  This was a small moment in a long string.  She was thankful for being with the sweet girls.  There was not a lot of drama.  She is thankful for this calling and her testimony.  

Closing hymn #30 “Come, Come, Ye Saints” 

Benediction by Brother Garrett McPherson 

There were 89 in attendance and 18 online. 

We all stood and moved around a bit.  Then Bishop Moss told what is planned for the second hour on the 5th Sundays the rest of the year.  Brother Craig Lathrop led a discussion in the chapel about missionary work.  

Then we enjoyed the potluck after church.  

June 23, 2024

Stake President James Watson presided and Brother Chuck Young conducted the sacrament meeting.

Opening hymn #104 “Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me”

Invocation by Brother Craig Chester

Sacrament hymn #170 “God, Our Father, Hear Us Pray”

Brothers Harrison Chester and Ron Fisher blessed the sacrament and Brothers David Wittekind, Troy Gilbert, Brandon King, and Rich Marcom passed the sacrament.

First speaker was Brother Garrett McPherson.  He spoke on the plan of salvation.  He had been associated with a church that espoused Calvinism. They believed that we are all predestined to where we would go in the hereafter.  No one knows where they will go.   Then he learned of plan of salvation.  He spoke of the joy that God loves us.  We can return to God.  It is the crowning jewel of the Gospel.  President Brigham Young said that God makes it possible for His children be with Him.  We are His spirit children.  We have the potential to become like God if we so choose.  There were different plans and one prevailed.  We are coming to earth with all its challenges.  We have a way to overcome sin and death.   Our life here is just a small blip in our overall lifetime.   We are here to gain physical bodies.  It is a time to have joys and sorrows.  We should develop faith. love, and humility.  He read 1 John 4:10.  “Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.”  He spoke of the Infinite Atonement of Jesus Christ.  Man falls short.  Our sins would be too great to be saved by the Mosaic law.  It is possible to overcome physical death.  He cited Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf’s talk “Behold the Man!” about a ransom for our sins. See  

He read Moses 1:39 and about having an eternal perspective, an eternal purpose.  He cited President Gordon B. Hinckley’s talk “God Will Make a Way.”  “Make a way where there appears no way.” See

He has no doubts about the Gospel but he has doubts about himself. He has neurological issues, OCD.   He has anxiety and negative thoughts.  They can persist for hours, days, even months.   He can feel that he is not worthy.  Focusing on Jesus Christ has helped me move past this.  We can feel lost or unworthy.  He read Lamentations 3:31-32.  “For the Lord will not cast off for ever: But though he cause grief, yet will he have compassion according to the multitude of his mercies.”  We are literal sons and daughters of God.  

Intermediate hymn #89 “The Lord Is My Light”

Concluding speaker was President Watson.  He said, “Well done, Garrett.”  God does indeed love us.   He loves the summer.  He likes hiking, fishing, and boating.  He is no longer a boater.  He shared a version of the “Parable of the Sunken Boat” which he had delivered at our stake conference on 18 September 2022.  The parable is attached. They lived in Wichita, Kansas.  They bought a boat with Inboard motor.  It had a little cabin in the front.  They borrowed a friend’s truck and rented a boat slip.  They had a great time.  They put the boat into the boat slip and went home.  They did not call the boat “Sabbath Breaker.”  They called it “Tight Like Unto A Dish.”  This had to do with the Jaredites in the Book of Ether.  The people asked the Lord to please not confound our language.  He led them to the great sea.  They were four years at the seaside.  He told them that the Spirit will not always strive with them.  He had them build barges.  They were small and light.  They were light and would hold water like unto a dish.  

Think about our lives.  As you are repenting, be faithful and tight like unto a dish.  The family was excited about boating.  As they got nearer to boat slip they wondered. “Where is it?”  Only the tip was above the water.  They called the Boat Doctor.  The bilge pump is like repentance.  He pumped out the water until the boat rode up in the water.  On the trailer water poured out.  Its rubber gaskets were cracked.  It had slowly sank until the pump battery ran out.  A month later it was decided that the boat shouldn’t be called tight like unto a dish.  We need to keep the cracks sealed.  Pray often.   Use the boat doctor.  Read your scriptures.  Read the manual.  Be active in your faith.  The Lord will bless you and your family.  I love my Savior.  I will do what He wants me to do.  Experience joy.  He is glad that the temple is nearby.  There is a plan of happiness.  Stay on the covenant path.  Love the Prophet.  I love all of you dearly.  

Closing hymn #96 “Dearest Children, God Is Near You”

Benediction by Sister Charmet Chester

There were 82 in attendance and nine online. 

June 16, 2024

Bishop Kevin Moss presided and Brother Chuck Young conducted the sacrament meeting.

Opening hymn #304 “Teach Me to Walk in the Light”

Invocation by Elder Beagley

Sacrament hymn #195 “How Great the Wisdom and the Love” written by Eliza R. Snow, 1804–1887. 

Brother Harrison Chester and Elder Phillipps blessed the sacrament and Brothers Ed Schmidt, Carlos Huselid, Brandon King, and Everett Lilya passed the sacrament.

First speaker was Sister Charmet Chester.  She is glad to be up here.  It’s been crazy and now she can calm down a little bit.  She had prepared for Mother’s Day (we had no church that day due to no power here).  She was home with a wonderful dad.   I’m more strict than him.  There are five of us today.  Craig will be shorted today but he has been speaking a lot.  She expressed her love for mothers.  They had family visiting. There were 10 in our house.  They were preparing for a trip.  She shared quotes about fathers.  It was late last night and she changed the direction of her talk. She cited Frank Pittman about challenges in this mortal life. She read Matthew 5:48.  “Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.”  The Greek for perfect means complete, finished, and fully developed.  God gives us no commandment that we cannot obey.  She cited the October 1995 talk “Perfection Pending” by Elder Russell M. Nelson (  “Teleios is not a total stranger to us. From it comes the prefix tele- that we use every day. Telephone literally means ‘distant talk.’ Television means ‘to see distantly.’  Telephoto means ‘distant light,’ and so on.”  “Please note that the word does not imply ‘freedom from error’; it implies ‘achieving a distant objective.’  Let us consider another highly significant statement made by the Lord. Just prior to his crucifixion, he said that on ‘the third day I shall be perfected.’  Think of that! The sinless, errorless Lord—already perfect by our mortal standards —proclaimed his own state of perfection yet to be in the future. His eternal perfection would follow his resurrection and receipt of ‘all power … in heaven and in earth.’

“That Jesus attained eternal perfection following his resurrection is confirmed in the Book of Mormon. It records the visit of the resurrected Lord to the people of ancient America. There he repeated the important injunction previously cited but with one very significant addition. He said, ‘I would that ye should be perfect even as I, or your Father who is in heaven is perfect.’  This time he listed himself along with his Father as a perfected personage. Previously he had not.

Resurrection is requisite for eternal perfection.”

This is the end for which we endure.  Imperfections appear.  Be forgiving.  His grace is sufficient for you.  Happy Father’s Day. 

Second speaker was Sister Hannah Chester.  She didn’t know what to talk about.  She spoke of her last semester in chemistry.  There was a broken burner.  They had to keep occupied.  They went to YouTube and watched some videos.   One was the history of the goldfish snack.  That name was due to his wife being a Pisces.  It honored her.  She told us of the 1843 invention of baking powder, of fettuccine alfredo.   There was an article about a surgeon whose wife’s hands were red.  He developed gloves due to his love for her.  Heavenly Father created this wonderful earth.  She cited the April 2016 conference talk “Fathers” by Elder D. Todd Christofferson about the majesty on high.  See

“Fathers in this fallen world can claim nothing comparable to the Majesty on High, but at their best, they are striving to emulate Him, and they indeed labor in His work. They are honored with a remarkable and sobering trust.”

Her dad is right up there.  When she was seven years old she knew that she could talk with Dad.  Her mom had a new car. There was to be no eating in it.  She got hot chocolate all over it.  She was never going to be allowed in her car again.  She said, “Dad, we need to talk!”  He helped clean it up.  There was trust.  She could talk about anything with him.  

Third speaker was Brother Jackson Steele. He is a fresh high school graduate.  He has been doing nothing up to midnight last night.  He will take a different approach.  Becoming a father is ore than a biological event.  It takes faith and dedication.   Adam was the first man and first father.  He faced incredible challenges.  He had to teach his children about God.  He was guiding and nurturing them. He spoke of Alma the Younger teaching his sons.  Follow the Lord.  President Gordon B. Hinckley spoke of the joy and responsibility of fatherhood.  The Savior was the perfect example. We should strive to emulate His example.  Elder Jeffrey R. Holland spoke of the grand tradition of motherhood and fatherhood.  With faith and diligence they are divine callings.  We can develop Christlike attributes.  He spoke of the importance and sanctity of fatherhood. 

Fourth speaker was Brother Harrison Chester.  He is old-fashioned.  His talk is written on a piece of paper.  He is speaking on the role of fathers in our lives.  The family is an essential part of the gospel.  He shared a quote from the family proclamation.  (  President Ezra Taft Benson said that one is never released from the calling of father.  See “To the Fathers in Israel” in October 1987 at  He said, ““Fathers, yours is an eternal calling from which you are never released.  Callings in the church, as important as they are, by their very nature are only for a period of time, and then an appropriate release takes place.”  It is eternal.  He cited the life of Lehi as he taught his children.  See 2 Nephi 1:25.  Fathers are anchors of stability.  They provide a safe environment. President Howard W. Hunter spoke on being a righteous husband and father.  He expressed gratitude to fathers today.  One day he hopes to be one.  He missed a doctor’s appointment to go fishing with his dad.  He worked in the yard.  He played table tennis and pickle ball with his dad. 

Special Music: Primary Children “The Dearest Name”

Concluding speaker was Brother Craig Chester.  He spoke on mothers in his life.  He cited Sister Julie Beck who was the fifteenth general president of the Relief Society from 2007 to 2012.  He spoke on talents and skills, on lessons he’s learned.  He told of a Primary teacher who was beloved.  Some would bring penny candy.  She brought whole candy bars.  She was a spiritual woman.  She pulled him close.  She had a strong testimony.  There was a Sister Morgan who seemed to be Primary president for about 80 years.  He was in Macon.  They made fun of her.  She had little tiny arms.  They called her T. rex.   That’s when Primary was on Tuesday. She picked him up for Primary.   She knew that it was important to serve others.  There was another sister.  He and her son Steve grew up together.  They were climbing a tree.  He said a bad word. She was standing in the doorway.  He saw the disappointment in her face.  Then there was his own mother.   Her entire life was dedicated to taking care of husband and kids.  She practiced selfless sacrifice.  He had just one father.  That was all he could take.because of his father’s nature.  He wears his ugly tie on Father’s Day.   He was a know-it-all teenager.  His dad was an old Southern Baptist convert.  They had a kind of Ugly relationship.   His judgment of him was sharp.  He believed in perfectionism.  

He cited Adam Miller.  His goal was not perfection.  There is good in someone.  Excuse their weaknesses.  We will have problems throughout life.  Obedience is not a function of how many rules you can keep.  He loved us and was sacrificing for us. He worked for the fire department.  He saved up his sick days.  His mother was from Utah    They lived in Georgia.  He would take her back to Utah.  Forgiveness is an act of love.  We should be excusing weaknesses.  He has affection and now loves wearing this tie.  It is not as ugly as it used to be.  There are things that they do and examples that they set.  Emulate Heavenly Father. 

Brother Young told us of the flowers in the foyer. 

Closing hymn #300 “Families Can Be Together Forever”

Benediction by Elder Phillipps 

There were 75 in attendance and nine online

June 9, 2024

Bishop Kevin Moss presided and Brother Chuck Young conducted the sacrament meeting.

Opening hymn #304 “Teach Me to Walk in the Light”

Invocation by Elder Beagley

Sacrament hymn #195 “How Great the Wisdom and the Love” written by Eliza R. Snow, 1804–1887. 

Brother Harrison Chester and Elder Phillipps blessed the sacrament and Brothers Ed Schmidt, Carlos Huselid, Brandon King, and Everett Lilya passed the sacrament.

First speaker was Sister Charmet Chester.  She is glad to be up here.  It’s been crazy and now she can calm down a little bit.  She had prepared for Mother’s Day (we had no church that day due to no power here).  She was home with a wonderful dad.   I’m more strict than him.  There are five of us today.  Craig will be shorted today but he has been speaking a lot.  She expressed her love for mothers.  They had family visiting. There were 10 in our house.  They were preparing for a trip.  She shared quotes about fathers.  It was late last night and she changed the direction of her talk. She cited Frank Pittman about challenges in this mortal life. She read Matthew 5:48.  “Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.”  The Greek for perfect means complete, finished, and fully developed.  God gives us no commandment that we cannot obey.  She cited the October 1995 talk “Perfection Pending” by Elder Russell M. Nelson (  “Teleios is not a total stranger to us. From it comes the prefix tele- that we use every day. Telephone literally means ‘distant talk.’ Television means ‘to see distantly.’  Telephoto means ‘distant light,’ and so on.”  “Please note that the word does not imply ‘freedom from error’; it implies ‘achieving a distant objective.’  Let us consider another highly significant statement made by the Lord. Just prior to his crucifixion, he said that on ‘the third day I shall be perfected.’  Think of that! The sinless, errorless Lord—already perfect by our mortal standards —proclaimed his own state of perfection yet to be in the future. His eternal perfection would follow his resurrection and receipt of ‘all power … in heaven and in earth.’

“That Jesus attained eternal perfection following his resurrection is confirmed in the Book of Mormon. It records the visit of the resurrected Lord to the people of ancient America. There he repeated the important injunction previously cited but with one very significant addition. He said, ‘I would that ye should be perfect even as I, or your Father who is in heaven is perfect.’  This time he listed himself along with his Father as a perfected personage. Previously he had not.

Resurrection is requisite for eternal perfection.”

This is the end for which we endure.  Imperfections appear.  Be forgiving.  His grace is sufficient for you.  Happy Father’s Day. 

Second speaker was Sister Hannah Chester.  She didn’t know what to talk about.  She spoke of her last semester in chemistry.  There was a broken burner.  They had to keep occupied.  They went to YouTube and watched some videos.   One was the history of the goldfish snack.  That name was due to his wife being a Pisces.  It honored her.  She told us of the 1843 invention of baking powder, of fettuccine alfredo.   There was an article about a surgeon whose wife’s hands were red.  He developed gloves due to his love for her.  Heavenly Father created this wonderful earth.  She cited the April 2016 conference talk “Fathers” by Elder D. Todd Christofferson about the majesty on high.  See

“Fathers in this fallen world can claim nothing comparable to the Majesty on High, but at their best, they are striving to emulate Him, and they indeed labor in His work. They are honored with a remarkable and sobering trust.”

Her dad is right up there.  When she was seven years old she knew that she could talk with Dad.  Her mom had a new car. There was to be no eating in it.  She got hot chocolate all over it.  She was never going to be allowed in her car again.  She said, “Dad, we need to talk!”  He helped clean it up.  There was trust.  She could talk about anything with him.  

Third speaker was Brother Jackson Steele. He is a fresh high school graduate.  He has been doing nothing up to midnight last night.  He will take a different approach.  Becoming a father is ore than a biological event.  It takes faith and dedication.   Adam was the first man and first father.  He faced incredible challenges.  He had to teach his children about God.  He was guiding and nurturing them. He spoke of Alma the Younger teaching his sons.  Follow the Lord.  President Gordon B. Hinckley spoke of the joy and responsibility of fatherhood.  The Savior was the perfect example. We should strive to emulate His example.  Elder Jeffrey R. Holland spoke of the grand tradition of motherhood and fatherhood.  With faith and diligence they are divine callings.  We can develop Christlike attributes.  He spoke of the importance and sanctity of fatherhood. 

Fourth speaker was Brother Harrison Chester.  He is old-fashioned.  His talk is written on a piece of paper.  He is speaking on the role of fathers in our lives.  The family is an essential part of the gospel.  He shared a quote from the family proclamation.  (  President Ezra Taft Benson said that one is never released from the calling of father.  See “To the Fathers in Israel” in October 1987 at  He said, ““Fathers, yours is an eternal calling from which you are never released.  Callings in the church, as important as they are, by their very nature are only for a period of time, and then an appropriate release takes place.”  It is eternal.  He cited the life of Lehi as he taught his children.  See 2 Nephi 1:25.  Fathers are anchors of stability.  They provide a safe environment. President Howard W. Hunter spoke on being a righteous husband and father.  He expressed gratitude to fathers today.  One day he hopes to be one.  He missed a doctor’s appointment to go fishing with his dad.  He worked in the yard.  He played table tennis and pickle ball with his dad. 

Special Music: Primary Children “The Dearest Name”

Concluding speaker was Brother Craig Chester.  He spoke on mothers in his life.  He cited Sister Julie Beck who was the fifteenth general president of the Relief Society from 2007 to 2012.  He spoke on talents and skills, on lessons he’s learned.  He told of a Primary teacher who was beloved.  Some would bring penny candy.  She brought whole candy bars.  She was a spiritual woman.  She pulled him close.  She had a strong testimony.  There was a Sister Morgan who seemed to be Primary president for about 80 years.  He was in Macon.  They made fun of her.  She had little tiny arms.  They called her T. rex.   That’s when Primary was on Tuesday. She picked him up for Primary.   She knew that it was important to serve others.  There was another sister.  He and her son Steve grew up together.  They were climbing a tree.  He said a bad word. She was standing in the doorway.  He saw the disappointment in her face.  Then there was his own mother.   Her entire life was dedicated to taking care of husband and kids.  She practiced selfless sacrifice.  He had just one father.  That was all he could take.because of his father’s nature.  He wears his ugly tie on Father’s Day.   He was a know-it-all teenager.  His dad was an old Southern Baptist convert.  They had a kind of Ugly relationship.   His judgment of him was sharp.  He believed in perfectionism.  

He cited Adam Miller.  His goal was not perfection.  There is good in someone.  Excuse their weaknesses.  We will have problems throughout life.  Obedience is not a function of how many rules you can keep.  He loved us and was sacrificing for us. He worked for the fire department.  He saved up his sick days.  His mother was from Utah    They lived in Georgia.  He would take her back to Utah.  Forgiveness is an act of love.  We should be excusing weaknesses.  He has affection and now loves wearing this tie.  It is not as ugly as it used to be.  There are things that they do and examples that they set.  Emulate Heavenly Father. 

Brother Young told us of the flowers in the foyer. 

Closing hymn #300 “Families Can Be Together Forever”

Benediction by Elder Phillipps 

There were 75 in attendance and nine online

June 2, 2024

Bishop Kevin Moss presided and Brother Chuck Young conducted the sacrament meeting.

Opening hymn #220 “Lord, I Would Follow Thee”

Invocation by Sister Lauri Barger

Brother Young recognized Brother William Huss who conducted the stake business. 

Sacrament hymn #193 “I Stand All Amazed”

Brother Brandon King and Elder Phillipps blessed the sacrament and Brothers Ron Fisher, Hudson and Max Conover, and Rich Marcom passed the sacrament.

Brother Young bore his testimony.  He spoke of his job as a truck driver.  He sees many signs outside some churches.  One of them said, “Are you prepared for your final inspection?”  He testified that we are led by a living prophet President Russell M. Nelson. 

Brother Carlos Huselid testified that Joseph Smith was a living prophet.  The gospel is always in his heart and mind.  He received the message “show up a little more.” 

Young Sister Samantha White testified that Jesus lives. 

Brother David Wittekind went to his old mission.  He served first in the Peru Lima East Mission.  Due to problems with terrorists in Peru, he was transferred to the Texas Corpus Christi Mission.  He took Audrey with him.  The Church is true in many aspects, the Book of Mormon as well as the Bible.  There were two wards in Laredo, English and Spanish.  Now there are six with their own stake.  They were among humble Saints.  The growth was amazing!  There is a temple in McAllen.  He had helped in a very small way.  The Church grows and grows and grows. It is phenomenal.  He has been granted a testimony. 

Sister Sophia Wittekind shared her testimony of temples.  There is a strong spirit there.  Go if you have a recommend and if not get one.  It is beautiful there. 

Brother Rich Marcom said that his emotions are tender this morning. He has heartfelt feelings.  Their oldest son has severe health issues.  He needs serious surgery.  There are tender mercies that the Lord has shown.  He spoke of priesthood blessings and the strength given.  He is thankful for the temple and the names that lay on the altar.  He is thankful so much.

Brother Henry Reynolds introduced himself.  I believe that he said his wife’s name is Emily.  They were married April 1st.  There was a tragedy yesterday.  One of their dogs got hit.  His uncle is in the hospital.  It is hard being in a new area.  He knows the Church is true and he has a testimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith.  He hopes to baptize his wife in the near future. 

Sister Teri Grace is grateful for the priesthood.  Her son had brain surgery and her husband had open heart surgery.  They had priesthood blessings.  She had one for her, too.  She testified of the power of the priesthood.  She knows this Church is true.  She testified of the Book of Mormon and the Prophet Joseph Smith.  She has never wavered since joining the Church.  She is grateful to be a member. 

Brother Ezra Shaner said that his new daughter arrived 15 days ago.  He gave a priesthood blessing.  Heavenly Father blessed her.  His wife was in labor 60 hours.  She wanted to have the baby at home but they had to go to the hospital.  The doctors and nurses were amazed how strong and alert she and the baby were.  Lord was there for them.  An ultrasound indicated that she was five weeks early!  He is so grateful for the priesthood and the opportunity to be there for her.  Heavenly Father’s hand was in our lives. 

Sister Lauri Barger said how grateful she is for this Church.  They were married long ago in the Washington DC Temple.  It was #16.  There were tours while it was being built.  There are some 200 temples now.  The Gospel is true and growing.  When they served the first time in Kenya there was one stake which took in four countries.  When they returned this time there are three  stakes in Uganda and Tanzania.  She knows the Savior lives and that President Russell M. Nelson is a prophet.  The Ellijay Ward is wonderful. 

Sister Angie Conover said that the Savior has been there for her.  She loves the Savior and is grateful for eternal families. 

Sister Debbie Gerbers loves Jesus.  We are lucky to have Him in our lives.  So many do not know Him.  She is thankful for the missionaries.  Her dad was a member but her mom was not.  She loves to see baby animals such as the cows and goats as she drives. She loves President Nelson. 

Sister Natosha Cummings said that last Sunday her daughter Angel was baptized. Her husband is inactive.  He was there for the baptism. He doesn’t like being judged at church.  Should Angel be baptized?  He was in the hallway until it was time.  She is thankful for all of you who talked to him.  He could see that he was not being judged. 

Sister Karin Alexander loves the Holy Ghost.   At last Sunday’s baptism she was not needed at the piano, so she was able to talk with Angel’s dad.  You should share a smile of love for the person next to you like Jesus would.  He has covered for the awful things that we’ve done.  He doesn’t mind that she has weight issues or care what color she is. He loves me.  

Sister Cassie Kelly said that she didn’t want to get up here.  She told of the conversation they had last night with the family.  She was raised to know Jesus unlike Bo.  She joined the Church when she was 22.  She is more faith filled now about scriptures, prophets, etc.  God is huge and awesome.  The Restoration has enlarged her faith.  

Young Sister Angel Cummings said that she loves this Church so much.  She has felt the Holy Ghost. 

Young Sister Saylem Kelly said that she will be seven in July.  She looks forward to being baptized.  When they are at a pool or lake her dad helps her prepare.  

Closing hymn #20 “God of Power, God of Right”

Benediction by Brother Zach White 

There were 76 in attendance and 10 online. 

May 26, 2024

President Dave Schwieger of the stake presidency presided and Brother John Barger conducted the sacrament meeting. 

Young Angel Cummings’ baptism was going to be after church. 

Opening hymn #45 “Lead Me into Life Eternal” written by Elder John A. Widtsoe, 1872–1952. 

Invocation by Sister Daniela Reeves

Sacrament hymn #187 “God Loved Us, So He Sent His Son”

Brothers Brandon King and Mike Hansen blessed the sacrament and Brothers Austin Mohl, Hudson and Max Conover, and Elder Jordan passed the sacrament.

Elder Hansen is finishing his mission. Bishop Moss asked him to share a few thoughts.  God loves us.  He has for me. He cited the October 2009 general conference talk “The Love of God” by then-President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Second Counselor in the First Presidency (  Nothing can separate us from the love of God.  His favorite scripture is Romans 8:38-39. God loves each and every one of us.  He closed by bearing his testimony.  

First speaker was Sister Eileen Bailey.   In an address at BYU in 2000 which was later published in the August Ensign 2001, Elder Neuenschwander states that “we are aware that the mission of the Church is ‘to help bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man (and woman) by inviting all people to come unto Christ and be perfected in Him. There are many scriptures, both ancient and modern, that attest to the fundamental doctrine that Jesus Christ and His atoning sacrifice stand at the very center of the plan of salvation.”

In John 14:6 we read, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

And King Benjamin in Mosiah 3:17 tells us “There shall be no other name given nor any other way nor means whereby salvation can come unto the children of men, only in and through the name of Christ, the Lord Omnipotent.”

For members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the doctrine of salvation only in and through the name of Jesus Christ and the Church’s mission to invite all to come to Him- pertain to all who have lived, or will ever live, on this earth.

When Brother Neuenschwander wrote this talk the the Church had a three-fold mission statement. The fourth part- to care for the poor and needy was added in 2009 which made a four-fold mission of the Church.

In his talk Elder Neuenschwander addresses the first three parts.  The doctrine to invite ALL to come unto Christ is inclusive by its very nature and exempts no one. How does the Church accomplish this mission to invite ALL to come unto Christ? We might quickly answer, “by proclaiming the gospel, perfecting the Saints, and redeeming the dead.”

Brother Neuenschwander states that a more correct response might be:

!. “Proclaiming the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people and preparing them to receive the ORDINANCES AND COVENANTS OF THE GOSPEL.

2. Perfecting the Saints by preparing them to receive the ORDINANCES AND COVENANTS OF THE GOSPEL and by instruction and discipline to gain exaltation, in other words, living the gospel of Jesus Christ.

3. Redeeming the dead by performing vicarious ordinances of the gospel for those who have lived on the earth-uniting families for eternity.

Participating in sacred ordinances, both live and vicarious, and fidelity or obedience to the covenants associated with those ordinances are fundamental to the gospel of Jesus Christ and to the process of coming to Him and being perfected in Him.

Ordinances and covenants go together. It is by ordinances we enter into covenants and it is by covenants we receive the ordinances.

Our important steps toward God are introduced by sacred ordinances and are governed by the conditions of the covenants associated with those ordinances.

What is an ordinance?  In Oct 16, 2018, President Nelson tells us that ordinances are sacred and formal acts “performed by the authority of the priesthood.” The ordinances essential to our receiving exaltation are baptism, confirmation, receiving the Melchizedek Priesthood (for men), the temple endowment, and entering into the new and everlasting covenant of marriage in the holy temple.

What is a covenant? Gospel Topics tell us-A covenant is where God sets specific conditions, and He promises to bless us as we obey those conditions. It is a sacred agreement between God and a person or

 group of people. 

When we choose not to keep covenants, we cannot receive the blessings, and in some instances we suffer a penalty as a consequence of our disobedience. 

Eternal covenants are extended or offered to us only by God. He is the originator of all such covenants, as He is the only one who has authority and power to guarantee their validity beyond the grave.

In his final testimony Nephi taught that the gate to the covenant path is baptism: “For the gate by which ye should enter is repentance and baptism by water; and then cometh a remission of your sins by fire and 

the Holy Ghost.  And then are ye in this strait and narrow path which leads to eternal life. (2 Nephi 31:17-18). 

President Russell M. Nelson has invited us to stay on the covenant path. The ordinances associated with the covenant path are the visible part of that path; baptism, receiving the Holy Ghost, ordination to the priesthood, the endowment in the temple, and the renewing of those covenants by partaking of the sacrament.

When we stay on the covenant path we are blessed, ”Entering into a covenant relationship with God which binds us to Him in a way that makes everything about life easier.

 In his first public address to the Church in 2018 as Church President, President Nelson said, “Your commitment to follow the Savior by making covenants with Him and then keeping those covenants will open the door to every spiritual privilege and blessing available to women, men, and children everywhere,”

It is my prayer that we will remember the covenants we have made, understand them, and be obedient to the covenants we have entered into. In the sacred name of Jesus Christ.  Amen. 

Second speaker was Brother Ben Bailey. We have followed the guidance of our Church leaders to share our testimony on Social Media, in this case, on Facebook. I’ve modified it a bit to share it with you today. 

I and my wife Eileen retired in 2008 from near Annapolis, Maryland, and settled in the beautiful North Georgia Mountains.  As we told others on our first Church mission in 2010, we live in the Chattahoochee National Forest along a gravel road with a well, a septic tank, and a propane tank.  We are definitely out in the boonies!  When our kids visited here, they said that you really are in the boonies!!

We spent five wonderful years in Bavaria while I was in the U. S. Army and joined the Church in December 1972 in Munich, Germany.  On a Sunday in the fall of 1972 after attending the Protestant service in the morning, we drove to Munich and knocked on the mission office door, asking the stunned elders if they could drive south to Bad Toelz to teach us the missionary lessons.

The missionary who baptized me shared with us in recent years that one of the mission office staff back then was Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.  He said that after we had left the mission office that fall he and his companion returned downstairs to the office and said, "Elders, you're not going to believe this!"  We have a German Christmas card with a message from our two elders and with the signatures of the office elders including Elder Bednar with a smiley face after his last name. 

I read the P. S. on the back of the card. “Thanks for the ham, roast beef, strudel, cookies, brownies, candy, and everything else you’ve given us!”

We were baptized on 9 December 1972 and sealed as a family of five in the Mesa Arizona Temple on 19 January 1974.  We got our temple recommends from our district president just before we were members for a year as we were soon returning to the U. S. and he knew that we weren’t going to quickly run down to the Swiss Temple.  Since then we added three more to our family.  

Our topic today is “What it means to be on the covenant path”. 

I recently read “An emeritus Church leader and his wife recount their Mexico- to-Mesa temple trips” in the Church News.  Like others across Mexico, they first started making long, costly trips to the Mesa Arizona Temple when it began offering Spanish-language ordinances and instruction in 1945. It was the closest house of the Lord to Mexico until the dedication of the Mexico City Mexico Temple in 1983.

“It was a great sacrifice for many to go to the temple in Mesa, especially for large families,” explained Elder Benjamin De Hoyos, who was 17 years old when he first went to Mesa with his parents and family to be sealed together as a family. On the same temple excursion, he received his patriarchal blessing in Arizona, as there was no patriarch in his hometown of Monterrey. 

I commented to Brother Wittekind in the congregation about my pronunciation of the Spanish names and he indicated that I was doing fine. 

He said, “The trip was typical of a locally organized temple excursion — 48 hours each way, sleeping both nights and eating meals on the bus, which wasn’t equipped with a restroom.”

Caravans of two or three buses often carried “many large families going to the temple for the first time, making great sacrifices to go,” Sister De Hoyos added. The De Hoyos family used his work vacations to make the long, hot trips — more than 1,500 miles one way across northern Mexico and southern Arizona. Their last from Puebla came less than two months before the December 1983 dedication of the Mexico City temple, which they also attended.

“We have been very blessed by temples — first in our families, then together, and then with our children and extended family,” Elder De Hoyos said. “But Mesa continues being for us ‘the temple.’” 

I also would like to share another article entitled “A look at Mexico’s long, rich heritage of temple faithfulness.”

“Elder Adrian Ochoa, a General Authority Seventy and first counselor in the Mexico Area presidency, said the faith and devotion of the country’s Latter-day Saints reflect a deep love for their families and ancestors as well as a commitment to temple work. ‘The Mexican culture’s emphasis on family values and unity makes the temple experience particularly meaningful, as it provides a sacred space for them to connect with their heritage and perform sacred ordinances on behalf of their ancestors.’ 

“He added that Mexico’s temples serve as a testament to the growth and strength of the Church in the country as well as the profound spiritual experiences that members have while participating in temple work. ‘The Mexican Latter-day Saints’ commitment to researching their family history and submitting names to the temple demonstrates their understanding of the eternal nature of families and their desire to extend the blessings of the gospel to their ancestors.’

“The collective effort to build and attend temples in Mexico not only strengthens the bonds within families but also contributes to the spiritual growth and unity of the entire community, Elder Ochoa said. ‘As more temples are built and the Saints continue to prepare and attend these sacred houses of the Lord, the impact of their faith and devotion will undoubtedly be felt for generations to come.’

I gratefully testify that I know the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ is true!  My wife and I served a wonderful mission for 18 months at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City in 2010 - 2011, and then again for 12 months in 2016-2017.  We served on the British floor of the Library both times, hence the Union Jack pins that we wear.  Between our two missions and following our second mission we continued to serve on the FamilySearch Research Wiki as Church Service missionaries from home, or wherever we are with our laptops and the Internet, which has been delightful!  We are now considered long-term volunteers and have finally relinquished our missionary badges.  

We fervently support the Church’s call for more senior missionaries.  Dear friends from our two missions will be serving soon in the Germany Hamburg Mission preserving family history records.  They have already done so in the Philadelphia Pennsylvania Mission.  

We echo the comments of President Russell M. Nelson about the importance of gathering Israel on both sides of the veil and those of other Church leaders about "The Joy of Redeeming the Dead."  

That was the title of the general conference talk by Elder Richard G. Scott of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles in October 2012.  I share with you much of what Elder Scott had to say.  

“In an epistle written over 150 years ago, Joseph Smith stated: ‘The Saints have the privilege of being baptized for … their relatives who are dead … who have received the Gospel in the spirit, through … those who have been commissioned to preach to them.’  Later he added, ‘Those Saints who neglect it in behalf of their deceased relatives, do it at the peril of their own salvation.’

“Every prophet since Joseph Smith has emphasized the imperative need to provide all ordinances for ourselves and our deceased ancestors.” 

President Howard W. Hunter taught:

“We must accomplish the priesthood temple ordinance work necessary for our own exaltation; then we must do the necessary work for those who did not have the opportunity to accept the gospel in life. Doing work for others is accomplished in two steps: first, by family history research to ascertain our progenitors; and second, by performing the temple ordinances to give them the same opportunities afforded to the living.

“I have learned that those who engage in family history research and then perform the temple ordinance work for those whose names they have found will know the additional joy of receiving both halves of the blessing.”  

Elder Scott continued, “Father in Heaven wants each of us to receive both parts of the blessing of this vital vicarious work. He has led others to show us how to qualify. It is up to you and me to claim those blessings.

“Any work you do in the temple is time well spent, but receiving ordinances vicariously for one of your own ancestors will make the time in the temple more sacred, and even greater blessings will be received. The First Presidency has declared, ‘Our preeminent obligation is to seek out and identify our own ancestors.’

“Do you want a sure way to eliminate the influence of the adversary in your life? Immerse yourself in searching for your ancestors, prepare their names for the sacred vicarious ordinances available in the temple, and then go to the temple to stand as proxy for them to receive the ordinances of baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost.

“I have tasted enough of the fruits of this sublime work to know that the keys Elijah restored to Joseph Smith permit our hearts to be bound and each of us linked to those of our ancestors who are waiting for our help. Through our efforts in holy temples here on earth using the authority delegated by the Savior, our progenitors receive the saving ordinances that allow them to enjoy eternal happiness.

“Have you prayed about your own ancestors’ work? Set aside those things in your life that don’t really matter. Decide to do something that will have eternal consequences. Perhaps you have been prompted to look for ancestors but feel you are not a genealogist. Can you see that you don’t have to be anymore? It all begins with love and a sincere desire to help those beyond the veil who can’t help themselves.”  

Sister Bailey and I can help you.  

Elder Scott continued, “This work is a spiritual work, a monumental effort of cooperation on both sides of the veil, where help is given in both directions. Anywhere you are in the world, with prayer, faith, determination, diligence, and some sacrifice, you can make a powerful contribution. Begin now. I promise you that the Lord will help you find a way. And it will make you feel wonderful.”

I share with you what President Nelson had to say in his October 2022 conference talk “Overcome the World and Find Rest.”  The link is

“Each person who makes covenants in baptismal fonts and in temples—and keeps them —has increased access to the power of Jesus Christ. Please ponder that stunning truth!

“The reward for keeping covenants with God is heavenly power—power that strengthens us to withstand our trials, temptations, and heartaches better. This power eases our way. Those who live the higher laws of Jesus Christ have access to His higher power. Thus, covenant keepers are entitled to a special kind of rest that comes to them through their covenantal relationship with God.

“We cultivate faith in Jesus Christ by repenting daily and keeping covenants that endow us with power. We stay on the covenant path and are blessed with spiritual strength, personal revelation, increasing faith, and the ministering of angels. Living the doctrine of Christ can produce the most powerful virtuous cycle, creating spiritual momentum in our lives.

“Entering into a covenant relationship with God binds us to Him in a way that makes everything about life easier. Please do not misunderstand me: I did not say that making covenants makes life easy. In fact, expect opposition, because the adversary does not want you to discover the power of Jesus Christ. But yoking yourself with the Savior means you have access to His strength and redeeming power.

“My plea to you this morning is to find rest from the intensity, uncertainty, and anguish of this world by overcoming the world through your covenants with God.” 

In the Worldwide Youth Devotional in 2018 President Nelson said, “What exactly is the gathering? Anytime you do anything that helps anyone—on either side of the veil—take a step toward making covenants with God and receiving their essential baptismal and temple ordinances, you are helping to gather Israel. It is as simple as that.” Close quote. 

Family history work is exciting detective work and eternally rewarding!  As your ward temple and family history consultants we look forward to getting together with many of you to help you gather Israel. 

I know that my Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ live and direct the affairs of this Church through living prophets and apostles, especially President Nelson.   I know in my heart that the Book of Mormon is the Word of God and encourage everyone to continue reading it this year and every year.  

In the sacred name of my Savior and Redeemer Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Intermediate hymn #84 “Faith of Our Fathers” 

Concluding speaker was Brother James Alexander.  Tomorrow Monday May 27, is set apart as Memorial Day. Originally, the national Decoration Day - declared as a “Memorial Day Order” set for May 30, 1868. In 1868, there were at least 25 official local Decoration Days. These Decoration Days were to be a day to remember those who had died as a result of Civil War actions. Later other war veterans were added so we may remember those wounded and died for our country in all wars and conflicts. The national Memorial Day (of Decoration) was begun; and in my lifetime the celebration was changed from May 30th to the last Monday of May in the US by Congress.

Maj. Gen. John A. Logan declared this Memorial Decoration Day should be May 30, as a time for the nation to decorate the graves of the war dead with spring flowers. The first national observance was held May 30, 1868 at Arlington National Cemetery, across the Potomac River from Washington, D.C. After speeches, children and others made their way through the cemetery, strewing flowers on both Union and Confederate graves, reciting prayers and singing hymns.

Gen. Logan ordered his veteran groups nationwide to decorate graves “with the choicest flowers of springtime”  “We should guard their graves with sacred vigilance. …Let pleasant paths invite the coming and going of reverent visitors and fond mourners. Let no neglect, no ravages of time, testify to the present or to the coming generations that we have forgotten as a people the cost of a free and undivided republic.” 

Decoration Days are celebrated in many locations either by: tradition, family, or cemetery decisions. On Memorial Day and Decoration days we try to decorate graves of veterans, family members and close friends.  Often on those days, we will remember all those who have loved and been loved.

The Gospel of Christ has always asked us not to forget those who made God’s work come to be.  Remember: Prophets, missionaries, teachers, great examples, our fore-parents, heroes, warriors, veterans, and those who shared their lives and sacrifices to help us be close to God.

My most favorite scripture found in all books of scriptures is simple and defines Jesus Christ’s mission:

2 Nephi 19:21 - For all this his anger is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still.

No matter what we have done to cause God to be upset or angry with us, God still wants us to change for good! The plan is - we can repent and change, becoming the children of God.

I remind you of the Prodigal son; or God’s constant repeated plea for us to repent and turn toward Him; or that Christ gave his life so that we can be forgiven if we choose Eternal Life.

Is this plea - just for now only? 

No, this is for all the billions of God’s children who ever have or will live on this earth!!!

3 Nephi 30:2 - Turn, all ye from your wicked ways; and repent of your evil doings … and come unto me, and be baptized in my name, that ye may receive a remission of your sins, and be filled with the Holy Ghost, that ye may be numbered with my people who are of the house of Israel.

Does God care? Does God love? YES - the Gospel of Christ is for everyone and all time. That is how much God cares and loves everyone in any time. Because all on the earth do not have the opportunity to accept the gospel during mortality, the Lord has authorized ordinances performed by proxy for the dead in our Temple.

The opportunity for those who have died without receiving the saving ordinances of the gospel to have these ordinances performed for them in temples by worthy living members of the Church. The dead are taught the gospel in the spirit world and may if they choose accept the physical ordinances performed for them in mortal Temples.

Faithful members of the Church research and prepare family histories to determine the names and unique dates of ancestors so that the saving ordinances may be performed for them and to honor and remember those who went before.  Even a memorial or decoration day for God’s Children!

There may be some that say this is new doctrine, but the Bible has many references to this work. The dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God. 

John 5:25 “Verily, verily, I say unto you, The hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God: and they that hear shall live.”

1 Cor. 15:29 “Else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all? why are they then baptized for the dead?”

Christ preached unto the spirits in prison, 1 Pet. 3:18-20 18 For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, … , that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit:

19 By which also he went and preached  unto the spirits in prison;

20 Which sometime were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water.

For this cause was the gospel preached also to them that are dead. 1 Pet. 4:6. 

All those who have died who would have accepted the gospel will be heirs to the celestial kingdom. D&C 137:7-10

The Son of God appeared declaring liberty to the captives who had been faithful. D&C 138:18.

In Malachi Chapter 4:5-6:

5 Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord:

6 And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.

President Russell M. Nelson said, “The temple is the gateway to the greatest blessings God has in store for each of us.”

The Temple requires self-worthiness for us to attend; and a desire to help those who have gone before in the Temple or searching for them.  Temples are the way for the living to receive covenants for ourselves and also serve those departed from mortality.

Family History Work - done to submit names to have Temple work performed by those who can.  Those who can attend the Temple, serve as proxies to do covenant work for the dead which includes- all the physical ordinances the dead can not/or could not do for themselves which include:

Baptism and Confirmation 

Ordaining of brethren to receive the Holy Priest after the Order of Jesus Christ

Initiatory ordinances of Washing and Anointing, 

Sealing of Couples in Marriage for the eternities,  if the couple are faithful

Sealing of Children to their Parents

As with all God’s Children: receiving the ordinances required and blessings promised is based upon our choices and doing what God asks of us to do, according to what we are able to do.

Sealings and Blessings are not forced upon anyone. Jesus Christ the Great Judge of All will make sure His Judgments and Blessings will be a perfect Justice for every child of God. 

Family History Research

A. Identify who your family members are - looking at just parents, grand-parents, and great grand-parents yields 14 children of God that you can help, not counting all of your aunts and uncles. Find those who can help find the missing or who need your help to serve all families.

B. Create personal histories - Help or make notes, diaries, histories for yourself and family members. Prepare histories now before there is no one left who remembers you or your family.

C. Helping others in Church service through the Church’s Family Search programs:

Indexing  - In 1980s and 1990s I worked providing temple work resources for prisoners confined in the Utah State Prison. In one year their Temple Indexing Work yielded a million names to have work done. As several of the prisoners said that was theirTemple attendance and Work, a sacred time for them in prison. 

Name Extraction - Similar to Indexing, extraction is done by reviewing records to get details about deceased people that allows us compile family records so their work can be done in the Temples.

D. We can be involved through Other Services or means such as:

Becoming a Family History Consultant Working with Local and State Genealogy organizations

Joining Surname or Descendant organizations 

Support local cemetery organizations

Join the volunteers working with organizations such as: Find-A-Grave; DAR; SAR; Ethnic groups, national histories; and many more

Extracting wills, land grants, diaries, even family myths.

E. Use personal family genealogy programs to record on computers and publish your family histories and genealogies. Then share with family who want to know more about the marvelous or even crazy people we are part of.

Preparing for the House of the Lord

Whether it’s your first time attending or your next scheduled visit, preparing to enter the house of the Lord can help make your experience more personal and meaningful.

President Russell M. Nelson recently shared: "Time in the temple will help you to think celestial and to catch a vision of who you really are, who you can become, and the kind of life you can have forever. Regular temple worship will enhance the way you see yourself and how you fit into God’s magnificent plan. I promise you that."

Using Maj Gen Logan,  I paraphrase him -  We should guard their Eternal Lives with sacred vigilance. …Let pleasant paths invite the coming and going of reverent visitors to God’s Temples! ... Let no neglect, no ravage of time, testify to the present or to the coming generations, that we have forgotten the importance of providing the Blessings that only Temples can provide. The Blessings which we ourselves should be wanting, and for the Dead who have been waiting to receive these Blessings for so long.


Here are a few Resources to help you prepare:

**Prepare spiritually by following Jesus Christ’s teachings and keeping the covenants you have  made or will make with God.

Study Church resources, such as scriptures and general conference talks. You can start with these talks from 2024 April’s general conference:


All Will Be Well Because of Temple Covenants  - President Henry B. Eyring - Saturday Morning 

Temples, Houses of the Lord Dotting the Earth  - Elder Neil L. Andersen - Sunday Afternoon

Rejoice in the Gift of Priesthood Keys  - President Russell M. Nelson - Sunday Afternoon 


**Use the Ordinances Ready feature on FamilySearch to find the names of ancestors ready to take or send. 

Closing hymn #61 “Raise Your Voices to the Lord”

Benediction by Brother Wayne Reeves

There were 100 in attendance and 12 online. 

May 19, 2024

Bishop Kevin Moss presided and Brother John Barger conducted the sacrament meeting. 

Opening hymn #237 “Do What Is Right”

Invocation by Brother Bo Kelly 

The Overcashes were welcomed as new members of the ward.  

Brother Rich and Sister Marsha Marcom were sustained as temple preparation instructors.  

Sacrament hymn #185 “Reverently and Meekly Now”

Brother Harrison Chester and Elder Hansen blessed the sacrament and Brothers Rod Clark and Jerry Fender and Elders Beagley and Jordan passed the sacrament.

First speaker was Sister Debbie Gerbers.  Her topic was “Love like the Savior.”   She thought, “I can’t.”   So she’ll just get up and then sit down.  She can’t do that.  She would read conference talks.  She used the April 2024 talk by Elder Gary E. Stevenson of the Quorum Apostles entitled “Bridging the Two Great Commandments” (see Personal revelation is wonderful.  Ideas were popping into her head.  Elder Stevenson spoke of the Pharisee who was a lawyer.  He asked the Savior a question.  “Master, which is the great commandment in the law?”

Elder Stevenson related this to the Golden Gate Bridge.  He said, “Today I invite you to look at this stately bridge—with its ascending twin towers built on a strong foundation—through a gospel lens.”

“Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

“This is the first and great commandment.” Hearkening to our bridge analogy, the first tower!

“And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.” This is the second tower!

“On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.”  The remaining elements of the bridge!

Can you love someone you don’t know?   Elder Stevenson said, “For me, the application of the first great commandment can sometimes feel abstract, even daunting. Gratefully, as I consider further words of Jesus, this commandment becomes much more graspable: ‘If ye love me, keep my commandments.’  This I can do. I can love Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, which then leads to prayer, scripture study, and temple worship. We love the Father and the Son through the payment of tithes, keeping the Sabbath day holy, living a virtuous and chaste life, and being obedient.”

We love them around and around.  When we love children, we tell them that we love them more than ice cream, more than pizza.   When they are older, we say we love them to infinity plus.  

Who’s your neighbor?  All fellow members of the human family.  We are all children of Heavenly Father.  Sometimes people do irk me.  We desire for perfect love.  One of the attributes of the Savior is forgiveness.   When someone hurts us our forgiveness is not immediate.  It may take a month, even years.  “I, the Lord, will forgive whom I will forgive, but of you it is required to forgive all men.” (Doctrine and Covenants 64:10). 

Sister Gerbers spoke of her dad and his brother.  They had been unforgiving of each other for years.  Her dad entered the barber shop and there was his brother.  Healing took place.  The priesthood authority is here on the earth.  She shared a story in Elder Stevenson’s talk about Brother Evans. He “was surprised when he was prompted to stop his car and knock on an unknown door of an unknown family. When a widowed mother of over 10 answered the door, their difficult circumstances and great needs became readily apparent to him. The first was simple, paint for their home, which was followed by many years of temporal and spiritual ministering to this family.

“This thankful mother later wrote of her heaven-sent friend: ‘You have spent your life reaching out to the least of us. How I would love to hear the things the Lord has to say to you as He expresses His appreciation for the good you have done financially and spiritually for the people that only you and He will ever know about. Thank you for blessing us in so many ways, … for the missionaries you provided for. … I often wonder if the Lord picked on you exclusively or if you were just the one who listened.’”

We can pray for guidance.  We can be forgiving.  We can minister.  Love them but not necessarily follow them.  She spoke of the Good Samaritan.   There are countries at war.  She dislikes the phrase “endure to the end.”  She prefers saying, “Go forth and progress to the end.”  President Russell M. Nelson spoke about giving help to others.  He said, “It is the key to becoming a true disciple of Jesus Christ” in his talk “The Second Great Commandment” at

Intermediate hymn #243 “Let Us All Press On”

Concluding speaker was Brother Aaron Driscoll of the stake high council.  He was glad to visit our branch, whoops, our ward. He brings the love of the stake presidency.  He received a text message from them pertaining to the youth.  That is one of his callings (he is stake Young Men President).  They are thinking about us.  The members of the high council have three topics to choose from when they speak in the stake.  “Love like the Savior” is one of them.  How was going to express that?  Years ago he was in the Canton Ward.  He was in the ward office.  A brother of the other ward was looking for the projector.  He was muttering about trying to find the projector.  Brother Driscoll formed an opinion, not a good opinion.  Later he served with him. He had severely misjudged him.  Christ had many opportunities to judge others such as the woman at the well who was a Samaritan.  Brother Driscoll shared the negative opinion of the Jews about the Samaritans.  The Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans (John 4:9).  Jesus did not pass judgement.   She questioned Him.  “Sir, thou hast nothing to draw with, and the well is deep: from whence then hast thou that living water?  Art thou greater than our father Jacob, which gave us the well, and drank thereof himself, and his children, and his cattle? Jesus answered and said unto her, Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again: But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.  The woman saith unto him, Sir, give me this water, that I thirst not, neither come hither to draw.” (John 4:11-15)

She had a rough background.  Jesus still doesn’t judge her.  “The woman saith unto him, I know that Messias cometh, which is called Christ: when he is come, he will tell us all things. Jesus saith unto her, I that speak unto thee am he.” (John 4:25-26).

Brother Driscoll told of a woman waiting at airport.  She had a book and cookies.  The man next to her grabbed a cookie.  There were more cookies.  She ate some.  There was one left and he broke it in half, offering half to her.  He had some nerve!  She was relieved when her flight was called.  What an ingrate!  She saw that he had a bag of cookies.  He was sharing with her!  It was too late to apologize.  We do not know all the details.  

We have daily opportunities to show love.  We can forgive as Jesus.   Brother Driscoll shared the story of the woman taken in adultery in John 8:10-11.  Relationships are complex.  Children can like and dislike.  He has grandchildren.  One was reluctant to give him a hug and have his picture today.  He was too busy.  They form strong opinions of others but they can forgive unconditionally.  Jesus extended an olive branch when on the cross.   In Gethsemane He bled for all of us.  Think about the love of the Savior and share it. 

Closing hymn #30 “Come, Come, Ye Saints”

Benediction by Sister Cassie Kelly 

There were 82 in attendance and 11 online. 

May 5, 2024

Bishop Kevin Moss presided and Brother John Barger conducted the sacrament meeting. 

Opening hymn #302 “I Know My Father Lives”

Invocation by Elder Hansen

We welcomed Sister Sabrina Woody into the ward.  

Stake business was conducted by Brother Craig Chester 

Sacrament hymn #183 “In Remembrance of Thy Suffering”

Elder Hansen and Brother Jackson Steele blessed the sacrament and Brothers Brandon King, Harrison Chester, Hudson Conover, and Max Conover passed the sacrament.

Brother Barger bore his testimony.  He said that he pondered the fast and the various elements of an appropriate fast.  Of fast offerings we have been counseled to give a little more than you think you can afford.  There should be a purpose of our fast. They have a son in Utah battling pancreatic cancer.  They pray for the Lord to intervene.  They want His will to conform to theirs. There are billions of children who think that whatever strikes His fancy.  This is not true.  We are living in act two of a three act play.  It is appropriate to seek His will.  We get a sense of why we do it.  We are dependent on the Lord for everything.  We express our willingness.  He delights in blessing His children.  They are praying for tactical possibilities that their son will be excused from nausea and the effects of his chemotherapy.  

Sister Debbie Gerbers told how when she is in Florida she attempts the ward in Lake Wales.  She said how much she loves Jesus.  She said that when she visited London there was little evidence of the Savior in their churches.  She spoke of our temples and our Christ-centered teachings. 

Sister Debbie Lathrop said that she has been a member of the Church for 30 years.  She has often felt the Holy Ghost but hasn’t heard the voice of the Lord.  She thought. “What’s wrong with me?”  She has been swimming recently and heard from the Lord twice.  He will give thee answer to your prayers.  

Sister Kimberly Mitchell said that she knows the Church is true. 

Young Brother Emrys Kelly said that he loves the Savior.  He has four sisters that are the most wonderful part of his life.  

Sister Jan Pardee said that was a hard act to follow.  She prays for Jeff Barger.  She has no sisters but one brother.  They get together once a year.  They check up on each other.  The weather forecast was foggy and rainy.   She woke up this morning which is a good thing when you’re 80.  She looked out the front door and it was beautiful.  There was a flower shining back at her.  She was thankful as she can be rebellious as she is.  She said to spread the gospel and sometimes use words.  You can be a grump at home.  She loves Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.  40 years ago the missionaries found  her.  This Church has the answers.  Where did I come from?   Why am I here?  Where am I going?  It has been rough with her health challenges recently.  She is glad to be back and getting to know new people.  

Sister Debbie Davis said it has been 25 years since she joined the Church.  This is the first time that she has gotten up to bear her testimony.  She is pretty scared.  This is the true Church.  

Sister Karin Alexander said that she was not going to get up as she does it often.  She is grateful for the Lord Jesus Christ.   She spoke of Debbie.  She has pure love for others.  She has a hard time with her Southern accent.  Debbie is so patient.  She can repent and be better.  She wants Him to be her friend.  She has a testimony that They live.  She will hear Their voices.  

Brother Scott Davis said that prayers do come true.  Debbie’s faith has helped.  We have come from the spirit world.  There is no foe that cannot be defeated.  There are missionaries all over the world. 

Brother Troy Gilbert spoke of the last couple of months. Jesus and God are there for us.  Carnal thoughts come but he feels overwhelming peace in his heart.  We need to put our faith in Jesus Christ. 

Sister Carol Messina said that she didn’t plan to do this.  She talks too much.  She is 83.  She told of the missionaries.  Her mother wouldn’t let them in so they sat on the front porch.  They had both been raised Catholic.  They visited the Baptists and Methodists.  The missionaries came and her husband let them in.  They prepared to go to the temple.   They went to the St. George Temple and the Salt Lake Temple.  She has been a member 50 years.  She misses it when she doesn’t come.  She has been I n this branch 20 years.  She has no gas sometimes.  

Sister Betty Clover said that they have property in Blue Ridge.  They have testimonies about missionary work.  44 years ago they were looking for a place to go to church.  It changed their lives.  She loves our Savior Jesus Christ.  She spoke of prayers.  The Baptist preacher does it all.  Her husband has been a bishop and a stake president.  They served a mission in St. George.  It was a wonderful blessing.  Their son had a liver transplant.  The Lord has guided us. 

Sister Jenny Moss told of her mom when she was 11.  Her mom asked the question that Joseph Smith did.  Their daughter served a mission.  She is grateful for Joseph and Emma.  They paved the way.  We will all be together.  She spoke of eternal progression.  Families will be together forever.  She spoke of Cheryl and Boyd Belnap being gone.   She is not an outgoing social person.  The Gospel is true. 

Young Sister Saylem Kelly spoke of losing her Jesus doll and how she found it. 

Sister Debby Young spoke of the concept of looking for Jesus.  How important it is to seek our Savior.  

Closing hymn #244 “Come Along, Come Along”

Benediction by Brother Jerry Fender

There were 72 in attendance and 11 online. 

April 27, 2024

Bishop Kevin Moss presided and conducted the sacrament meeting. 

Opening hymn #124 “Be Still My Soul”

Invocation by Brother Craig Belnap

Bishop Moss spoke about visitors during the summer.  Please “come as you are” even if you don’t have your Sunday clothes with you as you travel.  

Released Brother Ezra Shaner as YM camp director and Sister Rhiannon Shaner as second counselor in YW presidency and YW assistant camp director. 

Sustained Brothers Everett Lilya and Ezra Shaner and Sister Rhiannon Shaner as Sunday School teachers. 

Sustained Sisters Wendy Adams and Jenny Moss as first and second counselors in the YW presidency, respectively.  

Sacrament hymn #193 “I Stand All Amazed”

Brothers Jackson Steele and Harrison Chester blessed the sacrament and Brothers Brandon King, Caleb Chappell. Hudson Conover, and Max Conover passed the sacrament.

First speaker was Sister Cheryl Belnap.  She said, “You’re going to be so missed.”  She plays cards with some of her neighbors.  She said, “Ask and you shall receive.” Some may be watching and the secret is out.  God desires to speak with us.  She cited President Jeffrey R. Holland as he spoke about prayer.  His talk was “Motions of a Hidden Fire” at

Why do we pray?  It is personal conversation with God.   Go to Him and unload all our woes.  President Holland spoke of his wife’s passing and his health.  He promised you that prayers will be answered according to some cosmic timetable.  God’s ways are the best ways.  Just begin.  She shared an article from a returned missionary.  He was seeking to be right with God.   He told a story about his mission.  He met with his mission president to pray together.  The president prayed.  The Spirit of the Lord was with them.  They were kneeling so long that it felt like he had little pebbles under his knees.  It was a heartfelt prayer.   He would stop and listen.  Was God talking to him?  A simple thought entered his head.  How much I do love you?  It was so personal.  It is vital to our day to day life.  He was reminded of the Prophet Joseph Smith.  The powers of darkness were there as he was communicating with God.  He was delivered from the enemy who held him bound. 

Sister Belnap read from the account of the First Vision.  This would not ever be replicated in our lives.  She cited President Russell M. Nelson in his April 2018 talk “Revelation for the Church, Revelation for Our Lives” at  

Follow the example of Joseph.  Offer up the longings of your heart.  You will feel of actions you are prompted to take.  Ask a question in prayer.  Thought comes from God.  Answers will come.  When she taught gospel doctrine she only had bits and pieces.  She remembered Elder Richard G. Scott [of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles] about teaching a Sunday School class.  Is there more?  She thought of President Nelson’s “Think Celestial!” talk.  (  He said, “Please don’t let your prayers sound like a shopping list.”  Friends don’t want to bother God with little things.   But this hesitancy is not from God.  It is never wasted time.  We want to return to live with Him.  I look forward to serving with Boyd on our mission.  She bore her testimony in Thai.  In English she had said that God is our Father and Jesus lives.  

Intermediate hymn #140 “Did You Think to Pray?”

Concluding speaker was Brother Boyd Belnap.  He said that Cheryl nudged him as if to say “you’re next.”  It is his sincere desire.  He is speaking today about covenant confidence.  We are in a battle or war with Satan.  He tempts us.  He is miserable forever.  He wants all of mankind to be miserable through sin, physical pain, and a whole host of emotions.   We could fill a chalkboard with all the miseries of mankind.  It is a cunning plan of the evil one.  He referenced the film “Princess Bride.”  See  There’s a bad guy and a good guy.  They are in a sword fight.  The bad guy starts to lose.  They are fighting left-handed.  He states that he is not left-handed and changes his sword to his right hand.  The man in black states that he isn’t  left-handed either.  The good guy wins. We need to tell Satan that we are also not left-handed.  Boyd said that he didn’t write the movie. (laughter)   

President Henry B. Eyring [of the First Presidency] spoke about going to the Idaho Halls Temple in his April 2024 general conference talk “All Will Be Well Because of Temple Covenants” at

The Teton Dam in eastern Idaho had collapsed.  Their children were with a babysitter. “It was 1976.  It was long before cell phones and text messaging. We had no way of communicating immediately with our children, nor could we make the drive from Idaho Falls to Rexburg, as all the roads had been closed.

“Our only option was to stay the night in a local motel in Idaho Falls. Kathy and I knelt together in our motel room and humbly pleaded with Heavenly Father for the safety of our dear children and the thousands of others affected by the tragic event. I recall Kathy pacing the floors into the early hours of the morning with worry about her children. Despite my own concerns, I was able to put my mind at ease and fall asleep.

It wasn’t long thereafter that my sweet eternal companion woke me and said, ‘Hal, how can you sleep at a time like this?’

These words then came clearly to my heart and mind. I said to my wife: ‘Kathy, whatever the outcome, all will be well because of the temple. We have made covenants with God and have been sealed as an eternal family.’

At that moment, it was as if the Spirit of the Lord confirmed in our hearts and minds what we both already knew to be true: the sealing ordinances, found only in the house of the Lord and administered by proper priesthood authority, had bound us together as husband and wife, and our children had been sealed to us. There truly was no need to fear, and we were grateful later to learn that our boys were safe.”

Boyd quoted from the dedicatory prayer for the Kirtland Temple (Doctrine and Covenants 109:22).  “And we ask thee, Holy Father, that thy servants may go forth from this house armed with thy power, and that thy name may be upon them, and thy glory be round about them, and thine angels have charge over them.”

He cited Elder Ulisses Soares’s April 2024 general conference talk “Covenant Confidence through Jesus Christ” at Do all in the name of Jesus Christ.  When Jesus was teaching in the Americas He said to do all in My name.  Call His name Jesus.  As a youngster he was teased about his name Boyd.  Kids would call him Boyd-de.    One time Elder Boyd D. Packer [of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles] was a visitor in our home.  He sat next to him.  He said Boyd means Blonde.  They were both misfits as neither was blonde.  It is Scandinavian for friend.  He was named after Boyd Brinton.  He was approaching graduation from BYU.  He had a job interview in Idaho.  In the main corridor of the company there was Boyd Brinton’s name on the wall.  His host didn’t want to stop.  “I have to talk to him.”  He walked right in.  Are you Boyd Brinton?  Do you know Bruce and Phyllis Belnap?  They sat and chatted.  He reorganized his day. 

Boyd spoke about sharing the name of Jesus Christ.  He didn’t know much about the Catholic Church.  There were lots of cassettes that could be studied.  They were deep and heavy.  One was about transubstantiation during what the Catholics call the Eucharist and we call the sacrament.  Sister J. Anette Dennis, First Counselor in the Relief Society General Presidency, in her general conference talk “Put Ye On the Lord Jesus Christ” at spoke about symbolism.   The priesthood holder offers us the symbols.  It is an offering to us of the Atonement.  Christ symbolically becomes part of us.  We need to feel clean and pure.  We share His name.  We need to be very covenant confident.  Elder Soares talked about retrieving the brass plates.  Nephi’s Plan B involved the family fortune.  Laman and Lemuel probably wanted it for themselves.  It was another major fail.  President Nelson asked what courage does it give you?  An angel was helping them.  Be strong like unto Moses.  We are not left-handed.   We have the power of the Lamb of God.  President Nelson spoke of the increased confidence of the endowed member.  We are not left-handed.  All will be well because of the temple.  

Bishop Moss said, “I wish you all the best of luck on your mission.”

Closing hymn #152 “God Be with You Till We Meet Again”

Benediction by Sister Michelle Belnap

There were 88 in attendance and 16 online. 

April 21, 2024

Bishop Kevin Moss presided and conducted the sacrament meeting. 

Opening hymn #82 “For All the Saints”

Invocation by Brother Ron Fisher

Sustained young Brother Hudson Conover to be a teacher in the Aaronic Priesthood 

Released Brother Jerry Fender as ward music coordinator and sustained him as ward choir director 

Sustained Brother Blake Cornell as ward music coordinator 

Sacrament hymn #175 “O God, the Eternal Father” Written by William W. Phelps, 1792–1872. Included in the first LDS hymnbook, 1835.  Music by Felix Mendelssohn, 1809–1847

Brothers Jackson Steele and Brandon King blessed the sacrament and Brothers Boyd Belnap, Harrison Chester, Hudson Conover, and Max Conover passed the sacrament.

First speaker was Brother Ed Schmidt.  He told us about these two special days for him.  He was at Table Rock where his grandson was involved in dirt biking.  Then his granddaughter surprised him by visiting Gramps.  He is red from the sun, not drinking.  (Laughter).  He spoke of faith in our gospel and the Church.  He used the example of Major League Baseball.  First base is like faith.  If you don’t get there, you don’t score.  Without faith you don’t get what’s in store for you eternally.  He is usually the second speaker.  Today you have to listen to me until I’m finished. 

He cited Elder Neil L. Andersen of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles in his talk “Faith Is Not by Chance, but by Choice” at in October 2015.  “The Savior perceived the strength or weakness in the faith of those around Him. To one, He said approvingly, ‘Great is thy faith.’  He lamented to another, ‘O ye of little faith.’  He questioned others, ‘Where is your faith?’  And Jesus distinguished yet another with, ‘[In all Israel] I have not found so great faith.’

“I ask myself, ‘How does the Savior see my faith?’  And tonight I ask you, ‘How does the Savior see your faith?’

“Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is not something ethereal, floating loosely in the air. Faith does not fall upon us by chance or stay with us by birthright. It is, as the scriptures say, ‘substance … , the evidence of things not seen.’ Faith emits a spiritual light, and that light is discernible. Faith in Jesus Christ is a gift from heaven that comes as we choose to believe and as we seek it and hold on to it.”

Our faith is on our shoulders.  We have to make it to first base.  That is the first big step.  Choose faith or live with doubt.   We need rock solid maximum and enduring faith.  If is the first and last great principle. Less than a month ago we celebrated the reality of our Savior’s life.  He lives now for eternity.  Today we partook of the sacrament.  There is the reality of His mission.  Is it learned through science?  Where is the proof?  How do we know?  We have boarded the good ship Faith.  Paul spoke of ‘substance … , the evidence of things not seen.’  Faith is belief.  Its antonym Is doubt.  There are two sources of enlightenment.   They are science and religion.  What about all those who are not here today?   Both sources are vital for our growth. He cited President Dallin H. Oaks in his talk “Truth and the Plan” at in October 2018.  President Oaks said that we are supposed to learn by science and religion.  There is reason and divine revelation.  They are one source.  Science is not the whole of life.  We are limited by scientific means. 

Faith is not by chance.  Let’s talk about science and religion.  They need not conflict.  Are there doubters?  What about evolution?  The age of the world?  Brigham Young said that we should embrace every truth.  President Nelson said that there is no conflict, only incomplete knowledge. All truth is part of the gospel of Jesus Christ. 

He spoke of the book “Seekers Wanted The Skills You Need for the Faith You Want.”

It is at the Deseret book website.  He made reference of a friend who rose to highest levels at Ford.  He was an atheist.  

Science and religion impact our eternity.  Statistics are subject to change with further information. They are shareable and transferable.  Religion finds truth.  It can be interpreted.  It is shareable.  But testimony is not.   It is everlasting and not subject to change.  He cited Moroni 10:3-5.  “Behold, I would exhort you.”  “If ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent.”  This is marvelous.  Which church is true?  Joseph Smith asked.  We may know the truth of all things.  We may put this hypothesis to the test.  Ask God.  This is similar to the scientific.  Data are manifestations from the Holy Ghost.  If you don’t receive?  You don’t know?  There may be reasons for God delaying the answer.  We have a choice between faith and doubt.  Choose faith.  

He spoke of body mass index (BMI).  There are research participants and data.  We can be testing the truth of the Book of Mormon.  We cannot transfer this to another.  Each of us must gather spiritual data for themselves.  It is important to understand the limitations of science.  There are methods of knowing.  Truth will not conflict with truth.  Our doubts are traitors said William Shakespeare.  The Gospel is true.  He spoke of His life and resurrection.  Faith confirms it.  He cited the hymns of Isaac Watts.  Faith can be challenged at one time or another   President Hinckley had wavered during his season of undergraduate studies.  

Elder Andersen said, “The Savior perceived the strength or weakness in the faith of those around Him.”  How does the Savior see my faith? Your faith? 25% of all Americans are atheists and agnostics. This has tripled in size.  If they were a church, it would be the largest church.  “Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is not something ethereal, floating loosely in the air. Faith does not fall upon us by chance or stay with us by birthright.”  Faith is a gift from heaven as we seek it. 

Brother Schmidt spoke of a favorite poem which he read to us.  It is “Planter's Charm” by Fay M. Yauger.  The link is  It is a reflection of faith.  By the end we see hope.  

Concluding speaker was Sister Allison Matyas.  They are here for 24 days.  This is their last Sunday here.  Jeff and I are from Seattle.   We do home schooling as we travel.  They’ve been all over the country.   It is a bit exhausting.  Another Easter has passed.  They have been uplifted and inspired.  There was conference and Easter hymns.  She spoke of the Atonement of Jesus Christ.  They were in Virginia last year and went to the Washington DC Temple open house.  They were in church on Easter.   What?  Who is Jesus?   Every talk was as if those there knew nothing.  She spoke of C. S. Lewis.  He wrote of the Resurrection which is the good news.  The Prophet Joseph Smith declared, “The fundamental principles of our religion are the testimony of the Apostles and Prophets, concerning Jesus Christ, that He died, was buried, and rose again the third day, and ascended into heaven; and all other things which pertain to our religion are only appendages to it.”  She spoke of the First Vision.  Elder Gary E. Stevenson said that the Book of Mormon is about Jesus Christ.  Life is manageable.   Study it daily.  She doesn’t like attending church when traveling.  Last year was one of full time travel.  She felt like we need to attend.  They have been rewarded for doing so.  They have personal testimonies.  There is the Miracle of the Resurrection.  The Jews expected a political Savior.   Mary Magdalene saw Him at the tomb and did not recognize Him until He spoke her name. Do we recognize him?  She cited the talk “Rise! He Calleth Thee” by Elder Massimo De Feo of the Seventy about Bartimaeus.  (  President Nelson said that Jesus Christ is indeed risen.  There were themes in conference.  They were different for each of us.  Attend the temple.  She has a friend who lives near the temple.  He has an addiction and goes through the 12 step program of the Church.  Lesser changes are needed.  She cited the talk “One Percent Better” by Elder Michael A. Dunn of the Seventy in October 2021 at  It was about a cycling team.  They got one percent better.  There is a caveat.  There must be a day in day out effort.  She bore her testimony and spoke of reaching our full potential.  

Bishop Moss liked the references to sports and religion.  

Benediction by Sister Jan Pardee 

There were in 78 attendance and 11 online.

April 14, 2024

Bishop Kevin Moss presided and conducted the sacrament meeting. 

Opening hymn #7 “Israel, Israel, God Is Calling”

Invocation by Brother Jackson Steele 

Sacrament hymn #172 “In Humility, Our Savior”

Brothers Jackson Steele and Harrison Chester blessed the sacrament and Brothers Brandon King, Rod Clark, Hudson Conover, and Max Conover passed the sacrament.

Bishop Moss bore his testimony.  He explained to those who may not know just what testimony meeting is about.  He had visited his father in California.  He is getting old.  They were watching general conference.  Two people were touched in different ways individually.  He spoke of the new apostle who said that his mother-in-law was astonished.  This was something that he needed to hear.  He spoke of punishment, kindness, and love.  He leans toward the kindness end of the spectrum.  He read the Pearl of Great Price 40 years ago.  Heavenly Father wants all of us to return.  We have our agency.  We need to keep our covenants.  He cares for all of us.  We can live with our families in the presence of God.  It is almost about love.  There is revelation that reinforces this.  

Sister Jan Pardee spoke of listening to conference.  How important covenants are.  There is joy in being able to repent and stay close to the Spirit.   We were fed continuously.   She would put on a conference talk or listen to church music. Or the Beach Boys!   It is wonderful to be back from her medical stuff.  She goes to the temple every Friday.  It used to be monthly.  Go as often as you can.  There are people in your life who are upbeat.  The Savior has a sense of humor.  He is like a warm hug.  

Brother Rod Clark likes seeing all these smily faces this morning.  Old age is coming on.  We need to be aware of what Heavenly Father expects of us.  Conference was inspiring.  He felt very blessed.  Keep me here on earth for a while.  

Sister Karin Alexander spoke of feeling good inside, of loving Heavenly Father.  She knows that He loves me so much.  The Savior is her elder brother.  The Father is more marvelous.  She feels Abba, Daddy.  He has the best lap and shoulder.  She thanks Thee.  She loves prayer language.  It was 60 years ago.  She knew to be baptized.  She was washed clean.  He lives.  They live.  

Sister Tina Pittman said that conference was wonderful.  She spoke of the brother after Elder Kearon.  Several people described people that meant something to them.  Like a film projector of the persons  that meant something to them.  Her step-father died.  Her mother died.  What was in their life?   She prepared a photo book for her grandmother who is 90.  She shared the story with her son who is inactive.  There were pictures of children and grandchildren.   Small things that are brought together.  Her son was touched.  Her kids are inactive.  She is going to be grandmother for the first time, a boy.  She wants to touch his life, to influence him.  She is grateful for the prophet.  On Sunday when the second session was over.  Is that all?  Grab onto it.   It was a good influence, a good example.  I love my Savior. 

Sister Kimberly Mitchell made mention of Sisters Belnap and Lathrop.  

Brother David Wittekind said we need some guys up here.  How fast things are moving.  He was born in the covenant.  There were 14 temples then.  They traveled to Manti from Oklahoma.  He was going on a mission.  There were 50.  Fast forward.  Now there are two temples in Lima.  It is staggering.  We are so privileged to be proxy for our ancestors.  Yet 2/3 of the ward are not here.  Read the scriptures.  Offer our prayers.  Attend the temple.  Be covenant making.  Keep on the path.   Be thankful.  

Brother Scott Davis said it has been years with his medical and health issues.  When he was in the military he could get needed help.  In 1999 he joined the Church.  We were sealed as a family.  We’ve got your back like in the military.  It’s a great feeling.  We’re all one family.  Such fellowship.   They visited the Sacred Grove.  There was such a sweet scent.  The true Church is on the earth today. 

Sister Tori Cornell said that this past Tuesday Blake and shecwent to the temple to do baptisms.  

Sister Natosha Cummings’ little one said the Church is true.  It was short and sweet, to the point.  Families can be together forever.  She was in foster care until she was 7.  She thought that she would never be adopted, to find a forever family.  

Sister Marsha Marcom said thanks for the testimonies.  This is a special ward.  She didn’t wear her hearing aids but she felt the spirit.   It took courage to come up here.  The Church is true.  She has a testimony of this wonderful gospel. 

Sister Terri Fender was listening to all the ways testimonies were borne.  They were so powerful.  She was inactive 20 years.  Those  who are living the gospel touch her.  She has a sister back home who is living the gospel.  Her kids are coming back.  She spoke of the example of Heavenly Father and the Savior.   She is drawn and willfully finding her quiet place.  The greatest example is our Savior.  She was overwhelmed by the spirit.  Is it her blood pressure?  (laughter)  She gains so much more than those she’s teaching.  She is so blessed.  The Book of Mormon is true.  

Bishop Moss thanked those who shared their testimonies.  He said to Kimberly that Georgia is challenging but better than California.  

Closing hymn #252 “Put Your Shoulder to the Wheel”

Benediction by Brother Rod Clark.  

There were 81 attendees and eight online. 

April 7, 2024 (Easter Sunday)

Bishop Kevin Moss presided and Brother Chuck Young conducted the sacrament meeting. 

Opening hymn #199 “He Is Risen!”Text: Cecil Frances Alexander, 1818–1895

Invocation by Brother Scott Davis 

Sacrament hymn #192 “He Died! The Great Redeemer Died” Text: Isaac Watts, 1674–1748, alt. Included in the first LDS hymnbook, 1835.

Brothers Brandon King and Blake Cornell blessed the sacrament and Brothers Austin Mohl, Ezra Shaner, Craig Lathrop, and James Alexander passed the sacrament.

SPECIAL MUSIC from the Choir:  Beautiful Savior

First speaker was Sister Natosha Cummings.  She spoke on how we can be more like the Savior.  She read John 8:1-11.  This is one of her favorite stories of Jesus showing compassion and love toward someone that many would have considered a lost cause.  Jesus not only forgave the woman, but He also gently reprimanded those who accused her by reminding them that they had no room to judge her.

Several months ago there was a coworker that many of her coworkers and I had issues with.  I didn’t understand why he behaved the way he did.  To me it seemed as if he just didn’t care how his actions affected those around him. I remember having a talk with my mom about it and she told me that maybe I shouldn’t be so quick to judge.  I had no idea what he may be going through.  It made me feel a little guilty as I realized I had been making assumptions about my coworker without really getting to know him.  I made a decision to get to know him better and later found out that his home life was not the best.  It reminded me of myself before I was adopted by my mom.  I started giving the coworker suggestions and complimented him on everything he was accomplishing.  Shortly after, I noticed a lot of my other coworkers had started doing the same.  The coworker seemed to just blossom and grow after that.  He graduated from high school and got accepted to a college that he attended in pers.  He no longer works at Walmart, but when he does come in every once in a while, he always says hi to me.  Recently he told me he hopes he can come back to work because he misses his friends there.  If he does, I will be happy to work with him again, but if he doesn’t then I hope only the best for him.  

I feel like when I show others how much I love them by trying to be more understanding of what they may be going through, I am closer to my Heavenly Father, and that I am following the Savior’s example.  I have two favorite poems that I love and would like to read one of them to you now.  It’s called “The Touch of the Master’s Hand.”

In closing I believe we can all try to be more like the Savior, by remembering that we can all be looking for what seems at first to be just a dusty battered old violin, because like the master in the touch of the master’s hand, all that hurt violin needs is some love and attention, and then it plays the sweetest of tunes.  And I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ.   Amen.  

SPECIAL MUSIC from the Choir: That Easter Morn

Concluding speaker was Sister Debby Young.  Happy Easter.  It’s traditional at Easter to ponder the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and to think deeper about what this all means to each of us in our lives.  How does the knowledge of Jesus’ Atonement and Resurrection influence our daily thoughts and actions?  How did Jesus live?  How does He live still today?  Hymn #136  “I Know That My Redeemer Lives” tells us.  It is one of my favorites.  It is powerful.  It begins with “I know that my Redeemer lives.  What comfort this sweet sentence gives!” and continues “He lives to bless me with his love; to plead for me above.”

“He lives my hungry soul to feed….to bless in time of need.”

“He lives to grant me rich supply; to guide; to comfort; to hear my soul’s complaint.”

“He lives to silence all my fears…to wipe away my tears.  He lives to calm my troubled heart….all blessings to impart.”

“He lives, my kind, wise heav’nly Friend.

He lives my mansion to prepare.

He lives to bring me safely there.”

As I read the list of attributes of our Savior, how He lived and how He still lives, please notice the gentleness, the soothing and calming effect, and the peace that these Christlike qualities and actions bring.   

Bless, love, plead, feed, guide, comfort, hear, silence fears, wipe away tears, calm, impart, kind, wise, friend, my mansion to prepare, bring me safely there. 

Our Savior asks us to do likewise.   As we partake of the sacrament each week, we renew covenants to take upon ourselves His name and that means to do as Jesus would do.  Also note in the hymn that “He lives” is repeated 27 times.  I believe it is crucial for each of us to gain a testimony of this amazing truth….and to know without a doubt that our Lord lives. 


Jesus shared several parables to help teach many important truths.  He was a great storyteller.  One parable found in Matthew 7:   24-29 was about two men who built houses on different foundations.  The first man in the parable chose to build his home on a rock-solid foundation.  The second man chose to build his home on sand which is not a solid foundation at all.  One key point I want to make is: Both men made choices.  Different choices.  But it was their individual choice as to how and where they each built their home.  Choice is a part of God’s plan for us to choose to become like him or to choose not to.  

We can compare and contrast the choices these two men in the parable made to various aspects of our own lives.  

Jesus compared and contrasted the “two men” to each of us as follows in verses 24 and 26.  

Verse 24 Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock. 

Key words are Heareth and Doeth.  

Note also that Jesus said “whosoever.”  This applies to anyone who Hears AND Does His words.  

26 And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand:

The key word here is Not. Those who hear Jesus’ words but choose Not to do them are likened unto the foolish man in this parable.  

This is where the story generally gets most of its focus. Points like we need to be doers of the word and not only hearers.  

What happens next is where our understanding of this parable gets even deeper. 

25 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock.

The rock is Jesus.  In my thoughts the sand might be Satan.  The Book of Mormon helps explain this parable in Helaman 5:12.   The Book of Mormon is filled with stories of Individuals and entire populations that choose to change their hearts and apply the Atonement of Jesus Christ into their lives.  

Alma the Younger tells us in Alma 5:12-14.  12 And according to his faith there was a mighty change wrought in his heart. 14 And now behold, I ask of you, my brethren of the church, have ye spiritually been born of God? Have ye received his image in your countenances? Have ye experienced this mighty change in your hearts? 

Without the precious gift of His Atonement, the Atonement of Jesus Christ, there would be no opportunity for repentance and for progression in this life.  I am grateful for the knowledge that we can repent.  We can choose to change our ways and follow Jesus each day.  That is what He asks us to do….with His loving arms outstretched to welcome us back on the covenant path.  Because of Jesus and His amazing love for all of us, we each have the opportunity to live with Him and with our Father in Heaven again.  

Sister Young cited Elder Kyle S. McKay of the Seventy in the April 2020 Liahona.  The link is  She shared the following under the heading “Sickness and Sin”: “As devastating as cancer is to the body, sin is even more devastating to the soul. Sin usually starts small—sometimes imperceptibly small —but it is capable of growing rapidly. It cankers, then cripples, then kills the soul. It is the major cause —indeed, the only cause —of spiritual death in all creation. The treatment for sin is repentance. True repentance is 100 percent effective in putting the sinner in remission, or bringing about a remission of sins. This remission offers relief and joy to the soul. However, receiving a remission of sin and being free from its symptoms and effects does not necessarily mean that the sinner has been completely cured. There is something about the heart of fallen man that allows or is susceptible to sin. Thus, sin can reoccur, even after years of remission. Staying in remission, or in other words, retaining a remission of sins, is crucial to being completely healed.”

Then she cited Elder Spencer J. Condie of the Seventy in the October 1993 general conference at  

“A few years ago, as Sister Condie and I exited the Tabernacle, a lovely sister approached us and said with a very cheerful voice, ‘Good morning, President Hinckley.’ I replied, ‘I’m sorry to disappoint you, my dear, but I’m Elder Condie of the Seventy.’  Her cheerful countenance was crestfallen. Not more than a minute later, we met another sister who greeted us with the same salutation: ‘Good morning, President Hinckley.’ Not wishing to cause her the same disappointment I caused the previous sister, I shook her hand and said, ‘Bless you, my dear. Have a nice day.’

“Several months later I confessed my sin to President Gordon B. Hinckley during a regional conference in Portugal, and in his typically loving way he said, ‘Well, Spencer, if you’re going to impersonate me, I hope you behave yourself.’”

The Savior has given each of us the soul-stretching commandment not only to “behave ourselves” but to become perfect even as He and His Father are perfect (Matthew 5:48, 3 Nephi 12:48). 

Sometimes this quest for perfection tries our patience and our faith as we continue to wrestle with the weaknesses of the flesh.  But a loving Heavenly Father has not left us alone in our battle with the adversary.  A recurrent doctrine of the Book of Mormon is that the Holy Ghost is an active participant in our lives, influencing us for good.  

In Elder Condie’s general conference talk he quoted President Joseph Fielding Smith who taught us: “Habits are easily formed. It is just as easy to form good habits as it is to form evil ones” (New Era, July 1972, p. 23)

King Benjamin’s benedictory challenge to undergo a mighty change of heart—not a little change, but a mighty change can guide us in our efforts.  We can receive hope by the comforting conversion stories of Enos, Alma, Ammon, and Aaron. We can be inspired by the account of the Savior’s visit to the ancient Nephites and accept Moroni’s loving invitation to “come unto Christ, and be perfected in him, and deny yourselves of all ungodliness” (Moro. 10:32). 

I love that the Book of Mormon is another account of and testament that Christ did not limit His teachings, His words, His ministry, nor His love to just a small group of people in one area of the earth that He ministered to during His mortal life, but He also appeared to the Nephites on this continent and taught and ministered to them as was prophesied.  His loving and hopeful message is for everyone, everywhere, through all generations.  And His word was delivered through prophets of old, as well as prophets today.  

Easter is, to me, a celebration of gratitude for the precious gift that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has given to each of us.  Christ is always standing with His loving arms outstretched to lead us, guide us, and walk beside us and wrap us in the gentle care of His arms. 

Our Savior will be with us throughout our storms and He will carry us through them - if we allow Him - in the peaceful eye of the storm.  Although we will not always be sheltered from the storms of life, we can be sheltered during the storms….in our Savior’s love, His arms, and His watchful care.  

We truly can find peace amongst chaos if we put our trust in Him and choose to build our homes on the ROCK of our Redeemer.  

Romans 6:23 tells us “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”

Because of Jesus Christ, each of us will be Resurrected and we can have the precious gift of eternal life.  Jesus lives!

He is The Way.  The Only Way. 

May this Easter find each of us focusing our lives and our hearts on the true meaning of this day, and centering ourselves more firmly in 

                        His LOVE,

                        His GRACE,

                        His WAYS. 

SPECIAL MUSIC from the Choir:  I Believe In Christ

Closing hymn #134 “I Believe in Christ”Text: Bruce R. McConkie, 1915–1985 Congregation to join in on last verse as directed. 

Benediction by Brother John Lawhorn 

There were 83 in attendance and nine online

March 31, 2024

Bishop Kevin Moss presided and Brother Chuck Young conducted the sacrament meeting. 

Opening hymn #199 “He Is Risen!” Text: Cecil Frances Alexander, 1818–1895

Invocation by Brother Scott Davis 

Sacrament hymn #192 “He Died! The Great Redeemer Died” Text: Isaac Watts, 1674–1748, alt. Included in the first LDS hymnbook, 1835.

Brothers Brandon King and Blake Cornell blessed the sacrament and Brothers Austin Mohl, Ezra Shaner, Craig Lathrop, and James Alexander passed the sacrament.

SPECIAL MUSIC from the Choir:  Beautiful Savior

First speaker was Sister Natosha Cummings.  She spoke on how we can be more like the Savior.  She read John 8:1-11.  This is one of her favorite stories of Jesus showing compassion and love toward someone that many would have considered a lost cause.  Jesus not only forgave the woman, but He also gently reprimanded those who accused her by reminding them that they had no room to judge her.

Several months ago there was a coworker that many of her coworkers and I had issues with.  I didn’t understand why he behaved the way he did.  To me it seemed as if he just didn’t care how his actions affected those around him. I remember having a talk with my mom about it and she told me that maybe I shouldn’t be so quick to judge.  I had no idea what he may be going through.  It made me feel a little guilty as I realized I had been making assumptions about my coworker without really getting to know him.  I made a decision to get to know him better and later found out that his home life was not the best.  It reminded me of myself before I was adopted by my mom.  I started giving the coworker suggestions and complimented him on everything he was accomplishing.  Shortly after, I noticed a lot of my other coworkers had started doing the same.  The coworker seemed to just blossom and grow after that.  He graduated from high school and got accepted to a college that he attended in pers.  He no longer works at Walmart, but when he does come in every once in a while, he always says hi to me.  Recently he told me he hopes he can come back to work because he misses his friends there.  If he does, I will be happy to work with him again, but if he doesn’t then I hope only the best for him.  

I feel like when I show others how much I love them by trying to be more understanding of what they may be going through, I am closer to my Heavenly Father, and that I am following the Savior’s example.  I have two favorite poems that I love and would like to read one of them to you now.  It’s called “The Touch of the Master’s Hand.”

In closing I believe we can all try to be more like the Savior, by remembering that we can all be looking for what seems at first to be just a dusty battered old violin, because like the master in the touch of the master’s hand, all that hurt violin needs is some love and attention, and then it plays the sweetest of tunes.  And I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ.   Amen.  

SPECIAL MUSIC from the Choir: That Easter Morn

Concluding speaker was Sister Debby Young.  Happy Easter.  It’s traditional at Easter to ponder the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and to think deeper about what this all means to each of us in our lives.  How does the knowledge of Jesus’ Atonement and Resurrection influence our daily thoughts and actions?  How did Jesus live?  How does He live still today?  Hymn #136  “I Know That My Redeemer Lives” tells us.  It is one of my favorites.  It is powerful.  It begins with “I know that my Redeemer lives.  What comfort this sweet sentence gives!” and continues “He lives to bless me with his love; to plead for me above.”

“He lives my hungry soul to feed….to bless in time of need.”

“He lives to grant me rich supply; to guide; to comfort; to hear my soul’s complaint.”

“He lives to silence all my fears…to wipe away my tears.  He lives to calm my troubled heart….all blessings to impart.”

“He lives, my kind, wise heav’nly Friend.

He lives my mansion to prepare.

He lives to bring me safely there.”

As I read the list of attributes of our Savior, how He lived and how He still lives, please notice the gentleness, the soothing and calming effect, and the peace that these Christlike qualities and actions bring.   

Bless, love, plead, feed, guide, comfort, hear, silence fears, wipe away tears, calm, impart, kind, wise, friend, my mansion to prepare, bring me safely there. 

Our Savior asks us to do likewise.   As we partake of the sacrament each week, we renew covenants to take upon ourselves His name and that means to do as Jesus would do.  Also note in the hymn that “He lives” is repeated 27 times.  I believe it is crucial for each of us to gain a testimony of this amazing truth….and to know without a doubt that our Lord lives. 


Jesus shared several parables to help teach many important truths.  He was a great storyteller.  One parable found in Matthew 7:   24-29 was about two men who built houses on different foundations.  The first man in the parable chose to build his home on a rock-solid foundation.  The second man chose to build his home on sand which is not a solid foundation at all.  One key point I want to make is: Both men made choices.  Different choices.  But it was their individual choice as to how and where they each built their home.  Choice is a part of God’s plan for us to choose to become like him or to choose not to.  

We can compare and contrast the choices these two men in the parable made to various aspects of our own lives.  

Jesus compared and contrasted the “two men” to each of us as follows in verses 24 and 26.  

Verse 24 Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock. 

Key words are Heareth and Doeth.  

Note also that Jesus said “whosoever.”  This applies to anyone who Hears AND Does His words.  

26 And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand:

The key word here is Not. Those who hear Jesus’ words but choose Not to do them are likened unto the foolish man in this parable.  

This is where the story generally gets most of its focus. Points like we need to be doers of the word and not only hearers.  

What happens next is where our understanding of this parable gets even deeper. 

25 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock.

The rock is Jesus.  In my thoughts the sand might be Satan.  The Book of Mormon helps explain this parable in Helaman 5:12.   The Book of Mormon is filled with stories of Individuals and entire populations that choose to change their hearts and apply the Atonement of Jesus Christ into their lives.  

Alma the Younger tells us in Alma 5:12-14.  12 And according to his faith there was a mighty change wrought in his heart. 14 And now behold, I ask of you, my brethren of the church, have ye spiritually been born of God? Have ye received his image in your countenances? Have ye experienced this mighty change in your hearts? 

Without the precious gift of His Atonement, the Atonement of Jesus Christ, there would be no opportunity for repentance and for progression in this life.  I am grateful for the knowledge that we can repent.  We can choose to change our ways and follow Jesus each day.  That is what He asks us to do….with His loving arms outstretched to welcome us back on the covenant path.  Because of Jesus and His amazing love for all of us, we each have the opportunity to live with Him and with our Father in Heaven again.  

Sister Young cited Elder Kyle S. McKay of the Seventy in the April 2020 Liahona.  The link is  She shared the following under the heading “Sickness and Sin”: “As devastating as cancer is to the body, sin is even more devastating to the soul. Sin usually starts small—sometimes imperceptibly small —but it is capable of growing rapidly. It cankers, then cripples, then kills the soul. It is the major cause —indeed, the only cause —of spiritual death in all creation. The treatment for sin is repentance. True repentance is 100 percent effective in putting the sinner in remission, or bringing about a remission of sins. This remission offers relief and joy to the soul. However, receiving a remission of sin and being free from its symptoms and effects does not necessarily mean that the sinner has been completely cured. There is something about the heart of fallen man that allows or is susceptible to sin. Thus, sin can reoccur, even after years of remission. Staying in remission, or in other words, retaining a remission of sins, is crucial to being completely healed.”

Then she cited Elder Spencer J. Condie of the Seventy in the October 1993 general conference at  

“A few years ago, as Sister Condie and I exited the Tabernacle, a lovely sister approached us and said with a very cheerful voice, ‘Good morning, President Hinckley.’ I replied, ‘I’m sorry to disappoint you, my dear, but I’m Elder Condie of the Seventy.’  Her cheerful countenance was crestfallen. Not more than a minute later, we met another sister who greeted us with the same salutation: ‘Good morning, President Hinckley.’ Not wishing to cause her the same disappointment I caused the previous sister, I shook her hand and said, ‘Bless you, my dear. Have a nice day.’

“Several months later I confessed my sin to President Gordon B. Hinckley during a regional conference in Portugal, and in his typically loving way he said, ‘Well, Spencer, if you’re going to impersonate me, I hope you behave yourself.’”

The Savior has given each of us the soul-stretching commandment not only to “behave ourselves” but to become perfect even as He and His Father are perfect (Matthew 5:48, 3 Nephi 12:48). 

Sometimes this quest for perfection tries our patience and our faith as we continue to wrestle with the weaknesses of the flesh.  But a loving Heavenly Father has not left us alone in our battle with the adversary.  A recurrent doctrine of the Book of Mormon is that the Holy Ghost is an active participant in our lives, influencing us for good.  

In Elder Condie’s general conference talk he quoted President Joseph Fielding Smith who taught us: “Habits are easily formed. It is just as easy to form good habits as it is to form evil ones” (New Era, July 1972, p. 23)

King Benjamin’s benedictory challenge to undergo a mighty change of heart—not a little change, but a mighty change can guide us in our efforts.  We can receive hope by the comforting conversion stories of Enos, Alma, Ammon, and Aaron. We can be inspired by the account of the Savior’s visit to the ancient Nephites and accept Moroni’s loving invitation to “come unto Christ, and be perfected in him, and deny yourselves of all ungodliness” (Moro. 10:32). 

I love that the Book of Mormon is another account of and testament that Christ did not limit His teachings, His words, His ministry, nor His love to just a small group of people in one area of the earth that He ministered to during His mortal life, but He also appeared to the Nephites on this continent and taught and ministered to them as was prophesied.  His loving and hopeful message is for everyone, everywhere, through all generations.  And His word was delivered through prophets of old, as well as prophets today.  

Easter is, to me, a celebration of gratitude for the precious gift that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has given to each of us.  Christ is always standing with His loving arms outstretched to lead us, guide us, and walk beside us and wrap us in the gentle care of His arms. 

Our Savior will be with us throughout our storms and He will carry us through them - if we allow Him - in the peaceful eye of the storm.  Although we will not always be sheltered from the storms of life, we can be sheltered during the storms….in our Savior’s love, His arms, and His watchful care.  

We truly can find peace amongst chaos if we put our trust in Him and choose to build our homes on the ROCK of our Redeemer.  

Romans 6:23 tells us “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”

Because of Jesus Christ, each of us will be Resurrected and we can have the precious gift of eternal life.  Jesus lives!

He is The Way.  The Only Way. 

May this Easter find each of us focusing our lives and our hearts on the true meaning of this day, and centering ourselves more firmly in 

                        His LOVE,

                        His GRACE,

                        His WAYS. 

SPECIAL MUSIC from the Choir:  I Believe In Christ

Closing hymn #134 “I Believe in Christ” Text: Bruce R. McConkie, 1915–1985 Congregation to join in on last verse as directed. 

Benediction by Brother John Lawhorn 

There were 83 in attendance and nine online.

March 24, 2024

Bishop Kevin Moss presided and Brother Chuck Young conducted the sacrament meeting. 

Opening hymn #105 “Master, the Tempest Is Raging”

Invocation by Brother Ben Bailey 

Sisters Cheryl Belnap, Debbie Lathrop, and Jennifer Moss released and Sisters Joanna Lilya, Debbie Lathrop. and Debby Young sustained as Relief Society presidency.  

Sister Sophia Wittekind released as Primary teacher. 

Sister Debby Young released as Nursery Leader. 

Sister Joanna Lilya released as Relief Society Service Coordinator and Sunday School teacher. 

Sister Cassie Kelly released as First Counselor in Primary presidency. 

Brother Craig Lathrop was released as ward activities coordinator. 

Sister Cassie Kelly was sustained as Sunday School teacher. 

Brother Bo was sustained as Sunday School teacher. 

Brother Craig Lathrop was sustained as  ward mission leader.  

Sacrament hymn #175 “O God, the Eternal Father” written by William W. Phelps, 1792–1872. Included in the first LDS hymnbook, 1835.  Music by Felix Mendelssohn, 1809–1847. 

Brothers Jackson Steele and Harrison Chester blessed the sacrament and Brothers Boyd Belnap and Wayne Reeves and Elders Plummer and Conrad passed the sacrament.

First speaker was Brother John Lawhorn. He and his wife Bonnie have been here since August.  This is a wonderful ward with wonderful saints.  He cited John 14 where Jesus tells about the Comforter.  He met Bonnie in jail in 2009.  He was employed there in Maricopa County and she was an RN there.  He was busy with his new job.  She received a strong spiritual impression that he would be her husband.   He was Baptist and she was LDS.  He certainly wasn’t going to change.  She introduced him to the gospel.  They were married in Las Vegas.  They heard the messages of two faithful home teachers.  Her family lived the gospel.  In September 2012 her father challenged the family to read the Book of Mormon.  He knew an inactive member named Dave.  He and his wife attended his baptism.  In December 2012 the elders taught him.  They taught him about the First Vision and many other truths which he knew were true. 

On January 19 2013 he was baptized by his father-in-law.  The Holy Ghost reminds him of so much.  He spoke of the love of this ward which was very evident during his recent illness.  This was very comforting.  He read Doctrine & Covenants 11:12.  In his October 2023 general conference talk Elder Gary Stevenson quoted President Boyd K. Packer.  “The Spirit does not get our attention by shouting or shaking us with a heavy hand. Rather it whispers. It caresses so gently that if we are preoccupied we may not feel it at all.” Elder Stevenson said, “Righteous parents or leaders may also receive inspired guidance for you.  Find a quiet place, a holy space where you can seek to receive direction from the Spirit.”Bonnie and he both received a similar impression.  A friend had lost his job.  A good cut of meat was on sale.  They were both impressed to buy two and give him one.

He cited Elder Dallin H. Oaks and his Eight Purposes of Revelation.  Links are and  Testify.  Prophesy.  Comfort us.  Joseph in Liberty Jail. Doctrine & Covenants 121:7-8. Uplift.  Inform.  Doctrine & Covenants 100:6.  Restrain.  Confirm.  Impel.  Rare but significant.  Take time and listen.  2 Nephi 32:5.  He bore testimony of Father’s love for His children.  The Book of Mormon is true.  

Intermediate hymn #81 “Press Forward, Saints”

Concluding speaker was Brother Scott Burns greeted us on this Palm Sunday.  He is on the high council.  This is his first opportunity to be here since last May.  He oversees stake facilities and family history work.  He brings the love of the stake presidency.  He is speaking on serving like the Savior.  He read Mosiah 2:17.  We can perform small acts of service.  How?  We can be an eternal beacon.  The Savior served people from all walks of life.  Washing feet was the role of servants.  He ministered to Jews and Gentiles.  He healed the servant’s ear.  We can serve with His help.  We can be serving with a purpose.  Love is the ultimate power of the universe.  Through love Jesus volunteered to come to earth.  He read 2 Corinthians 9:6.  “God loveth a cheerful giver.”  2 Corinthians 9:8.   Mosiah 2:17.   He is working full-time and is in the Army reserve.  He received an impression from the Holy Ghost to put $100 in an envelope for a neighbor.  Someone else obeyed the prompting.  Always remember Him.  Emulate Him.  We can discover answers for ourselves.  They were out and about doing things.  His son Sam saw a fellow with a sign that said “Hunger sucks.”  Sam said that we have deep dish pizza back at the hotel.  The young man was so thankful.  President Spencer W. Kimball said that God watches over us through others.  Brother Burns watched “Come, Follow Up” with  OC Tanner.  We can pour out our love and serve with real intent. It is a reflection of our love for others.  Years ago he was selling his first house.  It needed a complete reshingling.  His father-in-law showed up with shingles.  Luke 23:34, 42 and 43.  John 19:26-28.  “Woman, behold thy son.”  Jesus showed concern for His mother.  We are never alone.  Seek assistance when necessary.  Heart full of gratitude to our Savior.   Covenants uplift and edify my soul.  This Church is true.  Acts of kindness and service.  

Closing hymn #243 “Let Us All Press On”

Benediction by Sister Eileen Bailey 

There were in 81 attendance and 12 online.

March 17, 2024

Bishop Kevin Moss presided and Brother Chuck Young conducted the sacrament meeting. 

Opening hymn #117 “Come unto Jesus”

Invocation by Brother Rich Marcom 

Sacrament hymn #180 “Father in Heaven, We Do Believe” written by Parley P. Pratt, 1807–1857. 

Brother Brandon King and Austin Mohl blessed the sacrament and Elders Jordan and Hansen and Brothers Hudson Conover and Max Conover passed the sacrament.

First speaker was Elder Hansen. He is from Logan, Utah, and has been on his mission for 20 months.  He is speaking on the gift of repentance.  He cited Alma the Younger.   He read Alma 36:20-21 about his change of heart and the joy that comes from Jesus Christ.  President Nelson spoke about allowing the Savior to transform us in the April 2023 general conference. Jesus loves us personally.  Each and every one of us  

Second speaker was Elder Jordan.  He has been a month in Ellijay.  He also spoke on the gift of repentance.  It was not easy for Him and it is not easy for us. He read 1 Nephi 3:7.   Trust in Him. 

Third speaker was Brother Christian Erwin.  He spoke on where he would be without the Book of Mormon.  He was a raging alcoholic.   One day he went to the Waffle House and met his wife.  He saw the light in her eyes.  Then he saw a way to make fast money.  He wound up in jail.   She lived with her mother.   He prayed for her.  The sister missionaries visited her.   She wanted to be baptized.  He made bail.   His trial was pending.   It was last February. He was put on probation. He read the Book of Mormon all the way through.  Without it the future would have been dire.  He researched the Book of Mormon.  It had numerous authors.  It was not like Joseph Smith’s America.  It does fit in what we know of that ancient era in the Near East.  He read 1 Nephi 13:12 about Columbus, then John 10:16.  Isaiah spoke of the isles of the sea.  There was the likely sojourn in the Arabian peninsula and the Biblical account of the exodus.  He has family in many different denominations.  This Church is true.  The Savior knows each of us.  He spoke of the lost pages.  In 90 days Joseph had written a draft of those pages. 

Intermediate hymn #82 “For All the Saints”

Concluding speaker was Sister Kallie Erwin. Where would her life be without the Book of Mormon?  She spoke of her core values.  She came to the Church.  A lot of it made sense.  God has a plan for you.  There are mind-blowing stories in the Book of Mormon.  Armies followed the counsel given them.  In the Restored Church we know why we do what we do.   For love and joy.   We have the Book of Mormon to guide us like the Liahona.  I will take care of myself spiritually.  She could have led a toxic life but not here with all you wonderful people.  She is grateful for repentance.  The prophecies we have are true.  

Closing hymn #30 “Come, Come, Ye Saints” written by William Clayton, 1814–1879 and the music an English folk song

Benediction by Sister Marsha Marcom

There were 70 in attendance and 14 online.  

March 10, 2024

Bishop Kevin Moss presided and Brother Chuck Young conducted the sacrament meeting.

Opening hymn #73 “Praise the Lord with Heart and Voice”

Invocation by Brother Craig Chester

Sustained were Sister Laurie Barger as YW camp director and Sister Susan Wallace as Primary teacher. 

Sacrament hymn #191 “Behold the Great Redeemer Die” by Sister Eliza R. Snow, 1804–1887.

Brothers Jackson Steele and Harrison Chester blessed the sacrament and Brothers Brandon King, Rich Marcom, Hudson Conover, and Max Conover passed the sacrament.

First speaker was our new missionary Elder Plummer.  Introduced himself.  20 years old. From Washington state. Testimony of Jesus Christ. 

Second speaker was Sister Rhiannon Shaner.  Consider what you need to have peace in the world.  John 14:27.  World’s perspective as compared to the Gospel’s perspective. 

Intermediate hymn #66 “Rejoice, the Lord Is King!” by Charles Wesley, 1707–1788.

Concluding speaker was Brother Ezra Shaner.  Finding peace in Jesus Christ. What do I need peace for?  John 14:27. Live the Gospel. Peace through repentance.

Closing hymn #257 “Rejoice! A Glorious Sound Is Heard”

Benediction by Sister Barbara King

There were 68 in attendance and several online. 

March 3, 2024

Bishop Kevin Moss presided and Brother Chuck Young conducted the sacrament meeting. 

Opening hymn #5 “High on the Mountain Top”

Invocation by Sister Audrey Wittekind 

Sacrament hymn #176 “’Tis Sweet to Sing the Matchless Love”

Brother Young bore his testimony. 

Sister Becki Clark

Brother Rod Clark

Sister Karin Alexander 

Sister Cheryl Belnap 

Elder Cottle 

Sister Kimberly Mitchell 

Sister Natasha Cumming’s daughter 

Sister Natasha Cumming

Sister Terri Fender

Sister Tina Pittman 

Elder Holmes 

Closing hymn #7 “Israel, Israel, God Is Calling”

Benediction by Brother David Wittekind 

There were in 67 attendance and 28 online.  

February 25, 2024

Bishop Kevin Moss presided and Brother John Barger conducted the sacrament meeting. 


He recognized Brother William Huss of the stake high council who is assigned to our ward.  

He also recognized our chorister Sister Hannah Chester and our organist Karin Alexander.  

Opening hymn #116 “Come, Follow Me”

Invocation by Sister Tori Cornell

Released Brother David Chappell as ward mission leader, Sister Heather Chappell as 1st Counselor in the Young Women Presidency, Brother Atticus Shaner as Gospel Doctrine teacher, and Sister Denae Shaner as Primary teacher.  

Sacrament hymn #178 “O Lord of Hosts”

Brothers Brandon King and Harrison Chester blessed the sacrament and Brothers Boyd Belnap, Wayne Reeves, and Ron Fisher and Elder Jordan passed the sacrament.

First speaker was Sister Denae Shaner.  She was preceded by three of her children.  They wrote their own talks.  She is a home school mom.  She gets no sick days and no pay.  They were amazing talks.  Hours and hours of preparation.  Her subject is the Atonement.  She referred to the “Come, Follow Me” manual.  It spoke of lost people, sadness, and what comes after death.  We will rise up again.  She spoke of the Manti Pageant.  It had been stopped by President Nelson due to Covid.  There were always protestors.  Didn’t we know that there is only heaven or hell?  She has a cousin who enjoys Bible bashing.  It is not an insult to God to become like Him.  She doesn’t want her kids to stay home forever.  

She doesn’t want to be sticky.  She has a recipe from Atticus and Ezra’s mom.  Sins around us are our molasses.  We can get so bogged down.  Misery loves company.  Sticky loves sticky.  Put a stopper on the bottle.  Progress is eternal.  It is pure joy.  There is a bitter aftertaste like sin.  She spoke of Pollyanna.  She stays positive no matter what.  She will miss Cassie and her family.  Bo helped load their trailer on his day off.  She is a wonderful mom and home school teacher.  She spoke of the plan of happiness.  We can pray and seek the Holy Ghost.  Tomorrow she is going home.  She is grateful to her husband.  She is so deeply loved.  He is her soul mate, the man for her.  He is dedicated to our family.  He has been lining up the perfect job and home.  Trust the Lord in your life.  He cherishes you.  

Intermediate hymn #65 “Come, All Ye Saints Who Dwell on Earth” by William W. Phelps, 1792–1872. Included in the first LDS hymnbook, 1835. 

Concluding speaker was Brother Atticus Shaner.  He is grateful to be here today.  It is hard to leave this ward.  They had a very nice party at the Belnap’s.  He spoke on the Atonement, too.  We can learn together.  He spoke of the 3rd Article of Faith, of our premortal existence with God the Father, and of Adam and Eve.  When they became mortal, blood flowed through their veins.  The prophet Levi spoke to his son Jacob. He read 2 Nephi 2:11.  We needed to experience life outside our heavenly home.  The Savior said on the cross, “Why has thou forsaken me?”  He read 2 Nephi 2:4.  The law is given unto men. Redemption is through the Holy Messiah.  We need to have a broken heart and contrite spirit.  He spoke of the power of the spirit and who shall be saved.  He spoke of Joseph Smith and read 1 John 4:8.  God is love.  In Gethsemane Jesus did bleed from every pore.  He read Doctrine and Covenants 88:6 and referred to Alma on how the Savior was to succor His people.  He was a sacrifice for sin. He read John 17:21-23.  “And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one.”  He read Matthew 13:45-46 and Ether 3:13-15.  He read the story of the rich young man.  “Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.”

He told the story about being redeemed, of always remembering Him as we pledge as we partake of the sacrament.  He told the story of Elder John H. Groberg.  See “There Is the Light” by Elder John H. Groberg of the First Quorum of the Seventy at  They were hit by a hurricane.  “As the eighth week.  Great inward change.  His love.  Joyous to the soul.  Faded into oblivion.  Fear evaporates.  Fall for Satan’s lies.  No panic.  How much love in my heart.  Boat has arrived.  Grateful.  Perfect sunset.  God’s love changed everything.  Joyous of all things.”  

Ponder God’s love.  He loves people who get up here and bear their testimonies.  They make a conscious effort to change which is good.  He read 2 Nephi 4:35.  He said that he would go off topic a bit.  They wish they could stay here.  Someday we’ll grow into two wards.  The South loves Jesus but they do not believe in the Restoration.  He told the parable of the Lord’s vineyard.  We may be in a mansion or a lean-to shelter.  Grow your testimonies.  Share Joseph Smith.  He is the seventh Angel in the book of Revelation.  Christ has power to redeem us. 

Closing hymn #301 “I Am a Child of God”

Benediction by Brother Blake Cornell

There were 86 in attendance and 8 online.  

February 18, 2024

President Steve Madsen presided and Brother John Barger conducted the sacrament meeting. 

Brother Barger announced that Jackson Steele will be baptized at 1 pm.  He has just turned 18. 

The Belnap’s have received their mission call to the Bangkok Thailand Mission.  They’ll be leaving in May.  


Opening hymn #27 “Praise to the Man” by William W. Phelps, 1792–1872. 

Invocation by Brother Austin Mohl 

Sacrament hymn #172 “In Humility, Our Savior”

Brothers Craig Chester and Harrison Chester blessed the sacrament and Brothers Everett Lilya and Caleb Chappell and Elders Cottle and Jordan passed the sacrament.

First speaker was Sister Marsha Marcom.  She said that she was thankful for the opportunity to prepare her talk.  She is not excited about giving talks.  The theme is “Having trust in Christ.”  She spoke of ways that we can see Christ in our lives.  One is the sacrament.  Another is the sacrament hymn.  It is so beautiful about our Savior and His atonement.  Then there are the prayers that bless the sacrament.  She thinks of the words in her mind.  It is a blessing to spend a few minutes to think of the Savior as we partake.  She spoke of the Holy Ghost and when she was baptized at age 8 by her father.  We see Christ in our lives.  We have some wonderful experiences and some not so much.  They have brought us close to the Savior.  She spoke of being sealed in the temple. Returning often has been a wonderful experience.  

They had an important experience with a special child named Rachel who had Down’s Syndrome. She was with them 36 years.  Their children all have biblical names.  They had some wonderful times with her.  She was a pistol.  She had great spontaneity.  She bore her testimony every month.  She took on her own the middle name Leigh.  She had just been named Rachel.  They couldn’t understand everything she said.  Through her their children had great growth.  She received her patriarchal blessing.  She was greatly blessed. They had three other children.  She is thankful for experiences that helped us grow and the great joy of becoming better people. 

Intermediate hymn #124 “Be Still, My Soul”

Second speaker was Brother Rich Marcom. That was a perfect song to sing before speaking.  Each of us are different, even twins and triplets.  He has had idiosyncrasies in his own life.  He has to wait until his computer recognizes his face.  He loves a good plan.  Marsha is different.  She asked him if he could get her talk organized for her.  He had a plan early in his life.  He grew up in Santa Barbara, California.  A child in the 1950s.  He and his siblings had safety on their bicycle rides.  They planned where they would go around town.  The zoo, the museum.  Where to get lunch.  As a business executive it was always about making plans for trips and meetings.  He spoke of Vince Lombardi’s Five Principles.  1. Plan to Win.  2. Hard Work.  3. Discipline.  4. Planning Ahead.  5. Confidence. 

In Church callings he planned ahead.  Rachel was not easy to raise.  There were serious challenges with Rachel.  How to teach and work with her.  In the book of Genesis Heavenly Father started with a plan.  A lot of organization went on.  He was a convert to the Church.  We all come to the Gospel in different ways.  He was impressed with the organizational pillars of the Church.  

When he was out of town in different wards the organization was the same.  He thought of the Godhead.  How does that work?  Did Jesus speak to Himself?  He spoke of the Plan of Salvation, a plan of organization.  There are different ways we are driven to the Church.  He had two wonderful fulltime missionaries who are still good friends. We were created as spirit children.  Heavenly Father expected us to make mistakes.  He has been learning what it means to endure to the end.  

A favorite hymn is “O My Father.”  In verse 3 is revealed that we have a Mother which only makes sense.  He is a momma’s boy.  Some of my family are there on the other side of the veil.  They have great grandchildren.  We’re that old!  He joined the Church in 1967 in the military in Germany.   Would they have an easy life? With perfect kids?  No, there would always be challenges.  It is a daily effort to stay on the path.  We need to be willing to repent.  It is planned for a do-over every week as we worthily partake of the sacrament. Think of the temple, families, your bishop, fulltime missionaries.  You senior folks are missionaries. 

In 2017 they were called on a mission. All their kids have served missions for two years.  He wanted to go someplace exotic.  Seniors can request where to serve but they let the Church leaders determine that for them.  Sister Marcom wanted to stay in the U. S.   They went to Fresno, California.   It was the highlight of our marriage.  They had the Spirit of the Holy Ghost to guide us.  They have been trusting in the Lord and our amazing loving Heavenly Father.  As a young bishop he had a sweet young lady in his ward who worked with the youth.  He asked her why she didn’t bear her testimony.  She said that she had no stories to tell.   He spoke to her of the things that constitute a testimony,  Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, the Book of Mormon.  

President Madsen said that it is a pleasure to be with you this morning.  Trust in the Lord is the theme but he doesn’t readily trust people.  Trust has to be earned in his life.  Little children are a little more trusting.  He has to have to get know someone for o while.  We can be trusting on the Lord Jesus Christ.  Read of Him in the scriptures.  Learn who He is.  In the sacrament we can ponder every week of our relationship with Jesus Christ.  He knows each of us better than we do ourselves.  He satisfied the demands of justice.  We have all had afflictions in our life.  He knows us.  He understands perfectly.  As I ponder my life, His sacrifice has blessed me.  The more I know of Jesus Christ He is worthy of my trust.  

During stake conference we spoke often of the temple.  He spoke of the faces of those who serve there.  He spoke of those who didn’t have the chance to know of Him.  We partner with Him in some small way.  He atoned for the sins of the world and for those who have gone before us.  We can trust through His servants the prophets and apostles.  He has made changes in his life.  President Watson is called of God.  He had five minutes to let the visiting authority know who should serve with him.  He has vision and love.  He holds those keys.  He trusts us and we trust him.  He encouraged us to spend more time in the House of the Lord.  Put it on your calendar.  We have a prophet on the earth today.  You have a wonderful stake president and bishop.  Show trust in the Lord.  

Closing hymn #14 “Sweet Is the Peace the Gospel Brings”

Benediction by Sister Summer Mohl. 

There were 102 in attendance and 11 online.  

February 4, 2024

Bishop Kevin Moss presided and Brother John Barger conducted the sacrament meeting. 

Brother William Huss of the stake high council was recognized. 

Brother Barger told us of stake conference next Saturday and Sunday and he listed the sessions. 

Opening hymn #97 “Lead, Kindly Light”

Invocation by Brother James Alexander 

Sacrament hymn #175 “O God, the Eternal Father” Written by William W. Phelps, 1792–1872. Included in the first LDS hymnbook, 1835.  The music was by Felix Mendelssohn, 1809–1847. 

Brothers Craig Reichert and Harrison Chester blessed the sacrament and the four elders passed the sacrament.

Brother Barger bore his testimony.  He is grateful for his knowledge of the plan of happiness.  They just learned that their son age 39 has pancreatic cancer.  He was just in the temple with Lauri.  He spoke of the purpose of this life.  He quoted the experience of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.  16 Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego, answered and said to the king, O Nebuchadnezzar, we are not careful to answer thee in this matter.  17 If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of thine hand, O king.  18 But if not, be it known unto thee, O king, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up.

This is their third fast this week.  They pray for a miracle.  Like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, he knows that He is our God.  He is grateful for Heavenly Father.  God knows their son.  He is grateful for Jesus Christ.  He spoke of Alma speaking to the apostate Zoramites.   God knows how we feel.  He has read the book.  The good guys win.  He has no doubts though plenty of questions. 

Sister Connie Reichert affirmed what Brother Barger just said.  Craig had cancer and it was so special to have him bless the sacrament.  Harrison asked him to help do that.  She asked Craig “Are you sure?”  

Brother Atticus Shaner knows this Church is true and that Joseph was a prophet.  Miracles come by faith.  People were healed by the passing of Peter’s shadow, by touching the hem of Jesus’s clothing.  He shared about the Canaanite woman who was not of the house of Israel in Matthew 15:22-28.  Jesus said, “It is not meet to take the children’s bread, and to cast it to dogs.” And she said, “Truth, Lord: yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters’ table.”  Then Jesus answered and said unto her, “O woman, great is thy faith: be it unto thee even as thou wilt.” And her daughter was made whole from that very hour.  The Savior works perfectly. 

Brother Boyd Belnap said that he was touched by the Bargers’ situation.  He was touched by Brother Reichert.  They have a Labradoodle.  Sometime we convey feelings to animals.  The dog comes in the kitchen. She is patient.  She waits and waits.  He may not give her anything.  He has a profound feeling of humility.  We have brothers and sisters with a world of different lifestyles.  It would be to our benefit to live somewhere else for two years, even learn another language.  It would go a long way to establish peace.  He does miss those around him who think as he does.  

He had a third grade teacher who said Xmas was not to be used.  Words get changed.  He spoke of “Come, Follow Me” and the tree of life.  The greatest gift is eternal life.  He thinks of his wife.  He loves her very much.  Valentine’s Day is near.  He said that a wife is on a much higher level than a partner.  He has a project involving family history.  It goes into the cloud.  It involves lots of typing.  The Google document makes corrections. 

He spoke of Christmas gifts from his parents.  He got a Milky Way, his favorite,   Prell, and Triscuits.  Google is not really Christian.  It does spell correction, but Christmas is not corrected.  It flagged Triscuit.  He is grateful of gospel of Jesus Christ. 

Elder Cottle thought, “Should I come up?” I have one more testimony meeting before I go home.  He wants to go on rooftops to shout praises to God.   He is helping those we teach.  He spoke of President Watson, Bishop Moss, and President Chester.  He feels loved.  He has seen such great people to progress in the Gospel. No one here is perfect but a missionary should be darn near close.  He knows that Joseph was a prophet.  He relies on his Savior Jesus Christ. 

Brother Rich Marcom.  He had not intended to bear his testimony until he heard Brother Alexander’s prayer.  He spoke on publicly bearing our testimony.  He manages a small RV park near here.  He told the people there that he is a Christian.  We are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  We don’t work on Sunday.  We don’t smoke or drink.  We should be vocal about who we are.

Sister Denae Shaner has prayed a lot.  Her husband Atticus has a job that is not a W2 type.  Their new home would have to be owner-financed.  They could stay here in Georgia.  She has cried a lot.  A beautiful house fell into their laps.  They were given a year to sell their house.  We will miss you guys. 

Sister Kallie Erwin wants to thank you all when we rolled in late.  We have I ndividual stories.  Heavenly Father provides for us.  We feel His love.  We are thankful for the gospel and His eternal plan.  We continue to follow Him.  Use the Bible and the Book of Mormon.  We have a living prophet.  The Church is true. 

Sister Karin Alexander said that her thoughts turned to her testimony as a little girl.  Of her Heavenly Father and her Savior.  Now she is near 70.  Always remember that He lives and loves each one of us.  It is hard to lose a friend to cancer.  Her heart aches to be closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. 

Sister Marsha Marcom said that they are officially members of the ward.  She spoke of her parents, grandparents, and the great grandfather who was the first convert in England.  She loves her Savior and Heavenly Father.  They have four great grandchildren.  They have a great time getting acquainted with them. 

Brother Christian Erwin said that he would bear a short testimony today.  One needs to pray and read the scriptures otherwise the tree will wither.  He hadn’t noticed until recently.  He has to be diligent even if just five minutes a day.  The Lord knows all about us. Don’t rely on our pride. 

Sister Terri Fender said that it’s been a long time since she bore her testimony.  She mentioned light and the Spirit prompting her.  There is the light that we share with her. Everybody’s light is different.  This has made all the difference to her.  She has had pretty dark days.  She has received specialized help that is above your pay grade.  You can recover the footing that you may have lost.  The warm embrace is an extension of our Savior.  She is healing through you sharing your light. 

Elder Conrad knows that the gospel is true.  He spoke of when Seventies visited the mission.  An effectual door is opening in the South.  He spoke of the book “Believe in Christ.”  We may come up short but Christ makes the difference.  

Closing hymn #100 “Nearer, My God, to Thee”

Benediction by Sister Karin Alexander 

There were in 91 attendance and 13 online.  

January 28, 2024

Bishop Kevin Moss presided and conducted the sacrament meeting. 


Opening hymn #104 “Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me”

Invocation by Brother Boyd Belnap 

Temple recommend interviews on Sundays and Wednesdays.  Contact Brother Austin Mohl who is the ward executive secretary.  Bishop Moss had him stand up. 

Sacrament hymn #193 “I Stand All Amazed”

Brothers Brandon King and Harrison Chester blessed the sacrament and Brothers Rod Clark, Jerry Fender, Hudson Conover, and Max Conover passed the sacrament.

First speaker was Brother Chuck Young.  He said that he was sorry couldn’t be here last Sunday due to his high blood pressure. He told about his name actually being Paul Dean Young.   But Chuck has stuck since he was a kid.  He is grateful and humble to be able to work with these two men here.  He expressed his love for us and believes the gospel and the Church which he joined in 2014.  

Second speaker was Sister Karin Alexander.  She spoke of Jesus in every experience.  Heavenly Father testifies to her.  She was grateful for Brother Gilbert for taking the whole time last Sunday.  She has lots of words today.  She asked, “When do I stop?”10:40.  She has felt His love in her life experiences.  There are so many ways to look at them.  

She shared 30 sayings from the Internet.  Bend and stretch.  Reach for the stars.  Bound by loving ties.  Who’s who in the zoo.  Celestial view.  Jesus loves me.  Face time.  See Heavenly Father through Jesus’s face.  She read John 5:19-20 about the Savior’s love.  The Godhead loves us. She read 3 Nephi 11:35-36.  Heart to heart.  Prayer conversation.  In the name of Jesus Christ.  His power and His authority.  He paid the price to be my Savior.  How do I feel?  Talk to Heavenly Father.  Soft and squishy in my heart.  Dark dingy door. Fright night in the shadow world.  Sinful door.  No doorknob. Retina scanner.  Fright becomes light.  Don’t want to give up a bad habit or lifestyle.  The price is steep.  Cry out for relief.  Love of Christ finds me.  He paved the way for our freedom.  She felt clean and pure.  So much happiness.  Heavenly Father knew of her struggle.  Bucket of godly sorrow filled to overflowing.  Heavy weight lifted off of her.  Not bogged down in quicksand anymore.  Forgiving and forgetting.   I need to extend mercy to myself and others.  Don’t rehash old sins anymore.  Full of forgiveness.  Want to live with Me.  Thunder bumpers.

She shared some of her mother’s personal history, her mother’s words on her mission in the Eastern States Mission.  There was a path through a park.  They came to a halt as if they’d hit a brick wall.  Her companion felt it, too.  They should go no further.   Next morning they found out that another had gone through there and been killed.  She loves the Savior and the second comforter, the Holy Ghost. How have I been blessed by the Savior?  He means the world to me. 

Intermediate hymn #85 “How Firm a Foundation” Included in the first LDS hymnbook, 1835.

Concluding speaker was Bishop Kevin Moss. He shared his background.  His parents were married in the temple but stopped going to church.  He and his wife moved into our branch six months ago.  He went on a mission.  He met Jenny at BYU.  They have been here in Georgia for 30 years.  They bought property in Ellijay and retired last June.  They have been on vacations every 3-4 weeks.  For the first six months in this branch, they were gone four months.  He has a stake calling for 13 years (stake auditor).  He met with the stake president.   He was called to be the bishop!  He was away so much, he probably seemed inactive to President Chester.  Being bishop has been a surprising amount of work.  

He has been drawing closer to the Savior.  Like Brother Barger last week his conversion was at about age 20.  He was baptized at age 8 through his grandparents’ back room efforts.  (Laughter).  His grandfather encouraged him to go to BYU.  His bishop didn’t even know him.  He said to give it a try.  His grades were good.  He lived the standards.  His bishop asked him to pay tithing for the last 12 months.  He knew nothing about the Church.  He attended the Book of Mormon class.  He thought “Who’s Lehi?”  He thought he’d fail this class.  Then he read the New Testament.  He read the second half of the Book of Mormon.

He read “A Marvelous Work and a Wonder” by Elder Legrand Richards.  He read the books by Elder James E. Talmage.  They were written in the temple.  He read the Book of Mormon a second time.  He was going on a mission and it suddenly made sense.  He talked about the strait (spelled strait without the gh) and narrow path.  He spoke of sailing.  A strait is a passageway that connects two bodies of water from one to another.  You can make course corrections.  It makes sailing easier, travel much easier.  You can time it.  

The tree of life made a lol more sense.  He talked about Laman and Lemuel.  He thought that they’re not that bad.  They traveled on a boat and followed their father.  The second time he read it it made more sense.  He had more water in the well.  They had problems getting in the way of feeling the Holy Ghost.   Laman and Lemuel had a rebellious nature.  They were jealous of Nephi. They had the birthright and weren’t resilient.  When their bows quit, Nephi was resilient. They were never able to draw close to God.  He was sure on his mission. Now it is 40 years later.  He is happy to be here with all of us.  He had been here to do things with the clerks.  He feels the Savior’s love here. 

Closing hymn #129 “Where Can I Turn for Peace?”

Benediction by Sister Cheryl Belnap 

There were in 76 attendance and 16 online.  

January 21, 2024

Bishop Kevin Moss presided and conducted the sacrament meeting. 


Opening hymn #30 “Come, Come, Ye Saints”. 

Invocation by Brother Mark Ramick  

Bishop Moss announced about the Manor Lake service project following church today. 

Sister Belnap will go over the details during the second hour class.  

Sacrament hymn #182 “We’ll Sing All Hail to Jesus’ Name”

Brothers Craig and Harrison Chester blessed the sacrament and Brothers Brandon King, Ezra Shaner, Hudson Conover, and Max Conover passed the sacrament.

Bishop Moss said that last week President Watson emphasized ending the meeting at 11 am at which time the Spirit will leave and go down the hall.  

First speaker was Brother John Barger.  He spoke about what he had gotten into.  It is an honor to serve.  We learn and serve.  This is the sixth time he has been in a bishopric so he must be a slow learner.  (Laughter) He told how they felt as they came here.  He was baptized at age 19.  He felt warmly loved.  We are willing to join hands with one another.  He spoke of internal combustion engines and how they start.  We start with testimony.  That is converted into energy through service.  He is always grateful to serve.  Heavenly Father loves us.  The ideal is the Savior and we’re striving to become like Him.  Elder Neal A. Maxwell said that our speed is not as important as our direction (see  He is grateful for Joseph Smith and his curiosity.  If he hadn’t been curious, the Lord would have called someone else.  He is thankful for the Book of Mormon and for a Prophet today. 

Bishop Moss said that he prayed about who his counselors should be.  Brother Young was sorry that he couldn’t be here today.  

Brother Troy Gilbert spoke.  He introduced us to the life he had led.  He has a testimony of always teaching things about Christ.  He helped guide me find the Spirit.  He grew up in southern Maine, in Portland.  They were in their own little realm.  He would be climbing trees and his mom yelling at him.  He enjoyed swimming.  They had good neighbors.  Maine is called vacation land.  They met Christians but his family was not.  In 1985 they had a chimney fire.  His sister was Angel.  His bed was next to the chimney.  They ran downstairs in their pajamas. It was three degrees.   The fire trucks arrived.  They wanted to see what was going on.  The firemen put out the fire.  He stayed with uncles who were Christians.  His mom had been an avid church goer.  They went back to church which was Lutheran.  Then they stopped.  They had a lot of friends.  They moved again.  Angel lived with their father.  He found the love of God and went to church himself.  It was awkward at first but they took him in as family.  He lived with his uncles in the summer.  They were local farmers.  Through the love of God he knew that people were put in his place.

He enjoyed camping and fishing.  His mother had addictions.  After a while he stayed with friends but they also had addictions.  He had okay grades.  He invited friends to go to church.  For ten years no one showed up.   He joined the Job Corps.  At age 16 he graduated in diesel mechanics.  He moved back home.  He had a job working on trucks.  He met both good and bad.  He was good at construction.  His uncles cared enough.  He moved to South Carolina where he was building bridge parts.  He was the only English-speaking person there.  He was there for a year and a half.  He saved enough money and joined the Job Corps in Cherokee, North Carolina.  Construction.   The love of his life was his beautiful daughter.  They moved to Myrtle Beach.  He met a lot of good people.

12 years passed and they moved to Georgia.  They could hear what they thought was fireworks every night but it was gunshots.  They moved to Jasper.  He was doing welding.  He had a love of carpentry and construction.  He opened up his own bakery business!  He had always watched his grandma in the kitchen.  Many years passed.  He had a stroke at age 33.  He tried to drive to the hospital.  He was picked up and taken to the hospital.  People thought he was on drugs.  One nurse said no, he had a stroke.   He had surgery.   When he woke up, no one was there.  He couldn’t get up or move.  He went through recovery.  It was a fluke.  He had stroke-like symptoms.  He was a delivery driver.

Years later he was at odds and ends.  He had a lot of back pain.  After many tests he learned that he had fibromyalgia.  He didn’t want to take anything that would affect how he thought.   He went back to school and got his degree.  He learned how to teach others.  He got off his medicines.  He was praying to God and Christ.  He had a push lawnmower. His legs would give out.  He would get back up.  Soon he gained enough strength.  His Ex stayed with him but she had addictions and they parted ways.  

His boss told him, “You need to meet somebody.”  He met Wendy.  Now he could sit down and talk to somebody.  She was a true friend.  He is very grateful.  She was a member of the LDS community.  He wanted to know more.  He was welcomed, baptized, and they married.  They moved from Roswell back to Jasper.  He got back into construction. That was eight months ago. He reopened his construction business, doing what he wanted to do, helping those around him.  When you ease the suffering of those around you, you ease your own suffering.  

Closing hymn #127 “Does the Journey Seem Long?” written by President Joseph Fielding Smith 1876-1972.  

Benediction by Sister Audrey Wittekind 

There were in 73 attendance and 14 online.  

January 14, 2024

Stake President James Watson presided and Brother Ezra Shaner conducted the sacrament meeting. 

There will be no second hour today.  There will be a Linger Longer afterwards.  The ward membership will gather for a ward photo outside on the grass.  


Opening hymn #2 “The Spirit of God” Written by William W. Phelps, 1792–1872. Included in the first LDS hymnbook, 1835. Sung at the Kirtland Temple dedication in 1836. 

Invocation by Sister Addison Chappell  

Sacrament hymn #178 “O Lord of Hosts”

Brothers Brandon King and Harrison Chester blessed the sacrament and Brothers Austin Mohl, Rod Clark, Everett Lilya, Caleb Chappell, Cole Packard, and Chris Erwin passed the sacrament.

President Watson took over.  He related the history of the branch.  It was organized on 9 Sept 1979 at the Brenner home.  There were 14 present.  In April the first branch conference was held with 70 present, 30 of whom were from the stake.  He told of the branch presidents starting with Brother Brenner.  He spoke of the locations of the branch meetings. There are 341 members now with an average sacrament meeting attendance of 92-100.  There are 125 endowed members in the ward.  

Released were Brothers Craig Chester, Ezra Shaner, and Marvin Knight from the branch presidency.   He released Brothers David Chappell, Everett Lilya, and Zachary White from the elders quorum presidency. 

Sustained were Brother Kevin Moss as the bishop of the ward with Brothers John Barger and Chuck Young as his counselors.  Sustained were Brothers Dave Wittekind, James Alexander, and Jerry Fender to the elders quorum presidency.   Brother Craig Chester was sustained as a member of the stake high council. 

Brother William Huss presented the church leaders to be sustained beginning with the First Presidency and ending with the ward leaders. 

Brother David Chappell was sustained as the ward mission leader.  

Marvin spoke of the opportunity to serve, of the Book of Mormon and this year’s curriculum.  He said, “I can tell you that that knowledge comes to you by the Holy Ghost.  God lives and he has a plan that we don’t know. He knows each of His children.”  He shared stories of his testimony.  He told of a German woman right after WWII.  She was riding her bicycle during a bad storm.  She got home in half the time.  She received the strength that she needed.  Elder Neal Maxwell told of a young baby in their ward.  She had a debilitating illness and passed away.  There were many prayers and fasting in her behalf.  Why had she died?  It was her time.  We need to read and study the scriptures and pray.  We need the shield of faith.  This is exciting and we can offer prayers for the new bishopric. 

Ezra was glad that we put up with him the last year and a half.  He gained his testimony from studying scriptures, both the New Testament and the Book of Mormon.  He spoke of the power of revelation.  He told of his mission in Greece.  They had a P day, a day off.   He visited a museum that showed the last battle between the Romans and the Greeks.  Shields were shown.  In Sparta the mothers and wives told the men to come home with their shields or on them.  He has gone through struggles.  Does God really love me?  Strive to never give up.  He is grateful for all of you. And for his wife. 

Craig said that he looked out at everybody, old friends and new.   He expressed his love for us.  He read from the Doctrine & Covenants that the field is white already to harvest.  Salvation comes as you serve.  Learn how to love people.  Not just warm fuzzy feelings but an unwavering desire to do what is good for them.  We can fulfill our callings.  We have the motivation to make that person better.  Bishop Moss has great love and personal sacrifice.  We love each other and take care of each other.  He has a testimony of Christ and His Atonement.  He’s there to help you.  Know that our Savior lives and loves us. 

The choir sang “Sweet Hour of Prayer.”

Bishop Moss’s wife told him that this is a big deal, don’t mess up.  He has a testimony of President Chester and his two counselors.  The Book of Mormon is Another Testament of Jesus Christ.  He is our Savior and Redeemer.  He spoke of the teachings of the apostles and prophets.  The Book of Mormon is the word of God.  We have a prophet today. At the end of the day it is about loving each other and strengthening each other.  God lives.  Jesus is the Savior. 

President Watson spoke of the three-legged stool at the feet of God.  Part of that is to live and love as the Savior does.  Craig Chester is the first stake high councilor from the Ellijay Ward. 

Closing hymn #3 “Now Let Us Rejoice” Written by William W. Phelps, 1792–1872. Included in the first LDS hymnbook, 1835.

Benediction by Brother Harrison Chester 

There were 197 in attendance and seven online.  

December 30, 2023

Stake President James Watson presided and President Craig Chester conducted the sacrament meeting. 

President Chester told us of the new “Come, Follow Me” curriculum for 2024 and the manuals are available, one per family, in the boxes as you exit the chapel. 

Branch conference will be on 14 January. 

Opening hymn #215 “Ring Out, Wild Bells” by Alfred Lord Tennyson, 1809–1892, the Poet Laureate during much of Queen Victoria’s reign. 

Invocation by Brother Marcom

Elder and Sister Futral will present the second hour in the cultural hall about Senior missionary opportunities.  

Sister Charmet Chester was released as the Primary music leader.  

Sister Kallie Erwin was sustained as the Primary music leader.  

Sacrament hymn #169 “As Now We Take the Sacrament”

Brothers Boyd Belnap and Harrison Chester blessed the sacrament and Brothers Chuck Young, Craig Lathrop, and Caleb Chappell and Elder Miller passed the sacrament.

First speaker was Sister Lauri Barger.  She said, “Good morning” and prompted us to reply back “Good morning” to her.  That’s how it’s done in Africa.  Like saying “Aloha” in Hawaii.  She is grateful to be back.  They could watch our sacrament meetings via Zoom on occasion.   They served in the Africa Central Area.  Brother Barger was the area executive secretary.  She was the assistant.  The area included 11 countries and she listed them.  There are missions and missionaries in those 11 countries.  There will be 14 missions come July.  There are 20,000 people baptized per year in the area.  Her husband’s job involved the new wards and stakes and their boundary changes as approved by the Office of First Presidency.  They also were involved with the temple patron assistance fund.  They worked with the stake presidencies.  That was her job.  They had wonderful experiences.  They processed the missionary applications, 1700 of them. Though they were in the office, the missionaries got out and served.  They served mostly in the Central Area but some served in the UK and the Philippines.  This was the second time they served there.  They had served from 2004-2007 as mission leaders.  At that time there were two missions.  Now there are 11 missions.  Each country now has its own mission.  There were six Church employees.  There are 100 now.  The Nairobi 3rd stake was recently formed.  Such is the growth of the Church and its leadership.  It was so amazing in stake conference to see the nine men leading the three stakes.  The growth of the Saints is amazing.  When they arrived in their mission a Church employee named Steve Kivaya asked them, “Do you know Elder Stanley?” Yes, they did.  In 2005-06 Steve drove a minivan.  These vehicles were the main mode of transportation.  The elders got on and sat next to him.  They gave him Church literature and a Book of Mormon.  Later on he went to Ukraine.  He found the Church in an Internet cafe.  The missionaries were there.  They taught and baptized him.  He returned to Kenya and served a Church mission.  They put them in touch with each other.  She said to open your mouth and plant the seeds.  She read D&C 128:22.  Have the courage to open your mouths.  They were grateful to be back in Kenya.  The people want to know more about Jesus.  They are a kind and loving people.  The weather is great.  It is 75° all year round.  It’s cold here with her having to wear a coat.  She knows the Gospel is true and that the Savior lives.   They are grateful for their blessings. 

Intermediate hymn #249 “Called to Serve”

Concluding speaker was Brother John Barger.  He said, “Good morning” and the congregation replied, “Good morning.”  He said that we were fast learners.  He said that 30 years ago there were adjacent stakes in Montana.  Youth dances were held and one of the youth was President Watson.  Brother Barger had the assignment as the DJ.  It is a bit of an adjustment to be back here.  Their area was the newest of the 16 international area.  The average missionary (though none of the missionaries was average) had 40 baptisms.  The first time he was there he was a mission president.  There were two missions.  There were three stakes.  Today there are 37.  There were seven districts.  There are 21 now.  There were 275 missionaries then.  Now there are 1800.  There is one temple in Kinshasa.  There are three others planned and under construction.  We can see the differences over time.  He is grateful to witness this. He was involved in creating new stakes and wards.  There were 99 new bishops.  3413 members were able to go to the temple.  He took 857 minutes of area meetings.  He had never been a clerk or executive secretary.  They were ministering for the first time.  They did go to Ethiopia and the DR Congo.  He was not fully into administration. He was ministering as a mission presidency.  Many during their first time are now Area 70s.  Steve Kivaya who had asked about Elder Stanley joined the Church, served a mission, and is now employed by Church.  Be effective ministers.  He spoke of President Nelson changed home teaching to ministering.  It involves living the gospel.  He has a brother who was ordained a Baptist preacher.  He read 3 Nephi 27:13-19 about the Savior’s mission, about His Atonement, and it defines His gospel.  He read verse 21.  He invites us to join Him in ministering.  He taught, He nurtured.  Do what He did.  They were well ministered to by this branch.  They could watch sacrament meetings.  He got regular texts from Brother Chappell which was meaningful.  Every Monday morning he checked his email and there were Brother Bailey’s notes from the sacrament meetings.  He ministered to me.  Bo Kelly provided the videos of the meetings.  This was ministering.  They saw some animals and they provided some pictures.  They hadn’t planned on this mission.  He retired in April 2022.  They were asked but declined. His father lived in Ball Ground and was in poor health.  They were able to serve remotely for several months.  Their mission was a unique opportunity to see the same Saints they knew from their first mission.  Heavenly Father loves us.  He knows us by name. Jesus did perform the Atonement.  The Book of Mormon is the word of God.  

President Watson said that he loves the Barger’s.  At those stake center dances the youth couldn’t dance too closely.  A spotlight would shine on them.  It could be quite embarrassing.  We have new goals for 2024.  Keep them with your heart, mind, and strength.  The Lord said, “If you love me, keep my commandments.”  Some don’t know that they love God.  He says, “If you keep my commandments you will learn to love God and Jesus Christ.”  Love your neighbor through ministering.  Even with a phone call or a text message.  There are many prayers in this branch.  There is love, joy, and compassion in this building.  The branch conference coming up will be the last.  The branch will become a ward!   Be here.  The Lord, Heavenly Father, and I love you. 

Closing hymn #217 “Come, Let Us Anew” by Charles Wesley, 1707–1788. 

Benediction by Sister Debby Young 

There were 115 attendees and eight online. 

The second hour featured Elder and Sister Futral.  He was our stake president here when we went on our first mission in 2010. They are senior missionary coordinators. They gave a presentation about senior missionary service.  It’s a labor of love.  

December 24, 2023

President Craig Chester presided and conducted the sacrament meeting. 

He announced that on the Program sheet wherever it states “Carol” is where the congregation will sing the hymn.  

He welcomed the Barger’s back from their mission.  They’ll be speaking next Sunday.  

Opening hymn #214 “I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day” by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807-1882).  

Invocation by Brother Dave Chappell 

Sacrament hymn #187 “God Loved Us, So He Sent His Son”

Brothers Boyd Belnap and Harrison Chester blessed the sacrament and Elders Holmes and Cottle and Dave and Caleb Chappell passed the sacrament.

Brother Dave Wittekind was the reader. 

READER: Prophecies of Christ’s Birth (Isaiah 9:6, 7:14)

The New Star (Helaman 14:1-8) 

CAROL: #213 The First Noel

READER: Prophecies Fulfilled (3 Nephi 1:4-9)  A Day, a Night and a Day (3 Nephi 1:14-21) 

CHOIR: Samuel Tells of Baby Jesus

READER: Mary (Luke1: 26-35, 37-38)

READER: Joseph (Mathew 1: 18-25)

PRIMARY: When Joseph Went to Bethlehem

READER: Bethlehem (Luke 2: 1-5)

PRIMARY: Stars Were Gleaming with bells ringing 

READER: Shepherds (Luke 2:8-12, 15-20)

CHOIR: Infant Holy, Infant Lowly

READER: Angels (Luke 2: 13-14) 

CAROL: #203 Angels We have Heard on High

READER: The Wise Men (Matthew 2: 1-12)

CHOIR: Still, Still, Still

Presidency message by President Chester. In the Greek the word for star is Aster.  Elsewhere it is translated as angel.  Liken the Scriptures to us. Let our light so shine.   

Choir: Wexford Carol

Benediction by Brother Atticus Shaner

There were 139 attendees and 14 online. 

December 17, 2023

President Steve Madsen of the stake presidency presided and President Craig Chester conducted the sacrament meeting. 

There will only be sacrament meeting next week. 

There is o link posted in the hallway that can be used to schedule temple recommends with the stake presidency.  

Opening hymn #206  “Away in a Manger”

Invocation by Brother James Alexander 

Stake business was conducted.  

Sacrament hymn #181 “Jesus of Nazareth, Savior and King”

Brothers Boyd Belnap and Harrison Chester blessed the sacrament and Brothers Brandon King, Ed Schmidt, Ron Fisher, and Caleb Chappell passed the sacrament.

First speaker was Sister Yolanda Estrada. She served a mission on Temple Square.  One of the other sisters was a new missionary.  English was a new language for her.  They called this the miracle season due to the people that they would find.  They changed their approach, asking people about their relationship with Jesus Christ.  They would explain that God could speak to you right now.  They told of the Spirit of Christ which was the Holy Ghost.  She cited Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf’s talk “The Reflection in the Water” at  

He spoke of perfection, magic, and focusing our hearts and minds.  We can be doing what Christ did when He was here.  How can we prepare our hearts?  Usually it is with something small when the Spirit touches our hearts.  Christmas is about the Christ.  Our entire focus should be to learn more about Jesus Christ.  She read the Book of Mormon through for the first time.  It is easy to get caught up in daily life but we can enjoy the gifts of Jesus every day.  She listed many of them.  She spoke of the logo of the Church.  The Savior has His arms extended.  He is a loving merciful Being.  He is our personal Savior.  Offer His hand and lifts us up.  We have to want His help.  It doesn’t matter how long since you have prayed or read the scriptures.  He is listening.  He always had the desire to help others.  We can be an I nstrument in the hands of the Lord.  Sometimes we put up walls.  Obey the promptings.   It will turn out favorably.  Words come from God.  There are challenges and temptations.  He knows what His children need.  Never doubt the power of your testimony.  Share your experiences.  She cited President Thomas S. Monson from the 2011 Christmas Devotional at  “Because He came to earth, we have a perfect example to follow. As we strive to become more like Him, we will have joy and happiness in our lives and peace each day of the year.” Reach out to those in distress.  We gather today to worship Him.  

Second speaker was Sister Mayra Saavedra.  She loves sharing her testimony.  Heavenly Father loves us.  Jesus is our Savior and Redeemer.  She testified of the Prophet Joseph Smith.  Through the scriptures God speaks to us.  If is important to keep a record for our children.  This is God’s church on the earth today.  We have a living prophet who receives revelation. 

Intermediate hymn #213 “The First Noel”

Concluding speaker was Brother Paul Saavedra of the stake high council.  It is a real pleasure to be with you today.  He is proud of his wife and Yolanda as well.  This is his first time in Ellijay.  He has often been in branches especially on his mission.  Branches are special places where you can see the workings of the Lord.   Thanks for all you do.  A sign caught his attention that this is Georgia’s Apple Capital.   There is a great amount of faith in a branch.  On his mission there might be 30 in attendance. He was the branch president at the time.  He might play the piano and give talks.  It was the best time on his mission.  It is good when we strive to serve our neighbors.  Jesus Christ was our example how to serve.  He even loved the Pharisees.  He read Doctrine and Covenants 46:9.   “For verily I say unto you, they are given for the benefit of those who love me and keep all my commandments, and him that seeketh so to do; that all may be benefited that seek or that ask of me, that ask and not for a sign that they may consume it upon their lusts.” We have good intentions.  We will be blessed.  Keep trying every day.  He cited the April 2016 general conference talk “Tomorrow the Lord Will Do Wonders among You” by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland.  (See He spoke of the first great commandment.  God loves us.  We need to have the confidence to remember that God loves us so much whether we feel we deserve it or not.  Bring light into other people’s lives.  Close the gap between our current state and where we can be.  Justice and mercy are working together.  The Savior poaid for our sins and iniquities.  We have a perfect merciful loving God.  Elder Holland said that tomorrow will be magnificent.  God wants to bless us.  All things work together for he that loves God.  He has been married eight years.  They have wanted children from day one.  They have none yet.  Your ancestors are rooting for you.  We love to celebrate Christmas about the Child born in Bethlehem so many years ago.  Elder Holland said that tomorrow the Lord will do wonders.  We should have confidence every day.   

President Chester expressed thanks to all those who have participated in the program. 

President Steve Madsen said that it is wonderful to be with you.  He can ponder and think on the way up here.  It is nice when there are so many demands on our time.  He enjoys the beautiful music.  We can schedule our plans and find time to think about things that really matter.  Sunday is special.  It is a day of rest.  It can start pretty darn early.  He is a big sports fan.  His favorite team plays late at night.  Then he is up early.  Time to prepare for the Sabbath?  Sunday is different.  We can came and be renewed.  He spoke of the temple.  We can go there to make sacred covenants.  We can return again and again on behalf of our ancestors.  More and more receive revelation there.  These are special times.  We have questions and trials.  He follows his parents’ example.  They didn’t always have a temple nearby.  We celebrate the birth of our Savior.  We can make and keep covenants.  This is an unbreakable link.  We can return to Him.  He loves us so much.  He lets us choose.  He won’t force us but will nudge us.  We have a special relationship with Him.  It is a respite from the world to go to His house and hear what He has in store for us.  We can cut through all the nonsense and grab His hand.  He is in awe of Sister Saavedra.  On his mission he learned Portuguese.  He wants to be able to share his testimony in Spanish in 2024.  He loves Brother Saavedra.  He has a firm strong testimony.  He is good, kind, and humble but powerful with a willingness to speak and share.  I love you all.  I felt the Spirit here today.  Reverence is more than just the silence.  He spoke of the emblems of the sacrament.  We come together often.  We sing and worship together.  He is social but he needs me-time.  He loves to gather with fellow saints.  All have something to contribute.  He desires to be a little bit better.  President Watson holds the keys in the Marietta Stake.  He loves President Chester.  Our branch covers a huge geographic area.  The Book of Mormon is the word of God.  He wishes us all a Merry Christmas.  

Closing hymn #204 “Silent Night”

Benediction by Sister Sophia Wittekind 

There were 82 attendees and 11 online.

December 10, 2023

President Craig Chester presided and conducted the sacrament meeting.

He announced about the Giving Machines still being available in Atlanta for a few more weeks.  It can still be done online.  

The branch Christmas social will be Saturday the 16th.  

Choir practice will take place after church.  

Opening hymn #212 “Far, Far Away on Judea’s Plains”

Invocation by Brother Boyd Belnap 

We sustained Sister Summer Mohl as Young Women secretary. 

Sacrament hymn #178 “O Lord of Hosts”

Brothers Brandon King and Harrison Chester blessed the sacrament and Brothers Rod Clark, Ed Schmidt, Ron Fisher, and Jerry Fender passed the sacrament.

First speaker was young Brother Daren Shaner.  He said that chopping down the Christmas tree represents the death of Jesus Christ.  Putting it up represents the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  He is the perfect gift. 

Second speaker was young Brother Emrys Kelly.  Share Jesus with others.  There are good places to start.  He told of the man who was born blind.  Jesus used mud to heal him.  He talked in riddles, that is, parables.  One was about the one lost sheep from the herd of sheep.  He cared about every single person.  This has eternal meanings.  He did big stuff with small and simple things.   Jesus is alive today.  

Third speaker was Sister Donna Palmer. She spoke about sharing the light of Christ during this Christmas season and throughout the year.  She cited a talk by Elder David A. Bednar.  (It may have been “The Spirit of Revelation” at ).  He spoke of the Spirit of truth.  Darkness is the absence of light.  The Light of Christ is not the Holy Ghost which is given by priesthood authority.  It can be snuffed out if we don’t use it.  It is given to each person.  She spoke of a mountain biker who was in a tunnel riding on gravel.  You can lose your way and become disoriented.   He saw a tiny prick of light coming toward him.  It was another biker.  Light is such an important factor in our lives.  There is intensity, form, color, direction, and movement. It is put into our own lives.  Light can be seen through a prism.  It can be just a pin light or s strobe.  She gave example of each.  It shines, expels darkness, and gives warmth.  Study Christ. He always performed a purposeful action.  It was never about Him but about someone else.  Was someone hurt?  We may feel justified.  Honking our horn.  Lashing out.  It was not personal to Him.  We should control our reactions.  Make it about others.  Have empathy.  

We should practice the pause and live by the Spirit.  We have such fast-paced lives.  We should act as if Christ is walking with us.  I should change my actions.  She shared a personal experience.  It was an opportunity to share kindness.  They were on a cruise with friends in the Caribbean.  There was so much poverty among the people.   They were at a market with backpacks on.  They were by a stall.  There was a crash.  She was nearby and got blamed.  The woman berated her.  She said, “I didn’t do it.”  They returned to the ship.  As they had their prayers, the Holy Ghost asked her, “where was your loving kindness today?”  She could easily have given her money for her wares.  Be a little more sensitive.  What can I do differently?   There are so many ways we can serve.  She spoke of JustServe and Light the World.  

Live Christlike values.  Be a source of positivity.  Evil and darkness are covering the earth.  It will not triumph.  Share our testimony.  We can do it in casual ways.  We can share it on social media.  At parties and meetings.  We can post uplifting things.  Include others.  Fulfill our callings.  Pray for opportunities.  During Thanksgiving she was with her daughter and her son visiting a local playground.  The son was singing a Primary song.  Another lady was there with her children.  She asked, “Are you LDS?” They were too.  Another lady was there and asked, “Are you guys LDS?”  There was a common thread.  How they were talking to their children and to each other.  The Light of Christ was there.  It was a force for God.  We have the gift of eternal life.  The Lord’s ministry showed compassion and love for all.  We can extend our hand to those who are suffering.  We can live the principles of the gospel to unite homes and communities. She has friends in Israel.  She can use the gift of the Internet for good and embrace Christ’s message. 

Intermediate hymn #203 “Angels We Have Heard on High”

Concluding speaker was Sister Debbie Gerbers.  She spoke on “What Christmas means to me?”  She read the hymn “O Holy Night.”  

“O Holy night! The stars are brightly shining

It is the night of the dear Savior's birth

Long lay the world in sin and error pining

'Til He appeared, and the soul felt its worth

A thrill of hope, the weary world rejoices

For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn'

Fall on your knees

O hear the angel voices

O night divine

O night when Christ was born

O night divine

O night, O night divine

Chains shall He break, for the slave is our brother

And in His name, all oppression shall cease

Sweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise we

With all within let's praise His holy name

Christ is the Lord!

His name forever praise we

Noel, Noel

O night, O night divine

Noel, Noel

O night, O holy night”

She spoke of the hustle and bustle in this season, of course there is cheer and good will.  She wants this song to be played at her funeral, even if it’s in July.  (Laughter). What if she had lived in Roman times or Greek.   There would have been no gift of the Holy Ghost, no personal revelation, and no atonement. She would have to carry her sins for her entire life.  There are redeeming effects today.  We exchange gifts.  We have the gift of Jesus Christ.  What did Jesus give us?  The cleansing power of baptism, the promise of eternal life.  Love and generosity come naturally to us.  

She has memories as a child.  She lived on Blaine Ave. in Salt Lake City.  Along the avenue we could read each verse of the Christmas story.  The elders quorum sold Christmas cards.  They sang carols all the time.  She read the First Presidency Christmas message.  (See  Look up the word transcendent.  What does it mean to me?

Closing hymn #209 “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing” by Charles Wesley, 1707–1788, and Felix Mendelssohn, 1809–1847. 

Benediction by Sister Cheryl Belnap 

There were 68 attendees and 14 online. 

December 03, 2023

President Craig Chester presided and conducted the sacrament meeting.

He promoted the Giving Machine which we can donate to from $5 to $500 which helps those in need all over the world. 

The branch social will be on the 16th. 

Thanks to those who have been cleaning the building.  He thanked Brother Schmidt for overseeing that.  

He promoted the branch website for members to access.  

Opening hymn #203 “Angels We Have Heard on High”

Invocation by Brother Lilya

Sacrament hymn #172 “In Humility, Our Savior”

Brothers Brandon King and Harrison Chester blessed the sacrament and Elder Scott and Brothers Rod Clark, Caleb Chappell, and David Wittekind passed the sacrament.

President Chester bore his testimony.  He had mentioned that in the past this was not his favorite meeting.  He has come to love it.  He is among a group of prophets.  There are prophets with a capital case and a lower case.  They speak by revelation as they are inspired by the Holy Ghost.  They speak gospel truths.  Inspired speech is the speech of prophecy.  We are inviting these messages to be shared.  Sometimes he feels a bit of discouragement Sunday morning.  He has a testimony of Christ and His Atonement.  God loves us.  The Church teaches us these principles.  He loves us all. 

Sister Debbie Gerbers said how blessed she is to live in this part of the world.  She will flee to Florida in a few weeks.  She has a testimony of service.  Service helps other people and it helps us.  Service brings us closer to Christ.  She spoke of the Just Serve program.  Service can be done individually and as a group.  Christmas is a fine time to do it.  We can receive guidance from Heavenly Father. 

Brother Christian Erwin said that he made a commitment to get up here every Fast Sunday.  He has a testimony of repentance.  We have the ability to turn to the Savior in humility.  We don’t want to feel empty and sin over and over.   We need a contrite heart.  We don’t want to follow the wrong spirit.  We want to turn to the Savior.  This is the true Church and the Book of Mormon is true.  

Sister Mitchell bore her testimony.  She has had health problems.  Her dog runs away.  The police found her.  

Sister Karin Alexander said that there is a beautiful place in heaven for our dogs.  This is a beautiful congregation.  She has been studying the names of Christ.  He is my Redeemer, my Savior.  He created this beautiful world.  I can work out my salvation. I love Him.  He knows my heart and my weaknesses.  He loves me still. 

Sister Danae Shaner said that public speaking is a common fear.  She wanted to come up to bear her testimony.  Heavenly Father loves you and hears your prayers.  

Brother Bill Huss said that it is good to be with you.  This feels like home to me.  We are friends and part of one another’s family.  We do everything through Jesus Christ.  We receive blessings through the name of Jesus Christ.  We receive guidance from the Holy Ghost.  We feel His influence in our lives.  We will study the Book of Mormon next year.  A man should not run faster than he has strength as it states in Mosiah.   We should be engaged in His work.  We must prioritize things in our lives.  We Feel love from one another.  He never read a verse about the Savior running around like a chicken with its head cut off.  He spoke of the importance to serve.  For a long time he and his wife have been going to a local park in Canton.  They saw a sister walking and picking up trash.  She was serving in her way. He is grateful to follow prophets of God, President Nelson and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. 

Brother Atticus Shaner told how the tour gospels are essential.  The “Come Follow Me” lessons are now about Revelation.  He tags the scriptures.  There are many signs of the Second Coming.  We can gain an understanding of His power.  There is much symbolism in Revelation.  

Brother David Wittekind told of his and Audrey’s experience visiting a ward in Panama.  The Primary program was that day.  They were told of the first Church building in Panama.  They walked around with a sister who is a member.  When they came here they talked to Don Bivens.  He said that when he came here this was not a branch but a twig.  The Church is the same wherever you go.   He was born in the Church.  They look forward to serving a mission.  We can testify no matter where we are that the Church is there for us. We celebrate His birth. 

Brother Rod Clark knows the gospel is true.  Over the last three years he has been in church and not in church.  He testified of the Savior. 

Sister Debbie Young spoke of the “Come Follow Me” lessons and of the talks that are in there.  There was one this week by Elder Scott D. Whiting about becoming like the Savior.  We can become perfect.  We do not try as hard as we can.  We can strive.  Don’t put limits on ourselves. We can become more perfect as we slow down.  Study Him and learn of Him.  One step at a time.  He was a Man of few words but so powerful.  Do not let Satan get us down.  Focus on the Savior.  See ourselves through Heavenly Father’s eyes.   We can bless other people.  Follow the example of our Savior. 

Brother Kevin Moss said that he was listening and thinking about missionary work.  He was with a friend visiting rural Southern Utah, south of I-70.  There were trails for hiking.  They pulled into a wash.  They saw a guy walking.  He was staggering, too old to be out there.  He said that he would give them everything in his wallet to get him out of there.  They gave him a ride in their car.  He wanted to return to his vehicle or campsite.  He had lost track of his steps.  They gave him some water.  He said that he had hiked the ridge.  They asked him, which way did you turn?  They were still headed south.  But they turned and drove north.  They found his car.  How quickly we can lose our bearings?  We are down here and get lost.  People can help us.  He is grateful to be in this branch, not a twig.  

President Chester thanked those who shared their testimonies and for the music. 

Closing hymn #201 “Joy to the World” Written by Isaac Watts, 1674–1748; alt. by William W. Phelps, 1792–1872. Included in the first LDS Hymnbook, 1835.

Music: George F. Handel, 1685–1759

Benediction by Sister Teri Grace 

There were 73 attendees and nine online. 

November 26, 2023

President James Watson, the stake president, presided and Brother Marvin Knight conducted the sacrament meeting.

Brother Knight announced tithing settlement  with the sign up schedule on President Chester’s office door. 

President Watson presented the stake business. 

Opening hymn #9 “Come, Rejoice”

Invocation by Sister Debbie Gerbers 

Sacrament hymn #180 “Father in Heaven, We Do Believe” Written by Parley P. Pratt, 1807–1857. 

Brother Brandon King and Elder Scott blessed the sacrament and Elders Higgins, Elmer, and Moss, and Brother Caleb Chappell passed the sacrament.

First speaker was Sister Camille Brooks.  She is grateful to be here today.  They moved here from Utah about a year and a half ago.  Her husband taught religion at BYU.  They prayed about where to retire and the answer was Georgia.  They love it here in Georgia. They have a daughter and her family in Canton.  They are the stake adult religion class teachers.  She shared several quotes from President Nelson.  Love is an action.  We show our love for the Savior by studying the scriptures.  We speak to God by praying.  He speaks to us through the scriptures.  Where can we hear him?  Through the scriptures.  We can read the words of Christ daily.  She has a testimony of scripture study.  It can help us survive spiritually.  

She has a friend in Canton.  She feasts upon the scriptures.  It took her many years to get pregnant and when she did, the baby died.  The scriptures got her through these difficult years.  In hard times we must know how to receive revelation.   We can begin and end each day with the scriptures.  She had a good thought to invite someone to church.  They came and had a wonderful time.  She shared the Book of Mormon with them.  When she receives a prompting from the Spirit she must obey.  The husband was excited!  They felt exquisite joy!  We tend to turn inward when we are sad.  We must turn outward instead.  

We can stretch beyond our current ability.  That which brings life eternal.  She quoted Elder Neal A. Maxwell.  God has so much that He wants to share with us.  Turn to the scriptures.  Pray and write down questions. Ask what is next.  Many actions can take years.   For Joseph Smith the answer came.  James 1:5.   God wanted him to find that.  She cited President Nelson who spoke of what matters most and what matters least.  She needed to be in the scriptures.  Focus on what matters most.  God will help you know.  She spoke of the great apostasy.  We need to keep our testimonies solid.  Scripture study will help us do that.  She told of the tree of life.  We need to enter the straight and narrow path, the covenant path.   There were those who looked to the great and spacious building and fell away.  Then there was the group that endured to the end. They held fast to the scriptures.   We receive many great blessings.  The Lord will comfort me and walk beside me.  

They visited a family in Utah.  The spirit there was so strong.  They resolved to get up early to read the scriptures.  Questions that they had were answered.  We must continually hold fast to the iron rod.  The Lord will lift you.  

Intermediate hymn #3 “Now Let Us Rejoice” Written by William W. Phelps, 1792–1872. Included in the first LDS hymnbook, 1835.

Concluding speaker was Brother Kent Brooks.  How many of you remember President Harold B. Lee?  Back in the day when the Church was much smaller, it held dance festivals.  In 1963 he could not take his wife, so he took his two grandsons.  He had forgotten the difference between five years old and seven years old.  The five year old was a handful!  They were in the general authority section.  He struggled with the little boy.  At one point he smacked Elder Lee on the cheek.  Elder Lee wondered if he should smite him.  Love them the most when they are the least lovable.  He put his arm around him and told him how much he loved him.  

He shared this for two reasons. We can be in a good place with good people.  He was grateful for this good sister and her prayer.  She expressed gratitude.  Which comes first?  Feelings of love or acts of love.  What if I don’t feel like serving?  Actions come first.  Love is a spiritual gift.  Be a true follower of Christ.  He recounted an experience of Stephen Covey at one of his seminars.  People came up afterward to ask questions.  He noticed a man who sat off to the side.  He came up and told Brother Covey that he was worried about his marriage.   Their feelings were just not there anymore.  Brother Covey told him to love her.  He protested that love just isn’t there anymore!  Love is a verb.  So love and serve her.  He bore witness of Jesus Christ.  These are challenging times.  It is all about living, loving, and serving.  He bore witness of Joseph Smith.  He brought me to the Savior. He shared his testimony of Jesus Christ.  The love of the Savior is unremitting. 

Brother Knight thanked Sister Alexander and Brother Fender for the music. 

President Watson reminded us of the Tuesday nights Zoom with the Brooks’s.  In his work he travels all over the world.  He is much involved with the use of artificial intelligence, with ChapGPT.  He deals with it all the time.  There is a big difference between this and God’s intelligence.  Ask God.  Lean not unto the understanding of men.  When he returned to Atlanta he got a ride home using Uber.  He got into a conversation with the driver.  He got no sleep in the hour and a half ride.  The driver had four daughters.  His wife and daughters attend church.  He does not.  The preachers use the scriptures and put their spin on them   He told him about Joseph Smith and about the First Vision, how he became a prophet.  They prayed together with his eyes closed but the driver’s open .  If you have struggles ask God.  There are prophets today.  

Closing hymn #66 “Rejoice, the Lord Is King!” Written by Charles Wesley, 1707–1788. 

Benediction by Elder Scott

There were 70 attendees and 11 online. 

November 19, 2023

Brother Ezra Shaner presided and conducted the sacrament meeting.  He excused Brother Knight who is sick and the Chester’s who are away. 

There is choir practice today. 

Opening hymn #223 “Have I Done Any Good?”

Invocation by Sister Tina Pittman 

Sacrament hymn #179 “Again, Our Dear Redeeming Lord”

Brother Brandon King and Elder Moss blessed the sacrament and Elders Higgins, Elmer, and Scott, and Brother Chuck Young passed the sacrament.

First speaker was Sister Ruth Anne Litt.  She is a retired police officer.  She is of the Pascua Yaqui tribe.  We need to look beyond physical appearance.  As children they endured discrimination and racial slurs from others, even church members. Her mother and father took a stand.  We were very aware that we were different.  She left that denomination.  She spoke of meeting and marrying Robbie.  She met with the missionaries who asked her to pray about what they were teaching her.  She prayed and learned that the Church is true.  Remember that we are all children of God.  Prejudice extends all around us.  President Nelson called upon us to “abandon attitudes of prejudice.”  Social media has promoted the dividing of ourselves.  Earl Boyd spoke on working tirelessly and how to move forward.  

She cited an article in the September 2021 Liahona entitled “How Can I Help Overcome Prejudice?” (  Her parents taught her to look beyond physical but there were religious differences.  One time her father turned his hose on the missionaries.  He is going to church now.  She read 3 Nephi 18:24.  We need to seek to understand each other.  She quoted Darius Gray, a prominent African American member and Church leader, who observed, “If we endeavored to truly hear from those we consider as ‘the other,’ and if our honest focus was to let them share of their lives, their histories, their families, their hopes, and their pains, not only would we gain a greater understanding, but this practice would go a long way toward healing the wounds of racism.”

She spoke of perception versus perspective. We need to look at the bigger picture.  When she was in police work, she worked in black neighborhoods.  They had some young white officers who were exposed to the black community to build empathy. She quoted Brother Chad H Webb who is the administrator of Seminaries and Institutes of Religion.  “Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another person. Genuine empathy brings people together; it sparks connections and helps people feel they are not alone. It is a critical part of creating a sense of belonging.”   Elder Gerrit W. Gong said, “As ‘fellowcitizens with the saints,’ we are invited to change the world for the better, from the inside out, one person, one family, one neighborhood at a time.”  President Russell M. Nelson said, “I call upon our members everywhere to lead out in abandoning attitudes and actions of prejudice. I plead with you to promote respect for all of God’s children.” ( 

Base your testimony on your relationship with Heavenly Father.  She read Matthew 18:15.  She was recently hired by an Indian family.  One time they shook their head at her in a way that seemed like they were disagreeing with her.  She asked what she had done wrong.  They explained that in their culture wobbling your head like that meant that they approved of what she said. The Reverend Amos C. Brown tells a story about Howard Washington Thurman. Howard lived next to a woman who mistreated his family because they were Black —even throwing manure from her chicken coop into the Thurmans’ yard.

When the woman fell ill, Howard’s mother took her some soup and roses. With gratitude, the woman asked where the flowers had come from. Mrs. Thurman explained, “While you were throwing the chicken manure, God was preparing the soil.”

“That’s what we’ve got to do in the midst of evil,” Reverend Brown said. “Take the manure but have the faith in God to use it to grow a garden of roses.”

Love those that hurt you.  Turn to Christ.  Elder D. Todd Christofferson said, “The Atonement also satisfies the debt justice owes to us by healing and compensating us for any suffering we innocently endure.”  The Lord “inviteth them all to come unto him and partake of his goodness; and he denieth none that come unto him, black and white, bond and free, male and female (2 Nephi 26:33).  She cited the Savior’s compassion on the adulterous woman. She read John 13:34 “A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.”

They spent a month in Crescent City, Florida.  There is a little branch there, many of whom are Hispanic.  They felt very welcome.  They went to an authentic Mexican restaurant.  They knew this because it served menudo.   The missionaries there spoke to everyone in Spanish.  It was a special moment.  We should love others.  Greet the visitors.  Volunteer in the community.  She read Matthew 5:14-16.  “Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.  Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.  Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.”  We should envision the worth of others.  President Nelson said, “We need to work tirelessly to build bridges of understanding rather than creating walls of segregation.”

Intermediate hymn #249 “Called to Serve”

Concluding speaker was Brother Robbie Litt. He recently learned that he had ADHD.  This was very enlightening.  He was beaten up in school.  Brother Knight did not give them specific topics, so he prepared six talks.  He suffers from insomnia and was up all last night. That is his disclaimer (laughter). He spoke of prayer and our relationship with Heavenly Father.  His mother told him a story about his big brother.  They went fishing at a river in Canada.  She warned him as he got too close to the water.  His brother was not listening.  He was testing his boundaries.  His father let him fall into the water briefly before pulling him out. This taught him a lesson. How do you see Heavenly Father?  Does he care about you?  He is the father of our eternal spirits.  They feel pain and hurt when they fall or go astray.  A French philosopher said, “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.”  We have heard the quote “As man now is, God once was: As God now is, man may be.”  This is a hard concept.  

There are massive oaks near their house.  If they fell, they would destroy the house. Thousands of acorns cover the ground. These trees came from one of these.  We hold the potential to become like a massive oak. We are literally children of our Heavenly Father.  He will not take away our free agency.  He read Matthew 7:9-11.  This scripture caused him to pray as never before.  It is an eternal perspective.  We have a spiritual DNA.  He read 2 Nephi 32:9.  “But behold, I say unto you that ye must pray always, and not faint; that ye must not perform any thing unto the Lord save in the first place ye shall pray unto the Father in the name of Christ, that he will consecrate thy performance unto thee, that thy performance may be for the welfare of thy soul.”  

They were touring all across Canada when he was a teen.  (Brother Bailey’s favorite scripture).  He always says a prayer before going on stage.  He prays for consistency.  Many people make New Year’s resolutions.  The gym across the street is packed initially but soon it is practically empty!  We should pray for righteous goals.  There are Book of Mormon stories that are faith-promoting.   One is when Lehi sends his sons back to Jerusalem.  He read 1 Nephi 3:7.  “And it came to pass that I, Nephi, said unto my father: I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them.”

He has been guilty of not listening to the prompting of the Holy Ghost.  He has one more story.  Years ago he went through a terrible divorce.  He was angry.  Heavenly Father carried him through that terrible time.  He got off a ship in Italy.  He saw the missionaries and enjoyed some gelato.  He hadn’t been to church in six months.  Then he met Ruth.  She was Baptist but her grandparents were members.  We need to recognize Heavenly Father’s hand.  This Church is true.  We need to try to be like Christ.  He spoke of the movie “Jesus of Nazareth.”  In it He was eating with the tax collector Matthew.  Peter was critical but the Savior invited him to join them.  He is thankful for his blessings.  We may let each other down sometimes but Heavenly Father will never let us down. 

Brother Shaner thanked the Litt’s and Sister Alexander and Brother Fender for filling in for the music. 

Closing hymn #239 “Choose the Right”

Benediction by Brother Beckham Chappell 

There were 88 attendees and eight online. 

November 12, 2023

President Craig Chester presided and Brother Marvin Knight conducted the sacrament meeting. 

Brother Knight recognized Brother William Huss of the stake high council. 

He announced about tithing declaration and that we could sign up on the branch president’s office door.  

Choir practice will take place after the second hour today.  

Opening hymn #270 “I’ll Go Where You Want Me to Go”

Invocation by Brother Craig Lathrop

Brother Huss presented the stake business. 

Sacrament hymn #194 “There Is a Green Hill Far Away” Written by Cecil Frances Alexander, 1818–1895. She has several hymns in our hymnbook. 

Brothers Brandon King and Harrison Chester blessed the sacrament and Elders Higgins, Elmer, Scott, and Moss passed the sacrament.

First speaker was Brother Brandon King who spoke on the temple. Two weeks ago he received his own endowment.  He spoke of the support from branch members. It took a long time.  He cited President Nelson about the Lord and His holy house.  We make sacred covenants.  The endowment is a gift of sacred blessings from God.  We receive greater knowledge and divine guidance and protection.  We have increased hope, comfort, and peace.  He had attended the temple prep class.  His uncle and cousin flew out from Utah to be there.  It would have been more meaningful if his Grandpa could have been there. 

Second speaker was Brother Ben Bailey. When Brother Knight called me about speaking, we were out shopping.  I had the option on my phone of listening on speaker or sending his call to my hearing aids.  I did the latter but the right hearing aid wasn’t working, so I had to change to speaker.  

Elder D. Todd Christofferson spoke in general conference about the power to validate all priesthood ordinances and make them binding both on earth and in heaven—the sealing power. It is crucial for gathering and preparing a covenant people on both sides of the veil.

The Savior Jesus Christ told the Apostle Peter in Matthew 16:19: “I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”

It has been prophesied since at least the days of Isaiah that in the latter days, the Lord’s ancient covenant people, the house of Israel, should be “gathered in from their long dispersion, from the isles of the sea, and from the four parts of the earth” and restored to “the lands of their inheritance.” President Russell M. Nelson has spoken often and powerfully about this gathering, calling it “the most important thing taking place on earth today.”

A vital purpose in the gathering of Israel is the building and operation of temples. As the Prophet Joseph Smith explained: “What was the object of gathering the … people of God in any age of the world? … The main object was to build unto the Lord a house whereby He could reveal unto His people the ordinances of His house and the glories of His kingdom, and teach the people the way of salvation; for there are certain ordinances and principles that, when they are taught and practiced, must be done in a place or house built for that purpose.”

In the temple we see the majesty and sacredness of the sealing power —it makes individual salvation and family exaltation universally available to the children of God wherever and whenever they may have lived on the earth.

With access to the sealing power, our hearts naturally turn to those who have gone before. The latter-day gathering into the covenant crosses through the veil. In the perfect order of God, the living cannot experience eternal life in its fulness without forging enduring links to “the fathers,” our ancestors. Likewise, the progress of those who are already on the other side, or who may yet cross through the veil of death without the benefit of sealings, is incomplete until vicarious ordinances bind them to us, their descendants, and us to them in the divine order. The commitment to aid one another across the veil can be classified as a covenant promise, part of the new and everlasting covenant. In Joseph Smith’s words, we want to “seal up our dead to come forth [with us] in the first resurrection.”

The highest and holiest manifestation of the sealing power is in the eternal union of a man and a woman in marriage and the linking of humankind through all their generations.

Without the sealings that create eternal families and link generations here and hereafter, we would be left in eternity with neither roots nor branches—that is, neither ancestry nor posterity. It is this free-floating, disconnected state of individuals, on the one hand, or connections that defy the marriage and family relations God has appointed, on the other hand, that would frustrate the very purpose of the earth’s creation. Were that to become the norm, it would be tantamount to the earth being smitten with a curse or “utterly wasted” at the Lord’s coming.

In the Kirtland Temple, a third heavenly messenger, Elijah, appeared to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery.  It is the priesthood authority and keys that he restored. 

As Malachi prophesied in the last two verses of the Old Testament, “Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord:

“And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.”

We can see why “marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God and that the family is central to the Creator’s plan for the eternal destiny of His children.” At the same time, we recognize that in the imperfect present, this is not the reality or even a realistic possibility for some. But we have hope in Christ. While we wait upon the Lord, President M. Russell Ballard reminds us that “scriptures and latter-day prophets confirm that everyone who is faithful in keeping gospel covenants will have the opportunity for exaltation.”

Some have experienced unhappy and unhealthy family circumstances and feel little desire for an eternal family association.  

Before I got to Elder Bednar’s comment, I shared how we drove to Munich, Germany, 50 years ago and knocked on the mission office door.  We asked the elders who answered if they could come teach us.  When they recovered from their shock, they said that they sure could.  After we left, they went downstairs to the mission office and told the other elders, “You’re not going to believe this!”  One of the young elders was Elder Bednar.  

Elder David A. Bednar made this observation: “To you who have experienced the heartache of a divorce in your family or felt the agony of violated trust, please remember [that God’s pattern for families] begins again with you! One link in the chain of your generations may have been broken, but the other righteous links and what remains of the chain are nonetheless eternally important. You can add strength to your chain and perhaps even help to restore the broken links. That work will be accomplished one by one.”

In the funeral services for Sister Pat Holland last July, President Nelson taught: “In time, Patricia and Jeffrey will be reunited. They will later be joined by their children and their covenant-keeping posterity to experience the fulness of joy that God has in store for His faithful children. Knowing that, we understand that the most important date in Patricia’s life was not her birth date or her death date. Her most important date was June 7, 1963, when she and Jeff were sealed in the St. George Temple. … Why is this so important? Because the very reason the earth was created was so families could be formed and sealed to each other. Salvation is an individual matter, but exaltation is a family matter. No one can be exalted alone.”

This is a scene taking place constantly all over the world in temples. I said that when we joined the Church, there were members that said they wanted to visit all the temples, all six of them.  When we were on our first mission, we wanted to visit all the temples in Utah.  There were 15 of them and we did it.  Now we’re behind again!  There are about 183 temples in the world and no one could visit all of them. 

This is the ultimate step in gathering the covenant people. It is the highest privilege of your membership in the Church of Jesus Christ. Elder Christofferson said, “I promise that as you faithfully seek that privilege, in time or eternity it will surely be yours.”

In the name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Intermediate hymn #17 “Awake, Ye Saints of God, Awake!” Written by Sister Eliza R. Snow, 1804–1887. 

Brother Knight thanked the speakers, Sisters Chester and Alexander for the music, and Sister King for the audiovisual.  

Concluding speaker was Sister Kallie Erwin. She is very thankful.  Like Brandon she went to the temple two weeks ago for her own endowment.  It meant a great deal to her.  It was one step further in progressing to be with Heavenly Father.  This talk is truly given by the spirit and her memory (laughter). She spoke of proxy baptisms and the endowment.  It is being obedient to Heavenly Father.  They will help us in this life and through the eternities.  He is shedding His light on everyone around us.  It is said that the eyes are the windows of the soul.  We see all around us the opportunity to partake of priesthood blessings.  They can be in your own home or in church.  She has received 15 blessings.  They are working on being in the temple with her husband Christian.   He can’t bless her right now.  We should partake of these opportunities.   The first time she went to the temple was to do baptisms.  She spoke of the large dome overhead.  It was filled with colors.  She loves symbolism.  We have individual abilities and are gifted.  We were brought forth to live and bring forth the gospel in this time.  She was brought up in a family outside of the gospel.  She is thankful for the missionaries.  It has not been easy.  She spoke of the sealing ordinance.  Her aunt passed away three years ago.  She has appeared to her in her dreams.  She wants to be baptized.  Heavenly Father leads me down His path.  She is waiting desperately for these ordinances.  We want our spirit and body to work together.   The people here are so loving.  President Nelson has spoken in every conference to go to the temple.  During Covid-19 restrictions the temples were closed.  Now they burn more brightly now than ever.  We can serve more passionately.  In Old Testament we can learn how beautiful is the temple.  King David spoke to his son about building the temple.  He gave specific instructions.  She told of how exacting the construction of the temple is, how perfect it is expected to be. She spoke of beautiful stained glass. She spoke of our premortal existence.  There is time to fix ourselves.  We need to seek out prayerfully.  She has a five-minute devotional in the morning.  She has made many changes.  She is on track to be sealed to her family.  She mentioned that the garments are warm.  How hot will they be in the summer?  We have trials that we don’t foresee.  You have trials as you grow stronger.  We are the ones that He has prepared.  She testified of the Book of Mormon.  He wants us to rejoice with Him.  We have so much room to grow.  President Nelson is still growing.  He spoke in the last general conference despite him hurting.   We can learn from this day.  We must seek out guidance from Heavenly Father. 

Closing hymn #85 “How Firm a Foundation” it was included in the first LDS hymnbook, 1835.

Benediction by Brother Mark Ramick 

There were 71 attendees and 14 online. 

November 5, 2023

President Craig Chester presided and Brother Marvin Knight conducted the sacrament meeting. 

He recognized our former stake president Elder Futral who was our stake president when we left on our first mission. He and his wife are senior missionary coordinators. 

He told us that it was time for tithing declaration and we could sign up on the branch president’s office door.  

There is a stake blood drive on 11 November in the Woodstock building and in the stake center. 

Opening hymn #98 “I Need Thee Every Hour”

Invocation by Elder Elmer 

Sister Jennifer Moss was sustained as second counselor in the Relief Society presidency. 

Sacrament hymn #175 “O God, the Eternal Father” Written by William W. Phelps, 1792–1872. Included in the first LDS hymnbook, 1835.  Music by Felix Mendelssohn, 1809–1847. 

Brother Harrison Chester and Elder Elmer blessed the sacrament and Brothers Caleb Chappell and Wayne Reeves and Elders Higgins and Moss passed the sacrament.

Brother Knight bore his testimony.  How important it is to remember the Savior and keep His commandments.  Remember the blessings we’ve received even when we go through rough patches.  Cast out the shadows in our lives.  The Holy Ghost has blessed us.  Some receive answers right away and for others it may a lifetime.  We can have great joy and peace.  The gospel has been restored through the Prophet Joseph Smith.  Brother Knight testified of all the scriptures.  Always remember the blessings that we have received.  

Brother Rich Marcom is here with his wife Marsha.  His name may sound familiar because their son served in the stake presidency.   His son said that he could not have done another girls camp.  (Laughter) They live in their RV.  Sister Terry Grace is his first cousin.  The strength of the Church is in our testimonies.  This is the true Church.  We have an amazing living prophet.  He loves to hear the words of President Russell M. Nelson.  He spoke of the blessings we enjoy today.  He testified of the Book of Mormon, of Heavenly Father and our elder brother Jesus Christ.  

Brother Terry Dorsey said that he has been a member for 10 years.  This is the fifth denomination that he has been associated with.  It has tenderized his heart.  We have a prophet and apostles.  It has been such a blessing to me.  When the missionaries visited him he had a full-time job and would just snack on the Book of Mormon.  The Lord arranged that he had more time.  He has been drawn to BYUtv and general conference.  He cares for so many more people and what they’re going through.  There are so many wonderful people in this Church.  In other churches, too.  If they read the Book of Mormon we’d be overcrowded.  He has a lot of time now to study His word.  He is so grateful.  By the way the first Mormon he knew was in the army in 1968.  He told a little bit about the Sacred Grove.  He planted that seed.  45 years later the seed was watered.  He is so glad to have entered the waters of baptism. 

Brother Christian Owen.  What a privilege we have to come each Sunday to renew our covenants.  We have the freedom to choose to obey the commandments.  He spoke of the Savior’s pain and suffering in Gethsemane.   How dare I complain!  There are so many positive things.  Think of all the good that we have.  There was one who just wanted to make us do the right thing.  He did not win.  Jesus Christ lives.  The Book of Mormon is true.  Someone could say to us, “Denounce your faith or die.”  We follow the Savior.  The Lord loves us all. 

Brother Atticus Shaner spoke of a truth that he recently learned.  He has a testimony about fasting.  Isaiah 58 explains it perfectly from many different points of view.  The fast that I have chosen.  Remember those that have not.  Fasting to change our hearts.  Root out any greed.  Fast offerings to give to the poor.  

Sister Callie Owen.  The gospel works miracles in our lives.  She was baptized in 2021.  She recently received her temple endowment.  She loved so many of us.  She hopes to get to meet more of you.  We need to serve the mission that He has sent us forth to do.  Share the light in your life with others.  She is personally thankful for the love and support of others.  He knows us personally.  He calls each of us.  The Book of Mormon is true. She is thankful for the Prophet.  

Brother Troy Gilbert said that he has worked with some who have come up here.  He wanted to be a diesel mechanic.   He was doing a little bit of everything.  He liked working with his hands.  His mother did the best she could as a single mom.  He had to leave home after graduation.  He worked as a carpenter and moved to Berea, SC.  He met a lot of nice people.  He met the mother of his daughter.  They were together 17 years.  Pressures came his way.  He grew closer to the Savior.  His ex and he could not stay together.  He lived in a small camper and was bedridden for two and a half years.  He got to know Heavenly Father better.  He went back to school at age 38.  God opened a window.  He got a bachelor’s in theology. He thought, “This can’t be all.”  He met Wendy.  His boss pushed him.  He was introduced to the Church through her.  He decided to be baptized.  He spoke of the Book of Mormon and stories about Joseph Smith.  There were truths he couldn’t find anywhere else.  He is forever grateful.  He does believe that this is the true Church.  Don’t ever stop asking God. 

A young man visitor said that Heavenly Father loves and needs you. 

Sister Karin Alexander wished us a happy Sabbath.  Jesus lives and is wonderful.  Heavenly Father loves us so much.  We should crack open His book and our heart.  There is a prophet on the earth.  She spoke of previous prophets.  We touch each other’s hearts.  

Brother Dave Chappell said that it is a privilege to be here today.  This is the true Church of Jesus Christ.  He has served many missions.  He knew President Futral years ago. He spoke of helping people in his mission during fires and mud slides.  The Bible and Book of Mormon are true.  He can become a better son.  Talk to President Chester if we need to.  Do the things we’re supposed to do.  What was success?  We need a clean conscience. 

Brother Ron Fisher said that he knows that our Heavenly Father lives and sent His precious Son.  He loves us with more love than we are capable of imagining.  

Brother Knight thanked Sisters Karin Alexander and Hannah Chester for the music. 

Closing hymn #163 “Lord, Dismiss Us with Thy Blessing” Music by Jean-Jacques Rousseau, 1712–1778. 

Benediction by Elder Scott

There were 96 attendees and several online. 

October 29, 2023

President Craig Chester presided and Brother Ezra Shaner conducted the sacrament meeting. 

Opening hymn #82 “For All the Saints”

Invocation by Sister Charmet Chester 

Released Sister Ruth Anne Litt as second counselor in Relief Society presidency 

President Chester announced what will be taking place during the second hour. 

There will be 3 different classes available during that time. 

Sister Alicia Hall from the Macedonia Ward will speak to the adults about mental health and resilience, while Sister Julie Day from the Willow Creek Ward will speak to the youth on the same topic. They both have excellent presentations and you will greatly benefit from their class.

Brother Richard Eaker from Church Development Counseling Services will speak on mental health counseling related to unemployment or underemployment, assisting in job training programs, and helping with goal setting and accountability.

There is a stake blood drive on 11 November in the Woodstock building and in the stake center.  You can sign up on the branch website. 

Stake business was presented by Brother Aaron Driscoll of the stake high council.  

Sacrament hymn #169 “As Now We Take the Sacrament”

Brother Harrison Chester and Elder Elmer blessed the sacrament and Brother Brandon King and Elders Higgins, Scott, and Moss passed the sacrament.

First speaker was Sister Hannah Chester.  Last Christmas she was at her mom’s house.  She watched a scary movie.  All of a sudden the lights turned off.  She didn’t realize that they were on a timer.  We should get used to the Savior being in our lives.  I am doing everything I’m supposed to do. I need that comfort and peace.  The Savior said, “If you love me keep my commandments.”  She read Deuteronomy 6:5.  “And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.”  We can’t just go to church on Sunday.   We need to love God.  She cited the April 2023 conference talk by President Henry B. Eyring entitled “Finding Personal Peace” ( We need to remain faithful.  She spoke of attending FSY a couple of years ago.  Regardless of what you’ve done, God will always come back to you.  We can be struggling to find that peace and the Holy Ghost.  She read Doctrine & Covenants 121:7-8.  There is light at the end of the tunnel.  She cited President Eyring again.  We can help others to find peace.  We can endure to the end.  We have something to look forward to with peace and optimism. 

Second speaker was Sister Debbie Lathrop.  When Jesus was born few had peace.  The Romans ruled.  It was a barren hostile land.  He was the son of a lowly small-town carpenter.  He did not live the high life.  He is the Prince of Peace.  He promises us peace with so much going on in the world.  Let not your hearts be troubled.  She spoke on how she has experienced personal peace.  She cited the prayer from Alcoholics Anonymous: “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,  the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” She cited Elder Richard L Evans from his book “The Man and the Message.” (  Prayer is a common thread.  She asked, “What is in our control?”  She would beat herself up.  She would lose sleep.  She said that we can change with assistance from various sources.  She quoted President Thomas S. Monson about decision making.  He said, “I can't stress too strongly that decisions determine destiny. You can't make eternal decisions without eternal consequences.  She cited Elder Jeffrey R. Holland about the Great Depression.  She read Doctrine & Covenants 59:23.  How do we incorporate these things into our lives?  

She spoke about mirroring in psychology.  (,going%20unnoticed%20by%20both%20parties).  She applied it to mothers and fathers with their children.  She applied it to the Savior in Gethsemane.  We need never feel alone or abandoned.  We can feel the Lord’s peace in the midst of pain.  She read Doctrine & Covenants 19:23.  She cited Alexander Dumas in “The Count of Monte Cristo.”  “For the happy man prayer is only a jumble of words, until the day when sorrow comes to explain to him the sublime language by means of which he speaks to God.”  She quoted from Elder James E. Talmage.  “Prayer is made up of heart throbs and the righteous yearnings of the soul, of supplication based on the realization of need, of contrition and pure desire.” She referred to the song “Sweet hour of Prayer.” ( “My soul has often found relief.”  She cited Elder Holland again.  “The search for peace is one of the ultimate quests of the human soul.”   Often we yearn for a good night’s sleep.  She spoke of dearest friends and the courageous people in a stake, ward, or branch.  Some have dealt with physical or emotional pain.  Some with health challenges due to age.  They wonder if they can get through these things.  The Savior’s solace will suffice.  We can have peace in ministering, in making and keeping covenants in the temple.  She and Craig went to the temple after they joined the Church.  Preparatory to their sealing, friends watched their three children.  They got word of a car accident that their children were in.  She felt at peace.  The children were fine. She spoke of fervent prayer.  

There was special music by the choir. 

Brother Shaner thanked the choir and the speakers. 

Concluding speaker was Brother Shaner.  He had the opportunity to go to temple yesterday for Brandon’s endowment.  He thought of the trials in life that have forced him to grow.  That is part of coming to earth.  He spoke to the Comforter and Lehi’s vision of the tree of life.  He traveled through mists of darkness.  1 Nephi 8:23-24. Have mercy on me.  After I prayed into the Lord, my soul was filled with joy.  Through negativity we can appreciate positivity.  He enjoys martial arts.  Sometimes there is a lot of pain but there is a consistent sense of peace that he did something hard.  He spoke of mental trials and stated the Greek word for trial.  In the Book of Mormon we are often told that we will prosper when we keep the commandments of God.  We can make it through our trials.  

On his mission he had an eight month period with no discussions.  He spoke of the missionaries being abused in numerous ways.  He had his lawyer on speed dial for when he was arrested for preaching.  Elder Ballard visited and gave him a referral.  When he went there the door was slammed in his face.  He was really upset.  He felt that it was all his fault.  He was that he was his harshest critic.  Others would say that he was not a failure.  He had a few months left.  He would just coast.  He thought “why am I doubting?”  Eventually he had a great mission.  He had to rely on the Savior.  We need to be yoked to the Savior.  He will be with us every step of the way.  We will have a constant comforter in our lives.  We always have the opportunity to repent. He is grateful for the Book of Mormon and the spirit in his life. 

Closing hymn #134 “I Believe in Christ” by Elder Bruce R. McConkie (1915–1985)

Benediction by Brother Harrison Chester

There were 69 attendees and 11 online. 

October 22, 2023

Brother Ezra Shaner presided and conducted the sacrament meeting. 

Opening hymn #220 “Lord, I Would Follow Thee”

Invocation by Elder Moss

Sacrament hymn #171 “With Humble Heart”

Brother Harrison Chester and Elder Elmer blessed the sacrament and Brothers Brandon King, Chuck Young, and Caleb Chappell, and Elder Higgins passed the sacrament.

Elder Scott said that he has been here for two weeks and 17 months on his mission.  He spoke of serving of his own accord.  He knows the Church is true.  He can repent and do better.  He can change and be better. 

Elder Moss is from Denver.  He has been in the branch four weeks and he was here a year ago. He went home for eight months.  He registered for college classes.  His mom sent him a talk by Elder (then President) Uchtdorf entitled “Continue in Patience.”  See   He dropped his classes and came back out on his mission.  He had support while at home from friends and family.  

Elder Elmer said he has been out four weeks. He’s been out a little over a year.  He’s on the downward slope.  (Laughter.) He is from California.  He had friends that were not religious.  They said they were happy.  There was a difference between those that were not religious and those that were.  He read 2 Nephi 26:24.  He said about coming unto Him.  He has been given the power of conversion in his life. 

Elder Higgins has been out four weeks.  This is his first area.  He is lucky to be here.  He shared the experience of his grandfather.  He is named Calvin after him.  He converted in his mid-20’s due to one missionary who clicked with him, an 18-year-old kid from Arizona.  That choice afffcted his life.  He would not be here otherwise. Generations have been touched.  His father served in the Washington DC North Mission from 1999-2001.  He was not active afterwards.  He looked at his father and the joy from his mission.  He thinks of the people he would be able to touch, of the miracles through faith in Jesus Christ.  He got the scripture Mosiah 8:18 from his father. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the light.  

Brother Marvin Knight spoke of the wisdom from Brother Don Bivens.  He should always have a talk with him.  He has been studying the Passover from the Egyptian perspective.  They had lots of gods, some more powerful than others.  Why did God select the plagues that He did?  Anuket was the ancient goddess of the Nile.  Moses turned the water into blood.  For seven days they were without water.  The land started to die.  This was a direct assault on that goddess.  The sorcerers were able to end the plague. The next plague was of frogs.  Heket was the goddess of fertility and renewal and she was represented in the form of a frog.  The sorcerers were able to relieve that.  Geb was the god of the earth.  Moses threw dust into the air which became the plague of lice.  

Next was the swarm of flies.  The plagues were aimed at the whole pantheon of Egyptian deity.  Next was Hathor the goddess of love.  She was also the protector of livestock.  Food and transportation depended on them.  Animals were used as sacrifices.  Isis was the goddess of medicine and peace.  Moses threw ashes into the air.  Everyone touched had boils and sores.  The Egyptians were very clean.  Their priests could not officiate if unclean.  Some of the prior plagues impacted the Israelites, too.  They were told to go into thy house.  Next was Nut, the goddess of the sky.  There was a plague of hail which turned to fire.  Everything burned.  Crops were flax and barley.  These were used for clothes and alcohol.  Items that they wore and drank.  The god Seth who was the god of the desert.   The plague was locusts which ate everything. It was an attack on the food supply.  Pharaoh still did not give in.  Next was three days of darkness. The god Ra was believed to have ruled as the first pharaoh.  Pharaoh was considered to be the manifestation of Ra.  The sorcerers couldn’t do anything about it.  The last plague was the firstborn being killed.  The Israelites were told to put lamb’s blood on the lintels of their doors.  Then Pharaoh freed Israel.  The Lord was greater than all of Egypt’s gods.  

In the Ten Commandments is the commandment to have no other god before me.  In California there are different religions such as alcohol, free time, boating and fishing, barbecuing, and sports.  Our problems become our gods.  No one has greater power than our Father.  The plagues obliterated their gods.  What is required?   A testimony of the God of heaven and earth.  Through Him we can overcome things that we face. 

Brother Shaner thanked Brother Knight and the missionaries. 

Brother Shaner spoke of his mission in Greece and Cyprus.  The branch president became Inactive.  He had to take over.  He has restarted reading the Book of Mormon. He cited 1 Nephi 2:12.   Laman and Lemuel murmured.  They had a tendency to murmur.  We don’t understand perfectly.  Nephi did not murmur though he was exceedingly young. He believed the words of Lehi.  He read verse 19.  Testimonies and revelation don’t come easily.  At work he hears crazy things about our religion.  Some members have fallen away.  He can feel His spirit in my life.  Read the Book of Mormon which is true.  We have the gift of repentance through the Savior Jesus Christ.  Brother Shaner speaks next week so he hopes that we don’t tire of hearing him. . He is grateful for the gospel. 

Closing hymn #304 “Teach Me to Walk in the Light”

Benediction by Elder Scott

There were 82 attendees and six online. 

October 15, 2023

President Craig Chester presided and Brother Ezra Shaner conducted the sacrament meeting. 

Opening hymn #66 “Rejoice, the Lord Is King!” Written by Charles Wesley

Invocation by Sister Addison Chappell

Sisters Barbara King and Joanna Lilya were sustained as Relief Society service coordinators. 

Sister Connie Reichert was sustained as branch disability specialist. 

Brother Aaron Driscoll of the stake high council presented lots of stake business.  Sister Charmet Chester was sustained as stake communication specialist.  

Sacrament hymn #195 “How Great the Wisdom and the Love” Written by Eliza R. Snow

Brothers Brandon King and Harrison Chester blessed the sacrament and Brothers James Alexander, Chuck Young, and Caleb Chappell, and Elder Scott passed the sacrament.

The Primary presented their annual Primary program.

At the completion al the program we joined them by singing the 2nd verse of “When He Comes Again.”

Benediction by Sister Tina Pittman 

There were 91 attendees and 12 online.

October 8, 2023

President James Watson, Marietta Stake president, presided and Brother Ezra Shaner conducted the sacrament meeting. 

Brother Shaner recognized President Watson on the stand. 

Opening hymn #259 “Hope of Israel”

Invocation by Brother Caleb Chappell 

Sacrament hymn #183 “In Remembrance of Thy Suffering”

Brothers David Chappell and Harrison Chester blessed the sacrament and Brothers Rod Clark, Boyd Belnap, Craig Reichert, and Caleb Chappell passed the sacrament.

Brother Shaner bore his testimony.  A couple of months ago it was so nice that they left their windows open in the living room.  A bird flew in and he thought that he had a nice new home but Brother Shaner knew that he would die if he couldn’t get out. The bird flew overhead from one beam to another.  Brother Shaner used an extendable painter’s pole to try to catch him. He knew that the only way was to tire the bird.  After an hour the bird fell to the floor. Brother Shaner picked him up and held him in his hands.  Then he took him out and he flew away.  Some of us are stubborn like the bird.  We can be brought to total exhaustion by our trials.  Some have worse trials.  Heavenly Father will scoop us up and hold us in His hand.  He brings peace to my heart.  He has felt through the Spirit that the Book of Mormon is true.  Heavenly Father is on our side.  Brother Shaner is grateful for us and for his loving wife.  

Sister Tina Pittman feels joyful this morning seeing all of us.  Conference was beautiful.  We received wonderful instruction.  She is grateful for this gospel.  She cited President Oaks’s talk.  What a perfect plan it is.  She spoke of the opportunity we have thanks to the Savior and what He did for us.  How fortunate we are to come to earth with the gospel.  Someone said that marriage is between a man and a woman.  A bill was passed labeling this as hate speech!   This will affect the church in the future.  Our kids need to stand with God.  Hold tight to the iron rod.  She is so grateful for all of us and for my Savior.  

A young Kelly daughter said that when she sleeps, Jesus is in her dreams.   

Sister Cassie Kelly said that they went to Bo’s office.  He had a sticky note about getting a bigger home for her.  They have been working toward it and praying about it.  The answers have been no, no, no.  Their home is 1200 square feet and they have five kids.  They have added a school room.  It has been magical.  The sticky note came to pass.  Heavenly Father does that for us just as Brother Shaner did with the bird.  He knows what’s best for us.  This is very reassuring. 

Sister Karin Alexander said that it is so good to be with us today.  She testified that Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit are real.  Every morning before breakfast they have prayer.  She had moved here from Salt Lake City.  She wanted windows with beautiful views of the trees.  When we open our scriptures there is so more light from those than from outside.  They are in the war chapters in the Book of Mormon.  We should stay true and firm.  Love is shared with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.  Someday the light will reach her children.  She has a loving family.  She felt the love in general conference and from our prophet. 

Sister Cheryl Belnap was thinking of her first fast and testimony meeting as a new member.  She panicked as she thought that she would have to do it.  She ran out but learned that you only do it if you want to. A member corrected her.  We should say things pleasing to Heavenly Father and helpful to others.  She read the Book of Mormon in six weeks.  There are answers to the questions we have.  She loves the Lord.  He died for us and lived for us.  There are so many ways to refer to Him.  He means so much to us.  Then come our family and friends.  The Spirit can guide us.  He is the center of our lives.  We can choose to do what He did for us.  What an example He is.  She has flown from beam to beam.  We can hang in there.  We can be control freaks.  We should rely on Him and be held in His palms, to have His arms wrapped around us. She loves us all and she loves the Lord. 

Sister Debbie Gerbers said how awesome conference was.  She had a quick question to be answered.  The first speaker was Elder Bednar and Boom!  There was my answer.  That happened several more times!   Conference really hit home.  It is too bad for those who missed it but with our technology we can still watch it. 

Brother Rod Clark said that he was glad to be here today.  He had some issues.  The Spirit tells you and warns you. We need to listen.  We need to love ourselves and our spouses.  We need to take heed.  He said that the Book of Mormon is true. 

Brother William Huss (of the stake high council) told of a recent experience.  He said how much Heavenly Father loves us.  They have six children.  One son has been having a hard time since his mission.  They have his backpack.  Some of its contents are disturbing.  What is of value to your son?  There is darkness in his life.  He spoke of the fruits of repentance.  God doesn’t keep a box full of our sins.  He remembers them no more.  I have told you so.  It represents the charity and love of our Savior.  Get rid of that backpack.  He teaches us to become like Him.  We need to turn our will over to Heavenly Father.  He and our Savior love us. 

Sister Judy Dorsey said that she is so blessed to be here today.  She enjoyed general conference and the talks.  Her family said you watched church for two days?   She said it wasn’t the same as church in general.  Our leaders share their vision, how we should be doing in our lives. 

Sister Audrey Wittekind said that the Spirit is so strong today.  It is wonderful to have a living prophet and hear him twice a year.  We need to heed their messages.  She was helping her daughter move so it was not as good as it could be to watch conference. She was in the pool with her granddaughter and said that they had to watch the prophet.  The girl said, “Follow the prophet?”  That is how I need to be.  She is thankful for the teaching of her parents and her Primary teachers.  She is thankful for time in the temple with Sofia and branch members.  She had strength going there.  It binds us to our families.  This is the Church of Jesus Christ.  

Young Angellia Cummings said that she knows the Church is true.  

Sister Natosha Cummings said how she has seen her daughter’s testimony grow.  Sister Cummings said that she got on her knees to know the Church is true. She was baptized and knew then that it was true but she wanted another confirmation.  She had a dark dream.  There were steps going upward.  They were hard to get up.  There was light at the top.  She climbed and climbed.  At the top was a platform.  It was beautiful.  There was light everywhere.  Families can be together.  She spoke of the Second Coming.  Heavenly Father loves us. 

President Watson said how great the testimonies were today.  He spoke of general conference and the talk by Elder Uchtdorf about the prodigal son.  He was in the conference center.  The young man was searching to find himself.  He knew that he could get back home.  We have left home, too, and have had the same experience.  Put ourselves in place of the father.  That son knew that there would be love.  Do we have a child less active and struggling?  Should we relax and be less faithful in our covenants?  Then life would be comfortable to them.  That is not so.  They want to come back when they are in your safe home.  Be consistent in your covenant keeping.  Jesus Christ loves you.   He knows the struggles that we go through.  His home is a place of peace, love, and compassion. 

Brother Shaner expressed his thanks for those who shared their testimonies and those who listened.

Closing hymn #30 “Come, Come, Ye Saints”

Benediction by Sister Hannah Chester

There were 74 attendees and 11 online.

September 24, 2023

President Craig Chester presided and conducted the sacrament meeting. 

He recognized Brother Mark Bohn of the stake high council on the stand.  

He announced that there would be choir practice after church today. 

Next Sunday is general conference and the Sunday morning session can be viewed here in the chapel. 

Opening hymn #228 “You Can Make the Pathway Bright”

Invocation by Brother Craig Lathrop

The confirmation of Sister Melanie Smith took place by Brother Lilya. 

Sacrament hymn #189 “O Thou, Before the World Began”

Elder Moss and Brother Harrison Chester blessed the sacrament and Brothers Brandon King, Caleb Chappell, Blake Cornell, and Boyd Belnap passed the sacrament.

President Chester thanked Sisters Alexander and Hannah Chester for the music, and Brother Bo Kelly for the audiovisual.  He spoke of thanking Sister Shaner last week since she was practicing on the organ before the meeting.  But it was Sister Alexander, not Sister Shaner. 

First speaker was Sister Audrey Wittekind. She said “Hi” to friends that are watching from home. She cited the scripture in Luke about the lawyer asking the Savior what shall he do to inherit eternal life.  She read Luke 10:27.  A similar scripture is also found in Leviticus.  The lawyer asked, “Who is my neighbor?”  She told the story of the Good Samaritan, telling of the priest, the Levite, and the Samaritan.  He had compassion and could have been a covenant-keeping person.  He bound his wounds and took him to an inn.  Which was the neighbor?  Go and do likewise.  We can love someone and serve them.  She spoke of stake conference and the comments of President Watson about knowing our neighbor.  Do you even know your neighbor?   She knows just one guy as they have a long driveway.  Neighbors can be anyone around us or not around us.  Our family and those around the world.  She will narrow her talk down.  She learned about service.  She feels inadequate to serve.  What can I do?  Go big or go home.   You may think that you don’t have that much to give.  She was expecting her first child.  Her neighbor was pregnant, too.  Her neighbor brought her dinner.  The hot dogs were not what her mom would have brought.  That was not important.  We serve how we can and where we can.

When her kids were little she was busy with them.  Her husband job traveled a lot.  She was servicing in home with the kids.  The missionaries lived with them.  She made them cakes for their birthdays.  Maybe people need something that you can’t actually give.  Listening is service.  Being known and recognized is important to others.  We can be compassionately listening.  It is hard to receive service.  Then you deny them blessings.  She feels closer to the Savior when she serves.  Sometimes I should say that I need help.  It is hard for me.  I would have to give up my control.  They needed the interior of their house painted with the kids there and her husband away.  The missionaries were not professional painters.  Their efforts looked like hieroglyphics.  The Savior was the perfect example of service.  She hopes to continue to improve. 

Intermediate hymn  #227 “There Is Sunshine in My Soul Today”

Concluding speaker was Brother Mark Bohn.  He looked out at the congregation and recognized Sister Gerber.  He was her son’s Sunday School teacher years ago.  He spoke of the thoughts and prayers of the stake presidency for the branch.  The subjects of the high councilors’ talks are “Live, Love, and Serve like the Savior.  He is speaking on service today.  He thanked Sister Wittekind for her talk.  He spoke of all the Savior has done for us.  He had humility and a multitude of sacrifices, ending at Golgotha.  He could have felt that He had done His part.  But He returned.  We can’t serve like the Savior. This could therefore be a short talk. You might like that.  He spoke on trying to be like Jesus.  We can sacrifice our time and talents which could be hard on our backs and knees.  He has benefited from others.  He thinks of one brother in his home ward which is the Piedmont Ward.  He is not a spring chicken but is always there.  He recited a list of when he’s always there.  He’s retired and can do this.  But then the service activities could be all retirees.  

He was in Valdosta with about 400 others to help with the cleanup from the recent hurricane.  He helped a man named Eric to remove massive trees that hadcjust missed his house.  He is a tattoo artist with tattoos all over him.  He looked at the group there to help and said, “This isn’t my crowd!” He served with us.  There were trees and stumps.  He had a plastic swimming pool which he filled with the parts of the trees and pulled it with bungee cords.  

His oldest son left him a spiritual message and prayer.  I miss you guys.  Joy was set in him.  Acts of quiet service are known only to recipient.  These could be down to simple texts and phone calls.  It could be helping mom with her kids.  Again he referred to Sister Wittekind.  There are many little things that make a difference.  There was an article in a recent issue of the Liahona. It was about a neighbor pulling in trash cans.  (See “On Wednesday, Call Him Oscar” at

His father lives in an apartment complex.  He picks up garbage that he sees.  He spoke of smiling at someone.  Smiling at other people releases hormones.  He was at a racetrack.  The ticket line was horrendous.  Some in line were not kind.  He said to the lady, “Hi, are you okay?”  Her demeanor was better after him.  He spoke of holding the door open for another.  There is the Golden Rule.  These things add up for one another.  We could be just dropping by.  There is a brother age 86 to whom he ministers.  He drops by because with his dementia a text or phone call would be quickly forgotten.  He spoke of writing a letter or card.  Doing that seems strange now.  He served his mission in the Bronx,  Queens, and Manhattan.  In checking a mail box he learned a youth’s name.  His hair was much longer than it should have been.  His bishop was not happy.  Brother Perry greeted him.  He still remembers him because he remembered me.

He has three kids.  A son named Grant has stepped away from the Church.  His hair is down to here.  He shocked his parents who thought he would never enter the church building.  He stepped in for the ward Christmas party.  He was made to feel welcome by the members.  He spoke of drivers being more aggressive.  He has to drive to Savannah tomorrow.  He was in a parking garage and couldn’t get out.  Then someone flashed their lights, letting him out.  He spoke of holding someone’s hand, of funerals during Covid.  There are a few small acts.  President Nelson spoke of learning to love as the Savior.  “What manner of men [or women] ought you to be?” (3 Ne. 27:27)  We are blessed in this life.  Bring more light and joy to a troubled world. 

President Chester said that a small purse was found in the women’s bathroom.  Brother Shaner has it but he doesn’t know what he was doing in the woman’s bathroom.  (laughter)

Closing hymn #219 “Because I Have Been Given Much”

Benediction by Sister Judy Dorsey 

There were 95 attendees and several online.

September 17, 2023

President Craig Chester presided and conducted the sacrament meeting. 

He recognized Brother William Huss of the stake high council. 

There is a baptism at 5 pm on Tuesday.  Melanie Smith is being baptized. 

The Sunday session of general conference will be available here.  

Opening hymn #158 “Before Thee, Lord, I Bow My Head”. Written by Sister Eliza Snow (1804-1887). 

Invocation by Sister Debbie Lathrop

Sacrament hymn #186 “Again We Meet around the Board”

Brothers Garrett McPherson and Harrison Chester blessed the sacrament and Brothers James Alexander and Blake Cornell and Elders Flynn and Alves passed the sacrament.

President Chester thanked Sisters Rhiannon Shaner and Hannah Chester for the music, and Brother Bo Kelly for the audiovisual. 

First speaker was Sister Wendy Adams.  They moved here in April from the Roswell Stake.  She spoke on enduring to the end.  How do we do so?  We need to pray and read the scriptures daily, attend sacrament weekly, and have a temple recommend.  We need to read and study the Book of Mormon.  We must repent and stay on the covenant path.   Stay close to Heavenly Father and we will gain eternal life.  She cited the first 5 or 6 chapters of 2 Nephi.  She spoke of entering the gate of the straight and narrow path.  Can we say that all is done?  No.  She read 2 Nephi 31:20-21.  “This is the doctrine of Christ.”  She used two conference talks.  The first was “He That Shall Endure unto the End, the Same Shall Be Saved” by Elder Claudio D. Zivic of the Seventy in April 2018. The link is   The second was “Behold, We Count Them Happy Which Endure” by Elder Robert D. Hales of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles in April 1998.  The link is She said that these things aren’t easy. 

Intermediate hymn  #239 “Choose the Right”

Concluding speaker was President Craig Chester.  Have you watched the Andy Griffith show?  If not, there is something wrong with you!  In the first episode Opie met the new housekeeper Aunt Bea.  He didn’t like her as he liked the previous housekeeper.  They took part in a ballgame and Aunt Bea was holding the bat by the fat end.  Andy had to correct her.  Today most of us most of the time have the right tool but hold it wrong, backwards.  He read Matthew 5:43.  “Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy.”  Then “Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.”  We often don’t take it in the context.  It is thought that being obedient to the law is all we have to do.  That is no longer true.  

He spoke of the law of love.  We should love God and our neighbor.  That includes yourself.  Sometimes we take the law backwards and try to get love.  We expect a reward and an accomplishment.  We look at engaging in an act of love.   We think of perfectionism but we misunderstand the verse.  That is a powerful form of disobedience.  We think we can earn by doing stuff.  We must love Him and love each other.  He cited 3 Nephi and the Sermon on the Mount.  In chapter 12 verse 21 “Ye have heard that it hath been said by them of old time ,,,,”  In verse 48 “Therefore I would that ye should be perfect even as I, or your Father who is in heaven is perfect.”  Jesus couldn’t say that in mortality.  He used Himself as an example.  We can no longer live by the list that we just check off.  

He spoke of Dr. Adam Miller (see  There is no commandment to make ourself more lovable.  We cannot get love. We can only give it.  We can feel love from others.  Perhaps our goal is to be a gardener.  We plant seeds.  We pull weeds.  Check. Check.  We engage in the process of gardening.  We become a gardener by doing gardening.  People can bring you fruits and vegetables which are delicious.  People can love you.  Through their example they can inspire me to be a good gardener.  You can’t get but give.  How do we go from being concerned about ourselves?   We may think of God as a vending machine who dispenses items that we want.  We must develop attributes in ourselves. He referenced Romans 6.  There is a metaphor of baptism.  We are buried with Him.  We are planted together.  We must honor our covenants of baptism.  Every Sunday we take upon ourselves the name of Christ.  We must do what we are scared to do.  There may be no immediate reward.  He loves us no matter what.  President Chester spoke of how we engage in the love of others.  This includes yourself.   

He spoke of the movie “A Beautiful Mind” about the mathematician John Nash.  He cited the Nash equilibrium, a solution concept in game theory.  It can be used in all walks of life.  Everybody gets the best for everybody.  He read Moroni 10:32.  “Yea, come unto Christ, and be perfected in him.  Grab the right end of the bat.  Gain the grace that God has for us.  Be loving the way God loves.   He’d like to explain more thoroughly but he has left some stuff out.  He spoke of Dr. Miller and his podcasts.   Watch it several times.  Feel the love of God.  He loves us all.  We can make mistakes but God and Jesus Christ love us.  Even when we are Their enemies.  

Closing hymn #20 “God of Power, God of Right”

Benediction by Sister Vicki Joyner 

There were 68 attendees and nine online.

September 10, 2023

Brother Ezra Shaner presided and conducted the sacrament meeting. 

Opening hymn #304 “Teach Me to Walk in the Light”

Invocation by Brother Tom Pittman 

Sacrament hymn #172 “In Humility, Our Savior”

Brothers Brandon King and Harrison Chester blessed the sacrament and Brothers Chuck Young, Jerry Fender, Rob Schaefer, and Ammon Rubini passed the sacrament.

First speaker was Brother Blake Cornell.  Thursday he had the wonderful opportunity to be at the temple and be sealed to his wife.  He is still trying to understand all that he learned.  His wife Tori was to speak today but she was sick this morning.  He had lost his membership and couldn’t partake of the Church’s activities. Through the Atonement and repentance and talking with President Chester he was able to regain his membership and receive the Melchizedek Priesthood. This helps to strengthen us.  It is needed by the men to be able to go to the temple and receive their endowments.  He read D&C 84:33-39.  If we are worthy to receive the Melchizedek Priesthood we can be with Heavenly Father.  He told about the endowment, about the bestowing of gifts, about the law of obedience, sacrifice, chastity, and consecration.

He cited President Joseph Fielding Smith about the endowment (see  “If we realize what we are doing then the endowment will be a protection to us all our lives—a protection which a man [or woman] who does not go to the temple does not have.”  It is daily protection for us.  President Brigham Young said, “Your endowment is, to receive all those ordinances in the house of the Lord, which are necessary for you, after you have departed this life, to enable you to walk back to the presence of the Father, passing the angels who stand as sentinels, being enabled to give them the key words, the signs and tokens, pertaining to the holy priesthood, and gain your eternal exaltation” (Discourses of Brigham Young, sel. John A. Widtsoe [1954], 416). 

He is still trying to come to terms with what he learned in the temple.  He will continue to go to the temple.  One part that stood out the most was that Satan said we will surely be destroyed if we don’t keep the covenants that we have made.  After the endowment was the ceremony being sealed to his wife.  He quoted from the Family Proclamation about the family (see  He read Doctrine & Covenants 132:19-20.  After being sealed and obtaining his garments, he felt closer to his wife.  If you are married outside the temple, it is until death do you part.  Your marriage is eternal otherwise.  He cited a song from the Children’s Songbook.  “Families Can Be Together Forever.”  This teaches children early on the importance of the temple.  He encouraged those of us who have not been endowed to prepare for the temple.  

Intermediate hymn  #294 “Love at Home”

Concluding speaker was Sister Debby Young.  It was a beautiful experience to be at the temple with Blake and Tori and others who could be with them.  How do we have love at home?  There are many factors that contribute in a positive way and many that will certainly detract from it. 1. Control of self.  Self-control and all that it entails is a key factor that gets placed on the back shelf of our minds - behind every book, document, and thought possible - so as not to be discovered.  It is far easier to see the errors in everyone else than to look inward.  It is easier to see the faults in others.  Those faults are so obvious, right?  It is difficult to understand why others cannot see these huge warts in their lives.  If they would just fix these, then all of our lives would be better.  Simple!  

None of us really enjoy true, deep, inner self-reflection on the ways in which we contribute to our own pain and misery in life  it is not a fun activity, so we avoid it at all cost.  We tend to blame others for what is going wrong in our lives. We can’t force others to change.  That is not God’s plan. It was Satan’s plan to use force to coerce us all but force does not promote individual growth and permanent change.  Self-reflection is worth it.  Try to understand who we are as children of God.  

2.   Unity which is much more than just peaceful coexistence. She cited the lessons in “Come, Follow Me.”  As Paul taught in his epistle to the Corinthians that when you join the Church of Jesus Christ, you are baptized into one body and every body part of is needed (1 Corinthians 12:13-14).  For the body is not one member but many.  We all want to do our part to treat any kind of wounds.  At our last Primary activity she asked the children to think of a body made solely of only noses or only eyes.  How many times do we think about our pinky toe?  If you break that pinky toe, you think about it a lot.  You realize how much it helps with balance in our steps.  Each part of our body is important.  The same is true for each member of the Church.  We truly need each other.  Unity does not mean sameness. She read 1 Corinthians 12:17-18.  We are here because God loves us.   We need our various parts.  Where would we be without our heart. That is another entire talk.

3.  Center our lives on our Savior Jesus Christ.  He gives us strength to be at peace.  She spoke of our expectations.  We should be an example.  Others are not perfect.  We must choose to focus on Christ.  We should expect nothing and appreciate everything.  We allow ourselves to be far more open to appreciate everything. If we look for the negatives we will find them.  If we look for the good in others we will find them, too.  Appreciating everything brings with it pure joy.  The gift of positivity comes from God. 

She shared Doctrine & Covenants 59:21.  Two things that offend God are not confessing His hand in all things and obeying not His commandments.  

She quoted Kelly Merrill who writes for, LDS Living, and LDS Blogs.  The Lord is not only omnipotent but is also omniscient.  He knows the end from the beginning (see ). God loves us so much.  Our Savior gave His all. Paul lists many spiritual gifts in his message to the Corinthians.   Elder Marvin J. Ashton said, “For us to conclude that we have no gifts when we judge ourselves by stature, intelligence, grade-point average, wealth, power, position, or external appearance is not only unfair but unreasonable.

“From D&C 46:11–12, we have this truth: “For all have not every gift given unto them; for there are many gifts, and to every man is given a gift by the Spirit of God.

“To some is given one, and to some is given another, that all may be profited thereby.’

“God has given each of us one or more special talents.”

“From the Book of Mormon, particularly 3 Nephi, chapters 11 through 26 [3 Ne. 11–26], when the Savior Jesus Christ showed himself to the people on the American continent, many gifts are referred to as being very real and most useful. Taken at random, let me mention a few gifts that are not always evident or noteworthy but that are very important. Among these may be your gifts—gifts not so evident but nevertheless real and valuable.”

“Let us review some of these less-conspicuous gifts: the gift of asking; the gift of listening; the gift of hearing and using a still, small voice; the gift of being able to weep; the gift of avoiding contention; the gift of being agreeable; the gift of avoiding vain repetition; the gift of seeking that which is righteous; the gift of not passing judgment; the gift of looking to God for guidance; the gift of being a disciple; the gift of caring for others; the gift of being able to ponder; the gift of offering prayer; the gift of bearing a mighty testimony; and the gift of receiving the Holy Ghost.”  

We have the gift of remembering Him.  

She quoted from Ariel Szuch on “The Gift of Being Broken.”  “Our brokenness brings us to Christ.  It is by bringing our broken hearts to Him that we are made whole.”  “Being broken is a gift, because when we are broken, we recognize the need for a Savior to make us whole.  There’s a reason that the sacrifice Jesus asks of us is a ‘broken heart and a contrite spirit.’ A broken heart is one that is open to Him, that lets in His grace. He felt our pains and sorrows first, and by going through a little of what He went through, we feel His power in our lives.”

“I am grateful for the gift of being broken. God has shown me that He loves me and uses me not in spite of the fact that I’m broken, but because of it. As Christ says in Ether 12:27, ‘And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them.’”

She shared from the song “Less Like Me” by Zach Williams.  See

Brother Shaner thanked the speakers, Debby and Rhiannon for the music, and Bo for the audiovisual. 

Closing hymn #131 “More Holiness Give Me”

Benediction by Sister Joanna Lilya 

September 03, 2023

President Craig Chester presided and conducted the sacrament meeting. 

He promoted using 

Opening hymn #44 “Beautiful Zion, Built Above”

Invocation by Brother Harrison Chester

On Thursday Blake and Tori Cornell are going to the temple for their 11 am endowment session.  We are invited to be there with them. 

Released Sister Loretta White as compassionate service leader. 

Sustained Brother Tom Pittman as branch missionary. 

The confirmation of Brother Sam Patterson took place. 

Sacrament hymn #175 “O God, the Eternal Father” Written by William W. Phelps and in the first LDS hymnbook. 

Brothers Brandon King and Blake Cornell blessed the sacrament and Brothers Harrison Chester, Austin Mohl, Chuck Young, and Caleb Chappell passed the sacrament.

President Chester bore his testimony. In the recent “Come, Follow Me” lesson on 1 Corinthians Paul wrote about the gifts that we all have.  He emphasized that your gift is important.  We all make a contribution to the body of Christ.  We can be less critical.  We are where God needs us.  Use your gifts to benefit others.  We can also develop our gifts.  The greatest is charity.  In life in the hereafter the gifts of healing and knowledge won’t be important any more.  We’ll know everything then.  Our love for one another is eternal.  It is a gift worth pursuing.  He spoke of the pure love of Christ.  He quoted Moses 1:39.  “For behold, this is my work and my glory—to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.”  Be concerned for each other’s eternal welfare.  He loves us all.  He wishes his love was more perfect.  Do the best you can.  It is easiest to love those you don’t know, who can be Irritating.  (laughter). Through the Atonement of Jesus Christ he loves us.  It is a great blessing in our lives.  Take it into your lives. 

Brother Blake Cornell said that it has been a long time since he bore his testimony.  He told his wife that they were to give a talk next week and that he could share his testimony then.  She said, No, bear it today.  He knows whole heartedly that the Book of Mormon and Church are true.  God gave him the things he needed, what was fit for him.  We should pray sincerely.  Listen to the promptings of the Holy Ghost.  Sincerely want to change and repent. 

Sister Tori Cornell said that God has blessings for us.  I thought that I could do my best and meet God halfway.  I got down on my knees and prayed.  I feel God’s and Blake’s love.  Be comfortable with yourselves though you’re not perfect.  

Sister Debbie Gerbers said that when she was a kid she hated fast and testimony meeting.  Now it’s her favorite.  She has had years of activity and inactivity.  She wants to let her grandchildren hear today that she loves Jesus Christ.  She hopes her family will always grasp Jesus and look to Him for guidance. 

Brother Tom Pittman apologized to Sam Patterson for getting his name wrong when he confirmed him.  He appreciates the love and gifts he has been given.  He has physical issues and cognitive issues.  For these he apologized.  He knows the Church is true.  He is grateful for the missionaries and the Book of Mormon.  He will keep his spiritual house in order. 

Sister Tina Pittman said that her husband is a good example.  You never have to apologize among the Saints.  She is happy for Tori and Blake.  They will find comfort and love together.  We have lots of visitors today.  This is a wonderful branch.  We have the opportunity to repent.  Things are bad but there are a lot of good people around.  We all struggle.  None of us are perfect.  We’re not alone.  We have people in our lives.  She is grateful for this Church with its principles and guidance. 

A youngster named Cooper who is visiting shared his testimony.  Wherever we go God is with you

Brother Carlos Huselid said that he had moved here from Oklahoma.  He knows that the Book of Mormon and Bible are true.  He has a friend who is not here.  He prays for him.  He is so grateful for the Church and the prophet, for the ability to repent.  He will find his way home.  He has me ver been to the temple but he is striving to be there. 

Sister Karin Alexander said that she is approaching the 60th anniversary of being baptized.  She is so happy to have been baptized by her father.  How far she is from being all that she should be.  She spoke of her sealing to her husband.  She loves the Savior and everyone around her. She testifies that the Savior and Heavenly Father are real. 

A male visitor said that it is comforting to hear the same gospel here.  His daughter is on a mission in Mexico City.  She shares her experience once a week.  They are similar to when he was on his mission.  He loves listening to the testimonies.  We can incorporate these principles into our lives.  We should love Him and love our neighbor.  This is the true Gospel.  We can have true happiness and value peace in our lives. 

Sister Judy Dorsey said you look different from up here.  She loves being in this Chufvh.  The members accept you the way you are.  Everyone was excited that she was here and now it is her eighth birthday in the Church.  She is truly a different person now.  She spoke of the ordinances with her husband in the temple.  She feels the love here. 

Sister Ruth Anne Litt said there are so many visitors today.  You can stay here and we’ll put you to work.  There will be lots of changes for Robbie and her.  She was a Southern Baptist when she met the missionaries.  They asked her to pray about what she was taught. 

President Chester said that we wouldn’t worry about the clock.  The testimonies could continue. 

As I went to bear my testimony, thinking that I would be next, Brother Terry Dorsey bore his testimony. 

Then a sister named Kristine from the Warner Robbins Ward bore her testimony. 

I bore my testimony.  I spoke of meeting Arnette at Tony’s Country Corner Kitchen.  We go there every Friday for fish tacos.  Her husband is a sergeant major in the Army in Maryland.  He was there in his kilt. I told her about the Piano Guys video in northern Scotland.  She remembered that and the next time that I saw her she said how wonderful it was.  I got her email address and sent her another video of them that explained that they were Latter-day Saints and how, when offered a recording contract by Sony, they stressed the importance of their families.  I told her that we had been members for 50 years.  I said today that we have 33 talks from April conference to read before October general conference.  We read the Book of Mormon daily.  We know the Church is true. 

Sister Cassie Kelly said that she came from the depths of the Primary room.  She appreciated President Chester allowing more time for testimonies.  When she first came to church there was a testimony meeting.  She told of the Super Book video about the Bible for children.  She explained that they watched about the Syrian military leader Naaman.  She shared the story about him. Fast and testimony is a powerful meeting. 

A female visitor delighted to hear of all those baptized, of those going to temple.  She read the poem “Twisted Maze.”  She shared her gratitude for her Savior.  

President Chester expressed his apologies to the Sunday School teacher.  

He expressed his thanks for Sisters Karin Alexander and Hannah Chester for the music and Brother Bo Kelly for the audiovisual. 

Closing hymn #244 “Come Along, Come Along”

Benediction by Bo Kelly. 

There were 123 attendees and eight online.

August 27, 2023

Marietta Stake Conference

August 20, 2023

President Craig Chester presided and Brother Marvin Knight conducted the sacrament meeting. 

Marvin recognized Brother Jonathan Snow of the stake high council. 

Opening hymn #241 “Count Your Blessings”

Invocation by Brother Ed Schmidt

Sustained Brother Boyd Belnap as a Sunday School teacher and Sister Eileen Bailey as the Relief Society service coordinator. 

Brother Snow conducted stake business involving our branch.  

Released Brother Bo Kelly as the branch executive secretary and Brother Robbie Litt as first counselor in the elders quorum presidency. 

Sustained Brother Austin Mohl as the branch executive secretary. 

Sacrament hymn #178 “O Lord of Hosts”

Brothers Atticus Shaner and Harrison Chester blessed the sacrament and Brothers James Alexander, Chuck Young, Zach White, and Caleb Chappell passed the sacrament.

First speaker was Brother Ammon Vickery.  He is from the Hickory Flat Ward.  He has returned from the Fresno California Mission speaking Hmong.  He spoke on Christlike love.  He had a unique opportunity as a missionary.  He helped people know that God loves them.  It took him six months to learn the Hmong language which is a tonal language.  After nine months to a year he could speak it well.  He spoke on loving like the Savior did.  He loved being a missionary.  The Hmong missionaries were in one ward for their entire mission.  He grew to really love them.  He grew as an individual. He read Matthew 22:36-39 about the first and great commandment and the second which is like unto it.  Sometimes we have trouble with these two commandments.  We can help people feel Christlike love.  Christ had no negative emotions toward people.  

Charity is the pure love of God.  We have concern and the desire to serve.  He read Matthew 22:40.  “On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.”  The law was the Law of Moses.  He spoke of our baptismal covenants.  We are to love God and others.  He spoke of how we develop charity.  He referred to “Preach My Gospel” and the attributes of Christ.  He read Moroni 7:47.  “But charity is the pure love of Christ, and it endureth forever; and whoso is found possessed of it at the last day, it shall be well with him.”  We must start with prayer.  The Hmong are closed off and shy.  The best way to approach sharing the Gospel was by being friends.  God will never abandon us though we may struggle to have charity.  He wanted to change the desires of his heart.  The more he prayed the easier it was.  We should always be serving and seeking.  He remembered a song of Heavenly Father to heal us.  It was the “Hands of the Healer.”  See

He spoke of the ability to keep the two great commandments.  We can be praying and worrying about it.  We can pray intentionally and specifically.  He spoke of the new “Preach My Gospel” and “Come, Follow Me.”Charity is an interesting attribute.  It is given from Heavenly Father.  It is like a box on the front porch that we can open and discover what is in it.  We should seek and find.  He spent as much time as he could with the Hmong.  He helped them feel God’s love.  Blessings would come.  Heavenly Father helps us keep these commandments.  We have a responsibility to be a conduit.  God loves us and Jesus Christ is our personal Savior.  He cited the April 2023 message from Elder Gong on ministering.  See   God lives.

Intermediate hymn  #127 “Does the Journey Seem Long?” Written by President Joseph Fielding Smith (1876-1972). 

Brother Knight thanked the speakers for their talks, Sisters Chester and Alexander for the music, and Brother Bo Kelly for the Zoom meeting.  

Concluding speaker was Brother Jonathan Snow.  He brings the love and prayers of the stake presidency.  He spoke about teaching his four kids.  Dirty clothes and socks go on the stairs.  The kids take them up when they go upstairs.  They need to notice them, recognize what needs to be done, and care enough to do it.   The items may sit there for days.  He spoke on the principle of power.  He loves baseball but it can seem boring compared to football and basketball.  In Little League those who aren’t particularly good get put in right field.  Not many balls are hit there.  The kids are taught to back up someone else.  There is movement on every play.  It is like callings in the Church.  Seeing a need and acting.  We need to care enough and back one another up.  We can feed the missionaries.  We can take someone to the doctor.  We need to be anxiously engaged.  He read some of Doctrine and Covenants 58.  Why do we leave dirty socks on stairs?   1.  We can be overwhelmed.  He cited President Gordon B. Hinckley.  “The best antidote for worry is work. The best medicine for despair is service. The best cure for weariness is to help someone even more tired. There is no substitute under the heavens for productive labor.”

He spoke of Michael Todd.  His clothes were in sad condition.  He was bullied his entire life.  He didn’t want to be in school.  Antoine Garrett was one of some football players at his locker.  They had a gift of clothing for Michael.  They had sacrificed time and comfort.  2.  We can be too self-centered. He cited President Thomas S. Monson who said, “Never let a problem to be solved, become more important than a person to be loved.”  He told of Jaren Hall who was a quarterback for BYU.  He is now with the Minnesota Vikings in the NFL.  Keep your eyes up.  Do the work.  Notice someone.  Minister and love.  

He cited Elder David A. Bednar who gave an apostolic word of warning.  See  He cited Sister Bonnie Oscarson.  Why do I have to go to Mutual?   See  3.  We don’t want to intrude. We can turn inward.  We must feed His sheep.  Get involved.  Be less self-absorbed. Look, act, or speak differently.  The Prophet asks us to get involved. Just like President Chester in this branch.  We may not know what to do.  Sister Camilla Kimball said, “Never suppress a generous thought.” When we see Christ again we will see His love.  He cited Elder Gene R. Cook who said, “As I sat on the stand, I thought to myself, if the Lord were here speaking to you, I am confident of one thing He would do. He would throw His arms wide open, and He would tell you how much He loves you, every single one of you.”  Do you doubt that Lord would love you?  Love emanates from Him.  He knows your name. He knows you individually.  I testify that He lives.  He desires to hug you and love you.  

Closing hymn #85 “How Firm a Foundation”

Benediction by Sister Ruth Schmidt 

There were 85 attendees and seven online.

August 13, 2023

President Craig Chester presided and Brother Marvin Knight conducted the sacrament meeting. 

Brother Knight recognized Brother William Huss of the stake high council. 

Opening hymn #147 “Sweet Is the Work” Written by Isaac Watts (1674–1748). 

Invocation by Sister Debbie Lathrop

Brother Huss presented Brother Everett Lilya as the first counselor in the elders quorum and we sustained him in that calling. 

Sacrament hymn #187 “God Loved Us, So He Sent His Son”

Brothers Brandon King and Harrison Chester blessed the sacrament and Brothers Atticus Shaner, Garrett McPherson. Everett Lilya, and Caleb Chappell passed the sacrament.

First speaker was Brother Caleb Chappell. He spoke about youth camp.  He said that the Spirit was everywhere.  He asked, “How do we know the scriptures are true?”  We need to read them every day, every night and every morning.  He said that we will eventually see Jesus again.  There was a testimony meeting at which he was nervous as he is right now.  At camp we played candy poker.  Questions were asked from the scriptures.  

Second speaker was Brother Harrison Chester.  He spoke on the importance of a patriarchal blessing.  It is a unique individualized blessing.  It is a conduit of revelation from God.  It concerns vital life decisions.  It can deepen our faith.  Our lineage and our role in God’s plan are revealed.  We receive counsel on how to grow spiritually.  It is a personal roadmap.  Read it and ponder it. 

Intermediate hymn  #3 “Now Let Us Rejoice”Written by William W. Phelps and in the first LDS hymnbook. 

Brother Knight thanked the young men for their talks, Sisters Chester and Alexander for the music, and Brother Bo Kelly for the audio-visual presentation of the meeting.  

Concluding speaker was Brother Boyd Belnap.  He thanked Caleb for the tips on not being nervous.  It is an honor to be on the program with the young men.  He spoke about what he had learned on hiking the Appalachian Trail.  He told us all about the trail.  It would be a six month hike. Along the trail his daughter Emma suggested that three months would be enough.  They took a few steps into Maryland.  Hikers say that they are changed forever.  Emma led the way.  Much was difficult.  You are never sure where your feet would land.  If there were bears nearby he never would have noticed them as he watched his feet.  He fell only once on his face.  

We have ample opportunity to be good followers.  Our local leaders are harder to follow.  Do you sustain your local leaders?  Sure, if you agree with them.  It is better if they are perfect, but there was only one perfect Person.  We study “Come, Follow Me” which is a quote from the Savior.  On the trail every other day we would lead.  Who is following us?   We should be a worthy leader.  They started in Georgia near Amicalola Falls doing nine miles a day.  They did more and more miles and were doing 17 miles a day by the end.  They were able to attend church several times while on the trail.  At one branch Elder Ballard’s talk was discussed on the topic “Faith in every footstep.”  Brother Belnap prefers backpacks to handcarts.  He spoke of every step in faith.  He gets it right a lot.  We can follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ.  

On the trail some days they can go without seeing anyone.  He never appreciated tables so much.  Most days they would have only the ground, a log, a rock, or a lap. He was in a cocoon of values like mine.  We are the peculiar people.  The inner person is what matters most.  He read 1 John 4:20, Matthew 25:35-40, and Mosiah 2:17 by King Benjamin.  Service is an act of love.  John 14:15.  Stepfather to three.  He hoped to be a good dad, good husband….   He spoke of the greatest commandment.  We must love Him and keep His commandments.  Can we hug Him?  He’s seen pictures of others hugging Him.  We can hug other people.  There is the bigger picture of how we treat others.  Love dwells in the heart.  

On day 77 they stopped where there was water and a picnic table.  Another couple was there with room for them.  They had an opportunity to chat.  The couple was all about themselves.  They were smoking.  The Belnap’s said that we’d see you on the trail.  The couple was watching a copperhead snake.  The Belnap’s kept bumping into them.  There last night they interacted with the couple.  They were smoking, drinking whiskey, and using colorful language.  They loved them.  It all hangs on the commandment to love.  He had a wonderful experience with his daughter.  He was careful with her about church.  They attended meetings together.  He usually prays around others.  He prays every night with his wife Cheryl.  He prayed by himself on the trail.  

He referred to a talk by Elder Vaughn J. Featherstone (1931-2018).  See “One link still holds” at  He read “Another time--it was the Sunday before Thanksgiving, about 1943--I went to priesthood meeting. There was a large framed board. It had the pictures of all the young men serving in the military. Priests who had been at the sacrament table a few months earlier were now in the war. Each week it would be updated. Those who were killed in action had a gold star by their picture; those who had been wounded, a red star; and those missing in action, a white star. Every week, as a 12-year-old deacon, I checked to see who had been killed or wounded.

“In quorum meeting that morning, the member of the bishopric said: ‘This Thursday is Thanksgiving. We ought to all have family prayer in our homes.’ Then he said, ‘Let's put on the blackboard the things we are grateful for.’  We did, and he said, ‘Include these things in your Thanksgiving prayer.’ I got sick to my stomach, as we never had a prayer or blessing.

‘That night at 6:30 we went to sacrament meeting. At the end of the meeting, the bishop stood up and was very tender. He told about the young men from our ward who had been killed and wounded. He talked about our liberty, our freedom, our flag, and this great country, and our blessings. Then he said, ‘I'd hope every single family would kneel and have family prayer on Thanksgiving Day and thank God for His blessings.’

“My heart ached. I thought, How can we have family prayer? I wanted to be obedient. I hardly slept all Sunday night. I wanted to have a prayer for Thanksgiving. I even thought I would say it if someone asked me, but I was too shy to volunteer. I worried all day Monday, and all day Tuesday, and Wednesday at school.

“Dad did not come home on Wednesday until early in the morning. Thursday we all got up. There were five boys and two sisters. We skipped breakfast so we would have a real appetite for Thanksgiving dinner. To work up an appetite, we went to a nearby field and dug a hole six feet deep and six feet wide. We made a trench to it as a hideout. I remember with every shovelful of dirt, I thought, Please, Heavenly Father, let us have a prayer.

“Finally at 2:30, my mother called us to come and eat. We cleaned up and sat at the table. Somehow Mom had managed to have a turkey with all the trimmings. She put all the food on the table, including the turkey. I thought my heart would burst. Time was running out. I looked at my father, then my mother. I thought, Please, now, someone, anyone, please can't we have a prayer. I was almost panicky; then all of a sudden everyone started to eat. I had worked hard all morning and afternoon to work up an appetite, but I wasn't hungry. I didn't want to eat. I wanted to pray more than anything else in this world, and it was too late.

“Beloved youth, be grateful for parents who have prayer and read the scriptures. Prize family home evening. Be grateful for those who teach and train you.”

Brother Belnap said how precious prayer is.   Have prayer in your homes. 

Closing hymn #163 “Lord, Dismiss Us with Thy Blessing”

Benediction by Brother Ron Fisher

There were 87 attendees and several online.

August 6, 2023

President James Watson, our stake president, presided and Brother Marvin Knight conducted the sacrament meeting. 

Brother Knight recognized Brothers David Schwieger of the stake presidency and William Huss of the stake high council. 

There are items in the freezer from Sister Dawson that are available for whomever would like them.  

Opening hymn #135 “My Redeemer Lives”

Written by President Gordon B. Hinckley 

Invocation by the new missionary Elder Flynn 

Sacrament hymn #188 “Thy Will, O Lord, Be Done”

Brothers Brandon King and Harrison Chester blessed the sacrament and Brothers Jerry Fender, Garrett McPherson, Chuck Young, and James Alexander passed the sacrament.

Brother Knight bore his testimony.  He spoke of the blessings he has had in his life.  He cited Psalm 136.  The prophets speak on how merciful the Lord is.  His mercy endureth forever. We always remember Him. He spoke of the blessings given to Israel.  We can be grateful in good times and bad.  He told of the angel that administered to the Savior in Gethsemane.  We can feel those blessings in our lives.  We can provide service.  He is grateful for the Gospel and the scriptures.  

Sister Karin Alexander said Jesus lives!  With all her heart she knows that. He loves us.  As a teenager she gave in to peer pressure to please others.  She wants to please her Heavenly Father.  Satan would persuade us to please others.  She has love in her heart for Heavenly Father, Jesus, and the Holy Ghost. 

Brother Robbie Litt said that his birthday was yesterday.  He had a text from his home teacher back when he was 20.   How true the Church is.  They are moving back to Florida.  He will miss you guys.  They’ll be back from time to time. 

Brother Junior Vanden Brink told us the story of this last month.  He spoke of the power of the organization of the Church.  They left four weeks ago.  Their four-year-old son Beckham had a headache.  He was in a mild state of shock due to dehydration.  They took him to the ER.  From there he went to Primary Children’s Hospital.  He had E coli.  It was getting worse and worse.  It was so hard watching him.  Last Tuesday he returned returned home.  He was in the hospital for 22 days.  He received a package from the Primary children here.  Meals were provided from the ward in Utah even though they hadn’t gone to church there yet.  He is doing a lot better.  He told of the area covered by the hospital. They were told that it was the most severe case they had seen in five years.  This organized Church is a tool of Heavenly Father. 

Sister Loretta White knows that God lives and loves us.  She attended the memorial service yesterday.  She spoke of her visit to Utah.  The Primary Children’s Hospital had moved from where it used to be.  She spoke of the power of prayer.  Her nephew was sealed in the Idaho Falls Temple.  Her dad was sealed to his parents.  If you know of anyone struggling with depression and mental health issues, reach out to them.  Heavenly Father has guided her through many challenges.  

Brother Terry Dorsey has a testimony that Heavenly Father and Jesus live.  He made reference to Boyd and Emma Belnap on the Appalachian Trail day in and day out.  He prayed for them.  He spoke of small miracles.  Those not in the Church think it’s just luck.  He appreciates the prayers that he has received.  He loves you all.  His heart continues to be softened.  He has a shield over his heart for the tragedies in his life.  With his children at school and his wife at work, the Lord allowed him to lean on Him.  Some have it difficult, some have it easy.  So much more is to be revealed to us beyond the veil.  He knows that this Church is true.  The Devil has gotten into many churches.  People have begun their own churches just as happened in the New Testament.  They don’t have the Priesthood.  We are shunned by the world.  The Lord continues to shape his heart.  He loves us all. 

Brother Dave Chappell heard from one of his mission companions on the way to church.  He read from Doctrine & Covenants 123. We will have trials and tribulations.  The scriptures mean a lot to him.  Be happy and joyful.  We can have enough faith to do scary things.  He is grateful for his Savior Jesus Christ.  Testimonies will grow among the members of the branch.  He got a phone call hoping his truck wasn’t going down the hill again.  He loves his Savior Jesus Christ.  He said to read, pray, and write down your feelings.  Lean upon each other.  He is grateful to be able to serve.  

Brother David Vanden Brink said that he loves all of us.  Beckham was being prayed for by so many.  Miracles happen.  All the prayers were a light up to heaven.  He knows that God lives.  

The youngest White daughter Samantha bore her testimony. 

Brother James Alexander.  Heavenly Father is there for us.  He loves us.  He wants to get to know and love us.  You are his brother and sister.  Temples are sacred places for our bodies.  There are special branches in many places.  The members have testimonies in their hearts. He has a great deal of love for all of us.   The Gospel is wonderful.  Jesus is the Christ, our Savior and our Redeemer. 

President Watson said that he is thankful for the Atonement of Jesus Christ.  For our liberty and eternal life.  Life is difficult whether members or not, especially for those who don’t know Jesus.  It would be miserable without the Savior in one’s life.  We can have eternal families.  Choose to have a covenant life.  The Church is true.  President Russell M. Nelson is a prophet.   The Book of Mormon true. 

Brother Knight expressed his thanks for Sisters Karin Alexander and Hannah Chester for the music and Brother Bo Kelly for the audiovisual. 

Closing hymn #124 “Be Still, My Soul”

Benediction by Brother Garrett McPherson

There were 78 attendees and six online.

July 30, 2023

President Craig Chester presided, and Brother Ezra Shaner conducted the sacrament meeting. 

The second hour today will be in the gym. 

Opening hymn #301 “I Am a Child of God”

Invocation by Sister Addison Chappell 

The baptism of Sister Susan Wallace took place yesterday. 

Stake business was presented by Brother Mark Settle of the stake high council. 

Sister Wallace’s confirmation took place. 

Sacrament hymn #180 “Father in Heaven, We Do Believe” Written by Parley P. Pratt 

Brothers Brandon King and Harrison Chester blessed the sacrament and Brothers Jerry Fender, Wayne Reeves, Chuck Young, and Caleb Chappell passed the sacrament.

First speaker was young Brother Beckham Chappell.  He is nine years old. He has three sister and one brother.  He spoke on missionary work.  We need to talk to people about God.  He is preparing for a mission. He cited President Henry B. Eyring. 

Second speaker was Elder Alves.  He thanked Beckham.  It takes courage to speak.  He is from Brazil.  He spoke on missionary work.  He has come closer to Jesus Christ.  Why did he decide to become a missionary?  He had to draw closer to God first.  He had an answer to prayer.  Heavenly Father loves me and all of us.  When he was at work he would be singing hymns as there wasn’t much to do.  He felt the Spirit so strongly.  Remember how merciful the Lord is.  He has become the best missionary he could.  He has felt such peace and love.  His conversion grows stronger and stronger.  How can we fulfill the commandment to share the Gospel?  He read Doctrine 11:21. “Seek not to declare my word, but first seek to obtain my word, and then shall your tongue be loosed; then, if you desire, you shall have my Spirit and my word, yea, the power of God unto the convincing of men.” 

Strive to learn the word of God.  He remembers the first lesson about the Restoration.  Matthew 28:19-20 is the Why we share the Gospel.  “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:  Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.”

He spoke on our role as members.  You don’t need to knock on doors or shove Book of Mormons in their face.  Invite them to come.  Bring them unto Christ.  Repentance is about changing for the better.  It is always a good thing.  The Gift of the Holy Ghost has a very special place in my heart.  When a door is slammed in his face he knows that next time he’ll be invited in.  Invite people to come to church.  Read this book.  He was not like most 19 year olds. He read John 1:46.  Come and see.  He bore his testimony of the Lord Jesus Christ.  He spoke of being here in Georgia of all places. 

Intermediate hymn  #249 “Called to Serve”

Brother Shaner thanked Beckham and Elder Alves for their talks and Sisters Chester and Alexander for the music. 

Concluding speaker was Elder Smith (this is his last Sunday before returning home from his mission).  He said he repented for calling someone an idiot when driving.  He was glad to be here for Sister Wallace.  He  spoke of how much his mission has meant to him.  He has grown his testimony.  He thought he was close to the Savior before his mission.  He spoke on sharing the Gospel.  He can be better at living the Gospel.  He shared two stories beginning with Alma 56.  Helaman visited the Anti-Nephi-Lehies.   They had buried their weapons and were about break their vow. Their children could take up their weapons.  They were the 2000 stripling warriors.  Helaman wrote a letter to Captain Moroni.  The youth had such great courage.  They did not fear death.  They did not doubt.  How many survived?   Not one had fallen to the earth.  We can become like them. 

He spoke of John 21.  It was a few days after Jesus’s resurrection.  Peter thought what a great three years it had been.  They wen fishing and caught nothing.  There was a figure walking on the shore of the Sea of Galilee.  He told them to cast nets on the other side.  They had a great catch.  John said, “It is the Lord.”  He spoke of the exchange with Peter.  Do you love me?  More than these fish and nets?  Feed my sheep!  Peter became a great apostle.  Do you love the Savior?  You can’t share until you love Him.  Study scriptures every day, especially the Book of Mormon.  He cited President Nelson.  Study the messages of prophets and apostles.  He cited Elder Richard G. Scott (1928–2015) of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles who shared, “Technology, when understood and used for righteous purposes, need not be a threat but rather an enhancement to spiritual communication. Because of technological advances, people can fit the full standard works and years of general conference messages in their pockets. Just having them in your pocket will not protect you, but studying, pondering and listening to them during quiet moments each day will enhance communication through the Spirit.”

He spoke of the second edition of “Preach My Gospel.”  There are promised blessings.  We can understand the power of the Book of Mormon.  In chapter three are the missionary lessons.  Strengthen your testimonies.  Build your foundation on Jesus Christ.  He knows the Savior lives.  He is our brother and friend. 

Closing hymn #262 “Go, Ye Messengers of Glory” We sang the first verse.  It was written by President John Taylor (1808-1887). 

Benediction by Sister Charmet Chester

There were 98 attendees and 11 online.

We met in the cultural hall after sacrament meeting for the 2nd hour activity about presented by President Chester.   Then greeting cards were available in which we could write messages and they would be mailed to the individuals. 

A potluck followed at noon.  There was lots of food and many members were there. 

July 23, 2023

President Steve Madsen, second counselor in the stake presidency, presided and Brother Ezra Shaner conducted the sacrament meeting. 

Opening hymn #220 “Lord, I Would Follow Thee”

Invocation by Brother David Chappell 

Released Sister Debbie Lathrop as Relief Society secretary.  

Sustained Sister Janet Barrett as Relief Society secretary.  

Sacrament hymn #182 “We’ll Sing All Hail to Jesus’ Name”

Brothers Austin Haymore and Harrison Chester blessed the sacrament and Brothers James Alexander, Caleb Chappell, Garrett McPherson, and Jerry Fender passed the sacrament.

First speaker was Brother Austin Haymore. He is from the Canton Ward.  He spoke on living like the Savior.  We can strive to be like Christ in all that we do. He read 3 Nephi 27:5.  Take upon you the name of Christ.  We all covenant to take upon us the name of Christ.  He made many references to “Preach My Gospel.”  We must have faith in Jesus Christ.  Through this we can gain and strengthen our testimonies of Him. He read Moroni 7:42.  “Wherefore, if a man have faith he must needs have hope; for without faith there cannot be any hope.”  Hope is not merely wishful thinking.  He read Doctrine & Covenants 90:24.  “Search diligently, pray always, and be believing, and all things shall work together for your good, if ye walk uprightly and remember the covenant wherewith ye have covenanted one with another.”  

The two great commandments focus on love.  Christ truly loves each and every person.  With love we are less likely to judge and criticize others.  The Savior spent His life serving others.  Virtue goes hand in hand with integrity.  Do what is right because you love God.  We can pray for answers to questions.  Moroni 10:5 states, “And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things.”  Patience is not idleness.  We have a partnership with God.  Be patient with ourselves and with others.  Matthew 5:48 states, “Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.”

We should strive for perfection.  Always do my best.  Our efforts should be to live like the Savior.  He read Ether 12:27.  “And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them.”  Be humble and turn to Christ.  Be willing to change.  Make our weaknesses into strengths.  D&C 6:36 states “Be faithful, keep my commandments, and ye shall inherit the kingdom of heaven.”  Be grateful for our Savior.  He loves us, each and everyone of us. 

Intermediate hymn was by the branch choir singing “Come Unto Jesus.”

Concluding speaker was Brother Aaron Driscoll.  He said thank you to the choir.  He said that President Madsen was here to make sure he showed up.  He brings the love of the stake presidency.  They know each of us. He thanked Austin.  Though younger he considers him a friend. For about two years the members of the stake high council have spoken on live, love, and serve as the Savior.  He talked about the woman at the well.  The Savior chose to travel through Samaria.  He declared to her that He was the Messiah.  She opened her heart and mind.  She taught him what it meant to walk by faith. Like Alma the Younger.  She told her countrymen “Is this not the Christ?”  What courage she must have had!  

Recently stake Young Men’s camp took place.  He saw a young man walking along the shore.  He asked if the boats had life jackets.  He was a non-swimmer and was unsure of himself.  Another young man from the boat reached out and yanked him into the boat.  That is what the Savior would have done.  He told Mary Magdalene “be not afraid.  Go tell my brethren.”  Matthew 28:10. He will always be with us through the covenants and ordinances.  We renew our covenants with Him.  He read Matthew 28:19-20.  “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:  Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.”

We teach by how we live our lives.  Jesus told His disciples “Peace be unto you.” John 20:19.  He cited Luke 24.  Brother Driscoll invited us to go to the temple.  We will find Christ there.  He truly lives today.  We can see Him through small simple acts of kindness, the person who holds the door for someone, who pays forward in the drive-thru line.  He spoke of the widow’s mite.  That caught the Savior’s attention.  She cast in all that she had.  We have the law of the tithe and fast offerings.  We have “Come Follow Me.”  The family can sit down together and study the Gospel. Facing challenges and trials we can continue forward.  The Savior asked His Father to remove this cup from me.  But he had the courage to carry on. 

Brother Driscoll’s grandmother age 96 passed away a few days ago. She was independent and resourceful.  Her last husband passed away 15 years before her.  She could not drive anymore at age 94.  She grew old with grace and dignity.  She had indness for everyone except the cable company which was out to get her.  Her passing was a sweet moment.  He cited Colossians 1:27, Ephesians 3:16-17, and Galatians 2:20.  Christ lives today.  I see Him around me every day.  He loves us and cares for us. 

Brother Shaner thanked the choir and Sisters Alexander and Chester for the music. 

Closing hymn #223 “Have I Done Any Good?”

Benediction by Brother Jerry Fender

There were 82 attendees and six logins

July 16, 2023

President Craig Chester presided and Brother Ezra Shaner conducted the sacrament meeting. 

Opening hymn #270 “I’ll Go Where You Want Me to Go”

Invocation by Brother Caleb Chappell 

Stake business by Brother Huss (stake Young Women presidency)

Sacrament hymn #171 “With Humble Heart”

Brothers Brandon King and Harrison Chester blessed the sacrament and Brothers Chuck Young, Caleb Chappell, Garrett McPherson, and Atticus Shaner passed the sacrament.

First speaker was Brother Terry Dorsey.  He spoke on how we become converted to Jesus Christ.  He was raised a Southern Baptist and was that church until age 25.  In military service he met many servicemen of various denominations.  He met an LDS serviceman who told him of Joseph Smith.  The seed was planted.  But they didn’t discuss religion.  He returned home and married his first wife.   They had two sons and were divorced.  He remarried a woman who had twin girls.  He continued in his sinful ways.  They moved to Douglasville.  He attended the Pentecostal church which was very different.   He quit going to church. He was divorced, married again, and again divorced.  He began to analyze himself.  He attended the Methodist Church.  He moved to Lilburn.  He did lots of soul searching.  He worked in landscaping.  Satan had a strong hold on him and he continued in his ways.  He listened to music as he worked.  He heard a song that struck a chord.  He purchased a CD and played that song while working.  He attended a local Baptist church.  Scriptures that he had learned earlier came back to him.  Be ye doers and not hearers only.  He sat on the back row and when he left he fell that he was good for another week.  He moved to Jasper and married Judy.  Missionaries from Jehovah’s Witnesses visited.  He attended their church.

Then the missionaries from our Church knocked on their door.  He startled them by asking if they had a Book of Mormon.  One of them hurried out to their car to get him one.  He took their lessons.  Judy was almost home from lunch.  She didn’t participate but listened.  As the lessons progressed they taught the Word of Wisdom.  He gave up coffee, tea, and pot.  Giving up smoking was much more difficult.  Jesus removed the desire.  He knew Jesus cared for me.  He cleaned up his language.  Judy noticed the difference.   She accepted his decision to be baptized.  He was where he needed to be.   His heart was being molded.  He did wonder why a God of love would allow the tragedies in the world.  We should love and care for our neighbors and even our enemies.  He invited Judy to come to church.  She knew some members through the bank where she worked.  He has peace and love in him. 

Intermediate hymn #116 “Come, Follow Me”

Concluding speaker was Brother David Wittekind.  We have been spiritually fed.  They have been here six years.  He told us of his wife Audrey and their daughters. He read Mosiah 27:25 and he told of the conversion of Alma the Younger which is similar to that of Saul.   What does it mean to be born again?  He is a fan of The Chosen.  He related the story of Nicodemus in John 3:1-5.  We must be born spiritually again.  We are children of Christ, His sons and daughters.  He read Mosiah 27:28-29.  He told of how his life has had tribulations.  He spoke of his conversion process.  He was  born in the covenant.  He went to the MTC and served a mission in Peru.  Spanish was very difficult for him.  The people talked too fast.  He doubted himself.  He was on a roof one night and prayed to Heavenly Father.  He had enough of a testimony to continue.  

He was transferred to the Texas Corpus Christie Mission due to terrorism in Peru.  The language there was Spanglish.  He got married and children arrived.  That was a trial in itself.  He was a bishop in his previous ward.  He lost his job here.  Conversion is a lifelong process.  He read Luke 22:32.  He spoke of the sixth sense of his wife to commiserate with others.  They visited their daughter and son-in-law in Tennessee.  His wife spoke with a sister there. Repentance is a continual thing.  He spoke of sanctification.  He read Helaman 3:35.  We should turn our hearts unto God and become more sanctified.  He knows that He lives.  He will live with Heavenly Father and his family.  

Closing hymn #130 “Be Thou Humble”

Benediction by Brother Ben Bailey 

There were 95 attendees and six online.

July 9, 2023

President Craig Chester presided and Brother Ezra Shaner conducted the sacrament meeting. 

Opening hymn #143 “Let the Holy Spirit Guide” 

Invocation by Brother Harrison Chester

Sacrament hymn #195 “How Great the Wisdom and the Love” Written by Sister Eliza R. Snow. 

Brothers Brandon King and Harrison Chester blessed the sacrament and Brothers Chuck Young, Caleb Chappell, Jerry Fender, and Wayne Reeves passed the sacrament.

Intermediate hymn #96 “Dearest Children, God Is Near You”

First speaker was Sister Cheryl Belnap.  She spoke on “What does it mean to be a witness of Jesus Christ?”   We give Him credit for all the good in our lives.  We need to testify of Him more.  We can do so by living the gospel.  She referenced the “Come Follow Me” lesson for last week.  She also shared some personal stories.  She spoke about Acts 3 about the man lame from birth.  Peter and John approached him.  Before Peter said anything he fastened his eyes on the man.  When we do that it shows that we are interested in you and what you have to say.  We should center our life on the Savior.  He should be the main focus of our thoughts.  Many started to believe on what the apostles were teaching.  The Jewish leaders imprisoned them.  They asked by what authority have you done this?   There was the old Peter and now there was the new Peter.  

She read Acts 4:8-12.  “8 Then Peter, filled with the Holy Ghost, said unto them, Ye rulers of the people, and elders of Israel,

9 If we this day be examined of the good deed done to the impotent man, by what means he is made whole;

10 Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by him doth this man stand here before you whole.

11 This is the stone which was set at nought of you builders, which is become the head of the corner.

12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.  We can take a lesson from Peter.  We can be instruments in His hands.  Many joined the church.  

She read Acts 5:41-42.  “41 And they departed from the presence of the council, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for his name.

42 And daily in the temple, and in every house, they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ.”  Like Joseph Smith they could not deny what they knew to be true.  

She spoke of the teenaged girl who watched the general conference talks.  She heard of specific things that she should do.  She went with friends to an inappropriate movie and left the movie.  She witnessed of the Savior.  We are never alone.  Would I do and say the things I do if the Savior was standing next to me?

She spoke of her life before and after her baptism.  At a family outing there was alcohol.  An aunt asked her what was the harm in drinking a glass of wine.  Some people can’t resist more.  She testified of the Word of Wisdom.  Another aunt wanted to share anti-literature.  She told why she wouldn’t read it.  She had to stand up to her family.  She can’t imagine life without the gospel.  This is His gospel.  He will be closer to us.  She referred to Jacob 5 and the nethermost parts of the vineyard.  If we are not near Him our lives may fall apart.  

She has a friend who reads the Bible.  She said, “Christians don’t sin!”  They texted back and forth.  Of course we sin. Why else would there be a need for repentance?  I want to follow Him and be guided by Him.  Never give up an opportunity to testify of Him.  Pray and ask the Spirit to be with us so we don’t hurt any feelings.  

Concluding speaker was Sister Rhiannon Shaner.  She spoke on the same topic “What does it mean to be a witness of Jesus Christ?”  Each of us has the responsibility to live the gospel of Jesus Christ.  We are witnesses of Christ in all that we do, how we speak and act.  We talk of Christ.  She cited Elder D. Todd Christofferson who said that we should not be reluctant to talk of Christ.  We should love and follow Him.  We can be perfected in Him.  We can show others how to find rest and peace as we express our testimonies.  These are recorded in Heaven.  We write them for our children and grandchildren.  She had lived in South Georgia where there were not many Latter-day Saints.  Her parents were converts.  She felt the cleansing power of the Atonement.  It was empowering to know where I came from and where I’m going.  She learned about Christ and about following His example.  People noticed the difference in her life.  She shared the gospel and lived the commandments.  We can show Christlike love to others.  It radiates from you. 

She read Matthew 5:14-16.  “14 Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.

15 Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.

16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.  We don’t need grand actions.  Small daily actions suffice.  We can take small steps so we don’t need to remind ourselves.  These actions become part of who are.  Ponder your daily habits and actions.  

She read the 13th Article of Faith.  “We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul—We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things.”

Think when making decisions so that they are praise worthy.  We are grow closer or move further away.  If we mess up, correct our behavior. Try to do better.  We don’t want to belittle His sacrifice.  She is grateful for friendships.  They had moved here and renovated their basement.   Through this there was a couple that they could help.  Friendship developed.  They noticed that we were different.  Our religion was discussed.  That wouldn’t have been possible if they hadn’t noticed.  

She has known peace after losing loved ones during her teenage years.  She knew where they were and what they were learning.  She could do their temple work.  She spoke of a daughter who was struggling due to her father passing on due to his alcoholism.  She read Mosiah 18:9.  “Yea, and are willing to mourn with those that mourn; yea, and comfort those that stand in need of comfort, and to stand as witnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places that ye may be in, even until death, that ye may be redeemed of God, and be numbered with those of the first resurrection, that ye may have eternal life.”

She has a friend in Florida with cerebral palsy.  She told about dealing with it after death, about the Resurrection.  She grasped what we talked about.  

She spoke of having peripheral facial palsy.  She prayed about it.  Two months later she was better.  She felt that the Savior had healed her.  It was such a blessing.  

She spoke of the gift of discernment.  She told of the triangle consisting of you, your  spouse, and God, of the joy and love of service.  She read the hymn “Have I done any good in the world today?” 

“Have I done any good in the world today?
Have I helped anyone in need?
Have I cheered up the sad and made someone feel glad?
If not, I have failed indeed.
Has anyone’s burden been lighter today
Because I was willing to share?
Have the sick and the weary been helped on their way?
When they needed my help was I there?

“Then wake up and do something more Than dream of your mansion above.
Doing good is a pleasure, a joy beyond measure,
A blessing of duty and love.

“There are chances for work all around just now,
Opportunities right in our way.
Do not let them pass by, saying, “Sometime I’ll try,”

“But go and do something today.
’Tis noble of man to work and to give;
Love’s labor has merit alone.
Only he who does something helps others to live.
To God each good work will be known.”

Study the Savior and His example. Make the doctrine of Christ part of your life.  Stand as a witness of Christ. 

Closing hymn #89 “The Lord Is My Light” (first and last verses)

Benediction by Elder Smith

There were 72 attendees and five online.

July 2, 2023

Fast and Testimony Meeting, Bro Bailey out of town and unable to access via Zoom.  So no notes this week

June 25, 2023

President James Watson, our stake president, presided and President Craig Chester conducted the sacrament meeting. 

Recognized were the three members of the stake presidency (Presidents Watson, Schwieger, and Madsen), and Brother and Sister Hailstone (Stake Relief Society President). 

President Chester asked us to go to for additional announcements. 

Opening hymn #65 “Come, All Ye Saints Who Dwell on Earth”  Written by William W. Phelps and in the first LDS hymnbook. 

Invocation by Brother Junior Vanden Brink

Released Sister Pamela Peacock as first counselor in the Relief Society presidency. 

Sustained Sister Debbie Lathrop to that calling. 

Stake business included the release of Brother David and Sister Margaret Jenkins as stake family history consultants. 

Sacrament hymn #191 “Behold the Great Redeemer Die” Written by Sister Eliza R. Snow. 

Brothers Brandon King and Harrison Chester blessed the sacrament and Brothers Junior Vanden Brink, Caleb Chappell, Zach White, and Wayne Reeves passed the sacrament.

President Chester thanked Sisters Karin Alexander and Hannah Chester for the music. 

First speaker was Brother Paul Hailstone.  He was happy to accompany his wife.  She loves being here.  Expectations are high with the stake presidency here.  He is grateful for them.  They love you.   He shared a story told by then-President Dieter Uchtdorf in his talk “Lift Where You Stand” (  Moving a grand piano took careful coordination and repositioning of the brethren.  Brother Hailstone spoke of priesthood service.  He spoke of the uniqueness of each of us.  We have the gift of Holy Ghost.  His wife was a seminary teacher several years ago.  She replaced a sister who was legendary.  She realized that she wasn’t called to be another sister so-and-so, but to be Sister Hailstone.  

His mom had the gift of nurturing.  He had to write a paper for school.  He would have preferred a math assignment. Late at night the day before it was due she was typing it on a manual typewriter as he was dictating.   His dad the gift of working.  He had been a teacher for 36 years.  He loved doing yard work.  Young Brother Hailstone enjoyed early morning cartoons but his dad asked him to help in the yard.  A lot involved moving rocks.  They shared stories and talked.  

He had a Primary teacher who was an elderly lady who loved him.  He was in Scouting.  The leaders encouraged the boys.  There were Church leaders who were arranging couples to date which included him and Melody.  

He spoke of the Savior and the one, such as the woman who touched His garment and the widow of Nain.  There were youth from BYU Jerusalem Center who walked the road to Nain.  The Savior used His gifts.  We are invited to do the same.  Brother Hailstone bore his testimony of the Church.  

Intermediate hymn #182 “We’ll Sing All Hail to Jesus’ Name”

Concluding speaker was Sister Melody Hailstone.  She spoke on service in the moment or at specific times.  She read Mark 8:35.  “For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel’s, the same shall save it.”  She cited President Thomas S. Monson.  “Unless we lose ourselves in service to others, there is little purpose to our own lives.” (“What Have I Done For Someone Today?” at

We can serve in our families, serve our elderly parents.  This requires time and energy.  Long term it can feel overwhelming. We each have our own capacities   She had a child who didn’t seem to ever sleep.  The laundry seemed to pile up without end. Then-Elder Dallin H. Oaks spoke on “Unselfish Service” at  “The gap between those who are and those who are not willing to do this is widening in today’s world. One of our family members recently overheard a young couple on an airline flight explaining that they chose to have a dog instead of children. ‘Dogs are less trouble,’ they declared. ‘Dogs don’t talk back, and we never have to ground them.’”

There are special needs children.  They are cared for day after day.  As we age so do our parents.  Ministering to others takes time and energy.  She spoke of Jacob serving seven years for Rachel (Genesis 29:20).  It was a bait-and-switch by her father Laban.  She spoke of the Prophet Joseph in Liberty Jail.  The Lord told him, “Peace be unto thy soul.” (Doctrine & Covenants 121:7). 

We can help one another.  She cited Sheri Patton Palmer about works in progress, about sacrifice.  Boulders or pebbles can be set in our way.  They are convenient guides.  She cited Elder Vaughan J. Featherstone (1931-2018). Listen to the Spirit.  “Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” (Matthew 25:40). At a family reunion she and another woman were both caring for family members with dementia.  They shared how they felt in helping.  They did canning and made quilts.  They enjoyed doing service.  Listen to the Spirit.  Our Savior succors us.  She cited Elder Jeffrey R. Holland’s talk “None Were with Him” at  “Because Jesus walked such a long, lonely path utterly alone, we do not have to do so.”  There are angels in heaven, on both sides of the veil.   We are never left alone or unaided.  She cited a song by Sister Janice Kapp Perry.  We can become like Heavenly Father.  We can ask for help when we need it. 

President Watson said that a marvelous work is about to come forth (Doctrine & Covenants 4:1).  He spoke about service missionaries.  He cited the Bailey’s in our branch.  There are close to 150 opportunities.  He listed several.  You can do some from your home.  “If ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work.”Doctrine & Covenants 4:3).  If you have a desire, come to him or his counselors.  

Closing hymn #197 “O Savior, Thou Who Wearest a Crown”

Benediction by Brother Caleb Chappell 

There were 135 attendees and several online. 

June 18, 2023

President Craig Chester presided and conducted the sacrament meeting. 

He announced no choir practice today. 

Happy Father’s Day!

He read the letter again from the First Presidency entitled “Political Participation, Voting, and the Political Neutrality of the Church.”  The link is

Opening hymn #70 “Sing Praise to Him”

Invocation by Brother Ed Schmidt

Sacrament hymn #184 “Upon the Cross of Calvary”

Brothers Brandon King and Harrison Chester blessed the sacrament and Brothers James Alexander, Caleb Chappell, Chuck Young, and Wayne Reeves passed the sacrament.

President Chester thanked Brother Bo Kelly for handling the Zoom broadcast of the meeting and those participating in the program today.  He thanked Sisters Karin Alexander and Hannah Chester for the music. 

First speaker was Brother Brandon King.  The Gospel is a source of satisfaction and joy.  Heavenly Father sent us His Only Begotten Son for our salvation.  He quoted from John 15: “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.”  He told a story about Gil and how he took Elder Ballard’s advice.  He and his dad were very different.  He loved me and I loved him but we had very different interests.  He said to trust your father.  They grew apart.  He talked to Mom but rarely to Dad.  He would try to do chores without complaining.  His Dad would come from work and they talked a little bit.  He asked him about his mission.  They had a good conversation.  His Mom noticed that they sat in car for an extended period of time.  She saw that Dad was crying.  It was a 45 minute conversation.  Their relationship has changed for the better.   They have had wonderful times together.  He cited Elder D.  Todd Christofferson’s talk in the April 2016 general conference entitled “Fathers.” ( 

“I myself was blessed with an exemplary father. I recall that when I was a boy of about 12, my father became a candidate for the city council in our rather small community. He did not mount an extensive election campaign—all I remember was that Dad had my brothers and me distribute copies of a flyer door to door, urging people to vote for Paul Christofferson. There were a number of adults that I handed a flyer to who remarked that Paul was a good and honest man and that they would have no problem voting for him. My young boy heart swelled with pride in my father. It gave me confidence and a desire to follow in his footsteps.”

He was a great example for his son.  His father was a steel worker.  He slept on the sofa and his father would come and tuck the covers around him.  He realized that as his father was standing there that he was praying for him.  He sensed his love and interest in him.  We can strengthen the bond with our fathers.  Always be there for him.  Heavenly Father will bless us as fathers and sons.  He is thankful for the prophet. 

Second speaker was Sister Summer Mohl.  She and her husband were soft spoken. She said that they met in April 2020 and were wed that October.  They were able to be married in the temple.  They have a little boy named Ryan. Her husband was laid off and got a new job in Marietta.  They will be leaving for summer.  She spoke of children vying for attention and eliminating the negative.  You can’t just add a new habit to a cup full of bad habits.  You need to get rid of the bad habits.  Invite God’s spirit into your home and focus on the positive.  Encourage your children to pray for one another. Serve one another without expecting something in return.  They had a jar on the piano that contained notes of service performed.   She spoke of forgiveness.  The Savior said, “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.”  Such is Christlike love.  As children their family tried to pray together.  They were constantly serving one another.  

Special Music by Primary for Fathers Day. 

They sang:

“I'm so glad when daddy comes home,
Glad as I can be;
Clap my hands and shout for joy,
Then climb upon his knee,
Put my arms around his neck,
Hug him tight like this,
Pat his cheeks, then give him what?
A great big kiss.”

Concluding speaker was Brother Austin Mohl.  He spoke on encouraging Christlike love as a father and husband.  He looked at many conference talks.  A goal is being a good teacher.  He spoke of the teachers and coaches who had new batches of students each year in high school.  He spoke of Christlike attributes.  He referenced “Preach My Gospel” and Family Home Evening.  We need to know our children.  He spoke of which teachers he really enjoyed.  They focused on him.  He spoke of his parents year in and year out.  They took opportunities to push them.  He also cited Elder D. Todd Christofferson. 

He spoke of working and playing together.  Why is it important to teach children the gospel?  They have teachers and leaders in church.  In “Come Follow Me” you learn how to implement this.  Not everyone in our schools are members.  They know his values from what he is taught at home.  Every family has different challenges.  Each child needs different instructions.  He cited Elder L. Tom Perry in his April 2004 general conference talk entitled “Fatherhood, an Eternal Calling” (  

“Fatherhood is leadership, the most important kind of leadership. It has always been so; it always will be so. Father, with the assistance and counsel and encouragement of your eternal companion, you preside in the home.”

Our children are placed in our care.  Conference talks are about father being equals with mother.  They have different responsibilities.  Neither is better or worse.  They are a team.  Father tries to be the leader and disciplinarian.  He thinks of all the coaches in school.  Do as they ask us to do.  We are asked to pray daily.  Do our fathers do it?   Do they take it seriously in their own lives?  He cited Elder L. Tom Perry again.  Father is the leader in the home.  

Heavenly Father sent Jesus to live and die for us.  He spoke on the importance of motherhood in the home.  They serve in the family.  It is hard to pinpoint Christlike love in the home.  You need to be able to be humble yourself.  The example of Jesus Christ is that He loves each and every one of us. 

Closing hymn #86 “How Great Thou Art”

Benediction by Brother Bo Kelly 

There were 85 attendees and nine were online. 

June 11, 2023

President Craig Chester presided and conducted the sacrament meeting. 

He asked the members to check for announcements. 

He read the letter from the First Presidency entitled “Political Participation, Voting, and the Political Neutrality of the Church.”  The link is

Opening hymn #308 “Love One Another”

Invocation by Sister Teri Grace

Sacrament hymn #176 “’Tis Sweet to Sing the Matchless Love”

Brothers Ron Fisher and Dave Chappell blessed the sacrament and Brothers Atticus Shaner, Caleb Chappell, Brandon King, and Garrett McPherson passed the sacrament.

President Chester thanked Brother Bo Kelly for handling the Zoom broadcast of the meeting and those participating in the program today.  He thanked Sisters Karin Alexander and Hannah Chester for the music. 

First speaker was young Sister Adalynne Shaner.  She said that she will be going into Young Women next year.  She spoke on the Atonement of Jesus Christ.  He had perfect love to redeem us and sweated drops of blood.  She read Doctrine and Covenants 88:6.  “He that ascended up on high, as also he descended below all things, in that he comprehended all things, that he might be in all and through all things, the light of truth.”  We should have sincere heartfelt prayers and seek a personal relationship with Jesus.  She knows that He loves her. 

Intermediate Hymn #113 “Our Savior’s Love”

Concluding speaker was Brother Jerry Fender.  The Atonement of Jesus Christ is all there is.  Without it we are nothing.  We might still be spirit children.  It is a daunting subject.  How can I take full advantage of the Atonement?   God governs the universe by law.  Sin is breaking the law.  All of us have sinned.  We could be subject to the devil forever.  Brother Fender spoke of the qualifications and attributes of the Savior.  He was free from personal sin.  He submitted himself to the will of the Father.  He descended below all things, more than any mortal could endure.  He spoke of a person who wanted to know all about the Atonement.  We don’t really understand it. Mercy cannot rob justice.  We needed a mediator.  We need to do the will of the Father and the Son.  We suffer for our own sins.  He cited the talk by Elder Neal A. Maxwell entitled “Testifying of the Great and Glorious Atonement” in the October 2001 general conference.  “He will take upon him their infirmities, that his bowels may be filled with mercy, according to the flesh, that he may know according to the flesh how to succor his people according to their infirmities” (Alma 7:11–12) (  

Jesus knows how to succor us.  He understands how you feel.  He gives us hope.  His Atonement extends far beyond this world.   He defined infinite.  One benefit is that our sins can be forgiven.  We also have to forgive ourselves.  He cited Elder Bruce C. Hafen in the April 2004 general conference.  His talk was “The Atonement: All for All” at  “Growth means growing pains. It also means learning from our mistakes in a continual process made possible by the Savior’s grace, which He extends both during and ‘after all we can do.’”  He likened our life to a garden.  “We grow in two ways—removing negative weeds and cultivating positive flowers. The Savior’s grace blesses both parts—if we do our part. First and repeatedly we must uproot the weeds of sin and bad choices. It isn’t enough just to mow the weeds. Yank them out by the roots, repenting fully to satisfy the conditions of mercy. But being forgiven is only part of our growth. We are not just paying a debt. Our purpose is to become celestial beings. So once we’ve cleared our heartland, we must continually plant, weed, and nourish the seeds of divine qualities. And then as our sweat and discipline stretch us to meet His gifts, ‘the flow’rs of grace appear,’ like hope and meekness. Even a tree of life can take root in this heart-garden, bearing fruit so sweet that it lightens all our burdens ‘through the joy of his Son.’  And when the flower of charity blooms here, we will love others with the power of Christ’s own love.”  This is the road to eternal life.  

He cited Bishop Robert D. Hales (later a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles).  His talk was entitled “Return with Honor” ( 

“I was taught about vertigo when my Air Force instructor took me up in an airplane with the cockpit covered by a canopy so I could not see outside. I would have to rely on the instruments. Unknown to me, he gradually turned the airplane upside down, keeping positive G forces. My ear did not detect the slow rollover. He told me to take control of the airplane. Of course, I did what every other student did. I pulled backwards because I was losing altitude, and, of course, I started a dive toward the earth because I did not know I was upside down.  As I started to regain control of the airplane, I could see the little marks on the landing gear were upside down. My instructor taught me the principle that you can take a human being at a two- or three-degree turn while keeping positive G forces and turn them upside down without their knowing they have left the straight and level flight. The motion is imperceptible.

“If we are not careful, we can experience spiritual vertigo. If we stray off the course of obedience by only two or three almost imperceptible degrees, we can become disoriented and lose sight of our eternal destination, not even realizing how far off course we are. We will then make poor choices. Just as my airplane left straight and level flight degree by degree, if we stray from the straight and narrow path even degree by degree, we can become confused and lose sight of our eternal goal.

“Our Savior does not want us to crash. His desire is for us to choose the right course that will bring us back on the straight and narrow path to live with Him eternally. 'Come, follow me,' He has told us (Luke 18:22). He provides the light that will keep us on course and bring us back into His presence.”

He has a large chicken farm.  Getting help has been a challenge.  One day he passed a guy pushing a baby carriage.  He went back to the farm with his sandwich.  He was prompted to go back to pick him up.  He has lots of problems but he has been a better worker.  Was this a test to see if I’d listen?  He spoke about not having the promise of the resurrection.  He spoke of family challenges losing family members.  He was inactive. 

There came a turning point.  He felt the Spirit so strongly.  He got involved with LDS singles.  He was like the prodigal son.  He made an appointment with the bishop. He read “The Miracle of Forgiveness” by President Spencer W. Kimball from cover to cover.  He attended church and sat on the back row.  We are children of Heavenly Father.  He wants us to come back.  He cited President Boyd K. Packer.  The Atonement is mentioned only one time in the book of Romans.  It is found more in the Book of Mormon and the Doctrine & Covenants.   He bore his testimony.  He is glad that he doesn’t have to pay the price for all the idiotic things he’s done.  

President Chester spoke.  He appreciated Adalynne’s comments.  He thanked Jerry.  The most important thing is how much I love you.  I see God’s children.   Think along the lines of what’s been said today.  We have a loving Heavenly Father.   We should turn back to Him.  He cited President Russell M. Nelson about repentance.  We can change ourselves.  He spoke of the aspects of repentance in the Old and New Testaments. God never punishes us for our sins.  He withholds blessings when we disobey the commandments.  He cited much of this from Elder Theodore M. Burton’s talk “The Meaning of Repentance” (  “If Mother tells me not to touch a hot stove because it will burn and hurt me, she is only stating the law. If I should forget or deliberately touch that hot stove, I would be burned. I could cry and complain of my hurts, but who would be punishing me? Would it be Mother—or the hot stove? I would be punishing myself. Even after my finger healed, I would have to remember the law, for every time I would touch that hot stove I would be burned, again and again, until I could learn to obey the law. It was and is the law, and justice would have to be done.”

We must obtain mercy though we disobeyed.  This soothed the damage.  He has a testimony of the Atonement.  It heals the ills that we suffer through due to our disobedience. 

Closing hymn #193 “I Stand All Amazed”

Benediction by Brother James Alexander 

There were 78 attendees and several were online. 

June 4, 2023

(Abbreviated notes taken from watching on Zoom)

Brother Ezra Shaner presided and conducted the sacrament meeting. 

He mentioned the Young Women fundraiser. 

Opening hymn #77 “Great Is the Lord”

Invocation by Elder Smith

Sacrament hymn #183 “In Remembrance of Thy Suffering”

Brothers Brandon King and Matthew Chadwick blessed the sacrament and Brothers Chuck Young, Caleb Chappell, and James Alexander, and Junior Vanden Brink passed the sacrament.

Brother Shaner cited President Nelson that anger never persuades. Jesus told us to love one another.  We should show tender mercies to each other.  The true source of peace comes from Jesus Christ.  Brother Shaner spoke of sharing the Gospel.  We need to repent and have faith in our Savior. He is grateful for His example. 

Sister Karin Alexander shared her love for you, her Savior, and Heavenly Father.  She is grateful for President Nelson.  Her heart is full.  She feels the strength of the Spirit here today.  We can make better choices.  

Sister Denae Shaner speaks very softly.  She testified that this is the true Church.  

Sister Teri Grace has a strong testimony of this Church and of the Savior.  She is striving for a better understanding of His Atonement.  She is thankful for the prophet.  She loves all of you.  This is the longest that she has been in a ward, 11 or 12 years.  

Sister Sophia Wittekind said that she feels so blessed.  

Sister Audrey Wittekind said that there are so many people doing good in the world, doing Christ’s work.  She referenced a talk in the last conference about belief versus knowing.  She believes.  Then she thought about experiences in her life.  She knows!  It is not anything miraculous.  There are the promptings of the Spirit and reading the Scriptures.  She is thankful for the Savior. 

A brother who was a visitor said that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ know each of us better than we know ourselves.  Heavenly Father loves each of us. 

Sister Cassie Kelly spoke very quickly!  God is the greatest coordinator.  He does it so perfectly.  She mentioned a car accident but no one was hurt.  God will love you along.  Manifestation of God’s coordination.  

Young Angel Cummings spoke. I couldn’t even see her behind the podium. 

Young Samantha White shared her testimony. 

Sister Natasha Cummings said that families can be together forever.  There is a peace here that you will never find anyplace else. 

A young sister whom I didn’t recognize spoke of a car accident.  They had forgotten to pray.  

Brother Atticus Shaner testified of the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ.  He mentioned studying history and the light of Christ.  

Young Emrys Kelly said that prayer is talking to the Holy Ghost and Heavenly Father.  He will answer your prayers eventually. 

Sister Debby Young loves hearing your thoughts and testimonies.  God is the perfect coordinator.  She treasures the words of God.  She spoke of the ten commandments given to Moses and what the Savior said to the disciples just before Gethsemane.  We all fall short.  What can I do?  She loves all of you.  She is thankful to have the Gospel.  

Elder Smith said that in their mission they focus on the Book of Mormon.  The mission president calls it a tool of the harvest. He read Moroni 10:32.  Deny yourself of all ungodliness.  The book is another testament of Jesus Christ.  He referenced Alma 36 about the repentance process.  President Nelson spoke of the exquisite joy in repentance.  Turn to the Savior.  He knows that the Savior lives. 

Brother Shaner said that he was thankful for the testimonies. 

Closing hymn #148 “Sabbath Day”

Benediction by Brother Junior Vanden Brink

There were 86 attendees and nine online. 

May 28, 2023

Brother Marvin Knight presided and conducted the sacrament meeting.  He excused President Chester and Brother Shaner.  

The Young Women fundraiser is still ongoing. 

There is no choir practice today. 

Opening hymn #80 “God of Our Fathers, Known of Old”

Invocation by Sister Donna Palmer

Sacrament hymn #181 “Jesus of Nazareth, Savior and King”

Brothers Brandon King and Vanden Brink Jr. blessed the sacrament and Brothers Chuck Young, Caleb Chappell, and James Alexander, and Elder Smith passed the sacrament.

First speaker was young Brother Emrys Kelly age 9.  He is the oldest brother with four younger sisters.  He told how he likes music.  It helps him feel the Holy Ghost.  He described how his sisters and his mom and dad feel the Holy Ghost.  The Spirit is one way that Jesus speaks to us.  He quoted President Russell M. Nelson on the Holy Ghost.  “In speaking about the Holy Ghost, President Nelson stated, “In coming days, it will not be possible to survive spiritually without the guiding, directing, comforting, and constant influence of the Holy Ghost. My beloved brothers and sisters, I plead with you to increase your spiritual capacity to receive revelation.”  You can feel it in your heart. 

Second speaker was Sister Theresa Cornwell.  They have lived here off and on for three years.  They have been married 42 years.   She is speaking on the strength to endure.  We all face trials and tribulations.  What has the Lord said about them?  When Joseph was in jail he received Doctrine and Covenants 121.  She read verses 1-6.  Some challenges are hard to face in this life.  She spoke of faith, baptism, receiving the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end.  She read Helaman 14:30.  “And now remember, remember, my brethren, that whosoever perisheth, perisheth unto himself; and whosoever doeth iniquity, doeth it unto himself; for behold, ye are free; ye are permitted to act for yourselves; for behold, God hath given unto you a knowledge and he hath made you free.”

We can act for ourselves.  We have faith in our Savior.   We receive priesthood blessings.  It is so important to study the scriptures.   We will have temptations, trials, and tribulations.   The Spirit of Christ gives us strength.  She referenced 2 Nephi 31:20.   Partaking of the sacrament helps us endure. Scripture study helps us endure.  She read 1 Nephi 15:24.  “And I said unto them that it was the word of God; and whoso would hearken unto the word of God, and would hold fast unto it, they would never perish; neither could the temptations and the fiery darts of the adversary overpower them unto blindness, to lead them away to destruction.”

She read Jacob 2:8.  “And it supposeth me that they have come up hither to hear the pleasing word of God, yea, the word which healeth the wounded soul.”  The scriptures help us know who we are.  We can overcome challenges.  She read 2 Nephi 31:20.  “Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal life.” We can fill our souls with faith, of the Only True God and His Son Jesus Christ.  

She read Doctrine and Covenants 59:23.  “But learn that he who doeth the works of righteousness shall receive his reward, even peace in this world, and eternal life in the world to come.”  Followed by Alma 13:28.  “But that ye would humble yourselves before the Lord, and call on his holy name, and watch and pray continually, that ye may not be tempted above that which ye can bear, and thus be led by the Holy Spirit, becoming humble, meek, submissive, patient, full of love and all long-suffering.”

There is great power in prayer.  She read Doctrine and Covenants 112:10.   “Be thou humble; and the Lord thy God shall lead thee by the hand, and give thee answer to thy prayers.”  We become truly converted through the Holy Ghost.  She spoke of the importance of temple covenants and ordinances.  The temple is a pace of Heavenly peace.  As a young woman she was terrified of dying.  The Spirit comforted her and gave her spiritual stamina.  We must follow the Holy Ghost and avoid evil at all costs.  She closed by testifying in the name of Jesus Christ.  

Intermediate Hymn #50 “Come, Thou Glorious Day of Promise”

Brother Knight thanked the speakers and Sisters Karin Alexander and  Heather Chappell for the music and Brother Bo Kelly for handling the Zoom broadcast of the meeting. 

Concluding speaker was Brother Joseph Cornwell.  He spoke on our path home to our Heavenly Father.   We know our destination, He has given us a map, and we can make course corrections.  He and his sons love the outdoors.  They go on hikes and go backpacking.  They know how to use a compass.  They have had some pretty good times hiking in Arizona and Utah.  They like city maps.  They show the closest ice cream store.  They can pinpoint were on the maps.  Sometimes they need to make course corrections otherwise they could end up miles off our destination.  He learned how to navigate during his career in the Air Force.  They would have a flight plan and a navigational computer.  It would not always take them in a straight line.  They had a nice heads-up display.  He wished that he had that for his truck.  They could get audio and visual warnings.  They would receive messages in cockpit.  For example, a mountain might be ahead.  They were female voices.  

He spoke of the path back to Heavenly Father.  We want to return back home.  It is in our DNA like the salmon returning back to the stream where they were spawned.  Our map is the scriptures.  And we have the Light of Christ and His teachings.  We sometimes need to make course corrections.  We have the repentance process.  We have the warning voice of the Holy Ghost.   It can be a valuable and sometimes expensive lesson.  It can save your life sometimes.  They lived in Las Vegas.  He drove to Utah to help his brother.  He encountered a snowstorm as he was driving back south.  He has a Ford Ranger.  There was a tractor trailer on the road, too.  He was getting close to Cedar City.  He had the impression that he should pull over and wait it out.  The snow was getting deeper.  The overpasses were freezing over.  He ignored the warnings.  There was snow and ice, black ice.  It was like a pinball machine.  The guy who hit him was pulling a boat. He was totaled.  He learned his lesson. No one hurt.  

His destination is his heavenly home, where Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father live.  They are empty nesters.  They understand why They want Their children to come back.  The scriptures all testify of Christ.  They are like the blazes on trees.  The scriptures have marked our path.  We have made covenants and we need to love God and everyone else.  We need to live faithfully.  We have the map to get home.   We have help to stay on the righteous path.  We have repentance and the Holy Ghost.  It is a warning voice.  We have to be In tune and not be prideful.  

We can get lost and wander aimlessly.  We could completely miss our destination.  Hiking with his sons he spoke of topographical maps.  The terrain can be dangerous.  He read from Doctrine and Covenants Section 76 of how we gain the celestial kingdom.  Those who have faithfully endured to the end.  Likewise about those who go to the terrestrial kingdom and to the telestial kingdom.   Those in the telestial kingdom will be as numerous as the stars in heaven.  Last is those in Outer Darkness.  They denied the Holy Ghost.  He wants to be in the celestial kingdom.  We must choose righteously. 

Closing hymn #84 “Faith of Our Fathers”

Benediction by Sister Barbara King

There were 91 attendees and 16 online.

May 21, 2023

President Craig Chester presided and Brother Marvin Knight conducted the sacrament meeting. 

President Chester spoke of the Young Women Camp and fundraiser with the display in the hall. 

Opening hymn #127 “Does The Journey Seem Long?” Written by President Joseph Fielding Smith (1876–1972)

Invocation by Sister Terri Fender 

Sustained Brother Atticus Shaner as a Sunday School teacher. 

Sacrament hymn #169 “As Now We Take The Sacrament”

Brothers Brandon King and Harrison Chester blessed the sacrament and Brothers Chuck Young and Caleb Chappell and Elders Alves and Smith passed the sacrament.

First speaker was Sister Tina Pittman.  She referenced Brother Tad R. Callister’s book “The Infinite Atonement.”  In his October 1982 conference talk Elder Neal A. Maxwell spoke of “Be of Good Cheer”.  He said, “The indescribable agonies of Gethsemane were imminent. Judas’s betrayal lay immediately ahead. Likewise, Jesus’ arrest and arraignment. The Twelve would be scattered like sheep. Jesus’ unjust and mocking trial and His terrible scourging were but hours away. The shrill and disappointing cry of the mob —to release Barabbas instead of Jesus —would soon echo in the air. Then would come the final, awful moments on Calvary! Gethsemane was imminent. Crucify Him.”  How could the Savior say “be of good cheer”? (

“Let not your hearts be troubled.” (John 14:1)  The Apostle Paul prophesied on this subject.  President Nelson said, "In coming days, it will not be possible to survive spiritually without the guiding, directing, comforting, and constant influence of the Holy Ghost."  ( 

Elder Ronald A. Rasband spoke on “Be Not Troubled” in October 2018 general conference (  

We too have fears.  We have fears about marriage, about children.  Missionaries have fears.  Widows have fears.  We have fears of failure and rejection.  We fear being chosen or not being chosen.  Elder David A. Bednar spoke in the April 2014 general conference “Bear Up Their Burdens with Ease” (  Adam was afraid.  He experienced fear.  Faith becomes our antidote.  In Helam Alma said do not be frightened.  “But Alma went forth and stood among them, and exhorted them that they should not be frightened, but that they should remember the Lord their God and he would deliver them.” (Mosiah 23:27). Jesus is the only source of peace.  

Elder Rasband said, “Fear is not new. Since ancient times, fear has limited the perspective of God’s children. In 2 Kings, the king of Syria had sent a legion to capture and kill the prophet Elisha.

“And when the servant of [Elisha] was risen early, and gone forth, behold, an host compassed the city both with horses and chariots. And [Elisha’s] servant said unto him, Alas, my master! how shall we do?” (2 Kings 6:15).

“That was fear speaking.

“And [Elisha] answered, Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them.

“And Elisha prayed, and said, Lord, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see. And the Lord opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and, behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha” (2 Kings 6:16–17).

Our faith provides a steadfast witness. Elder Bednar spoke of the precious perspective of eternity.  Sister Pittman shared four stories.  In the first there were reasons to be fearful.  In 3 Nephi 8 there were tempests, earthquakes, fires, whirlwinds, and physical upheavals that attested to the crucifixion of Christ—Many people are destroyed—Darkness covers the land for three days—Those who remain bemoan their fate. 

Chaotic noise for three hours.  The survivors were spoken to by the Savior. Next was in Alma 14.  Alma and Amulek are imprisoned and smitten—The believers and their holy scriptures are burned by fire—These martyrs are received by the Lord in glory—The prison walls are rent and fall—Alma and Amulek are delivered, and their persecutors are slain. It was a place of martyrdom.  Than in Alma 24.  The Lamanites come against the people of God—The Anti-Nephi-Lehies rejoice in Christ and are visited by angels—They choose to suffer death rather than to defend themselves—More Lamanites are converted. Fourth was Dickens’ “A Tale of Two Cities.”  “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.” “It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest that I go to than I have ever known."

In Doctrine and Covenants 122 we read “The heavens gather blackness.”  Joseph is asked, “Art thou greater than He?”  In the hymn “Be Still, My Soul (no. 124) are the words “Be still, my soul: The Lord is on thy side; With patience bear thy cross of grief or pain.  Leave to thy God to order and provide; In ev’ry change He faithful will remain.”  In the hymn “Come, Come, Ye Saints” are the words “And should we die before our journey’s through, Happy day! All is well!  We then are free from toil and sorrow, too; With the just we shall dwell!”  Elder Maxwell said, “In the midst of our afflictions, reassurances will come to us from the Lord and from His prophets.”  Hold fast to Jesus Christ. 

Intermediate Hymn #30  “Come, Come, Ye Saints” Written by William Clayton (1814-1879)

Brother Knight thanked Sisters Karin Alexander and Hannah Chester for the music and Sister Barbara King for the Zoom broadcast of the meeting. 

Concluding speaker was Brother Scott Burns of the stake high council.  He brings the love of the stake presidency.  He is brand new on the high council. This is his first opportunity to speak.  His wife and mother-in-law are with him.  They are new to Georgia.  They have been here one year.  He has family in Woodstock.  They are blessed to be here.  An event occurred last Sunday night that he calls the “parable of the smoke alarm.”  He had the purchase of a ladder on his to-do list.  He heard the chirp of the smoke detector at 2:30 am. He had to find the right one.  No ladder!  He offered o fervent prayer.  He tried to use two bar stools and a step stool.  His wife had a strong feeling to help!  

He is grateful that the Lord loves us.  He read Moses 1:39.  We should learn of Him. Then he read Doctrine and Covenants 59:5.  We want to make our abode with him.  We should love thy neighbor as thyself.  He spoke of the animosity with the Samaritans.  He told the story of the Good Samaritan.  The Holy Ghost will bring people to our minds.  We can love and help others.  His parents divorced when he was young.  He had a fight with the bishop’s son.  He was not well received.  He never felt welcomed.  He decided to join the Army rather than serve a mission.  He received priesthood blessings.  When he was 9 with his mother and stepfather who was not a member.  In a crosswalk he was hit by a car.  He had a brain injury and a broken arm.  He was in critical condition.  His cub master and bishop gave him a blessing.  He left the hospital with just a broken arm.  

He joined the Army at 18.  He was the only Latter-day Saint in his unit.  He attended a testimony meeting and received a pocket-sized Book of Mormon.  He was different than every one else.  Missionaries were invited to his barracks.  Another young soldier was baptized.  His biggest regret is that he didn’t serve a mission.  He was sealed in the temple to his parents.  They served two missions.  

He referenced President Dave Schwieger of the stake presidency and President Henry B. Eyring of the First Presidency.   We have the Light of Christ, an inborn sense of truth.  He has the gift of peace from the Savior.  His oldest son has made a lot of mistakes. President Joseph F. Smith said to keep your loved ones near you.  He converses with him several times a week.  He is seeking the Savior now.  If he’s obedient his son will not be lost.  He stressed the importance of dedicating time for the Gospel.  We need to plan time for the Lord.  He shared from Luke 10 about Martha and Mary.  We need to partake of that good part.  He read John 14:27.   The Lord loves you and knows you individually.  He knows the Church is true. The Lord watches over each and every one of you. 

Closing hymn #128 “When Faith Endures”

Benediction by Brother Chuck Young 

There were 96 attendees and six online. 

May 14, 2023 Mother's Day

President Craig Chester presided and Brother Marvin Knight conducted the sacrament meeting. 

Announced was the Fathers-Sons campout next weekend. 

And that Sister Brenda Malone’s grandson Charlie passed away. 

Opening hymn #298 “Home Can Be a Heaven on Earth” Written by Carolyn and W. Herbert Klopfer who were the Relief Society president and branch president of our mission branch.

Invocation by Elder Smith (the new elder in our branch)

Released Brother Craig Lathrop as Sunday School president and Brother Jerry Fender as branch chorister. 

Sustained Sister Hannah Chester as branch chorister, Sister Daniela Reeves as the second counselor in the Primary presidency, Sister Debbie Young as a Primary nursery worker, and Brother Jerry Fender as Sunday School president.

Sacrament hymn #175 O God, the Eternal Father” by William W. Phelps in the first LDS hymn book. Music by Felix Mendelssohn. 

Brother Brandon King and Elder Alves  blessed the sacrament and Brothers Harrison Chester, Caleb Chappell, and David Chappell, and Elder Smith passed the sacrament.

First speaker was Sister Joanna Lilya. “Happy Mother’s Day.”  She is happy to be here from the Willow Creek Ward.  She is from Georgia.  Her husband Everett was in the Air Force.  They met on an LDS app online and have been married 19 years. They have six children and nine grandchildren.  She spoke of the importance of mothers. She cited the October 2013 general conference talk “The Moral Force of Women” by Elder D. Todd Christofferson ( and the October 2001 talk by Sister Sheri Dew “Are We Not All Mothers?” ( and 

In her talk she said, “While we tend to equate motherhood solely with maternity, in the Lord’s language, the word mother has layers of meaning. Of all the words they could have chosen to define her role and her essence, both God the Father and Adam called Eve ‘the mother of all living’—and they did so before she ever bore a child. Like Eve, our motherhood began before we were born. Just as worthy men were foreordained to hold the priesthood in mortality, righteous women were endowed premortally with the privilege of motherhood.”

Sister Dew said, “Elder Matthew Cowley taught that ‘men have to have something given to them [in mortality] to make them saviors of men, but not mothers, not women. [They] are born with an inherent right, an inherent authority, to be the saviors of human souls … and the regenerating force in the lives of God’s children.’”  In October 1942 there was a message from the First Presidency. Part was on Parenthood, part of which stated, “Motherhood is near to divinity. It is the highest, holiest service to be assumed by mankind. It places her who honors its holy calling and service next to the angels. To you mothers in Israel we say God bless and protect you, and give you the strength and courage, the faith and knowledge, the holy love and consecration to duty, that shall enable you to fill to the fullest measure the sacred calling which is yours. To you mothers and mothers-to-be we say: Be chaste, keep pure, live righteously, that your posterity to the last generation may call you blessed.”

President Henry B. Eyring stated, “While I do not know all the Lord’s reasons for giving primary responsibility for nurturing in the family to faithful sisters, I believe it has to do with your capacity to love.”

Sister Lilya said that she has had her greatest success with her children.  How wicked the world is.  She raised Austin who is 28 now.  She had some worries when they welcomed their first child.  She spoke of revelation which ultimately belongs to Heavenly Father.  She had an aha moment that there was hope for her.  She spoke of the influence of mothers in the home.  Her grandmother loved unconditionally.  She would give you the shirt off her back.  Once she drove five hours with car full of groceries for her family.  Her service and love were a great example.  Her parents were converts and then her grandparents.  Her mother shared her own promptings from the Spirit.  They were driving back from BYU.  They had to pull a trailer from a canyon.  The Spirit told her how to do it.  The Spirit can be with us.

She told of Family Home Evenings (FHEs), family prayer, and scripture study.  They have learned from their children in the early years of “Come Follow Me,” of the principle of rededicating oneself, of reading or listening to conference talks. She has memories of learning the gospel in the home. She kept trying to have FHE every Monday.  She always attended church as a family.  Their son Austin went on a mission because he didn’t want to disappoint her.  Not the best reason to go on a mission. But there he gained a rock-solid testimony which he has had ever since.  Your kids are watching your actions.  She used to play competitive tennis. She cited the April 2018 general conference talk “Teaching in the Home—a Joyful and Sacred Responsibility” by Brother Devin Durrant ( about parental teaching.  Look for openings to teach.  Elder Uchtdorf taught about the miracle of the quail and day-to-day teaching.

She loves her new calling to teach Sunday School to the youth.  She referred to Sister Dew again about the mothering influence. And Elder Uchtdorf.  We should do better today than yesterday.  The Lord takes notice of our righteous desires.  She is happy to be here and looks forward to getting to know you. 

Special music by the Primary children “Mother, I Love You”

Brother Knight thanked Sister Karin Alexander and Brother Jerry Fender for the music. 

Concluding speaker was Brother Everett Lilya.  He told Brother Knight that his name is Everett, not Robert.  They had a brand new bishop who married them.  He called him Claudette. Happy Mothers Day.  He is from Idaho and served a mission in Sweden.  He joined the ROTC and spent 20 years as a pilot in the Air Force.  He now works as a pilot for Delta.  When he returned from Afghanistan, he learned that his wife had been diagnosed with breast cancer.  He recollected the 70th or 80th time they were ouse hunting.  He asked about childproofing a house, about managing energy and water.  He wanted a shop. They have a beautiful home.  He spoke of a house in the Lord’s name.  How do you approach different callings?  What is its purpose?  There are questions we each answer on our home.  We turn to the Lord. He cited talks by then-Elder Thomas S. Monson in 1984 and Elder Neal A. Maxwell in 1993.  He read Doctrine and Covenants 88:119.  Our homes are meant to be temples.

What do you know now that you wish you had known when you were younger?  When he was young in Idaho his town had five stakes.  When he was 12 they had two deacons quorums. It would have been unfair to their leaders if they had all been in one quorum. Six or seven of those in his quorum served missions.  A lesson he learned was about how to feel and recognize the Spirit.  We put gas in our spiritual gas tank.  He misunderstood feeling the Spirit. He thought it was being weepy and crying, a fate worse than death!  When someone was teaching the lesson, they were rowdy to drive the Spirit out so they wouldn’t be that way.  It is not the only way to feel the Spirit.  He spoke of personal revelation.  

His mission was in Sweden. His mission president was Elder Kenneth Johnson.  Sometimes there would be elders in the back of a meeting.  They would be inattentive.  He would drag them up to the front. He would take the measure of you as a missionary.  He would ask “What do you think of?”  It was not easy to answer a question from a general authority.  He cited 3 Nephi 19 when Jesus prayed to the Father.  Could you pray for long time and not repeat yourself?  They had the Spirit revealing to them what to pray for.  Out children develop their own relationships with the Savior.  He prays that we’re all able to do that. 

Closing hymn #294 “Love at Home”

Benediction by Brother James Alexander 

There were 95 attendees, and six online. 

May 7, 2023  Fast & Testimony Meeting

President Craig Chester presided and Brother Marvin Knight conducted the sacrament meeting. 

Brother Knight recognized Brother Jonathan Snow of the stake high council. 

He told of the passing of Sister Ruth McKinney whose husband had been the branch president here many years ago.  We had known her before she moved to Florida and services will be held there. Please remember her family in your prayers. 

Opening hymn #76 “God of Our Fathers, We Come unto Thee”

Invocation by Elder Alves 

Sister Tina Pittman was released as assistant compassionate leader. 

Sister Joanna Lilya was sustained as Sunday School teacher. 

Lots of stake business, releases and sustainings

Sister Natasha Cumming was sustained as activity days coordinator and nursery leader. 

Sacrament hymn #188 “Thy Will, O Lord, Be Done”

Brother Harrison Chester and Elder Alves blessed the sacrament and Brothers Caleb Chappell, Atticus Shaner, and Chuck Young and Elder Magnusson passed the sacrament.

Brother Knight shared his testimony.  He told of his wife watching the coronation of King Charles.  He is thankful for the sacrament to remember our Savior.  Our thoughts and prayers are known to Heavenly Father.  He can repent of his sins.  The regalia in the coronation has been in use for 700 years.  He thought of the humbleness and simplicity of the sacrament.  He is grateful for his testimony that the Church is true, of the Prophet Joseph Smith, and of the Book of Mormon.  The scriptures talk of and give guidance.  We have the latter day revelations of the Doctrine and Covenants.  We can learn from prophets and apostles every six months. He is grateful for family, daughters and grandkids.  

Sister Charmet Chester said that yesterday was her birthday.  It was exciting and challenging.  Her mother died on her birthday 20 years ago.  They have gotten a camper. There are only two more years that they will have our kids with us. They sat around and played games.  They slowed down a little bit.  We have abundance in some areas and scarcity in others.  The Lord loves us.  She is thankful for her family, for her wonderful husband.  They needed to buy bread for the sacrament today.   She got change back and other presents from her children.  We can focus on our blessings. Grow closer to those around you. 

Young Samantha White shared her testimony. 

Brother John Hobbs said that his heart was pounding hard.  On Sunday mornings you may see me or not see me.  He has to drive to Kennesaw in the morning.  He reflects on a close friend of his.  He really admires him.  He is almost envious.  He has wealth and real estate.  He quoted “Adam fell that men might be; and men are, that they might have joy.” (2 Ne. 2:25).  He has struggles and he’s going through some right now.  Some say that the Church has too many rules and restrictions.  He knows the Church is true. 

Sister Karin Alexander said that it is great to have so many visitors.  She can remember being a little girl, a preteen, and a teenager.  She was hoping and praying for children.  She had fear of giving birth or losing a child.  What joy in being a grandma!  She spoke of going to Utah to visit family.  She knows that Jesus and Heavenly Father are real.  The Savior knows every dream and challenge.  He lives!   She has been studying John with her husband James .  They just finished reading the Book of Mormon together.  She spoke of the love that He has for me. 

Sister Debbie Young spoke of listening to “Come, Follow Me” this morning.  There are times when words just leap out at her.  Luke 17 is about the 10 lepers.  She read verse 20 (“And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come”).  In verse 21 the Savior said, “Behold, the kingdom of God is within you. Be in the world, not of the world.  We can share light as we come to know the Savior.  There are seeds that we plant.  She spoke of good and bad seeds.  She loves Heavenly Father and her Savior. 

Sister Tina Pittman said that she attended graduation on Friday.  The commencement speakers were a student and a pastor.  They said that there are tumultuous things in the world but perfect love casteth out all fear.  We can find peace and bring peace.  We need to understand what the Savior has done for us.  She spoke of the beginning of 3rd Nephi.  She went to the temple this week with some wonderful sisters.  She did initiatories and spoke of feeling the Spirit.  It is wonderful to see the curtain rolled back (in the rear of the chapel) due to so many visitors for which she is grateful. 

Sister Teresa Cornwell said that she knows that Jesus is the Only Begotten Son of the Father.  When they were in Oklahoma there was a freak snowstorm.  Only their son and daughter-in-law knew they were there.  The Spirit whispered to her, “you are never alone.”  She loves her Savior and knows that He lives. She loves President Nelson. 

Sister Terri Fender said that it had been a very long time since she had borne her testimony.  Her testimony has come the hard way.  She has been in a black dark place.  She has a testimony of healing.  She has been welcomed back.  Heavenly Father loves me.  She was absent for a while.  Sisters called and checked on her.  She has felt love from a higher place.  There have been shoulders to lean on, especially her husband’s.  She knows the Church and the Gospel are true. 

Closing hymn #158 “Before Thee, Lord, I Bow My Head”

Benediction by Elder Magnusson

There were 101 attendees and 12 online. 

April 30, 2023

President Craig Chester presided and Brother Ezra Shaner conducted the sacrament meeting. 

He announced the potluck after church today. 

He invited the members to bring up the Family Tree app on their phones for the second hour today. 

Opening hymn #141 “Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee”

Invocation by Sister Rhiannon Shaner

Released Sister Tori Cornell as a temple and family history consultant, Sister Donna Palmer as the branch historian, and Brother Marvin and Sister Olga Knight as Just Serve coordinators. 

Sacrament hymn #189 “O Thou, Before the World Began”

Brother Harrison Chester and Elder Elder Magnusson blessed the sacrament and Brothers Caleb Chappell, James Alexander, and Chuck Young and Elder Alves passed the sacrament.

The speakers today were several of the branch youth.  Taking notes was a challenge!

First speaker was Sister Hannah Chester.  She spoke of a family visit to Stone Mountain.  She was scared that she might fall off.  She didn’t want to fall or mess up.  We don’t want God to be disappointed in us. She loves her dog.  He is rough around the edges but she still loves him.  It doesn’t matter how funky we are.  God still loves us, no matter how many times we turn away from Him.  She read from Matthew about loving thy neighbor.  There are the just and the unjust.  Forgiving is hard.  We should show the same compassion that Jesus shows to us.  Why does God punish us?  It helps us grow.  We learn from this.  Her Dad’s really calm all the time.  He explains things to you.  She shared from “Teachings of Presidents of the Church: David O. McKay” chapter 22 about Christlike character and spreading  the Gospel.  (See  She also shared from chapter 23.   Abide in your hearts.  Glorify your Father in heaven. (See 

Sister Rosie Wittekind spoke about loving like Christ.  She cited Elder Ulisses Soares about the compassionate attitude of Christ which is rooted in charity, namely in His pure and perfect love, which is the essence of His atoning sacrifice. (See 

He healed the sick.  He healed the leper.  He loved without judgement. She spoke of when she was a kid quoting Matthew 25:40.  Love those around you.  We have trials and experiences.  Have compassion and love for them.  She loves her Savior. 

Sister Addisson Chappell spoke on loving like our Savior and serving just like Him.  

Brother Shaner thanked the speakers. 

Sister Avery Chappell wrote her talk but was too shy to speak, so her sister Addisson read it.  There are many ways we can show our love to others.  We can serve missions.  We can clean our house and yard.  

Intermediate hymn #293 “Each Life That Touches Ours for Good”

Brother Caleb Chappell spoke on loving how the Savior loves and about serving others.  Christ loves every single one of us.  He was caring and serving, healing the sick and the blind. We don’t have the powers that He had and learning to love is both easy and hard. The Devil tries to knock us from our intentions.  We do have struggles in life.  We can study the Scriptures.  We have chances to repent for dumb decisions.  Quoting from Nephi God loves His children. We remember Him in the sacrament prayers.  

Brother Harrison Chester said he had procrastinated preparing his talk.  He spoke about the Good Samaritan and serving like Christ.  This was in Luke 10.  People passed by the man.  The Samaritan who was despised did not.  He expended both time and effort which is not always easy.  There are ways we can serve the marginalized.  We can volunteer at homeless shelters. We can share the Gospel; we can share at school. We can practice forgiveness and listen with empathy should follow Jesus’s example which is easier said than done.  He quoted Matthew 5:16.  This is not about leaving your porch light on.  Let the Holy Spirit glow within you.  Reaching out to another person will bless you in your life.  

President Craig Chester showed emotion as he told the youth how much he loves them. There was quite a gambit of talks.  Everyone  was different.  He didn’t expect the topic to be love as the Savior loves.  They did a great job.  It takes a lot of guts to do this.  Avery wrote a good talk. Her sister saw a need and stepped up.  One sister steps up when another struggles.  We all need help sometimes.  We need to admit that we need help.  As Caleb said, it is difficult to keep the commandments on a daily basis.  Information and temptations can pop up in your face.  We need to look past the rough edges.  Hannah’s dog is an ugly dog.  He uses about five percent of his brain.  He has a gimpy leg.  He does have good qualities.  

They attended the ceremony for President Nelson (see  It was a great experience.  There were many different denominations.  They had love for God.  He spoke of Rev. Lawrence Edward Carter Sr., founding dean of the Martin Luther King Jr. International Chapel.  He was in the 10th grade in 1958.  Martin Luther King Jr. picked him out and asked him to attend Morehouse College. It was an interdenominational group.  There were lots of differences but they shared a lot of the same faith, faith in something.  The common denominator was that they were children of God.  Everyone deserves to have love and service.   

Look at Hannah’s sweet innocent dog.  He has good qualities.  Society today is so polarized.  We talk through social media, not face to face, shaming one another.  We need to get away from that.  In Luke 7 was the story of the woman washing Jesus’s feet.  Didn’t He know what a sinner she was?  He turned to Simon.  “Seest thou this woman?”  The Scriptures don’t mean just one thing.  We can apply them to ourselves. We can see this woman as a child of God.  How wonderful these young people are. He has a testimony of the Gospel and love for these young people. 

Brother Shaner thanked the youth speakers and the not-so-youthful speaker.

Closing hymn #87 “God Is Love” Written by Thomas R. Taylor, 1807–1835, and included in the first LDS hymnbook in 1835.

Benediction by Brother Brandon King

There were 81 attendees, 7 online. 

April 23. 2023

President Craig Chester presided and Brother Marvin Knight conducted the sacrament meeting. 

He recognized Elder and Sister Kennedy who are Service Mission Leaders for young elders.  

He recognized Brother York Rasmusson of the stake high council and his daughter. 

Choir practice will take place after church. 

The Internet is back on line. 

Opening hymn #58 “Come, Ye Children of the Lord”

Invocation by Brother Atticus Shaner

Released were Sister Debbie Lathrop as first counselor in Primary presidency and Sister Conover-Priest as Primary pianist. 

Sustained were Sister Karin Alexander as Primary pianist and Sister Charmet Chester as Primary music leader. 

Sacrament hymn #183 “In Remembrance of Thy Suffering”

Brother Harrison Chester and Elder Alves blessed the sacrament and Brothers Brandon King, Caleb Chappell, and Chuck Young and Elder Magnusson passed the sacrament.

First speaker was Sister Saada Rasmusson. She spoke on how the Lord showed love to those around Him.  Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you. To err is human, to forgive divine.  She shared a story told by President Gordon B. Hinckley (1910-2008) in his talk entitled “Forgiveness” in the October 2005 general conference ( 

“How would you feel toward a teenager who decided to toss a 20-pound frozen turkey from a speeding car headlong into the windshield of the car you were driving? How would you feel after enduring six hours of surgery using metal plates and other hardware to piece your face together, and after learning you still face years of therapy before returning to normal—and that you ought to feel lucky you didn’t die or suffer permanent brain damage?

“And how would you feel after learning that your assailant and his buddies had the turkey in the first place because they had stolen a credit card and gone on a senseless shopping spree, just for kicks? …

“This is the kind of hideous crime that propels politicians to office on promises of getting tough on crime. It’s the kind of thing that prompts legislators to climb all over each other in a struggle to be the first to introduce a bill that would add enhanced penalties for the use of frozen fowl in the commission of a crime.

“The New York Times quoted the district attorney as saying this is the sort of crime for which victims feel no punishment is harsh enough. ‘Death doesn’t even satisfy them,’ he said.

“Which is what makes what really happened so unusual. The victim, Victoria Ruvolo, a 44-year-old former manager of a collections agency, was more interested in salvaging the life of her 19-year-old assailant, Ryan Cushing, than in exacting any sort of revenge. She pestered prosecutors for information about him, his life, how he was raised, etc. Then she insisted on offering him a plea deal. Cushing could serve six months in the county jail and be on probation for 5 years if he pleaded guilty to second-degree assault.

“Had he been convicted of first-degree assault —the charge most fitting for the crime —he could have served 25 years in prison, finally thrown back into society as a middle-aged man with no skills or prospects.

“But this is only half the story. The rest of it, what happened the day this all played out in court, is the truly remarkable part.

“According to an account in the New York Post, Cushing carefully and tentatively made his way to where Ruvolo sat in the courtroom and tearfully whispered an apology. ‘I’m so sorry for what I did to you.’

“Ruvolo then stood, and the victim and her assailant embraced, weeping. She stroked his head and patted his back as he sobbed, and witnesses, including a Times reporter, heard her say, ‘It’s OK. I just want you to make your life the best it can be.’ According to accounts, hardened prosecutors, and even reporters, were choking back tears”

We can show love through acts of service.  President Hinckley also spoke on being more neighborly in his October 1997 general conference talk “Look to the Future” ( 

Sister Rasmusson quoted Mosiah 2:17.   We should act on opportunities to serve. 

Intermediate hymn #92 “For the Beauty of the Earth”

Brother Knight thanked Brother Jerry Fender and Sister Karin Alexander for the music and Brother Bo Kelly for making the meeting available online. 

Concluding speaker was Brother Rasmusson.  He spoke on Loving as the Savior Loved.  This was his daughter’s first talk in sacrament meeting.  Today is her birthday as she turns 13.  He is new to the high council.  He is grateful to be here.  They had been in branches in Wisconsin, Arizona, and Connecticut.  He has been married for 23 years and has five children ages 19 to 7.  

We must forgive as the Savior forgave.  Our goal through music and talks is to bring the Holy Ghost.  He spoke of the primary mission of the Savior.  He forgave the adulteress.  He forgave the man who was lowered through the roof by his friends. He read John 3:17 and Doctrine & Covenants 64:10.  “I, the Lord, will forgive whom I will forgive, but of you it is required to forgive all men.” He read from Matthew 18:21-22 about how often to forgive one another.  He quoted from an Easter video by President Russell M. Nelson about forgiveness ( “As we approach Easter, my thoughts have lingered on one of the last moments of the Savior's mortal ministry,” said President Nelson. “As He was being crucified on Calvary's cross, the Redeemer of all mankind uttered these timeless words: ‘Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do’.” 

“President Nelson then shared a personal story of his time as a heart surgeon. He lost two of his young patients who were sisters after he operated on them. The parents blamed him for their deaths.

“‘For almost six decades, I was haunted by this situation,’ he said. The family was unwilling to meet with him until a few years ago.

“President Nelson is extending an invitation to consider forgiving someone this Easter season.

“‘I promise that as you forgive, the Savior will relieve you of anger, resentment and pain,’ he said. ‘The Prince of Peace will bring you peace.’”

He spoke of John Bytheway’s story about Barbara.  She had a prosthetic leg because of a driver who had jumped the curb and hit her.  She was In his mom’s ward and married a great guy.  The driver’s name was Ann.  She found her in the phone book and called her.  They met and sat together on the porch.  The accident was in January 1975.  She had a hard life. Her husband died young.  Barbara asked her, “Why didn’t you come to see me?”  Her attorneys recommended that she not do that   Ann said that she called the hospital many times to see how Barbara was doing.  She had feelings of charity.  Barbara had occupied her thoughts for many years.  Meeting involved courage, forgiveness, and redemption. 

Jesus showed compassion.  “Who is my neighbor?”  Who showed compassion?Brother Rasmusson read the parable of the Good Samaritan.  It took place on the road from Jerusalem to Jericho.  He spoke of the priest and the prohibition about touching the dead.  Next was the Levite followed by the Samaritan.  Samaritans were of an inferior class.  They were part Jew part Gentile.  The traveler could be seen as Adam and Eve, as you.  The Samaritan as Jesus Christ. The innkeeper as prophets and apostles.  

He shared an example involving his father.  It was 1983 and his dad had been hired in Stamford, Connecticut.  There were six kids.  They traveled on a rural road in Poughkeepsie.  There was a man along the road.  He asked for money. He asked his father why he gave him some.  His father said, “What if that man was Jesus?”

In April 1977 general conference then-Elder Thomas S. Monson (1927-2018) spoke about “Your Jericho Road” ( “Each of us, in the journey through mortality, will travel his own Jericho Road. What will be your experience? What will be mine? Will I fail to notice him who has fallen among thieves and requires my help? Will you?

“Will I be one who sees the injured and hears his plea, yet crosses to the other side? Will you?

“Or will I be one who sees, who hears, who pauses, and who helps? Will you?

“Jesus provided our watchword, ‘Go, and do thou likewise.’”

We minister to individuals.  It may be a neighbor or a sibling.  There were droves of people following the Savior.  Some were close to Him and heard what He taught. He spoke of eternal families.  Our Savior lives and loves us. Joseph Smith was a prophet.  We heard President Nelson in conference.  He is a prophet. 

Closing hymn #155 “We Have Partaken of Thy Love”

Benediction by Elder Alves

There were 92 attendees. 18 online. 

April 16, 2023

President Craig Chester presided, and Brother Ezra Shaner conducted the sacrament meeting. 

He said that the Wi-fi was still down. 

Opening hymn #146 “Gently Raise the Sacred Strain” written by William W. Phelps. It was in the first LDS hymnbook. 

Invocation by Brother Ben Bailey

Released Debbie Young as Primary president, Cassie Kelly as second counselor in Primary presidency, Vicki Joyner as Primary teacher, and Tina Canerday-Pittman as Primary activity leader. 

Sustained Barbara King as branch media specialist, Tina Canerday-Pittman as Primary president, Cassie Kelly as first counselor in Primary presidency, and Debbie Young as Primary activity leader. 

Sacrament hymn #184 “Upon the Cross of Calvary”

Brothers Brandon King and Harrison Chester blessed the sacrament and Brothers Caleb Chappell and Chuck Young and Elders Magnusson and Alves passed the sacrament.

Brother Shaner bore his testimony.  They went on a trip recently and there was so much to see that he was tired.  They saw so much of nature.   How beautiful the earth is. His work involves building things. There are some projects that he cares more about than others.  Heavenly Father must love us.  The earth is a work of love, the scenery, tastes, and flavors.  He is grateful that Heavenly Father loves us.  He has given us commandments and the gospel.  

Young Grifynn Kelly testified of the Holy Ghost at her baptism.   She knows the Church is true. 

Sister Denae Shaner testified that prayers are always answered.  Heavenly Father loves each of us. 

Young Samantha White bore her testimony followed by Sister Loretta White. This is the true and living Church on the earth.  We receive revelation. God has a time table that may not align with ours.  He teaches us patience and long-suffering.  She sees tiny miracles in her lives such as her girls.  God sees our potential and can make more out of us.  She is grateful for the light and knowledge that we receive.  We can search the scriptures and go to Him in prayer.  Joseph Smith was a true prophet as he translated the Book of Mormon.  She has peace in her home.  She is grateful for the temple where she and her husband are sealed for eternity, and for her husband’s ability to forgive.  Jesus is our Savior and Redeemer.  

Young Emrys Kelly said that dreams are personal.  There is good and bad to everything.  He knows the Church is true. 

Sister Teri Grace bore her testimony of prayers that were received during her husband’s medical challenges.  She felt our prayers strongly.  He had heart surgery.  She should have been terrified but she was at peace.  She gained a deeper testimony of prayer.  She is grateful to be in this Church.  She is thankful to Heavenly Father that the Church found her.  She has such a testimony of the Savior and the Book of Mormon.  In her first lesson from the missionaries she knew the Church was true even though she was skeptical at first.  She knew that the Book of Mormon was true. She is grateful for her testimony. 

Sister Tina Canerday-Pittman said here come her water works.  She has been humbled for the opportunity to serve in Primary.  She is probably the first purple-haired teacher.  She is grateful for us and the branch.  She is so appreciative of the spirit that is here and for the branch family.  She loves serving with Debbie and Cassie. She wants to tell the kids how much they mean to her.  Stay on the covenant path.  She has been a member since she was nine but she had never read the Book of Mormon cover to cover until she was 27.   It is a tool to help us.  The Savior helps us get through this journey and hold to the metaphorical iron rod.  This is a difficult world.  She is grateful to the Savior for trusting her with the little ones.  She is grateful for the Atonement and her testimony of the Savior.  We help each other. 

Brother David Wittekind spoke of two experiences he has had.  He served a mission in Peru.  The Gospel is spreading quickly.  He attended a testimony meeting in Quito, Ecuador.  He was impressed by the strength of the people. There were so many testimonies.  The stake president had to say that was enough.  There was a line of people waiting to bear testimonies.  The Church has grown so much!  His second experience was in the temple during the sealing ordinance with his oldest daughter with her husband and granddaughter.  He reflected on his own marriage of 26 years with his wife.  Families are forever.  This is possible through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  He has enjoyed experiences in nature.  A beautiful world has been created for us. He appreciates all that Heavenly Father has done for us, especially the Book of Mormon and the Bible. 

Young Cummings testified that the Church is true. 

Another youngster bore his testimony. 

Young Beckham Chappell spoke of helping his dad.  They were cutting wood and trees.  The chainsaw ripped through the pocket of his dad’s pants.  

Elder Alves introduced himself as the new missionary in the ward.  He said that being converted is not a one-time event.  His dad said to focus on miracles.  Yesterday they were teaching a lady which was incredible.  Then a fellow asked them to come in.  They taught him by the spirit.  

Brother Terry Dorsey said that he echoed Sister Grace‘s comments.  He has been a member for 9 1/2 years.  He first heard of Joseph Smith when he was in the Army in 1968.  Then he met the missionaries for which he is very grateful.  We can straighten out our lives the best we can. He has two big oxygen tanks at home.  It is hard to get around the house.  Visitors wouldn’t even see them.  They are trip hazards.  There are little things such as the cushions on his ears and the stepping on the hoses.  He is grateful for our prayers.  He was on in-home hospice with lots of medication.   He is grateful for his patient wife.  She is very understanding.  He would be upset and she would go to another room to pray.  He read about his medications and their side effects.  He has quit taking them.  The Church is true.  He joined 45 years after the seed was planted.  The seed was being watered.  He listed all of the other churches that he attended.  Once he had the Jehovah Witnesses missionaries and our missionaries together. The Jehovah Witnesses missionaries didn’t come back.  He spoke of the Restored Gospel and marking the Book of Mormons.  It is a light to his heart.   He spoke of what Joseph Smith went through.  He held firm to the iron rod.   He appreciates our prayers.  He knows that Jesus Christ is our Savior. 

Sister Debbie Young knows our Savior and Heavenly Father are real.  She has loved serving with the children.   She referred to the Savior saying “except ye become as a little child.”  (Matthew 18:3).  They are full of faith.  Life happens.  Get the faith of the children.  He is real.  He knows what we are going through.  Prayer is powerful.  She spoke of the mustard seed.  Elder Holland said to focus on what you do know.  She loves the Savior and Heavenly Father. 

Sister Debbie Lathrop loved working in Primary.  She is incredibly grateful to see the Reichert’s and Dorsey’s today.  She spoke of finding God in nature.  Her father didn’t go to church but found God when he was boating.  She prays for Boyd and Emma Belnap as they go hiking. 

Sister Karin Alexander said that she didn’t recognize the Reichert’s.  She needs her glasses.  Like Brother Dorsey, she knows that He lives!!  She loves each and every one of us. 

Brother Shaner said that he appreciated everyone who participated.  He thanked Brother Jerry Fender and Sister Alexander for the music. 

Closing hymn #155 “We Have Partaken of Thy Love”

Benediction by young Sister Adalynne Shaner. 

There were 87 attendees. 

April 9 2023  Easter Sunday

President Craig Chester presided and conducted the sacrament meeting. 

Fast and testimony meeting will be next week.  

Opening hymn #193 “I Stand All Amazed”

Invocation by Brother Terry Dorsey 

Thanks to Sister Karin Alexander for the flowers today.  Two pictures attached. 

Baptism of young Sister Grifynn Kelly took place this week and she was welcomed into the branch. 

Sacrament hymn #191 “Behold the Great Redeemer Die” Written by Sister Eliza R. Snow. 

Brothers Brandon King and Harrison Chester blessed and Brothers Chuck Young, Atticus Shaner, and Junior Vanden Brink and Elder Alves passed the sacrament.  

President Chester thanked Brother Jerry Fender and Sister Karin Alexander for the music.  She played the organ for the hymns and the piano for the choirs. 

The branch choir sang “Love One Another.”

Reader #1 “The Mother” (Loretta White). 

Judith Robinson Walton, "The Mother," Ensign, Dec. 1982, 49 

“She went unnoticed.

Amid the angry mob she was

But another witness.

Yet those who knew

Beheld a softly anguished face, Whose sorrow raged, but silently.

A knowledge, that this must be, For a time had steadied her.

And so she watched,

As, taunted, bound, and lifted high,

He stood his pain, and hers, and theirs.

She watched

The thing she could not bear to see.

For a moment

She remembered a time before; Then, too, He was

About his Father's business.

Yet, that time,

The parting short and painless.

This ...

In new and sudden grief She bowed her head.

Above the rabid cries of m e n Her silent prayer, a plea.

Must this suffering be?

Might not a mother's hands Some comfort give?

The son looked down

And kindly drew her eyes to his.

She saw her answer there.

She could not ease these final steps, And, at length, withdrew her gaze.

Her son, His Son: His will be done. She turned and walked with John.”

The Primary children sang “Did Jesus Live Again.”

Reader # 2 John 20: 1-3, 9-17 (Sister Charmet Chester)

The Primary children sang “Jesus Has Risen.”

Reader #3  Elder Bruce R McConkie’s Testimony (Junior Vanden Brink) Part I “The Purifying Power of Gethsemane” at

He read up to “And, finally, when the atoning agonies had taken their toll—when the victory had been won, when the Son of God had fulfilled the will of his Father in all things —then he said, ‘It is finished’ (John 19:30), and he voluntarily gave up the ghost.”

The branch choir sang “That Easter Morn.”

Reader #3  Continuation of Elder Bruce R McConkie’s Testimony (Junior Vanden Brink) Part II. He continued with “After some thirty-eight or forty hours—three days as the Jews measured time —our Blessed Lord came to the Arimathaean’s tomb, where his partially embalmed body had been placed by Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathaea.”

President Chester added his testimony.  He read from Matthew 16:13-20. “Whom do men say that I the Son of man am?” “Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.”  Jesus said, “And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” There are several interpretations of this.  It can be the Rock upon which the church was built.  It can be the Rock of revelation.  We need to repent and be baptized. Jesus said, “This is my Gospel.”  We are blessed to have priesthood keys these latter days.  We are entitled to revelation ourselves.  Christ atoned for all men that all men may be raised from the dead.  The closing hymn was written by Elder Bruce R McConkie. We are required to believe in Christ.  Help thou my unbelief.  Jesus is the Son of the Living God.  This season increase our belief. Help our faith grow so we can say “I Believe in Christ.”

The branch choir sang “I Believe in Christ” (Hymn #134)

Benediction by Sister Barbara King

There were 85 attendees. 

March 26 2023

President Craig Chester presided and conducted the sacrament meeting. 

He thanked Brother Bo Kelly for making this meeting available for those at home. 

He announced General Conference on 1-2 April. 

Easter is on 9 April and there only be sacrament meeting that day. 

He read the letter from Elder Gault and the Area Presidency.  It is attached. 

He recognized Brother Paul Neves of the stake high council on the stand. 

He promoted the upcoming stake blood drive on 20 May. 

Opening hymn #84 “Faith of Our Fathers”

Invocation by Brother Brandon King

Choir practice will take place today. 

Sacrament hymn #192 “He Died! The Great Redeemer Died” Written by Isaac Watts. It was in the first LDS hymnbook. 

Several young men blessed and passed the sacrament.  All Aaronic Priesthood holders today!

First speaker was Brother Dan Warcup from the Hickory Flat Ward.  They have lived here five years.  His wife grew up in this stake. He’s from California. They have a five year old and a two year old.  He referenced Lori L. Wadsworth (“Seeing the Divinity in Others” at  She shared with her students a story based on a study conducted in 1970 at Princeton University. “On the morning of the final exam, a class of students showed up to the scheduled classroom only to find a sign on the board telling them that the room had changed and the correct room was across campus. Imagine how you might feel in that circumstance. These students had to quickly get from one end of campus to the other in order to make it in time for the final exam.

“The students rushed across campus to find their professor waiting for them. The professor then told them that they had just completed their final exam.

“The students were quite perplexed. The professor explained that he had set up several ‘situations’ across campus that provided opportunities for them to show their ethical behavior. For example, one person had dropped an armful of books on the sidewalk. One was seen being verbally abused by another. A third person had fallen off their bike right in the students’ path, while a fourth was frantically looking for a small child.

“The professor asked the students, ‘Did you stop to help pick up the books? Did you check to see if those who were hurt or in danger were okay? Did you join in the search for the lost child?’

“This professor was trying to tell his students that the important learning is in real-life application. You see, this life is not just about writing papers and passing tests. It is not even about working hard at your job. It is all about how we treat others.”

Brother Warcup read Matthew 25 beginning with verse 35.  He spoke of the Savior’s ability to focus on those around Him.  He stopped to serve others.  He would eat with sinners.  He loved serving others. He read Luke 22:27.  Jesus knew of his divine potential and calling.  He came to earth to serve others.  Brother Warcup cited a talk by Sister Bonnie Oscarsson in the October 2017 general conference (“The Needs before Us” at 

He spoke of Jesus as a 12 year old.  One of the family wasn’t there.  That is a moment of panic as a parent.  Joseph and Mary were perplexed and agitated.  He was at the temple about his Father’s business.  As a 12 year old I was into baseball cards and basketball.  We should put the needs of others above our own.  Text someone who would like to hear from you.  We can speak up in Sunday School to help the teacher. We can share our talents with others.  We can be saying a prayer for a person.  

Six months ago a neighbor put their baby down for a nap.  The baby never woke up.  The parents were devastated.  Neighbors helped with meals.  His wife took them a meal with their son along.  Later a text came from the neighbor asking for his wife to come by.  His wife had lost her father-in-law five years earlier.  There were challenges and blessings.  President Spencer W. Kimball taught: “God does notice us, and he watches over us. But it is usually through another person that he meets our needs.  God watches over us through others. Christ’s life was a life of service.  He is grateful for opportunities to serve, to lend a helping hand.  He is grateful for the Gospel. 

Intermediate hymn #3 “Now Let Us Rejoice” Written by William W. Phelps. It was in the first LDS hymnbook. 

Concluding speaker was Brother Paul Neves.  He is full of heart and gusto.  This is the second month in a row that he has spoken here.  He loves the spirituality of the Ellijay Branch.  Next Sunday is Palm Sunday.  In the Liahona magazine are articles related to this.  As Jesus rode into Jerusalem He knew the end was near.  Brother Neves cited John 13-16.  In chapter 14 Jesus taught “He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.”   We want to be serving as Jesus served.  There are sufficient examples in the scriptures.  There was the woman with an issue of blood.  She wanted to touch the hem of Jesus’s clothing to be healed.  Where did this plan came from?  She was Immediately healed.

Being socially open gives us opportunities to serve.  We should be out among the people.  Improve your sociality.  There are chances all around. Go and do something today. First grade was a hard time for him and caused him great anxiety.  He was physically ill.  His mom asked his sister Amy to spend time with him.  He played on the playground and felt comfort.  His sister didn’t mind helping her annoying little brother.  Not all struggles with anxiety are so easily resolved.  Do we need to heal a broken heart or a physical infirmity?   

Bartimaeus was born blind (Mark 10:46-52).  He shouted out for Jesus.  Jesus was not out for a casual stroll.  In football terms, Jesus called an audible.  My wife Susie and I needed help.  Their ward fasted.  They had a friend at the temple with them.  Anciently farmers didn’t glean their fields.  We can leave corners of our schedules ungleaned.  One brother left one night open so that he could help or comfort someone.  Be willing to change your plans. Jesus taught with power.  The Holy Ghost provides insight.  

When he was a senior in high school he attended seminary half-heartedly. He was one of nine in a blended family.  He thought that after seminary he would tell his mother that he gave it a try but he would stop going to church.  He had an inspired teacher in Sister Peterson.  He had a testimony of Heavenly Father though not Joseph Smith.  He made the effort to read the seminary materials.  She invited him to read the Book of Mormon.  In a few months he noticed changes as he had started reading it.  His prayers were answered about the book and he knew Joseph was a prophet.  He served a mission.  There was a caveat.  Alma said that he should be content.  It depends on your circumstances.  Be ready and willing to perform.  Some things are visible and some are not visible.  No one but him and Sister Peterson knew of his changes.   Your learning laboratory is your home.  We can reflect the love of Jesus.

We can give blood as President Chester mentioned.  It requires many people.  100 units were needed for a family member.  100 people were needed.  I have had joy as I have strived to serve as Jesus did.  You can perform miracles. 

President Chester thanked those who participated.  He thanked Jerry and Karin for the music. 

Closing hymn #61 “Raise Your Voices to the Lord”

Benediction by Sister Barbara King

There were 89 attendees and 7 online.

19 March 2023

President Craig Chester presided and conducted the sacrament meeting. 

He recognized our stake patriarch Brother Jonathan Ensign and stake high councilor Brother William Huss on the stand.

He announced General Conference on 1-2 April. 

Easter is on 9 April and there only be sacrament meeting that day. 

There will be choir practice today in preparation for Easter. 

Opening hymn #67 “Glory to God on High”

Invocation by Brother Mark Ramick 

We sustained Sister Heather Chappell as YW camp director. 

Brother Huss conducted some stake business. 

He announced that on April 13 President Nelson will receive the first Gandhi-King-Mandela Peace Prize at Morehouse College. 

On April 20 we have the opportunity to help clean the temple. 

Sacrament hymn #194 “There Is a Green Hill Far Away”

Members of the priesthood blessed and passed the sacrament. 

First speaker was Brother Zach White.  He spoke on family history and temple work. He cited Elder Dale G. Renlund’s talk on family history in the April 2018 general conference entitled “Family History and Temple Work: Sealing and Healing” at “When we gather our family histories and go to the temple on behalf of our ancestors, God fulfills promised blessings simultaneously on both sides of the veil.”  The relationship between Parley and Orson Pratt became strained.  Family history helped heal the wounds.  Zach told a story about his family. He had a devout mother who was strong in her faith.  They joined the Church in the late 70’s.  She was an avid genealogist.  He met with the stake last week during branch conference about family history and temple work. 

Intermediate hymn #113 “Our Savior’s Love”

Concluding speaker was Brother Ensign.  He appreciates President Chester inviting him to speak today.  He spoke about patriarchal blessings.  He told how the Liahona pointed the way that Lehi and his family should go. They went on a worldwide cruise to a new land.  It worked according to their faithfulness.  Patriarchal blessings are a personal Liahona.  They are a personal revelation from God.  He quoted President James E. Faust (1920-2007) in his October 1995 general conference talk “Priesthood Blessings” at   “A patriarchal blessing from an ordained patriarch can give us a star to follow, which is a personal revelation from God to each individual.”  They are eternal blessings.  They point us to Christ as our North Star.  Each person is a son or daughter of God.  Brother Ensign read from Jeremiah 1.5.  “Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.”

We truly are brothers and sisters of Heavenly Parents.  Our kindred dead are looking for their temple blessings.   We had faith that the Savior would save us from the Fall.  He gives us ways to hear Him.  He read the 9th article of faith.  “We believe all that God has revealed, all that He does now reveal, and we believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God.”  There are patriarchal blessings in the scriptures. Adam blessed his posterity.  Joseph Smith Senior was the first Patriarch of the Church.   

We can request these blessings of our ancestors from the Church.  There are questions asked of those coming for their blessing.  All things testify of Christ.   The hand of the Lord is in all things.  He cited Elder David A. Bednar.  We need to open our eyes and ears and be aware of the gifts of the Spirit that we have.  He read the 7th article of faith.  “We believe in the gift of tongues, prophecy, revelation, visions, healing, interpretation of tongues, and so forth.”  We have spiritual gifts and beneficial blessings.  He read from Doctrine & Covenants 46 about the gifts given to us.  He read Moroni 10:8 about the gifts of God.  “Deny not the gifts of God, for they are many.”  “They are given by the manifestations of the Spirit of God unto men, to profit them.”

We should encourage others to come to Christ.  We can uplift and strengthen each other.  He read Ether 12:27-28.  “Behold, I will show unto the Gentiles their weakness, and I will show unto them that faith, hope and charity bringeth unto me—the fountain of all righteousness.”  They shall be made strong.   Put on the full armor of God.  We learn of our place in the House of Israel.  He read the 5th article of faith.  He spoke of baptism, covenants with God, and the gathering of Israel.  Our blessing can help us identify what to concentrate on and the ways to be a better companion.  It points us to Christ.  There are eternal blessings to be sealed as a family.  They remind us of the love of our Heavenly Father, of His deep and abiding love.  He will take the opportunity to talk to you as you read your patriarchal blessing.  Read it often.  Keep a copy with your scriptures.  If you haven’t gotten your patriarchal blessing yet, talk to your branch president.  He bore his testimony that God lives.  He left us his witness in the name of Jesus Christ. 

President Chester thanked Zach and Brother Ensign.  He thanked Jerry and Karin for the music. 

Closing hymn #111 “Rock of Ages”

Benediction by Brother Dave Chappell 

There were 85 attendees and 16 online.

12 March 2023

Stake President James Watson presided and President Craig Chester conducted the sacrament meeting. 

President Chester recognized Presidents Watson, Schwieger, and Madsen of the stake presidency on the stand. 

He thanked Brother Bo Kelly for making the meeting available online. 

Opening hymn #65 “Come, All Ye Saints Who Dwell on Earth” by William W. Phelps in the first LDS hymn book

Invocation by Sister Loretta White

Brother William Huss conducted the sustaining of general, area, and local Church leaders.  

Sacrament hymn #172 “In Humility, Our Savior”

Brothers Brandon King and Harrison Chester blessed the sacrament and Elders Jarvis and Magnusson and Brothers Boyd Belnap and Wayne Reeves passed the sacrament.

First speaker was President Chester. Recently he bought a horrible house.  It was covered in brush and kudzu.  Nature had run amok. He started working on it, but soon knew that he could not do it on his own. He hired some help with the right equipment and experience.  When he got inside he found rats, squirrels, and termites.  He could have lost hope. He was told to tear it down.  He is still working on it.  It occurred to him that this was a perfect model for repentance.  There are some principles that are hard to understand.  We can gain better clarity of repentance.  He will hit the highlights.  Looking at the house helped him know what repentance is.   He could apologize to the neighbors but the house is still dilapidated.  It would look good with a coat of paint but the structure is still the same.  He cited Elder Theodore M. Burton (1907-1989) who spoke on “The Meaning of Repentance” in 1985. A link is  Suffering is not repentance.  Punishment is not. Confession is not. Remorse is not.  Being sorry and apologetic as can be is not enough.  He needed to replace lots in the house.  Trying to avoid punishment doesn’t work.  We can change those things that are bad.  Not until then is repentance taking place.  We could simply not look.  It is hard to tear down a wall or a facade or our pride.  He cited President Spencer W. Kimball (1895-1985).   We must bare our soul if we have grievously sinned. He must tear the house down to the studs.  The adversary tells us that it is too big a task.  There are things that delay work on the house and delay repentance but the storms will always pass.  Hang in there.  Sometimes things are so bad.  Maybe we can just paint and replace a light bulb. He needed a permit from the county to be sure that the work is done properly and adequately.  Sometimes sins are so gross that we need to confess them to proper Church authorities.  A pitfall is to compare the house to others.  What matters is that we’re working on it.  We must do our due diligence.  What if he wants to move in on January 1, 2025?  He can’t start working on it on December 26th.  He can’t just wait and take care of it later.  He can’t learn patience in a week.  He can’t learn to love his neighbor in a month.  All will be left in shambles if we wait.  He cited Elder Burton again. God is merciful.  We are God’s sons and daughters.  One can look forward to identifying what’s wrong in the house and with ourselves.  We have the Savior’s Atonement to make it happen.  

The branch choir sang “Beautiful Savior.”

Concluding speaker was President Watson. You know that I like brownies. When we were first married, every Sunday his wife made brownies.  I would say no.  I like the crusty edges, not the ooey gooey centers.  He would put them in the refrigerator.  She was offended.   He liked them when they were five days old.  You still have to make them with the proper ingredients.  They taste terrible if you miss something. God organized us into families.  We must build our families around gospel principles.  We can have immense joy.  We need faith, prayer, repentance, forgiveness, and wholesome activities.  No matter how much you struggle, you must bring the Savior into your home.  Study the “Come Follow Me” curriculum.  He cited “The Family Proclamation A Proclamation to the World.”  We must rear our children in love and righteousness.  We will be held accountable. We are here for just a moment.  These things are essential to the eternal plan.  They have a tradition of brownies on a regular basis.  We need to be consistent on a daily basis.  He learned this at age of eight.   We are baptized, we begin to work, we start driving.  He had a paper route that he did regardless of the weather.  In northern Montana there was lots of snow.  Every single day he had to be consistent.   We need to be patient and kind consistently.  These are the best ingredients.  One of these is temple attendance.  Families can be united for eternity.  We can listen and understand.  Love the Savior. He loves you.  I love all of you, I love the Savior, and I love President Nelson. 

Closing hymn #222 “Hear Thou Our Hymn, O Lord”

Benediction by Brother Craig Lathrop 

There were 108 attendees and 11 online.

05 March 2023

President Craig Chester presided and conducted the sacrament meeting. 

He appreciates Brother Bo Kelly providing the meeting being online. 

Branch conference is next week.  The stake missed out on our potluck (laughter).  The stake will be handling the lessons. 

It is short notice but we need to have choir practice today. 

There will be an online institute program for the Southeast Region. It is for those 18-30 years of age or those interested in the Pathways program in several areas of study. The link will be in

Daylight savings will begin next weekend. You will lose an hour’s sleep or go to bed hour early (laughter). 

General conference is the first weekend in April.  We will have only sacrament on Easter.   Fast Sunday will be on the third Sunday. 

Opening hymn #135 “My Redeemer Lives” by Gordon B. Hinckley 

Invocation by Sister Daniela Reeves 

Released Brother Boyd Belnap as branch media coordinator.  We appreciate all that he has done. 

Sacrament hymn #188 “Thy Will, O Lord, Be Done”

Brothers Brandon King and Junior Vanden Brink blessed the sacrament and Elder Jarvis and Brothers Harrison Chester, Caleb Chappell, and Wayne Reeves passed the sacrament.

President Chester bore his testimony.  They had a nice jaunt this weekend. They got a 1975 camper.  It needs work.  They had fun the last couple of days.  They need to improve it.  As a teenager he found testimony meeting very boring. Now he looks forward to it.  We have different ideas and perspectives.  He spoke of his wiser years.  He has improved his testimony.  He mentioned things this last week in “Come Follow Me” such as the raising of Jairus’s daughter from the dead.  He said what the application of these miracles can mean for us.  Friends of Jairus said don’t bother the Master.  Satan makes us feel that way sometimes.  He tells us that it is too late for us.  We have love for others and for our marriage.  Jesus tells us that He can bring it back, can give it life.  Ask Him to be involved.  He can even bring people back to life.  Invite Him into your life.  It is a great lesson on the Atonement. 

Brother Junior Vanden Brink.  He said that my trailer is just a few years old. But it still has issues.  It is easy to identify them.  We can identify them in our lives.  Take an I inventory of our life, of our mental and spiritual health.  The Gospel is like a recipe book for our lives. 

Sister Sofia Wittekind said that she knows the Church is true.  Prayer is a very helpful thing.  It brings great joy to your life. 

Young Brother Daren Shaner said that he knows the Church is true. 

Young Brother Emrys Kelly said that Jesus loves everyone. 

Sister Karin Alexander said that she could just say ditto to what Daren and Emrys said and just sit down. She was taught by goodly parents.  The Savior wants her to be good.  She wants to be good.  She has the knowledge that Jesus is her Savior.  He is her older brother.  We will all be together as a family one day.  All was good until a month ago when she was rear-ended.  She had never known such pain.  She is getting better.  Her Heavenly Father and her Elder Brother are helping.  She has to learn why we go through some of the things that we do.  She knows that some go through much more than she does.  She loves her family and her church family.  She loves Heavenly Father and her Savior. 

Brother James Alexander spoke of images and thoughts in “Come Follow Me,” of the friend who couldn’t walk whose friends got on the roof and made a hole, lowering him to be healed.  His four friends were united.  We have fellowship one with another.  He spoke of the men in the ship during the storm.  The disciples realized that Jesus was the savior of the world.  We get wonderful lessons from the scriptures.  Sometimes he needs lots of help and he has friends who help him.  He strives to bring our ancestors to the Lord.  He is grateful for our fellowship. 

Sister Natasha Cummings.  She read the poem “Touch of the Master’s Hand.”  The poem hangs on our living room wall.  A link to it is's-Hand   She has no doubt the Church is true. 

Brother Harrison Chester spoke of general conference talks.  There was one about a boy and his dog that could do tricks.  The dog wouldn’t do tricks. Why?  His friends laughed and he was embarrassed.  He examined the dog and found a cut on its stomach.  (See

This applies to us.  Often we can’t see what someone is struggling with.  We can slowly heal over time.  It is not that we don’t want to share the gospel. 

Sister Debby Young spoke of “Come Follow Me” miracles.  There were different motivations for each of them.  Different actions took place such as touch, the opportunity to give instructions, His compassion.  He was setting the example for the apostles who were terrified by the storm.  He calmed the elements.  There are different motivators.  The Spirit prompts us in different ways.  

Sister Rosie Wittekind shared an experience she had in Ecuador.  She doesn’t speak Spanish and didn’t understand anything.  She spoke of the Primary kids helping her.  They were excited to help her.  They had strong testimonies of the gospel.  The children had faith.  The Church is really the same all over the world. 

The two young White daughters Machenzie and Samantha shared their testimonies. 

Brother Dave Chappell said that it is a good morning to be here.  He remembered several months ago when Sister Kelly spoke of the winter seasons of our life.  Around us things are falling apart.  Our Savior can help.  He referred to the October 2004 general conference talk by Elder Richard G. Scott.  See  We should understand that the Atonement takes care of all.  Brother Chappell referred to baptisms in the temple.  Family history was not a favorite thing of his.  He is grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ. 

President Chester said that he appreciated the testimonies.

Closing hymn #137 “Testimony”

Benediction by Sister Vicki Joyner

There were 74 attendees and 12 online.

26 February 2023

Brother Ezra Shaner presided and Brother Marvin Knight conducted the sacrament meeting. 

Brother Knight recognized Brothers William Huss and Paul Neves of the stake high council on the stand. 

There will be a baptism tomorrow night of young Daren Shaner. 

Choir practice will take place after our meetings. 

Opening hymn #5 “High on the Mountain Top”

Invocation by Brother Boyd Belnap 

Brothers David Chappell and Brandon King blessed the sacrament and Elders Jarvis and Magnusson and Brothers Caleb Chappell and Wayne Reeves passed the sacrament.

Sacrament hymn #189 “O Thou, Before the World Began”

First speaker was Brother Neves.  He said that he had neglected to pack his suit jacket.  It’s chilly here.  He is from California and moved here eight years ago.  He has twin girls aged 15.  They will be driving soon.  He is from the Allatoona Ward.  He has been on the stake high council for six months. He has felt so welcome here today. 

He spoke on loving as Jesus loves.  He spoke about friends of Jesus, Mary, Margaret, and Lazarus.  Jesus said to roll the stone away.  He was told that he stinketh but He raised him back to life.  He spoke of Ammon and the queen, the wife of King Lamoni. She questioned whether the king was stinky or not.  She knew that Ammon knew more than most people.  Ammon knew that the king had been praying for a remission of his sins.  He had lain for two days as if dead and there was disagreement.  The queen said, “As for myself he doesn’t stink.”  Most of the people said that he had an odor.  

Brother Neves shared a personal example.  When he moved to Georgia he had the opportunity to serve in natural disasters.  (I couldn’t help but think that if he had stayed in California he would have had plenty of natural disasters to help with!). There was a flood in Louisiana in 2016.  The mold was bad.  In one house was a fridge.  He opened it and the smell about knocked him out.  Don’t open a fridge if it’s not plugged in.  

He was a supervisor with UPS.  They had a various group of employees.  One was James who was retired from the military.  He had a strong body odor that was very distracting.  The employees were a friendly bunch and very supportive.  He was 21 years old.  How could he talk to James about improving his personal hygiene?  One of the employees asked him if he had talked to James yet.  He had not but that morning James was clean and well-groomed.  

Jesus did not let the smell stop him. Lamoni’s loved ones did not smell him.  We all stink and have the stain of sin.  We are unprofitable servants. We do not stink but have the stain of sin from life’s experiences.   We do not stink to Jesus.  We do not expect to stay that way.  

Back to Lazarus.   Jesus didn’t acknowledge any stink.  We may see the shortcomings of someone else.  Don’t spread gossip.  Do the good that you can do.  Be like the queen.  Pray unto the Father with all the energy of heart.  Do not notice the sin (stink) of others.  Like the fridge we must shut the door on things.  These days sin now more readily finds us.  If so, shut down your browser.  We must overcome temptations.  James felt good due to those around him.  Brother Neves spoke about calling out the shortcomings of others.  He read from Doctrine and Covenants 121 about reproving betimes with sharpness.  It is rare to reprove loved ones.  In a recent “Come Follow Me” we read of Jesus cleansing the temple.  He prepared to do so beforehand.  We should never speak out of anger.  

We do not stink to Jesus. We will not remain stinky. Think and ponder.  Liken the scriptures to us.  Learn to better love as Jesus loves. 

Intermediate hymn #45 “Lead Me into Life Eternal” written by Elder John A. Widtsoe, 1872–1952. 

Brother Knight thanked the speakers. He thanked Brother Jerry Fender and Sister Karin Alexander for the music and Brother Bo Kelly for making the meeting available online.  He thanked whomever had provided the flowers on the podium.  

The concluding speaker was Brother Huss.  He said that it is a blessing to be here today. He spoke on love as the Savior loves.  He feels love here.  Recipients of love are affected.  He spoke of the power of gospel principles.  It comes from Heavenly Father through others.  He read 1 John 3.  The Spirit of the Lord with us.  Hereby perceive we the love of God.   Hereby we know that He abideth in us.  We act in love towards each other.  President Nelson spoke about needing the Holy Ghost as our guide to direct us. 

Up til a couple of days ago he had not shared this in church.  20 years ago they had an awful diversity in life. They had six kids at home when he had a catastrophic business failure.  His son was ready to go to Venezuela on his mission.  The entire family had to move into a tiny home In Louisville, Kentucky.  One day there was a ruckus outside.  His car was being repossessed.  They still had their Suburban which was later smashed by a falling tree. He was going to sell it for his son’s mission.  He then got a job but his older daughter accidentally burned down the kitchen.  They had to move again.  He never shared this in church before.   He spoke on the loving kindness of others.  Once there was a cashier’s check in the mailbox for thousands of dollars!  People wrapped their arms around us. They made no phone calls asking for help. Faithful members of the Church followed promptings.  These acts were welcomed, loved, appreciated, and respected.  

He spoke of other experiences.  It is important to love other human beings.  Use the Holy Ghost as our guide and companion.  There is a time and place for big projects but people helped us in small ways.  He was the bishop of his ward.  He was drained of energy.  He was at church on a Wednesday conducting interviews. There was a knock on his door. It was his wife in a dress.  She said that he was needed down the hall.  There was a candlelight dinner prepared by the young women.  He felt their love.  We can serve as the Savior served.  They expressed love back to them.  Thank you, bishop, for the things you taught us.  There were miracles, expressions of love and kindness.  Heavenly Father sees the needs that we have.  The Lord of the vineyard is Jesus Christ.  It is powerful that we are brothers and sisters.   Our elder brother is Jesus Christ.  He spoke of the qualities of Him.  We can feel the Spirit teach us as brothers and sisters.  At times you kneel down and pray at night with gratitude to Heavenly Father.  Live a life of love and peace.  Our testimony grows.  Last year we studied the Old Testament.  How many times Jehovah spoke to the people. In crossing the Jordan they were told to erect a memorial of stone.  I delivered you from evil and your mistakes.  I am thankful to be led by a prophet.  President Nelson quoted President Lorenzo Snow In general conference. He said, “This is the grand privilege of every Latter-day Saint … that it is our right to have the manifestations of the Spirit every day of our lives.” See 

Brother Huss read 1 John 4.   God is love.  He is grateful to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, for his membership in the Church, and for his assignments.  It all takes a lifetime, all those acts of kindness.  He bore his testimony.

Closing hymn #270 “I’ll Go Where You Want Me to Go”

Benediction by Elder Magnusson 

There were 82 attendees and 9 online.

19 February 2023

President Craig Chester presided and Brother Marvin Knight conducted the sacrament meeting. 

Opening hymn #44 “Beautiful Zion, Built Above”

Brother Knight welcomed the Stake Primary president and the stake high councilor Brother William Huss. 

He announced the Emergency Preparedness Fair on 4 March. 

There will be choir practice after church in preparation for Easter. 

He welcomed our new missionary Elder Magnusson. 

He said that Sisters Cora Thomas and Vanessa Blackburn have passed away. 

There will be a memorial service at The Journey Church in Jasper this afternoon for Debbie Chadwick, mother of Brother Matthew Chadwick. 

Invocation by Sister Tina Pittman

Sisters Charmet Chester, Cheryl Belnap, Eileen Bailey, and Barbara King were released as branch Relief Society presidency and secretary.

Sisters Cheryl Belnap, Pamela Peacock, and Ruth Anne Litt, and Debbie Lathrop were sustained as branch Relief Society presidency and secretary.

Sister Charmet Chester was sustained as the branch media specialist. 

Brother Max Conover was sustained as a deacon in the Aaronic Priesthood. 

Brothers Harrison Chester and Brandon King blessed the sacrament and Elders Jarvis and Magnusson and Brothers Caleb Chappell and David Wittekind passed the sacrament.

Sacrament hymn #192 “He Died! The Great Redeemer Died” written by Isaac Watts. It was in the first LDS hymn book. 

First speaker was Brother Ben Bailey. His talk on Family History is attached. 

Second speaker was Sister Carol Messina. She told of she and her husband seeing guys in suits who knocked on their door.  They said that they were from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, better known as Mormons.  They were baptized three weeks later.  She found out about genealogy.  It fascinated her.  She learned of the people who had crossed the United States to Utah.  She loved her family and interviewed them.  We come here with many qualities.  She had ancestors who had come across on the Mayflower.  She has lines back to Adam and Eve.  She has some paperwork here.  She had been in the Sandy Springs Ward.  She spoke of Sister Diane Dieterle and the genealogical library in Dahlonega.  They had a garage sale to get a microfilm reader.  She was a nurse for 30 years.  

Each person is a masterpiece.  They deserve to have their work done.  She read Alma 37:46. She spoke of how Moses directed her ancestors and of Abraham.  She read Malachi 4:5-6 and told of Elijah.  It is important that we tell people to open their minds to family history.  In the last days some will be missing.  Stand fast in the work and you shall be lifted up at the last day.  The need is there. The intellect is there.  Do the best you can.  It can be a challenge to read the old writing.  Her great-grandfather went to Cuba with Teddy Roosevelt.  Our ancestors are real people. That’s where you came from. She spoke of the Mayflower and held up a book with their names in it.  One was Elizabeth Belnap.  The Spooner family is in there, too.  

She held up a picture of a boat in which she crossed the Pacific.  They saw whales.  They encountered a typhoon.  It was thought that they’d died.  They arrived in Yokohama Harbor.  Well, I have to quit. I could go on forever. 

Brother Knight told Brother Zach White that he could give his talk in a couple of weeks. He had been the concluding speaker on the program today. 

Brother Knight thanked the speakers. He thanked Brother Fender and Sister Alexander for the music. 

Closing hymn #300 “Families Can Be Together Forever”

Benediction by Sister Terri Fender

Brother Bailey's Talk:

Family history

“Families are the foundation of society,”

said FamilySearch CEO Steve Rockwood.

He said, “Connecting and uniting families across

generations strengthens individuals and nations alike. We

are amazed and gratified to see the role RootsTech has

been able to play in helping literally millions of

individuals connect with their family, past, present, and


Members of the Church and nonmembers alike pursue

their ancestry to connect with their families. Members of

the Church also do this to “gather Israel” on the other side

of the veil so that their ancestors can have their temple

ordinances performed and be taught about their Savior

Jesus Christ.

RootsTech is an annual family history and technology

conference sponsored by FamilySearch, which is a

nonprofit genealogical organization operated by The

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This year it

will take place on March 2-4.

The theme for RootsTech 2023 is “Uniting” — uniting

people, traditions, stories, memories, technology,

innovation, communities, and families.

The last time RootsTech hosted an in-person event was in

2020, shortly before the onslaught of Covid-19.

That year more than 50,000 people attended the annual

three-day family history gathering in Salt Lake City.

Participation spiked into the millions as RootsTech

moved to an online platform the past two years.

After two consecutive years of being held completely

online, RootsTech 2023 will be a virtual and in-person

event. For those joining virtually, the free online event


• More than 200 new on-demand class sessions.

• Main stage presentations and keynote speakers.

• Chat support and online research consultations.

• Connection with cousins using Relatives at

RootsTech and messaging.

• A virtual tour of the expo hall.

I told of finding Relatives at RootsTech on the Family

Tree app on one’s phone. As of this morning I had 156

cousins signed up for RootsTech. The closest was a 4th


For the first time, RootsTech 2023 will feature 15

“emcees,” who like sideline reporters at a sporting event

will represent different areas of the world, speak the

native language, and provide their audiences with

localized content during the global event.

Latter-day Saints with callings related to temple and

family history work are invited to watch the Church’s

2023 Temple and Family History Leadership Instruction

on Thursday, March 2.

This year it’s a discussion among six members of the

Temple and Family History Executive Council on how

the Lord Jesus Christ is doing His work and how Latter-

day Saints can participate in that work.

Elder Kevin S. Hamilton, a General Authority Seventy

and executive director of the Church’s Family History

Department, who is one of the six executive council

participants, said, “It’s a rather unstructured conversation

between friends that happen to sit on the same council

together, where we share our ideas, our vision, and our

observation on how the Lord is inviting us to gather Israel

on both sides of the veil.”

The leadership broadcast will feature the six Church

leaders participating in a council discussion, presided by

Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve


He is joined by Elder Gerrit W. Gong of the Twelve,

Primary General President Susan H. Porter; Sister Kristen

M. Yee, second counselor in the Relief Society general

presidency; Elder Kevin R. Duncan, a General Authority

Seventy and executive director of the Temple

Department; and Elder Hamilton.

Topics will include the blessings of participating in

temple and family history service, being bound to the

Savior through ordinances and covenants, and uniting

families for eternity, as outlined in section 25 of the

General Handbook, “Temple and Family History Work in

the Ward and Stake.”

Viewers will watch and learn how to find ordinances

through FamilySearch. Elder Hamilton said, “and then

you go do it yourself. It’s going to be extremely


Elder Hamilton said the council of Church leaders also

discusses how temple and family history work can help

bind people together to the Savior through their covenants

and by participating in temple work and seeking out

ancestors. They will discuss 1 Nephi 5 and demonstrate

how to use a FamilySearch tool called Ordinances Ready.

The broadcast’s first segment is “Bound to the Savior

Through Covenants and Ordinances.” The second

segment is “Uniting Families for Eternity.”

Family Discovery Day is a one-day event during the

three-day family history conference designed to help

Latter-day Saints discover and celebrate their family


Elder Gerrit W. Gong of the Quorum of the Twelve

Apostles and his wife, Sister Susan Gong, will be the

featured keynote speakers.

They will speak Saturday, March 4, at 3:30 p.m. EST.

Elder Gong said, “I love the fact that family discovery

adventures do not have a beginning or an end. These

adventures continue in both directions uniting family past

and family future.”

Elder Gong shared the following thoughts on the

importance of “Uniting Families: Past, Present, and


• “Sometimes we think our decisions affect only

ourselves. Discovering our family reminds us otherwise.

We are more connected in our generations than we

usually think.”

• “Collectively, FamilySearch’s shared family tree

currently includes about 1.4 billion names, with some

duplication — a good start, but still much to do. That’s

where everyone can be part of one of the most exciting

puzzles of all time — to assemble the living family tree of


• “Family history and efforts to unite families aren’t

only about the past. They also look forward.”

• “Faith, identity, place, grace — our stories may be

our own, as we connect and belong, shared stories can

unite us all.”

Sister Gong said, “The stories we preserve and share

through generations can have a lasting impact on our

hearts and minds.”

She said, “I hope that we will each make an effort to

discover our own family stories, to record them, and to

share them with our children and grandchildren. I hope

that we will all gain greater appreciation for the struggles,

courage, faith, and sacrifice of those who have gone

before. … And I pray that we will live lives of goodness

to honor their memories and to show thanks for the gift of

life they have given to us.”

Sister Bailey and I have been Church Service missionaries

between our two full time missions and since our second

mission. We have projects on the FamilySearch Research

Wiki. Mine have been lately in Sussex, England, and

Eileen’s have been in Mexico. The Research Wiki has

over 100,000 articles covering virtually every jurisdiction

in the world. We tell people that it is like your GPS. it

doesn’t tell you who lives at a particular location but it

has resources that can help you find your ancestors.

Stake conference on Sunday was all about missionaries,

young and old. The youngsters can be both proselyting

and service missionaries while older folks can serve many

different service missions. I met an older sister who is a

Church Service missionary for FamilySearch. The stake

president’s wife is a Church Service missionary in the

temple office. Like ours there are many where one can

serve from home on their computer.

It is wonderful being able to serve the Lord Jesus Christ

in so many ways in His Restored Church.

President Russell M. Nelson has taught often about the

importance of helping to gather Israel on both sides of the

veil. Participating in family history is essential in that

great work. President Nelson has taught:

“Every human being who comes to this earth is the

product of generations of parents. We have a natural

yearning to connect with our ancestors. This desire dwells

in our hearts, regardless of age.

“Consider the spiritual connections that are formed when

a young woman helps her grandmother enter family

information into a computer or when a young man sees

the name of his great-grandfather on a census record.

When our hearts turn to our ancestors, something changes

inside us. We feel part of something greater than

ourselves. Our inborn yearnings for family connections

are fulfilled when we are linked to our ancestors through

sacred ordinances of the temple. …

“The Prophet Joseph Smith said, ‘The greatest

responsibility in this world that God has laid upon us is to

seek after our dead.’ New technology makes it easier than

ever to fulfill that responsibility. …

“Now what about those of you who have no access to a

computer or prefer not to use this technology? Don’t

worry! Take one step at a time. Start at home. Begin with

an empty cardboard box, as suggested by President Boyd

K. Packer. Put in that box important information about

you and your family. Add data gathered from others of

your family. Then avail yourself of assistance from your

ward or branch [temple and] family history consultant. …

“This is joyful work. …

“While temple and family history work has the power to

bless those beyond the veil, it has an equal power to bless

the living. It has a refining influence on those who are

engaged in it. They are literally helping to exalt their


And I say this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

5 February 2023

President Craig Chester presided and Brother Marvin Knight conducted the sacrament meeting. 

Stake conference is next weekend. 

There is a Primary service project with Family Connections. 

Opening hymn #38 “Come, All Ye Saints of Zion” written by William W. Phelps and it was in the first LDS hymnbook. 

Invocation by Brother Brandon King

Sacrament hymn #181 “Jesus of Nazareth, Savior and King”

Brothers Brandon King and Harrison Chester blessed the sacrament and Elders Jarvis and Mortensen and Brothers Hudson Conover and Wayne Reeves passed the sacrament.

Brother Knight bore his testimony.  It has been a number of years since he has done so.  Three years ago he got a call that his sister had died.   He went to Utah for the funeral services.  All was in lockdown due to Covid.  There were no funeral services. Graveside services could take place with those in attendance keeping their distance from one another.  It was a challenge. Everything was closed.  There were no donations.  He went back to her apartment.  There was a knock on the door.  It was the Bennion’s.  They had been here several years ago as the mission president and companion.  They had three or four boxes to help him pack. For three months they came every afternoon.  

Some people seem to receive miraculous blessings and some have struggles.  There was an apostle receiving questions.  One was from a Vietnam vet. He said that he cannot forget the things that he saw and did.  He had PTSD.  if we pray and don’t lose faith, He will bless us in His time and in His way.  Gospel and priesthood have been restored with His authority and His will. 

Brother Boyd Belnap said that Marvin is a cousin of his.  Marvin’s testimony brought things to biscuit remembrance.  There are touching experiences going through boxes.  His father passed away in Florida. He had a younger sister who had died of pneumonia.  There were letters in boxes.  They read some from relatives.  There was lots of sobbing. He was profoundly moved.  They were full of testimony.  It was a touching experience.  

He had another memory.  Gilbert Belnap lived in the days of Joseph Smith In Nauvoo.  He married 14 year old Adeline Knight.  On the road to the Mississippi River are plaques, one of which is about Gilbert Belnap.  They rode Brigham Young’s horse Tom.  He was jumping from block of ice to block of ice on the river.  They had a baby born and died on the way.  He has a niece-in-law who has said unkind things about Mormon plural marriages on Facebook.  Gilbert was called on a mission. There is a letter from Adeline to Gilbert on his mission.  He appreciates the heritage he comes from.  He is grateful how much the Lord has blessed him.  He loves his wife and children and appreciates his calling. 

Sister Linda Combs spoke of the truth of the Church.  When she was young she had twins.  One passed away.  The other son gave her a hard time.  There have been trials and troubles.  Her daughter is a good child.  She has been sickly. She has had cancer several times.  A few weeks ago she was diagnosed with breast cancer.  She had a wonderful priesthood blessing.  She received a text about her biopsy.  There was no cancer.  The doctor couldn’t believe it.  She was at peace beforehand.  Her son is not perfect but he calls her every day.  The Gospel is true.

Elder Mortensen spoke of super special repentance.  He read from Alma 36 beginning with verse 18.  Repentance changes everything.  It is a gift of our Savior Jesus Christ. He is so aware of all of us.  He can change our nature and take the pain away.  

Sister Danae Shaner said that she was nervous.  She talks a lot when she is in groups but it’s hard up here.  She has been focused on learning about prayer.  She prays over her cheesecake that it may be blessed for her health.  She prays with her husband.  There is a lot more prayer in her life. 

Sister Debby Young had thoughts about a song. On my best day I am a child of God.  On my worst days, too.  In Primary they sing  “I am a child of God.”  She spoke of the temptations of Savior.  There was lots of rain in the time of Noah. We can be spiritually building our ark.  She spoke of her relationship with our Savior and Heavenly Father.  She spoke of Sister Kristi Pignolet  in her conversations with God.  She converses with Him.  He hears us. 

Sister Cheryl Belnap was contemplating her testimony.  She doesn’t have much to share. No stories to tell.  She can share what she does know. Jesus Christ lives and knows us.  Father in Heaven’s work and glory is to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.  The immortality part is done.  Eternal life needs a lot of work on our part.  We have the tools to accomplish that. She is grateful for the Spirit.  It speaks uniquely to each one of us.  She is grateful for this gospel.  In 1993 she was baptized.  It was the greatest blessing.   She loves this branch and us.  Heavenly Father is aware of this branch.  She loves her husband.  In the temple are those who are getting their work done. 

Elder Jarvis said that it is amazing to hear your testimonies.  He has had spiritual experiences this week and blessings in abundance.  He is grateful for everyone. 

Sister Loretta White knows that God lives. Jesus Christ died for us.  She has conversations with God.  She spoke of Sister Teri Grace, offering to help with her animals; of Sister Olga Knight.  She had called the missionaries to teach her years ago. She spoke of the Dorsey’s, Sister Bivens, and Sister Pignolet.  She is grateful for this branch.  “Come Follow Me” has blessed our lives.  God loves us. 

Sister Donna Palmer expressed her gratitude.  She visited the son who welcomed a baby into their home. It was a spiritual experience.  She had a conversation with the little baby about growth and life experiences. Heavenly Father loves us.  The baby rejoiced that he would have a body.  Savior loves me and wants the best for each of us. 

Brother Knight thanked Brother Jerry Fender and Sister Debby Young for the music. He thanked Brother Bo Kelly for the Zoom equipment. 

Closing hymn #163 “Lord, Dismiss Us with Thy Blessing”

Benediction by Sister Natasha Cummings

Past Bulletin Archives

Bailey notes 08/06/2023